So whats your secret Hubkarma score?

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  1. sunforged profile image76
    sunforgedposted 14 years ago

    Im very interested in what equates to a high score in this metric.

    I recently have been linking out aLOT as a part of a recent group challenge.

    My Hubkarma is 47..

    I understand if you want to keep it to yourself.

    1. Misha profile image64
      Mishaposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      So far yours seems to be the highest reported lol

      1. sunforged profile image76
        sunforgedposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        If the metric is out of 100 - I can only imagine a high score would have to be 500 words of blue text then.

    2. Origin profile image59
      Originposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Mine is above 36 and below 38. yikes

    3. Friendlyword profile image60
      Friendlywordposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Can you tell which is good? A high number or low number? I have a 60 score. But I dont know how I got it. Should I be paying more attention to these numbers, because I'm not making any money here. What am I doing right?

    4. jamesbrownbete profile image60
      jamesbrownbeteposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      My hubkarma score is 56. How is it? I guess you have better hubs with better traffic than me guys.

    5. psycheskinner profile image78
      psycheskinnerposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Mine started at 49--suggesting it takes some notice of linking to your own hubs--because that's all I've done so far.

    6. profile image0
      Brenda Durhamposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Yes, it's a SECRET.
      Hint---it's a good thing I don't believe in "karma".   lol

      1. Richieb799 profile image74
        Richieb799posted 14 years agoin reply to this

        What about 'you reap what you sow' isn't that essentially the same thing?

        1. Arthur Fontes profile image67
          Arthur Fontesposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          or the Law of cause and effect?

        2. ceciliabeltran profile image65
          ceciliabeltranposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          lol nowhere is safe from religious forums.

          1. Research Analyst profile image68
            Research Analystposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            Law of attraction is what it is

    7. warchild75 profile image69
      warchild75posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      mine is 41,only noticed it this morning,how long has this new number been floating around?

    8. sarovai profile image75
      sarovaiposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Mine is 73.

    9. Booster911 profile image58
      Booster911posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I only joined HubPages last week and had a HubKarma of 0 which quickly grew to 30 over 2-3 days and it hovered around there since. Currently, its on 28.

    10. warchild75 profile image69
      warchild75posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Mine is 60 but it has jumped recently since i started adding the little blue lines of text,i usually add 2 per hub and dont put them in the first couple of paragraphs as it may lead to someone clickng and moving on to a different hub.

    11. J Sunhawk profile image68
      J Sunhawkposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Mine is at 79.

      I've only been here 2 weeks. I haven't done anything. Maybe the more you do, the lower the score, and that's a good thing. I'm at the top of the Google roost if you type in "South Carolina peaches + Thomas Jefferson." Could that be it? See? I don't know what I'm doing or talking about. I should check "cat fleas + Mussolini." Maybe I'm beating everyone there, too. I'm afraid to look. Now I'm scared. It looks like hubkarma may be a measurement of stupid keyword pairings.

    12. BetteMachete profile image67
      BetteMacheteposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Mine is 95, and all I did was link articles that truly were related to my articles.

      1. sunforged profile image76
        sunforgedposted 14 years agoin reply to this


        all our "scores' went up substantially since this thread was started minutes after the feature was rolled out

  2. Ohma profile image59
    Ohmaposted 14 years ago

    29 and sad sad one more number to worry about!

    1. sunforged profile image76
      sunforgedposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      hmm, maybe your 29 is a high score?

      It would seem weird with your hubtrail initiative for you to have a low score - perhaps the metric is backwards

    2. tony0724 profile image60
      tony0724posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Ohma don't feel bad I am at 24. I guess I am a selfish SOB.

  3. Marisa Wright profile image86
    Marisa Wrightposted 14 years ago

    Yes, mine's 40.

  4. deosfluviatilis profile image73
    deosfluviatilisposted 14 years ago

    32 and certain Ohma's -and everyone else's- should be higher than mine. Also certain it will soon go down as my antisocial and rebellious nature proves itself.

    1. Ohma profile image59
      Ohmaposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I guess I am not very social either. When I try the tool it returns mostly suggestions to my own hubs is that good or bad?

      1. Marisa Wright profile image86
        Marisa Wrightposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        I think it just means you've cornered the market on HubPages in your topic.  I have the same problem on my dance Hubs - there aren't a whole lot of other people writing about pointe shoes. smile

        1. lucieanne profile image77
          lucieanneposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          Ha ha same here Marisa. I wondered why mine had gone from 7 to 37 in 2 days. It's probably because no-one on here has written about Boston lol Doesn't it have something to do with your activity on the forums and commenting on other hubs too?

    2. timorous profile image81
      timorousposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      You should get out some new people big_smile

  5. flread45 profile image58
    flread45posted 14 years ago

    My score is 52

    1. Misha profile image64
      Mishaposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      See, we got a new winner! Flread, care to share you karma improvement strategies? wink

      1. flread45 profile image58
        flread45posted 14 years agoin reply to this

        On my hubkarma strategies,I have no answer,but it may do with not being agressive towards other hubbers,like I was the other day and my karma dropped a point.

  6. KCC Big Country profile image78
    KCC Big Countryposted 14 years ago

    I have a lowly 27...*hangs head in shame*

    1. darkside profile image59
      darksideposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Given what we're learning about the HubKarma metric your score says to me that you're selective about your linking AND you are getting the most benefit out of your traffic.

      You used to have a HubberScore of 100 didn't you?

      1. KCC Big Country profile image78
        KCC Big Countryposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Used to.   *more head-hanging shame*  I was 99 over the weekend.

    2. rebekahELLE profile image86
      rebekahELLEposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      mine is only 22... big_smile

      and I do have some links to other hubbers and a number of rss feeds.

      but I also have a lower total of hubs. I don't think it really affects our hubber score that much. mine goes from 99 (this morning) to 95ish.

      1. KCC Big Country profile image78
        KCC Big Countryposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        94-97 seems to be my normal hubber score range.  I have the odd 98-100 thrown in.

        1. rebekahELLE profile image86
          rebekahELLEposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          I'm not going to get crazy about it. it's simply an incentive and I have found some perfect hubs to link to. but on some of my hubs, it simply wouldn't work well. when we were testing it, I remember Paul said to use it wisely.

  7. timorous profile image81
    timorousposted 14 years ago

    It seems to depend how many links to other hubs you have in your own hubs.  Even with my measly 3 hubs, I'm still looking at a few more hubs to link to.  I'm currently at 36. neutral

    Gotta try harder, I guess smile

  8. Ohma profile image59
    Ohmaposted 14 years ago

    I think I am not sure if I like this after all. Everyone here with High karma seems to be losing hubscore and mine with low karma has not changed Hmmmm??

  9. donotfear profile image83
    donotfearposted 14 years ago

    Hubkarma was a 40 just a minute ago.  Now we have another number to obsess over...!  That is, I do.

  10. IzzyM profile image83
    IzzyMposted 14 years ago

    Mine is 38. Whoever said it was just one more number to obsess over was right, but I intend to ignore mine.
    I can't use the tool, it gives me script errors, and I'll link to other hubs, manually, if and when it suits me.

    1. Pandoras Box profile image61
      Pandoras Boxposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Well put Izzy!

    2. Lisa HW profile image64
      Lisa HWposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I can use the tool, and I will - but I need to ignore the number too.  I can't be thinking about numbers.  hmm  Whatever my stuff is, it is.

  11. Pandoras Box profile image61
    Pandoras Boxposted 14 years ago

    Under this account I have a 53. Hmmm...

  12. Rishy Rich profile image71
    Rishy Richposted 14 years ago

    my hubkarma is 46 but I havent linked any other hubs in my hubs so far. Still wondering how the scoring works neutral

    1. SunSeven profile image58
      SunSevenposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Wondering here too! smile

  13. Anesidora profile image60
    Anesidoraposted 14 years ago

    My karma is 56. I submitted two hubs to hubmobs under this account. So I guess that's gonna be the big decider to get you high karma. Lots of participation in hubmobs.

    1. sunforged profile image76
      sunforgedposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Your example is most telling.

      1. rebekahELLE profile image86
        rebekahELLEposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        I don't get it. some guy has 2 hubs with no links and a 40 something score.

        I have numerous hubs with hubmob rss links and I do have some links to other hubs.

        hmm scratching head... and going to bed.

        it's a number.

        1. sunforged profile image76
          sunforgedposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          lol, it really is just a number! But these types of numbers fascinate me.

          It would seem its currently calculated in a percentage:

          word count to links or hubs published to links

          something like that - so 6 hubs with some outbound links could perform great under this metric.

          I may have inserted 240 links in the last 60 days - but that was mixed into around 15-20K words of content. Also a contextual link should be more heavily weighed then a rss feed.

          It seems with higher volume of hubs published many are seeing a lower HK score.

          These high volume hub authors may very well have more actual linked text then the total count of another hubbers complete portfolio of published writings.!

          at least this is what i gather from reading this and scanning through a couple of hubauthors styles.

  14. profile image0
    girly_girl09posted 14 years ago


  15. relache profile image68
    relacheposted 14 years ago

    That'd be telling now... wouldn't it?

  16. profile image0
    Nelle Hoxieposted 14 years ago

    Hubkarma 39....

  17. Edweirdo profile image86
    Edweirdoposted 14 years ago

    Mine's 41.

    I wonder if it will be possible for these to go down? If I don't link to to others in the future could I go all the way to 0   


  18. Shadesbreath profile image75
    Shadesbreathposted 14 years ago

    Probably the kind of thing that would have been better off without a score attached.  Statwhores are just going to jam links into their stuff now to buff their ratings, and cheapen what a real link really means.

    I hope this isn't another example of commercial interest driving quality down with it's bar graphs and charts.

    Don't get me wrong, I like the easy link finder, but most of the time, the articles aren't relevant to the use of a term or phrase. To just jam it in there for score buffering would be insulting to readers (should I happen to get one, lol).

    People are already too focused on their scores over the quality of the writing.

    1. sunforged profile image76
      sunforgedposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Shades, its an example of HP working to keep traffic within the overall HP domain, which in a roundabout way is good for everyone.

      to bad the page load times are terrible, now that would be a new feature worth clapping some backs for! (and one that would help out the overall HP domain immensely)

      1. Shadesbreath profile image75
        Shadesbreathposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        You know, I truly believe it is supposed to be a good idea.  But I've been an online gamer since, well, they used to call them MUDs and MOOs, let's just say that.

        What I can tell you is that when an online ... entity ... develops a new system of scoring, the guys who do numbers will game for high score, not honorable play. (Just look at the bulk of this conversation now. Nobody is going, "Gosh, I need to read more hubs and try to find really amazing links to make.")

        Which is possibly fine.  But in my nearly three decades of this sort of the thing, the more numbers that are applied to try to measure and predict what "quality" is in a HUMAN user-place, the more it becomes a joke of manipulation.

        And again, I'm not bagging on the idea. I'm just saying, I've watched so many really great things slowly get eroded by applying measurements trying to figure out/predict/guide "what is good play" (good writing) when, the reality is, quality at some point becomes something you can't measure.  It's a measure of the humans doing it.  You give people scores, they shoot for scores.  At the very least, let the reasons be silent, let people discover success through doing things that deserve to be successful.

        Quantifying everything lets the left-brained manipulators bypass the core of what is supposed to matter, and, for a time, will look like it's working.  Then, suddenly, the shell colapses because the framework eroded while everyone was watching how shiny the surface numbers were.

        This might make me sound like a nay-sayer, but I only write this because I do care.

        1. Friendlyword profile image60
          Friendlywordposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          You explained it very well. You just made me very proud of my score, now that I know how I got it.  Thank you for making the hub writing process so clear to me. I'll continue to wait until I really have something to write about. In the mean time, I love the forums.

          1. Shadesbreath profile image75
            Shadesbreathposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            I think it matters that you wait to say something that means something to you.  Maybe Google would argue that point.  Dunno.  But that's my two cents.  <cheers>

            1. Friendlyword profile image60
              Friendlywordposted 14 years agoin reply to this

              I'm not making any money. That's not why I write or joined hubpages. I just love political debates anywhere I can find them. Can I ask you questions if I do get interested in making money? I have to write 10 hubs first, is that right?

              1. Shadesbreath profile image75
                Shadesbreathposted 14 years agoin reply to this

                I have no clue how to make money on here, lol.  Don't ask me.  I'm like you, I write what matters to me, when it matters.  I've been here for 2 years and haven't got 70 hubs yet.  Only make about $13 bucks a month.

                I keep telling myself to write some commerical hubs--I even almost start them all the time--but I just can't do it.  Makes me feel dirty.  If I have a product I truly care about, the hub will just pop out of me (like my 13th Warrior hub I just wrote - way behind the marketing potential for the dvd's but, it mattered for whatever reason, so... out it came.)

                Stick to your integrity, imo.  Real karma doesn't have a hub or a score attached to it.  (Bad money making advice, but, if when we die and anything matters, maybe it will.)

        2. Jule Romans profile image60
          Jule Romansposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          I know MUDs :-)

        3. profile image0
          EmpressFelicityposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          Yeah.  What he said.  (You've worked for some of the same organisations/companies I've worked for, obviously.)

        4. rmr profile image69
          rmrposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          I don't pay that much attention to scores. I have been pretty generous in linking to other hubbers throughout my stay here, though. My Karma score is at 90 right now, whatever that means.

          I don't think the dropping author scores are related to the link tool, either. I've recently had the same thing happen shortly after leaving comments on hubs. In fact, I left a few comments yesterday, and dropped from 97 to 93.

        5. lucieanne profile image77
          lucieanneposted 14 years agoin reply to this

  19. Csjun89 profile image61
    Csjun89posted 14 years ago

    Mine is 21, but I do not have any hubmobs, perhaps that is the key!

  20. barryrutherford profile image76
    barryrutherfordposted 14 years ago

    What about it being secret tongue

  21. SunSeven profile image58
    SunSevenposted 14 years ago

    47 for me now.
    as sunforged said, the pageloadtime is a bit slow.

  22. barryrutherford profile image76
    barryrutherfordposted 14 years ago

    mine lower but i do link alot !

  23. Ivorwen profile image67
    Ivorwenposted 14 years ago

    On this account, the # is 45.  On my most self serving account, where you will only find me linking to other hubs of mine, the # is 62.  Karma indeed!

  24. KCC Big Country profile image78
    KCC Big Countryposted 14 years ago

    I agree with Sunforged about the possibility of a percentage type equation....because as someone was trying to figure out earlier in this thread, the subject of HubMob hubs popped up.  Two of my best performing hubs are HubMob hubs.  However, that's 2 hubs out of 310 published hubs.  That's a much smaller percentage that someone with 2 HubMob hubs out of a dozen or so.

    I haven't played around a lot with the links tool.

    1. Anesidora profile image60
      Anesidoraposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Really? My hubmob hubs are among my worst performing hubs!

  25. barryrutherford profile image76
    barryrutherfordposted 14 years ago

    good point is the closer you get to ZERO higher or the closer you get to


  26. Derek D profile image61
    Derek Dposted 14 years ago

    I have a Karma score of 48.
    I read in the help section that the score can range from (0-100).cool

    1. AEvans profile image74
      AEvansposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Good job , keep writing! smile

  27. profile image0
    Audreveaposted 14 years ago


  28. AEvans profile image74
    AEvansposted 14 years ago

    It was 46 until I began to link some of my hubs and it has now changed to 47. I believe I am enjoying this, now if I can find time with going through all of my hubs that is going to be even better. lolololo smile

  29. wesleycox profile image82
    wesleycoxposted 14 years ago

    It would seem my Karma is broken.

  30. profile image0
    Nelle Hoxieposted 14 years ago

    I have a completely selfish alterego that only links to hubs within that ego and that hubkarma score is 45 as compared to "Nelle's" 39 where I do link to others occassionally.

    1. LarasMama profile image60
      LarasMamaposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Mine is 59... I link a lot of my relevant hubs to each other and occasionally to other people's hubs.

  31. susanlang profile image61
    susanlangposted 14 years ago

    24 here.

  32. profile image0
    Audreveaposted 14 years ago

    Does it count for anything / come with a reward?

  33. borge_009 profile image71
    borge_009posted 14 years ago

    mine is 35

  34. SomewayOuttaHere profile image59
    SomewayOuttaHereposted 14 years ago

    maybe i don't have one...don't know what it is or where it is.  I saw something about linking my hubs to others but didn't understand it....oh well....

    1. Anesidora profile image60
      Anesidoraposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      On your profile, bottom of your avatar. Wouldn't worry about it though.

      1. SomewayOuttaHere profile image59
        SomewayOuttaHereposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        I'm an 8.  I guess I don't link to other hubs or whatever...but......oh well....i'll figure this out one day...later

        sorry all, no harm intended if I don't link anywhere....and if I have linked it is because I didn't know what I was doing would have been quite by accident I guess!   LOL

  35. Lisa HW profile image64
    Lisa HWposted 14 years ago

    The first time I saw it I had a 47, and then it bumped up to 48.  When I saw that those are "out of a possible 100" I was pretty horrified.  lol

  36. Edweirdo profile image86
    Edweirdoposted 14 years ago

    Hooray for me!

    I did nothing and my score rose from 41 to 42  tongue

    Apparently "HubKarma" is just as unintuitive as every other "score" on HubPages lol

    1. sunforged profile image76
      sunforgedposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      yeah, mine just jumped to 79. Im over trying to figure this one out.

      1. sunforged profile image76
        sunforgedposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        ok, back down now to 48, now im really over trying to figure this out!!!!

      2. rebekahELLE profile image86
        rebekahELLEposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        I went to bed with a 22, after not doing anything to try and bump it up, and this morning it's 84!

        1. watchya profile image61
          watchyaposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          so karmahubs must be a joke LOL

  37. Edweirdo profile image86
    Edweirdoposted 14 years ago

    Now it's 85 on my profile, and still 41 on my "Hubtivity" homepage ?!?!?

    Either I'm doing it right (without having done anything) or there's an inconsistency...

  38. earnestshub profile image72
    earnestshubposted 14 years ago

    I don't get it. I started off with 47, allowed some related hubs and my score dropped to 42, wassat?

  39. frogdropping profile image75
    frogdroppingposted 14 years ago

    lolol guys! Just noticed this on mine. Cool tool. Tickles me now that we have another numbers 'thing' to puzzle over big_smile

  40. Mark Knowles profile image59
    Mark Knowlesposted 14 years ago


    Mine is 70. Which doesn't seem very high.

    I suck....... sad

    1. Origin profile image59
      Originposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Mine is a lot less than yours tongue

    2. frogdropping profile image75
      frogdroppingposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      It's higher than anyone else's tongue

    3. Pearldiver profile image69
      Pearldiverposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Geez... Don't say that Sir Mark..... @ 35 it seems that I'm half as worthy of Karma as you are.... roll

      I know that can't be right..... I'm Sure I Can swear in more languages than you hmm

      They say of Karma.... "It's made round to go round!" hmm

    4. jamesbrownbete profile image60
      jamesbrownbeteposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Thats no surprise anymore mark. Youre a great hubber here.

  41. Polly C profile image85
    Polly Cposted 14 years ago

    Mine is 55 - only just discovered it. Though I did not do much on here yesterday - 2 posts in the forum and replied to a couple of comments, same for the past few days.

  42. SunSeven profile image58
    SunSevenposted 14 years ago

    Wow! My Karma jumped to 79! smile
    Just noticed. Before it was 47

    1. Polly C profile image85
      Polly Cposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Wow, I think you could be in the lead!

      1. SunSeven profile image58
        SunSevenposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        I dont think so. Edweirdo has 85!

    2. SunSeven profile image58
      SunSevenposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Now down to 49!

  43. Origin profile image59
    Originposted 14 years ago

    I'm probably not going to pay much attention to my karma score, unless it's starts directly effecting other statistics in a major fashion. I understand why HP is doing it, but I just don't see it necessary for me to do it, unless the other hubs I link to warrant such a link.

    1. Polly C profile image85
      Polly Cposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Well, I really don't understand it at all. I do not have any links to other people's hubs, only my own (apart from one link to one of mine on someone elses hub).

  44. Trsmd profile image57
    Trsmdposted 14 years ago

    How the Hubkarma is calculated ?

  45. Anath profile image64
    Anathposted 14 years ago

    Mine is 87 !!!!

  46. E. A. Wright profile image72
    E. A. Wrightposted 14 years ago

    64. Can't explain it. Many links just go to my own hubs.

  47. theirishobserver. profile image61
    theirishobserver.posted 14 years ago

    All I know is this link thing is a God send - I have been trying so hard to do rss etc and had great help from Ohma etc however this link thing is exactly what I was looking for smile

  48. Anamika S profile image62
    Anamika Sposted 14 years ago

    Mine is only 57. But I am happy that this Karma thing is not viewable by others.

  49. Origin profile image59
    Originposted 14 years ago

    I kind of wish there was an option to be exempt from the karma mechanism - where it wouldn't effect you in any fashion. I'm not trying to be a party pooper, but I already have enough to consider while creating a hub (content, backlinks, seo, etc).

  50. myownworld profile image71
    myownworldposted 14 years ago

    Oh no! Yet another score to give us sleepless nights!  Why... Why  HP?!

    (btw. mine is 72...good or bad, I don't know, I'm just pretending to ignore it! )

    1. Origin profile image59
      Originposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      It sounds good to me, about double mine LOL big_smile

      1. myownworld profile image71
        myownworldposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Mind games, I'm telling you, mind games....they just love to play them with us....! wink

        edit: are those your special glasses you put on to make sense of the score?

        1. Origin profile image59
          Originposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          Yes, these are special glasses that allow me to see into the minds of HP, and with that I can properly surmise the reasoning behind the karma. On top of that, I can see through people's clothes! OMG YAY! big_smile


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