by Stephanie Marshall 16 years ago
Hooray! I got the final click on AdSense to take me to payday (too bad I spent it all at the grocery store last night). LOL
by Bev G 3 months ago
As HP is no longer invested in helping or investing in its writers, I'm going to leave all my stuff on Discover for the residual (dwindling) income. At least for the time being. But, I'm also going to revamp them and republish them, splitting them between my own site and Medium.
by Kiz Robinson 15 years ago
I'm off for five days, roughly, to get married and visit my mommy. I'll be checking Hubpages randomly in short bursts, and want you all to knowPEACE! I'M OUT!
by Shanna 12 years ago
I went out to start my car today and it wouldn't start. After eleven years, the battery finally died, and being the teen girl I am, I know very little about cars. I found a friend with jumper cables who's willing to give me a jump, but beyond that I'm not sure what to do. How long will the battery...
by Annette Thomas 14 years ago's true. I give great advice, encourage others, offer support, stay devoted, remain committed, work like hell (darn, I cussed) to sustain my committment, and say positive things. I write articles about reminders of new love in a marriage and publish love letters I got from spouse...
by Denise Handlon 14 years ago
Okay, here is the old 'travel car' game where we pack a suitcase filled with things we are taking on a trip in ALPHABETICAL order. I'll start with: I'm going on a trip and in my suitcase I'm going to pack an(A) Apple the next person with (B) will include the A item and add the...