This article is a continuation of my previous articles on body, soul, spirit, mind and thought attitudes. An inner look at our spirit man and Holy Spirit's necessity of affecting our daily lives.
We are predestined in God's heart to be conformed to the express image of the Son in and through the power of Holy Spirit. Without conformity we remain spiritually lifeless.
Loving God and others, is the greatest Spiritual act we can do! Understanding our self love, God's love, Agape love, and love of the Spirit is key. Being set free to serve and love with excellence!
Normally you wouldn't think of having to make a possible life altering decision in the allotted time as fore mentioned... but there you have it, because life altering events can happen that fast or faster. My profession calls for me to be in...
IT'S A SAD WORLD AFTER ALL (Facebooking the tweet out of that with twaddle dee and tripe-ee dum) I have satellite radio in my company truck, so I have a choice of quite a few stations I might listen to. Of late, I have been listening to old...
Deciphering that heart and conscience are not enough to guide us through a complex life. We need the Spiritual encounters with our creator for our human spirit to be enlarged and our walk complete.
Giving and Tithing a modern Day Conundrum Not long ago I asked a question with regards to tithing. I was quite surprised at not getting much response. So I'm taking that to mean, either, many know little of the actuality of the tithe or people...
FOLLOWING THIS "MAN", JESUS We have to wonder as to how unconventional he was, and with what manner as Jesus approached others, and said, "Come follow me!" He comes to Peter and some of the other fishermen and bids for their attention, so...
MIND MATTER: MATTERS TO MIND! There is an old saying: "Mind over Matter". Which kind of means; that if you think hard enough, long enough and don't give up... anything can happen! Let's consider a few statements from the world at large and...
This is a continuation of Part 1 as the 2 Parts are a complete work. Thank you, L. This is a concentrated effort on Romans 12. I am sure as you have read through that many other scripture have crossed your mind. I certainly could have stretched...
Getting a better understanding of the Renewing of the Mind and Romans 12.2. What we think, meditate upon, allow or agree with constitutes the foundation from which we navigate life.
Not only do I give you spiritual food for thought in some of my other hubs, but I enjoy cooking and am the primary cook in our household. This is one of my wife's favorite dishes that we enjoy. How To Make 5 Spice Mushroom Chicken with Jasmine...
The spending of our life we are given as a gift is to be done with exacting efficiency in getting to know the very life giver and all he has to give, that we might give more away than we keep!
Wine and stories of life. The New wine of life to flow forth from our heart.
Preach2007 In The Spirit Seeing with eyes of the Spirit: From Ez. 1 Body, Soul, Heart, Mind & Spirit and our Daily Transactions I have been doing some contemplating about how we have this phenomenal ability to function on a daily basis and...
An article based upon understanding our inner and outer man and our differences. Our becoming more Christlike in our character and attitude.
Near Micksburg, ON. Skyline colored hill. A Hike in the Park, is No Walk in the Park... My wife and I live about 4 1/2 hours drive from some of my children. You see since this is a second marriage I have 4 and I inherited 4 from her previous...
Humility: The Living Word for The Now Generation We live in a world of get and get more, of high demands upon you to succeed, to accomplish great tasks and feats, to always climb the ladder of success using the heads of others as our stepping...
Part 3 We are called to become treasure hunters, mountain movers, water walkers, freedom leaders for the oppressed, deliverers of the broken hearted, releasers of the captives, the discarded, broken, bent, hurting, blind and lame. We are called...
Part 2 Each of us daily lives within the confines or freedoms we avail ourselves in the here and now. We breathe, we think, our heart pumps, our minds figure and refigure and contemplate, surmise, imagine, perceive, construe. Our flesh being,...
This article in three parts looks at the workings of our person, or our being of three distinctive elements. Our intelligent design.
I borrowed the title from a lyric in one of my most recent favorite songs by Kristene Mueller. (I will share it with you in this hub) We breathe and therefore we believe we are alive. We awaken and we believe this day is all mine and no one...
The David and Goliath story and God's heart being revealed in a single man; a man who would be known by God, as, "The man after my own heart".
I thought I would share some comedy with you through some video on YouTube. I love laughter and it is a great medicine. When Rodney Howard Brown started his ministry in the US back in the mid 90's, there was much laughter and he noticed that people...
A Hub on "desire" for more of Holy Spirit filling our life as we journey on in God and the way of The Kingdom!
This hub is a depiction of how Holy Spirit and our spirit are to coincide. The life of Christ activated and working inside of each of us.
I was introduced to their music when our Worship team at church began playing one of their songs early in .09 and we simply fell in love with Kim Walker and Chris Quilala. I was listening on youtube and had not purchased any of their albums as of...
Agape love at its fullest! The action of Jesus during his intense time of prayer on behalf of all mankind the night of his betrayal.
ENCOUNTER IN THE SPIRIT unraveling the webs elastic thought to bring coherent revelation on a slippery surface, my feet emerge the wet surface of dew drops lingering, the air calm stillness hanging before me and, ...
Prayer in many ways is the seeking of an answer, so then there must be a question? We are often perplexed as to the getting of answers because we do not ask the right question. Finding our answers to prayer will be aided by Holy Spirit our counsellor in all things.
This hub represents a word picture of how Holy Spirit and our lives coincide, by looking at the fruit of the fig tree. It also gives good information with regard to the nutritional value of figs in our diet.
Come let us FIG-ure together A Lesson From The Fig Tree How Do I Approach Prayer? Take a lesson from the Fig Tree Mark 11.12-14, 20-25 The next day as they were leaving Bethany, Jesus was hungry. Seeing in the distance a fig tree in leaf,...
Praying with the Help of a Prayer Journal A Prayer Journal is basically a self help book you put together to help you better navigate through a prayer time. It is great to have record of requests and then their answers as you see them unfold. ...
Over the years I have listened to numerous thinkers of our time. They each have a particular bent on how things work and theory derived from their endless pursuit of understanding life as they see it, however dreamy, wacky, strange, and as alien as...
I could dance with you forever Love Is Not Self Seeking... I don't believe that once a year or anniversaries, birthdays and such are the only times you should be expressing your love for that special one in your life. i believe in honouring...
Flying in the Heart of Wisdom What is it all About, Wisdom Knowledge and Understanding? A Brief Study and look at Wisdom The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; all who follow his precepts have good understanding. To him belongs...
Conformity becomes the reality of a true believers life. Without conformity there is no life. The image, the attitude, the essence, the heart and character of Christ is the goal to attain.
Prayer and a word study from 2Chronicles 7.14
A New Day Ahead A Tight Rope of Faith Just as the many former generations throughout the ages have awakened to a new day with hope and aspirations of good things before them, we also do the same day upon day. Truth is we never know what the...
Getting The Real Picture Of Jesus We know that it is written, “That it would take volumes of books to record all the things that Jesus said and did.” Like all the books in the New Testament we have a record of the spoken word and actions...
PART TWO OF: ISSUES OF THE HEART Trying to find a cause to my wife's recent incident (Thursday Jan.7) with her heart and not being convinced by the Dr of Cardiology at our hospital, my step daughter decided to do some research of her own and we...
My Sweetie "CALL AN AMBULANCE, I'M HAVING A HEART ATTACK!" It was Thursday January 7th and at about 5:15 i am awakened by the voice of my beautiful wife, who is eight (8) years my elder but to look at her you would never know it, as she is taken...
Winter photography can give you a lot of different options. Don't let a grey day keep you from considering what you might get. When we went up to The Ottawa Valley on boxing day; there had been some freezing rain and then it got a bit colder and...
RICHES IN CHRIST Scripture base, Luke 16:19-31 Attitudes> Rich man vs poor man and right perspective according to God’s word. The rich man was self sufficient, selfish and relied on no one, having no physical needs, but his spirit was neither...
RESTFUL PRAYER STANDING BEFORE THE LORD IN OUR INTERCESSION FROM A PLACE OF REST. Definition: Free from worry, anxiety,Mental tranquility, To set your mind to rest. Biblical definitions: Matt.11.28, 29 "Come to me all you who labor and are...
Adam Cold December Day a crisp nostril tingling bright white snow glistening shimmering the afternoon sun burning across another cold day. Adam and me walk run frolic through the forest a snowshoe rabbit ...
FASTING A Heart Attitude You, God and what it means in intercession. Where did it begin? It is not mentioned in the Pentateuch. The Mosaic Law, though directing minutely the foods to be eaten and to be shunned, never mentions fasting. ...
Being in the kitchen has become a passion over the years. Having been in a demanding industry and working 50 - 80 hours a week over the past 10 yrs, coming home and cooking was my relaxation. Or going over to friends homes and blessing their socks...
Getting Directions HOW’S OUR PRAYING? The moving of the Ark and prayer. (A comparison) II Sam. 6 & I Chron. 15: 13-28 We may be assuming the position, praying with all our might, standing on the word, and even being in the will of God....
Prayer Manner Heart Matter, Part 3 God lavished upon us grace and mercy through Jesus. We were chosen to stand in the righteousness of Christ as adopted sons, by his own good pleasure. (Eph.1:4-8) A more excellent covenant, “and without the...
Prayer Manner Heart Matter Part 2 9) “your will” There is something to do, something God wants accomplished. When we come to him, knowing who he is, we know that he is willing to answer those things that he desires for us to do in his name. We...
This hub is my exhaustive with regards to the Lord's prayer. It is in three (3) parts.
The Horse Stable in Morning Light Along the Fence Memories of Valley Living. Growing up in the Ottawa Valley where there always seemed to be an abundance of snow. There were also numerous times when we would have a good snowfall and then the...
Knowing The Way What is God’s Plan? Knowing the provision, the provider, and the providence. How often we underestimate God’s provision for us. The Israelites are our witness to the folly of human reasoning and judgment. A good example of...
Metamorphosis becomes an action we can choose to go through while allowing the hands of the creator to weave a pattern into our life...
Child like Faith and Joy Be Strong in the Lord Just as Joshua was picked by God to become the commander and leader of Israel and to fill the shoes of Moses; so God selects us as intercessors for him. This entitlement calls for us to be filled...
Learning what Spiritual battling is all about. Learning about yourself in the midst of battle.
Lord of the Word PRAYING THE SWORD What is the sword? The bible speaks of the sword as the word of God. That the word is sharper than a two edged sword, able to sever even to flesh and bone, spirit and soul. (see Heb.4:12) The word activates a...
OUR WARFARE “For though we live in the world, we are not carrying on a worldly war, for the weapons of our warfare are not (carnal) worldly but have divine power to destroy strongholds.” 2Cor. 10:3-4 To enter into spiritual warfare...
Being In The Vine Being In The Vine The wonderful thing about being in the vine with Jesus and being filled with the glory of God through his awesome Holy Spirit, he sent to indwell us is… you get to be fruitful, but only if you really want...
Bridges Don't Just Happen PREPARING FOR INTERCESSION INTERCESSION: What is it? INTERCEDE: To plead for, speak on behalf of, or to mediate. It is an action for or on the behalf of someone else. Standing in the gap or becoming a bridge, a...
The Call to Intercession “A Practical Excavation of Old Ruins.” “God is looking for non-resistant vessels for His glory.” (Mark Dupont) The experience of encountering God’s presence further boosts our faith. This is not the end all...
i an eagle Restoration A Process From broken spirit to life from Jesus the love of God comes to me. changed in an instant from blindness to sight from lameness to life from broken to repaired, restored from captured to one set free ...
Moving Forward A LETHAL WEAPON IN THE HANDS OF GOD A surrendered life in the hands of God becomes the lethal weapon. The Lord seeks intercessors, those that will stand in the gap. See: Nehemiah, Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel. Death to Self...
A poem of embrace, love, welcome always in "my Father's House"
Looking Ahead While Spinning Vienna Austria, July 2008 (Our Honeymoon) "I will lead them by ways they have not known, along unfamiliar paths I will guide them; I will turn the darkness into light before them and make the rough places smooth. These...
It's All Relative PRAYER IS RELATIONSHIP Is prayer the LAST resort of the weak or the FIRST resort of the strong? Relationship is really the key component. God desires relationship. He has initiated this idea and has responded by including his...
This is an article regarding a Preparation for Intercession. 1 of 16 Articles written on the subject of Intercession on hubpages.
Article 2 in a series of articles on The Art of Intercession from my book; the "Art of Intercession and You". A Progressive Study.
This is another Article from my book. This one is subjective to its title. To take the intercessor deeper into understanding motive and self.