Want to know if your hair is naturally curly? Try these tips to figure it out.
Look no further, here are five gorgeous and time-friendly ways to style that beautiful mess of wavy hair.
Does Aussie's 3 Minute Miracle deep conditioner really work wonders on damaged hair?
How to style dirty, greasy, unwashed hair and get away with it. These hairstyles are perfect for second day hair. They hide the grime while keeping you looking fabulous.
The messy bun is the easiest bun hairstyle ever. Learn how to create this fun and easy hairstyle in minutes
The classic bun is not just for ballerinas and old ladies. This is a fun up-do style for casual outfits and dressing up for special events!
Learn how to deep condition your hair with hot oil. This is an inexpensive way to pamper your hair at home and it leaves your hair silky and soft.
Learn how to make your very own all natural sugar scrubs. They are customizable and great for your skin. You control the cost, consistency, and scent!
Honey doesn't just taste great it has many uses in hair care. Learn how to use honey to moisturize, repair and even lighten your hair with honey.
Looking for an inexpensive way to improve the health of your hair? Check out these essential oils and all the great ways you can use them to get healthier hair.
These natural remedies and tricks are inexpensive ways to fight off the frizzies. Learn how to tame your flyaways in minutes.
Learn how to make your own deep conditioners for your hair. These recipes are natural and inexpensive and easy to make.
Learn how to cut your own side-swept bangs. You can save some money and time by learning how to cut and trim your own bangs.
How to get away with having wild natural hair colors. Lets face there are a lot of places and social circles that wild hair are just not accepted in. Learn how to get away with fun colors.
How to protect your lovely locks from those damaging sun rays. Don't let your hair get dried out use these natural methods to protect and moisturize your hair.
Here are nine common mistakes that are made when bleaching hair at home. Thankfully, there are ways to avoid falling into those predicaments!
What you should know before picking a new hair color. Top five mistakes made when choosing a new hair color. Read these tips and avoid a hair coloring disaster.
How to get that beautiful vivid white color at home. Get the color without the salon prices. It is possible to get that pretty platinum color for an affordable price.
How to temporarily color your hair orange without using store bought chemical dyes. This is a fast, fun and easy way to try a new color in your hair without all the hazardous chemicals.
Learn all the different kinds of bangs and how to wear them. Find the perfect type to go with your personal style and face shape.
Learn how to easily create the perfect part. Parting your hair the right way can complete the look of any hairstyle. These tips and guidelines will show you how.
Teasing your hair will add lots of volume and shape.Learn how to tease your hair without causing serious damage to your hair and how to keep it in place all day long.
How to make your own coontails with hair extensions at home. This is an easy fun way to add color to your hair with out causing any damage. Learn how to make these colorful clip in extensions.
Learn how to dye your hair pastel colors at home. It is an easy fast and inexpensive way to add a splash of color without harsh chemicals and salon prices.
How to pluck your eyebrows. Tips to making plucking simple fast and painless. Get that perfect eyebrow shape at home on your own.
How to properly care for color treated hair. What to do to keep you hair healthy after you find that perfect color and how to keep it from fading.
Learn how to make your very own yummy lip balm. These recipes are easy and inexpensive. The best part is that they are chemical free and you know exactly what you are putting on your lips.
Are you warm, cool or neutral skin toned? Use these tricks to find out. Learn what colors compliment your skin tone. Use these tips to find the most flattering colors of clothing and makeup.
Here's how to pick the perfect hair color. Learn how to choose a color that matches your skin tone and highlights your face.
How to find your perfect shade of lipstick. Learn the tricks to finding the perfect shade of red, pink and that everyday casual color. Unlock the mysteries of lipcolor and skintone with these tips.
Heat protectant spray can prevent serious damage to your hair from heat styling. Learn how to make your own at home. It is fast, easy and costs next to nothing.
Is your hair damaged? Learn the three signs that tell you your hair is damaged. Then use these tips to repair and prevent further damage.
How to use food coloring to temporarily dye your hair. What you need to know before dying your hair and what to do after to make the color last longer.
How to get natural flowing curls without heat styling. Get curls that last all day long without causing damage to your hair.
Learn how to make three different kinds of styling Lady Gaga sunglasses. These stunning shades are sure to make a statement.
How to apply mermaid style eye makeup. Look the like the queen of the sea with gorgeous mystic mermaid eyes.
Want to spice up your typical everyday look? Looking for something exciting for a special event? Try these Lady Gaga inspired looks.
How to make your hair color last longer. With just a few easy tips you can keep your hair color from fading and keep it bright and vibrant.
Did your hair roots turn orange during the bleaching process? Here are five easy ways to fix this hair disaster at home and let your blonde locks shine through.
How to find and get rid of those pesky split ends. Spit ends can make your hair look unhealthy and frizzy. Luckily these tricks will help you get rid of split ends quickly.
Maintaining your faces natural beauty is easy when you follow these simple steps. Slow down aging and prevent blemishes so you can keep your skin glowing and healthy.
The panaewa rainforest cafe and zoo is a great place to have some family fun on the big island. The rainforest gadens and exotic animals are truly spectacular.
Pore strips are a great way to get rid of black heads. Homemade pore strips can make this even easier. They are inexpensive and easy to make and use.
How to make your very own custom nail polish colors. This is a fun inexpensive way to expand your nail polish collection. You can even color coordinate with your eye make up.
How to make your own dry shampoo. It is easy fast and inexpensive. Dry shampoo can be a great hair care tool when you are short on time or have limited resources.
How to get fuller lips naturally. This can be as easy as the way you apply your makeup. These simple little tricks will help you get perfect plump lips in minutes and won't cost you more the five dollars. You may already have what you need.
Do chemical dyes cause hair loss? The truth about chemically dying and leaching your hair. What is really happening and how to prevent serious damage.
Here's how to make your eyes look bigger and more awake. These simple makeup tips for applying liner and shadow will give you that baby-doll gaze in no time.
How to get rid of hickeys quickly and easily. These little love marks can be very embarrassing. Thankfully there are some easy ways to get rid of and cover them up.
How to make your very own magnetic makeup board. This is a great way to organize your make up and save space. This project can be done for less than ten dollars.
How to do the cheetah style eye shadow. This will add style to any look. This is a step by step tutorial. If you are looking for something fun or you just love cheetah print you should give this a try.
How to get beautiful wavy hair. These tips tell you how to get wavy hair the natural way without having to use heat styling or chemicals.
How to do rainbow style eye shadow. Step by step tutorial. This is a fun look if you wanting to try something bright and wild.
How to naturally repel mosquitoes. Making your own natural repellants is a great way to avoid using toxic chemicals while getting rid of pests. These are fast inexpensive alternatives.
How to make your own all natural hairspray at home. It is quick and easy and should cost no more than five dollars. This is a great way to avoid using toxic chemicals that are bad for you and the environment.
Read on to learn how to naturally get rid of under-eye swelling. Puffy eyes can make you look older and more tired than you actually are. These quick tips will prevent and get rid of swelling.
How to make your own makeup remover. This is a great money saver. These solutions only take minutes to make and are great for your skin. If you have sensitive skin you definitely want to give these a try.
How to fold a shirt in seconds. This method makes the tedious chore of laundry go by a little bit faster. This also helps with making more room in your drawers. The neater and flatter the more space you can save.
How to dye your hair with a leopard or cheetah design. This is really fun and it looks great. This is quick and easy. You can use natural dyes or chemical dyes. You can choose between permanent or temporary.
How to walk in high heels without breaking your neck. Yes there really is a method to the madness. These little tips will have you walking in your favorite six in stilettos like a pro in no time.
How to do the bump or pouf hairstyle. This is a fun easy way to give your look a little extra glamor. It only takes minutes so its the perfect style if you are short on time or if you are just having a bad hair day.
How to make dishwasher detergent. These are all quick and easy to make. They are all made of natural ingredients so they are better for you and the environment. These detergents are much less expensive than the store bought kind.
How to naturally boost your energy. How to fight off fatigue the healthy natural way. What you eat, how you sleep and how often you exercise can can make a difference.
How to make your own laundry soap. Recipes for the dry kind and the liquid kind. Also helpful hints on adding scents and adding more stain removal power.
Check out these fun and easy ways to color hair without using harsh chemicals. You don't have to spend much, and these techniques are safe for you and the environment.
Explore some semi-permanent techniques to color your hair purple without harsh chemical dyes.
Here's how to color your hair blue without harsh chemicals. These are some fun, easy ways to get blue hair. All of the dyes are semi-permanent and will fade out over time. These techniques are safe and will not cause much damage to your hair.
This article shows you two easy methods of pin curling, one for tight ringlets and the other for big, bouncy curls.
Finger waves are a fun and curly hairstyle from the '20s and '30s. This tutorial will help you achieve this timeless and elegant look for both long and short hair.
All natural conditioner recipe. Making your own conditioner can be easy and simple. This is a good way to avoid chemicals and fillers. Using all natural products is safer for you and the environment.
How to make your very own all natural shampoo. All you need is a few simple ingredients. This recipe can be customized for your specific hair type and to the type of fragrance you prefer.
How to whiten your teeth naturally at home. What kinds of all natural products you can use. Organic products that are faster and safer. You can use baking soda, oranges, bananas even strawberries.
How to dye your hair red naturally at home. These methods are natural so they will not cause much damage to your hair if any at all. They are inexpensive too so you try them even if you are on a budget.
Water is an amazing thing. It has traits that no other elements have. It is needed to create and sustain life. It is all around us and is even culturally important.
Blueberry and honey face mask is a quick, fun,easy, budget friendly face mask you can try at home. This mask has great results and will leave your skin feeling great.
How to make a strawberry and banana face mask. This is an Easy, fun, yummy and inexpensive face mask. This mask gives your skin a nice healthy glow as well as reduces acne.
The strawberries and honey face mask is great for your skin. This mask helps get rid of acne and sun damage. It is also fun easy and inexpensive.
Avocado and honey face mask. This mask hydrates dry skin as well as helps prevent sun damage. Great mask to try if you don't have much time or if you are on a budget. I
Here is how to darken your hair color at home by using natural ingredients like cocoa, sage, and more!
Tips to make quitting smoking easier. How to better handle cravings and withdrawals.
Tips to make studying more efficient and easy. Studying the right way can make all the difference in your results. These tips go over how to choose the right tools, environment, healthy snacks and breaks.
Tips on time management. These tips help with organization and ways to save time and reduce stress.
How to get over a break up more easily. There are some simple things you can do to make the process go faster. Filling your time with fun things and clearing your space are just the beginning.
Boosting your endorphins can actually improve your mood. High endorphin levels can help fight off feelings of stress, depression and anxiety naturally. You can easily boost your endorphins by choosing the right foods and activities.
Stress can be mentally and physically hard to deal with. These tips can help you recognize, reduce and manage the stress in your life.
Tips on how to wear the right clothing to flatter your size and shape. Choosing the right clothes, colors and styles can give you that well put together look no matter your shape or size.
Tips on how to properly take care of your finger nails and toe nails at home. How to recognize cues to major health problems by looking at abnormalities in your finger nails. Also how to get rid of foot fungus and other toe nail problems.
Sharing a living space can be challenging. These tips and tricks can make having healthy relationships and boundaries with roommates much easier.
Tips on how to get beautiful healthy skin at home. Proper skin care can prevent and repair skin damage. These tricks are inexpensive and all natural things you can try at home.
Tips to naturally lighten your hair at home. These tips use natural ingredients, are inexpensive and will not cause much damage to your hair. These methods are fast and easy to use.
This is an awesome face mask. It is quick and easy. It consists of all natural ingredients. The cost is under ten dollars and results are great. This face mask reduces skin damage and blemishes.
How to remove a sliver with a banana peel. This is a natural method that is painless that you can use overnight.