Hi Folks
I tried to post a picture from one of my Hubs.
It was one taken by myself and attached to my Hub but Pinterest blocked it and said it was Spam.
Has anyone else experienced this problem?
I've pinned all kinds of stuff from my own hubs to just random garbage, and have never gotten that message from pinterest. Have you tried repinning it?
I hadn't had that problem until I just happened to see this on the Feed, and then when I went to pin my latest Hub it said the same thing! I tried to go to pintrest and pin it from the site, but it still wasn't working. I've pinned lots of stuff before too! I"m interested to see what people have to say
It happened to me for the first time the other day. It, of course, was my own photo. Later, I wrote another Hub and tried to pin one of my pictures-it worked without a hitch.
I don't think you're alone. Pinterest isn't accepting anything from HubPages as spam. Additionally, looking at http://pinterest.com/source/hubpages.com/ shows nothing after about 4 days ago, and I KNOW I made some since then.
Looks like they don't like HP anymore. Too many posts from here? Hard to imagine they would shut down a site with 6 million pages of photos to choose from.
I hit that wall this AM.
Squidoo on the other hand appears to be fine.
Of course I am raising hell (respectfully of course) at Pinterest via e-mails....so we'll see what good that does.
Good for you. I looked all over the site yesterday and never found a way to contact them. Hopefully this is mostly some glitch in their system - the message I got was that someone has reported the site as spam and maybe it was automatically shut down as a result of a few posts. It wouldn't surprise me, with the number of pins from here there are bound to be a few people that report it as spam.
Well they once had IO9 blocked as spam and I reported that so maybe if enough people call their attention to this they may reverse it.
On the Pinterest site, go to help - Support - Submit a Request to contact them about this. I sent one yesterday and hope that if enough people keep contacting them, they'll look into it. Keep posting about this issue on HP as well so the staff is well aware and can try to address the problem, too.
Done. Thanks, Sabreblade and randomcreative. Maybe a few thousand complaints will wake someone up over there.
Wow! Looks like we've over-posted. You couldn't pay me enough to run HubPages! It would drive you nuts!
Thanks for reporting. We will look into this today.
I just tried to PIN something from Hubpages with no luck but then I went to PIN something from Squidoo and there was no problem. It is Hubpages as a site that has apparently been blocked and since we are on subdomains of Hubpages then we are blocked as well.
Our accounts are still good on Pinterest so it is still a viable source for your other content if you have it... Just remember, you cannot just PIN your own stuff, you have to REPIN other members and PIN stuff that is not solely going to benefit you.
Hi everyone!
It does appear to be that HubPages has been blocked on Pinterest.
Here's their page explaining what may have caused it: https://support.pinterest.com/entries/2 … e-content/
And here's the URL for submitting requests for un-blocking (though I have submitted one on behalf of the entire site): https://support.pinterest.com/anonymous_requests/new
In the past, Hubs have been blocked because people were putting affiliate links in their URLs, but I see that even the Hubs I've pinned through our account (affiliate link-free) are now being blocked.
Other reasons sites get this block is that links redirect from one page to another, the site pinned contains "spammy, misleading or inappropriate content" or the site's "content violates our policy on adult content".
If someone was pinning a ton of spammy / adult Hubs to Pinterest, it's possible that the number of flags resulting from that behavior resulted in our entire site getting blocked.
Assuming, for now, that that's the case, I have submitted a request to have our site un-blocked (have pasted a copy of that message sent below for reference). I'll keep you all updated as I find out more.
Thanks for looking out for us. But I believe the problem stems from the links HP has put in all our hubs redirecting from our written article to other hubbers written article.
I could be wrong, but just a thought.
I thought that too, and I'm checking to see if it's the case. Here's hoping the fix is that simple!
Many thanks for you rapid response on this problem, Simone. Hope it can be sorted soon ...
Thanks for the info and being SO with it on these things!
In the meanwhile if you click on a hub in Pinterest you are told that "users have been warned that this contains spam or inappropriate content" that's just wrong.
It is wrong makes us look like a bunch of no gooders. Is that a word?
if it isn’t it should be … I love the thought of being a no gooder.
Ono....that's just great! This is a serious matter that has the ability to impact severely on all of us... irrespective of what good work we do elsewhere and our non HP relationships!
It seems also that the copy referred to above (Simone's) is a no show...
The copy? Oh! Sorry- that first link was the wrong URL. Here's the explanation of why pages get blocked: https://support.pinterest.com/entries/2 … e-content/
Ok I just began seeing traffic from pinterest coming my way and this happened. Hope it's nothing complicated and just an error. Do keep us informed as to what they say Simone and anyone who gets a reply
Thanks for pointing out my mistake. I have a very shaky command+V trigger finger.
Thanks for emailing on our behalf also, Simone.
In the country where I come from... commanding that V finger thing at someone.... means a whole lot more + than just being shaky!
Simone - I'm so sorry for what you all go through on our behalf. Thanks for those efforts, and for keeping us ne're-do-well types informed!
If I lived close enough, I'd bring you all some cookies or some serious chocolate. When you get to Austin for SXSW, let me know - we owe you!
Pinterest, as any other Social Bookmarking service, faces deep challenges for extended or excessive inbound//outbound links to one root domain. There might arise an issue with sub.domains, which can be seen as pointing to/from the parent host/domain itself. This would certainly throw a spam flag.
Sites like StumbleUpon, etc do have permissions measures in place which cap links at 100 total -posted or shared. Am not sure Pinterest has this. If a host {hubpages.com/} is identical or nearly identical {subdomain1, subdomian120}, regardless of the URI {../hub/My Hub Title}, it could cause blocking, as the Parent is still hubpages.com itself. In essence, if 120,000 hubbers post 10 links each on Pinterest alone, that is 1.2 million links to the parent host. A lot of volume for one social service.
These might help:
Max Rate Limit Warning. Looks like a timer is in place per hour for activity, which can throw a spam warning. Also, Pinterest does have a Limit/Capacity restrictions concerning Boards and Pins. Which might confirm the aforementioned maximum links to one domain. The Pinterest Best Practices also recommends NOT pointing too many links to ONE website.
Great insights, James. We are wondering if a cap, combined with Pinterest's lack of recognition of HubPages subdomains could be an issue. It could certainly also be the case that they changed something that made subdomains look like redirects to their spam filters, though that's probably less likely.
Thanks for those links! Hopefully we'll hear back from them soon- if not we'll start contacting them through additional channels.
Hello Sunshine! How are y--- ? No wait, you look radiant!
Right, digging a little more, it could definitely be the sub.domain passing as spam, because it is not differentiating the "stand alone" sub.domain from the root, as every one has hubpages.com in their link.
Also, and I know some grumbling will happen from this, but is it possible to limit outbound shares of hubs to avoid these irregularities between Bookmarking Services, say, the same as Stumble? What I mean to say is 100 outbound/inbound links to one sub.domain is rather excessive between the Big4 {Face, Tweet, Pin, Stumble}.
In any event, go get `em
Maybe over sharing? I wish that hubbers were more conservative with what they put on Twitter, Pinterest, whatever.
I love social networking a LOT and I also really enjoy HubPages, but the two don't always mix.
What I've seen are some hubbers who pin, tweet, g+ every single thing they publish. I think that this should only really be done for your best work, otherwise I'd think anyone following a social networking profile would become jaded by all the stuff.
Also I've seen users only post stuff from hubpages, so their feeds end up looking spammy. I mean, hash tags can help you out a little bit on twitter, but there's seriously more to twitter than spamming hash tags.
I know this sounds kind of mean, but to be honest, if I were in pinterest's shoes, I might do a blanket ban of a domain if it'll get the link spamming to stop.
I'm not by any means saying that all hubbers are guilty of this. I've found some of the most awesome hubs while browsing around on Pinterest, ones that I think truly belong there.
This reminds me a bit about what's going on with Reddit -> hubbers think Redditors are mean and Redditors think hubbers are spammers. Some hubbers ruined it by posting links to hubs that do not match what reddit is about and it really did look super spammy. Most hubbers I've seen there ARE spammers, even though they might have the best intentions. To be honest, I think that less than 1% of hubs have any place there. I don't post ANY hubs to reddit, but rather let Redditors do it naturally. If I come across a hub of mine there, I'll upvote it, but I will never post a hub there unless I thought it really belonged (I haven't so far.)
Maybe more discretion is necessary in posting things on social networks. I can't speak for Pinterest so much because I don't know many hubbers there, but I'm really surprised that Twitter hasn't banned us.
Mel -I agree with what you're saying. Thanks for posting this.
We see this problem on FB, too (except they're not, as yet, filtering or blocking things). I got very tired recently of getting maybe 4-5 messages every single day about posts from the same person, all of which were they're own hubs. I believe it was a reaction or effort to raise traffic on idled hubs (almost everything posted was poetry). I certainly feel badly for writers whose work was put on idle, but that sort of strategy is just plain spam.
Oh, I'm SURE there's over-sharing going on from some Hubbers, and I think it's the most likely culprit.
If that's the case, hopefully we can ensure that just specific subdomains are blocked.
Trying to educate Hubbers not to spam social media sites (while still occasionally sharing) things is a challenge! It seems we can write all the guides we like- and give all the advice we like- and people will still do it.
Nothing has changed as far as I can tell...went to my Pinterest boards, and all items that point to HP pages are blocked.
I did my duty, contacting Pinterest about my inability to pin HP pages and also about my HP pins being flagged as spam/inappropriate. I've done what I can do as a single "subdomain" entity on HP.
Right now, my credibility as a responsible and worthwhile Internet presence is jeopardized by what's going on between HP and Pinterest. I know it has nothing to do with me, and everything to do with HP.
I had been getting a healthy traffic from Pinterest, and then this morning it was gone! It was shocking. Thank you Hubpages for looking into this matter right away. Much appreciated. Please keep us updated.
All my previous pins from Hubpages are still there, including ones that I pinned within the last couple of days. I just can't seem to pin new things. However, just for the sake of it, I tried to repin of my already pinned articles onto another board and it gave me "Sorry!" and a response in Spanish? I'm not anywhere near fluent in Spanish, so I don't know what it said, but I'm wondering if any one else has come across that one.
Mine didn't have anything in Spanish, but it said it said " Unsafe Link! We've blocked this link to protect pinners from spam or other inappropriate content." That makes us all look really bad.
Update: Paul E and I are walking over to their offices. Seems better than waiting around for email responses.
Cool! I so wish I lived in San Francisco...I'd love to see ALL these places. LOL. Put your best foot forward. Good luck!
I would, too, CC! Go, Paul and Simone! Go get 'em! :-)
Now you know why I miss my city by the Bay -and Muir Woods, Mount Tam, Tiberon Point, Sausalito...
And the coolest web companies in the District...
Soon, very soon... {grabs a tissue}
PS, post group photos of Hub-Pinster Staff.
Thanks Simone and Paul for taking care of it.
I got this email back from pinterest when I reported a blocked link from HP:
Unfortunately, we had to block pins from HubPages.com because we were seeing spammy pins from several users from this site.
Thank you for your understanding,
Jessica - Community Specialist
Hope that helps Simone!
I wonder how it is considered spam more than say pins from etsy, where I know lots of local etsy shop owners blast their stuff. At least with HP we're not blasting products to sell. Lame, Pintrest. Lame
Sigh. This is one of those problems that is exacerbated by a few people who refuse to learn and follow the etiquette for social media platforms. I hope Simone and Paul can figure it out with the Pinterest gurus because it is an important source of traffic for a lot of good and quality hubbers.
I imagine that there will be some new rules coming down the pike soon since HP is so intent on maintaining the quality of hubs..which I really appreciate. It helps all of us make money when we as a group can produce excellent content.
As for the spammers, learn the rules! Stop hitting us over the head with constant linking!
Ironically, I was trying to pin your hub on organizing a purse when I found HP had been banned...
I was so ticked!
A few bad apples really do ruin it for the bunch don't they?
I agree with you Julie. I am also glad that hubs are now forced to have higher quality. It may be too late for Pinterest, but some of the low quality hubs with mispellings and all really do look like spam.
You know I can't help but wonder, if Pinterest is blocking us because we appear "spammy," what does that do to our site's reputation in the eyes of say Google?
Granted, algorithms and whatnot, but you gotta admit, the pages Pinterest found as "spam" might have been picked up by the penguin filter...?
Just thinking out loud. Google seems pretty finicky to me.
Not to mention, if you click on a hub pinned on Pinterest and it says "this site has been known to have spammy links (or whatever it says)" that can't be good for HP's reputation, and unfortunately the damage is done. Those who have already seen the message will think HP is a bunch of spam... I can see how this could get out of hand quickly...
And if HP is banned...why isn't that site with the tentacles and Blogger banned as well?
You can't tell me everyone that uses those two services are picture perfect examples of white hat SEO.
So what did Hubbers do that was soooo much worse than the other sites users?
Thanks to Simone & Paul for trying to get to the bottom of this issue right away.
I joined Pinterest very recently and am interested to know the outcome of this issue.
This morning was the first time pins were blocked.
Hey again y'all!
Just got back from the stroll over, and Pinterest has a policy against walk-ins, so we were only able to leave a calling card (which, at least to me, an avid reader of trashy Regency-era novels), felt AWESOME.
We have two more email addresses to reach out to (emails: sent), and now comes the waiting game. We'll be sure to keep you updated. My primary objective is to transfer the ban from one that is site-wide to one that is handled on a domain-by-domain basis.
I too was very discouraged to see this. While I do pin my hubs, I also share HUNDREDS of other pins from all over the net. To me this trouncing of the entire HubPages website was a bit like swatting a fly with a bazooka - and it can't be doing anything positive for HP's Google reputation or our individual ones either.
It really does stink that some people can't get the concept that spamming hurts all of us. Not only this problem, but lately all of my hubs and that of many other hubbers have taken a nosedive since the last algorithm update. Very frustrating.
Very frustrating indeed. There's only so much we can do on our end to stop bad behavior, and I wish we could do more.
At the very least, it is my hope that we can address this update in a manner that only hurts those abusing the privilege.
Thanks Simone,
It sounds like you guys are on top of it with urgency and doing the best you can. This definitely has me questioning my future Pinterest use, but I am hoping there will indeed be a sub domain solution that only hurts those who abuse the privilege. I love pinterest - but it doesn't do much good to pin things if they decide I can't go back to revisit whatever I pinned later...
Hey, you've got to hand it to them for having their community's best interest at heart. We get pretty strict when people start spamming us, too. I'm pretty confident that we can come to a reasonable resolution.
Well I just reported my complaint to pinterest. I am so not amused. I did mention the whole subdomain angle to them in when I reported it. Mostly because I KNOW they use it...I've seen on pinterest where my stuff is listed AS being from MY subdomain...krysanthe.hubpages.com
Eh, like I said not amused.
I'm glad you mentioned that subdomain angle! Thanks Krysanthe.
It should definitely be based on subdomains and not domains. Just have to wait and see
I deleted all my shared hubs from Pinterest. I didn't like being called a spammer or having possible inappropriate content when I clicked on a hub.
I'm no lawyer, but I'm curious if they're subjecting themselves to a possible class action suit for blanket defamation. They're posting inflammatory statements about links that connect to HubPages, whether the hub authors are 'guilty' of those actions or not, and regardless of who may have pinned the links. This means people who repin our links will see those statements as well, doesn't it? We have subdomains here, and we are not responsible for the content or actions of others.
That's an interesting point. Let's just hope it doesn't come to that! @_@
Did anyone try asking on their Facebook page why they have blocked the entire HubPages site? I see a bit of complaining on there about porn photos showing up in people's feeds but surely something like that isn't coming from this site.
Email seems to do nothing and I find it odd that they don't take walk ins. I wouldn't trust a company that thinks they are too good to talk to someone when they take the time to physically go to their office when there is an issue. Especially when it's HubPages showing up at the door.
Have you ever run a business? If it's not direct sale retail, walkins can be very annoying. For instance in a company where all the sales reps have customer bookings already. Or if your company is busy trying to meet with advertisers etc.
We did get an email response back from them saying the ban was due to a lot of different people posting spam Hubs. So that's the reason, at least.
You have Forty . . . five . . . . THOUSAND links to your hubs on pinterest.
And others are probably doing the same thing?
And you wonder why you get blocked ???
Ferchrissakes - what are you people thinking ????
<<shakes head and leaves>>
(The above was in response to Wry Lilt's statement that she has 45k pinterest links to her hubs.
Don't know if this latest strange forum threading thing will put the post under the original, so this is just for clarification so you know what I'm talking about).
Eric only about 400 of those pins (likely not even that) are in any way originating from my personal Pinterest.
I utilise simple 'made for Pinterest' images on my hubs (to understand the concept see my hub on the topic.) Anyone who visits my hub has the choice to pin if they want. It's just like pressing the "like" button on a hub - out of my control but not something I complain about.
After Panda I realised I needed to get as many traffic streams as possible.
I see. Thank you.
What is your connection with WorkAtHomeMums?
You possibly do not understand pinterest then. You do not have to have pinned one image yourself to have 45,000 pins. Just by having a made for pinterest image on a hub, and having 10s of thousands of google visitors who each pin the image can equate to 45,000 pins. Why should Wrylilt be blocked for people sharing her image. She has done nothing wrong.
Yes, I misunderstood. Thanks for clarifying.
But even 400 or so would probably raise a red flag, especially if most of the links from a user are to the one site.
Um, I pinned ONE of my hubs ONCE and it has over 72,000 pins. We do not control or limit what other PINNERS respond to? That's the very definition of VIRAL! *rolls eyes*
True, re-pinning, like re-tweeting, stumbling, fb-share --even hub hopping is considered a viral technique.
However, from the information provided, this issue is not arising from re-pinning but from direct links to~from pinterest.com to hubpages.com. The subdomain.hubpages is not being recognized by Pinterest as independent of the parent host. Since Pinterest does not have a public API, they will have to exclusively assign subdomain links as "not spam".
Still, it is premature to cut-and-run or rather move-on[.org]. 99% of internet users have no clue about technology, really. They know bits and pieces absorbed or skimmed from techno-sites. Technology is a very delicate, precise, yet flexible//negotiable sphere. See how it plays out before shooting from the hip, no? You [plural] might be pleasantly surprised at the end result.
12.16 Edit:
For the record, I do defend, support fellow technologists, that millions of [you] folks rely on to make money. It is astounding, sometimes, the level of demand from non-tech individuals toward technologies to make everything perfect for you, to keep the money rolling your way. Please, do not forgive my tone, but sometimes it is ridiculous. too many build-me-facebook for free or next to nothing --but I want to make me millions. And, truth be told, without our extremely difficult work in designing//developing these solutions, sites, programs, all [you] nay-sayers would be working the old brick and mortar way. So, please, be a little more than patient and a little less throw. in. the. towel. give. us. everything. for. nothing. attitude, over a few minor disturbances. Hub Tech & even Pinterest are doing things most have never, will never or have only dreamed of doing. Maybe not perfect to certain peoples vivid imagination, but certainly worthy of credence, respect and appreciation above and below the fold. Just my thoughts...
meh ... this is Strike 3 in my book. 1. Changing my PVS and earnings a WEEK after approval and then NEVER responding to messages (shady) 2. zzzz hubs, of which I only had one that I fixed and it went live again (wrong on so many levels) 3. Pinterest (my biggest money making) ..... No. Point. In. Staying. Except. To. Collect. Last. Check.
I just went to Pinterest to check how many pins there were to my subdomain, and I found a VERY weird thing: The pins that I made myself (only 5, no need to freak out) didn't show up when I went to http://pinterest.com/source/brainybunny.hubpages.com/ , but they were still on my boards when I checked them. Most of the other pins (made by other people) are still there. Has anyone else had this happen? Those pins definitely showed up last week, which was the last time I looked to see if anyone had pinned anything new of mine.
Are they only showing some of a subdomain's pins now, instead of all? Wrylilt, I plugged your name in and only saw 25 pins.
That is news to me.maybe you posted too quickly or used shared ip?
I was steaming mad yesterday when I discovered that I had been blocked (quite by accident) and I submitted a support ticket. I was thrilled to see Simone on this thread, saying that they had actually gone there. I'm doing the same damn thing everyone else (mostly everyone else) is- just trying to publish good stuff that means something.
Anxious to see how this plays out for us, here at HP.
Hey again everyone. Yesterday, we got an email from one of Pinterest's community specialists who provided this explanation:
"As you suspected, HubPages was blocked this morning due to a high volume of spam and related complaints from users. Unfortunately, the links on the spam were pointing to a variety of Hubbers, and not a small set."
So the good news is we know why this has happened.
Both Paul Edmondson and I have sent over responses (though after working hours), so hopefully a dialogue will pick up today. As things progress, we'll keep you updated. We're very open to working more closely with Pinterest on fighting spam, which will hopefully mean that our good Hubbers will not be unfairly punished.
Just to note, with this and other posts where somehow, when trying to get traffic to their site....this stuff comes up.
"Pinterest took down my link/article!"
"Reddit removed it because , blah blah blah"
<insert social networking site> removed my link/article because...blah blah blah.
I think THIS is the MAIN reason people have let their SEO efforts to make residual income go to the wayside, and are now jaded everytime they see "Make Thousands with SEO!!" Then this happens to them, and they go out and get a regular 2nd part time job. lol
Great news everyone! Paul Edmondson and I just heard from Pinterest, and they've lifted our ban.
We've reached out to them about developing a plan on collaboratively dealing with spammy Hubbers on Pinterest. We want to be sure that the irresponsible behavior of a few individuals does not penalize the entire community.
AWESOME - you guys rock! Thanks for being so on top of that
Great news! Thanks Simone and Paul for all your work.
Thanks Simone and Paul for your quick response! It's greatly appreciated.
Way to go Simone! You guys are just awesome!
You guys are AWESOME! You're magic or something! What a great move, and so well done. I'm glad you'll be collaborating with Pinterest to locate and correct the problems. I'm sure to Pinterest it looked like a large variety of Hubbers, but I'm hoping your analysis can show it's only a small segment of the large HP community.
Okay - i definitely owe you some major chocolate when you're here in Austin for SXSW!
Agree that you guys are awesome. Did it take a lot of mojitos to get them to see the light?
I am impressed how quickly you were able to resolve this issue. You guys ROCK!
Pinterest was never intended for self-promotion and was originally for sharing interesting content found on the web, like things you would want to save to a scrapbook. Internet Marketers then jumped on the bandwagon so Pinterest created Business Pinterest (I think it's gone now) to separate them. It has a huge base of people who like it because it is not a place to get hit with marketing and self-promotion and this is probably why HubPages is banned. I've noticed many Hubbers who have nothing but their own content posted and that's not cool. If your article is that good, let other's pin it. Or have one board with your best stuff and feature other boards that have nothing to do with HP. If every board is your own work and/or Hubs or some sort and you multiply that times how many Hubbers doing it? That's when HP starts to look like spam.
You guys are SO amazing! Thank you SO MUCH!
Thank you for all your hard work Simone and Paul! I totally had faith you could work this out like always!
That's great Thanks to the both of you. Hope to get my traffic through pins kicking in again.
When you said ya'll were going over to Pinterests' offices, I was impressed. Simone and Paul E. - ya'll rock the Hub!! Woohoo! Do keep us updated - I really want to avoid being a "spammer" - ugh...such an ugly term. LOL
That is a brilliant result and very impressive. I'm guessing one or both of you scared the hell out of them when you went round.
Now here's my question.
I have posted a large number of my cartoons on Pinterest - thinking they might be amusing - most with links back to whatever HubPage article of mine. I thought it was gentle spamming - it's a picture right and they want pictures - but now I wonder.
Am I a spammer? Should I stop or change my filthy habit?
Mark, if you'll list all your filthy habits here, we will be happy to tell you which ones you need to stop. We're always here to help!
Ah, so it was you, Mark Ewbie, who brought this shame upon our house! Go and sit on the naughty step and think about your dreadful behaviour.
I had a photo Hub blocked yesterday, but just now I pinned photos from two different Hubs. Good work.
I did, for two nights now. Infact, I sent them an email, and Pinterest replied to me they will look into it and fix the problem. They will ask your HP site URL and the page or hubber's site you want to pin. I have mentioned too that it is not just one user's article but almost every one that I like to pin. Boy, I'm glad to find out that I am not the only one having this problem. I thought I got totally blocked. I am not back to pinning yet. I will wait another day. Thank you for bring this up here.
Hahahahaha! Too funny! Great interpretation!
Well darn!
I was looking forward to a "Leverage" type job pulled by Simone, Paul and company to access Pinterest HQ!
But a win is a win.
Good job!
Just received this through email:
Aaron, Oct 10 11:57 (PDT):
Thanks for reporting an issue linking to or pinning from HubPages. This issue should now be resolved.
Thank you so much! Awesome! I just repinned one of my Hubpages hub photo, which last night was rejected, and this afternoon it was approved. I was so thrilled. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Simone Smith and Paul Edmondson, you rock!
That was pretty fast work solving the Pinterest problem! Simone and Paul are superheroes of some kind.
Most definitely....maybe we should get them capes!
Great progress on the Pinterest removing the 'spammer brand' from us.
If you want to see a great example of what I think is spamming, not from HubPages, go to Pinterest and search for "frog".
The page is basically filled with 2 images that have been pinned, by the same person about 30 times each. Interestingly another person commented on different copies of the image many times, sock puppets anyone? I've just reported a cpl of the images, but since one picture and the site are not in themselves spammy, I don't know whether that will do the trick.
by Brett C 12 years ago
Has Pinterest blocked Hubpages!?It seems that Hubpages has been blocked. My account is live, but it seems that Hubpages pins are not allowed at the moment. Is anyone else experiencing this? I can pin from other sites with no problem.
by Gracie L Sprouse 12 years ago
Pinterest message says it cannot accept pins from thsiswebsite- what happened? I never had trouble before!
by TexMarInfo 13 years ago
I have no clue as to why and I have not been given and reply to me request for more info. I never received and letter from the hub page staff. Can someone please give me some understanding on this??
by moonlake 11 years ago
I created a new hub today. When I went to pin it on Pinterest I got this message. Suspicious LinkWe've blocked this source because it may be spam or other inappropriate content. More InfoDoes anyone know what is going on with this?
by Sophie 14 years ago
I am asking about google adsense, why are we reading about and experiencing so many glitches with adsense while some have it easy. Are Asian countries subjected to different treatment or its just a passing phase. I am told that I have inappropriate content....what a laugh! I am really curious...
by Nell Rose 8 years ago
Oh hum... getting slightly old now isn't it? Hobbylark is told its spam spam spam! I love spam, along with eggs on toast makes a lovely meal but.......Help?
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