Just out of curiosity, who here writes for both Hubpages and another freelance writing website such as Examiner.com?
I have written for quite a few sites, but have focused primarily on HubPages for the past year.
I write for HubPages and Blogspot.com but mainly for HP.
I have one article at Squidoo and 2 articles at Infobarrel. I just like Hubpages better. I also have a blog at Blogger and 3 websites.
I've written for a couple dozen paid writing sites. I lost interest on most of them. I stay on HubPages for the community and because I respect the team that runs the site. I made a little money from ODesk and Constant Content. I don't advise new online writers to chase dollars writing for paid sites, though. There's too much work for too little pay.
That being said, if you're like me, I have to write somewhere. So why not write and make some change as a bonus?
It's always a good idea to write for multiple sites.
Over the years, I've seen many freelance writing and blogging sites close down, sometimes without warning (which means the writers lose all their work). I don't think HubPages will disappear any time soon, but it's taught me not to put all my eggs in one basket.
Besides, spreading your work around multiple sites gives you a higher profile on the internet (assuming you have the good sense to use the same username on every site). That's very useful if your goal is to be recognised as a writer.
I tried bubblews.com but that is a big scam. Hubpages is the best as far as I know.
Oh its such a big scam i left it months back after my redemptions were not cleared, its a waste of time.
It amazes me that folks say it is a scam and yet I have made well over 600.00 there since July 1 of this year. The only folks not getting paid are the ones who fail to follow the rules there. Pretty simple rules at that.
I'm happy that you're getting paid, obviously you're one of the lucky ones.
I am so tired of hearing "if you're not getting paid, you must have violated their rules." Pardon my French, but that is bull patties.
When I joined Bubblews I read and followed every one of their rules to the letter, dotted all my i's and crossed all my t's... and yet when I put in for my first redemption, I was completely ignored. Six weeks later, all of my numerous E-mails to the so-called "support team" have gone unanswered. Twenty eight bucks and change isn't worth all this aggravation. I'm pulling my stuff down from their site as soon as I get some free time. I'm done. Screw Bubblews.
I have never worked for them but nobody believes me when I say that I have read about complaints such as these.
Actually, I was reading quite a few complaints about Bubblews and their bizarre payment roulette before I even started writing there, but I figured I'd give it the old college try anyway and see what happened. I tried to ignore it but I had a gut feeling all along that it was going to be an experiment doomed to failure.
I did not hear about them until I joined HP. I did research and read reviews about Bubblews. That is when I heard many complaints.
FatFreddysCat, the same happened to me with my first redemption, and they never answered. But I rechecked all my posts, and redid the picture credits (which seemed to be the problem), and kept at it. I'm up to my third redemption now.
The site is worth sh!t, in terms of interface and overall navigation, but I don't care. I'm there for the money, here for the quality.
Hello there, I stopped by because I am curious about your user name....lol
Thanks for the tip, but I've had a fellow Bubbler look over my stuff there for any potential "violations" that I might not have been aware of (since I wasn't getting any help from the Powers That Be over there) and they told me that I had stayed within Da Rules and everything looked fine to them.
Besides, I understand that even if I do go to the trouble to tweak all of my stuff trying to get on their "good" side, I'll still "lose" the amount of that first redemption... so y'know what, it's not even worth it to me at this point. I'd rather just stay mad. Haha.
Mine, or Thief12's?
I've written on hub pages for almost three years. I tested out bubblews, but found out, you get paid, but if you're a writer like me who wants to take your articles off of their you're in the negative amount of money that you made. So fortunately you do get paid, but if you remove them your account is in the negative which you won't make money again until that amount is brought back down. While the hits are good, it's just not going to get your writing where you need it to be for specific purposes. I also have my own wordpress site. I wrote on teckler for one day, but didn't see the point, not doing anything to make me money, and trying to find ways to make more money these days, rather than a few cents with advertisements. Writing now for a spiritual magazine for the last month that I don't get paid for, but will be seen by all kinds of magazines and publishers that you have to be invited to write on. Hubpages is about your best bet.
I write on wikinut besides HP but what the site shares with writers is too low. HP has given me the most satisfaction as a writer.
I started on My Space, and that site never paid for contribution. It was fun because of the community I managed to assemble.
It changed format and I dropped out. I wrote for Gather.com which was a good site. I made a few bucks here and there, but it was nothing interesting. They paid in store cards, and I had a few Starbucks. I don't like Starbucks but I wanted to write.
The site had ownership problems and right now it is just a web presence, probably because the domain name did not expire yet and they still have a server available. Basically the side does not work.
Again, it was a good waterhole. It started to degenerate when they had the bad idea of attracting Right Wing members and it turned into a political annoyance.
I have been writing for Bubblews.com. I have always been paid. It is a site where people from all over the world are congregating, and a lot of ideas are exchanged. Some are very bad in English and some of the posts are not worth the time, however I always recycle my connections and so far they are OK.
I use to post here a lot, however I am not sure that I had my settings right, because I never made too much money. So I took down most of my posting, but I write occasionally. I keep only the posts that are featured. I played with my settings, and I must have done something right, because I noticed that in the past few days, I made four cents...
I did a few articles for Infobarrel.com, however they have a very strange publishing criteria. At first the articles had been rejected. They want a special format that I don't particularly care for. I remember, I tried to post a few articles on Dracula, and after the first one, I kept being rejected because the topic was not "original".
I also write for Triond.com. I can't figure that one out either, however there are days when there are a lot of hits, others when no one reads.
Hey, if you have the writing bug, you write anyplace, even if you don't make money. I resigned myself to the idea that there are a lot of good writers out there, and a lot of them are better than I am, however even if I can/'t really make money, I am having fun.
Great post Four cents in a few days - you want to keep that quiet. They will be flocking here.
I am trying Bubblews right now, but so far I'm not gettig anything out of it. I also have my own food blog.
You have to spend a lot of time reading, commenting and liking other people's post. At first you'll only make about $1 an hour until you get a lot of followers, unless you are lucky and post something everyone wants to read.
Is Squidoo still around? I haven't visited my account there in months.
Yes - I recently posted my first "lens" there to compare it to HP.
What did you think of it? I hear that there payouts are 10% of what they were a year ago.
I like the site, but I haven't made any money there yet.
My payout at Squidoo for a level two was $2.39. Before Google hit, it was $12 and something. Not quite as bad as 10%, but still terrible.
I have not joined squidoo, post panda do you think it is still a strong site for writers, what if i join it now?
I had the #1 lens on the site for about two weeks over the Halloween holiday.
Blogger, hosted Wordpress, multiple Hubpages accounts, Wizzley, Zujava etc
How do you like Wizzley - how does it compare to HP?
There is no comparison of wizzley with HP, i just dont understand the people there at wizzley- you dont have the freedom to write and publish there the way we have here, they can block your posts anytime..its frustrating
I actually think they're not as strict. Plus they allow clickable affiliate banners.
I tried to publish an article on Wizzley and they locked it. I think it was too controversial. I ended up putting it on Squidoo. I might go back to Wizzley and try to publish some tamer articles. For now, mainly writing for HP, which is my favorite. Trying out Squidoo more seriously recently, starting to really like it. I had joined more than a year and half ago but didn't do much on the site. Now I'm back there publishing content.
Wizzley are paranoid about rules now, because they had their Adsense account suspended a few months ago - all because one of their members uploaded a naughty photograph. You can't blame them for being over-cautious in the circumstances - the site, and all their members, lost a substantial amount of money during the months they were suspended. Not to mention the fact that if they hadn't been able to get their account reinstated, it would've been the end of the site altogether.
Yes, I don't blame them at all. Probably they'll keep the site's quality up that way. Just relating a marginally interesting story to the thread by relating my brief experience there on Wizzley. In fact, they were specific that they figured the piece violated Adsense TOS. I think they're overly cautious though, because Perez Hilton makes $100,000 a month on Adsense revenue, and his stuff is much worse than what I wrote. I'll probably submit more articles there on Wizzley in the future after I build up what I'm doing here and elsewhere. I think Wizzley's a good site and a good resource.
Do you submit exclusive articles on non-exclusive. Is there a difference between upfront payments with pay for performance and the straight pay for performance payouts?
Yahoo Contributor is one of the lowest payers of the lot (apart from possibly Helium). I wouldn't waste your time.
I always submit for exclusive, so I am not sure!
I mean, I always submit for upfront exclusive because why not? Then you get performance as well.
I used to write on Squidoo too, but didn't do toowell over there, so I focus all my writing here instead.
I also write for Squidoo (I'm a Giant Squid) and for Yahoo! Contributor Network (many months of Hot 500 on that site.) Squidoo is the most fun to write for. I make more from Y!CN, where I've been the longest, followed by HubPages. On both those sites I have one really high performing article--just haven't made that happen on Squidoo yet.
I'm spending a lot of time at Wizzley, in addition to here. I also have several niche blogs. It takes a long time to make money at Wizzley, although it's a very nice platform.
I have written for a dozen articles for my own sites. I lost interest on most of them. I stay on Hub Pages for the community and because I respect the team that runs the site.i have several nice blogs as well.I don't advise new online writers, though our website. There's too much work over there because my basic aim is to send some advice of children and people as well
Mrs. Wondercheck,
Is this actually you posting? Your bio says you are a professor at Vanguard University. Your post looks like a version of mine scrambled...
I write for hubpages mostly but i am also spending some time on seekyt as well, i started writing for wizzley too but perhaps that site is not for me, everytime they keep blocking my posts when the same post gets published here at hp and seekyt with no issues at all.
I don't understand what you mean.You can't post "the same post" on HubPages and Seekyt and Wizzley, duplicate content is not allowed on any of those sites.
Nooo....its not duplicate content, when they block one of my posts, i just publish it somewhere else after it gets deleted there.
I've been here for 5 years and wrote over 300 hubs, and I do get a monthly payout. I also write for the SF Examiner on climate change (4 plus years-charter examiner), which remarkably for the first time ever, I have actually been making more money with the Examiner. You have to work hard on newsworthy articles though and they come and then they go.....(you also can write evergreen articles at the Examiner though, I'm just not sure how well they do over the long haul)
I have a a blogger account only for linking. and a website that I have slowly but surely been working on and starting to get some traffic.
I have one article at Wizzley and will probably pull it because I don't want to have stuff scattered all over - I would rather write a hub. I have a Squidoo account but never wrote anything there.
Right now I'm pretty much focused on climate change until I figure out what I want to do with my hubs - I need to form a better strategy with my hubs, maybe even have another account with a more focused niche, I'm not sure yet.
I also write for Examiner. Interestingly, for the amount of articles I have there, the payout amount is pretty good.
What is your topic at the Examiner A? And btw, another hubber and I (Julia Hanna aka Sweetiebearies) have a new group we started on FB for Examiner writers where you can post your links. It's called Examiner Writers. Anyone who writes for the Examiner is welcome to like.
Glad to hear you are doing well over there. I think alot depends on what topic you write about too.
Hey, that's cool! I write for The Examiner, too, as a Denver Art Examiner. I'd like to check your articles out. I also have a blog on Blogspot, Hockeygrrls. I've also written for DMS, boo, and Textbroker and a couple others. Plus some independents. Oh, and I somehow became the voice of who good looking athletes are for a Denver-based blog. (True story)
Dorsi, you say you have a blog "only for linking". That's an outdated strategy because (a) Google now counts only the first one or two links from one site to another and (b) Google now penalizes you for having "excessive links to one site" - so if you have lots of links from your blog to different Hubs, you're skating on thin ice!
I wouldn't delete your single article on Wizzley. Instead, make sure it contains links to related articles on HubPages, Examiner or your blog. It's well worth having an article or two on other revenue-sharing sites - having an inter-connected 'web' of articles in a variety of places across the internet is a good way to build your writer's profile.
I only write here on Hubpages.
To be honest, I had never heard of most of these other sites until I read this post. So, naturally I hopped on over to a few of them to check them out... I like the look of Squidoo, it seems like it's laid out really well... Maybe someday in the future.. For right now I'll be sticking to Hubpages. I find it challenging enough to keep my hubs featured and ensure that they meet all the HP criteria for a stellar hub.. Plus, working 40 hrs a week at a day job. lol. I wouldn't be able to give %110 if I was writing for more than one place, at least not yet anyway..
I'm still trying to figure out how people bang out hubs so darn quickly. It takes me forever to get one done. By the time I research everything, spell check it all and feel like it's good enough to release out into the wild, it's usually a couple of weeks by the time I complete one from start to finish. I've come up with an idea to start working on multiple hubs at once, so that by the time one is published, I've already got another that isn't too far behind it so I can start publishing more regularly.
I'm a little in awe of everyone on here who can bang out work so efficiently here on HP and still manage to write for other places as well.
I am only on HubPages so far, didn't want to go with both HP and Squidoo so I picked this one. Other than that I have a travel blog on WordPress but that's it.
I write hubs on Hubpages, and I write on dozens of blogs and websites. I write freelance now a lot, I have a successful poetry writing blog and just started my own writing magazine online. Small steps but bold steps. HubPages writers have inspired me almost every step of the way. And yet I love Hub Pages and always find myself here.
I have never written for Bubblews, Squidoo or those other ones. Why go elsewhere for hamburger when I can be here and have steaks. Duuuh.
Paul Edmondson and Paul Deeds are smart guys. They know what they are doing, and I trust them.
Of course I write here, then on Bubblews, my own blog and several of my own websites. I also write in several "closed" forums.
I've just begun my journey as a writer on hubpages. It sounds like there isn't a vast majority agreement on another site as a second source. I just started updating my blog websites. From what I'm reading, blogger is the #2 choice. Good question though. I was curious myself.
You can get a lot of views on a niche blog on Blogger. Whether you make any money from those views or not would entirely depend on what niche you've cornered. Hundreds of thousands of views per year on a casual blog on Blogger might net you $100. Put some serious thought and research into your topic approach before you start there.
I've written on hub pages for almost many years. I tested out , but found out, you get paid, but if you're a writer who wants to take your articles off of their you're in the negative amount of money that you made. It sounds like there isn't a vast majority agreement on another site as a second source as well.
I am writing on hubpages only but might think to join some other good site too in near future if i get inspired by some fellow hubber's good reviews about some other good site. i heard some persons talking about infobarrel here at the forum too but did not find so many good reviews so i postponed starting posting articles there at the moment, but may be i consider writing there too bit sooner or later.
HP was my first attempt at online writing. I've since joined Bubblews and had no problems being paid. You do see people say they haven't been paid but I can only go by my own experience. If payment stopped, so would I. Earning there have been way more than here, sadly. Makes you wonder how rates can vary so much. (Some would say, by not paying everyone..) Looking into having a website or blog.
I have my own blog, but don't write it for money - I just love blogging!
I have lots of articles here but am currently not writing many new hubs as I am so busy with Fiverr jobs and my regular job
I have about 10 Squidoo articles which are barely scraping any money
I started on Bubblews 3 weeks ago, got 2 payments, about to redeem number 3 and had my account deleted for breaking a rule although their email to me made no sense at all, claiming one rule and then another, and obviously they never replied after that to my emails. I have started another account but am very cautious of it at the moment, they can't cope with the amount of people on the site at the moment, so auto deletion of accounts is easier. Plus they are constantly crashing their servers at the moment as it can't deal with the popularity, but I think it could really work if they sorted things out properly, it has potential!
Hubpages is still my favourite site, as it is so user friendly and I have seen plenty of growth and have made money on here, not a lot, but enough to keep me here!
I write for several sites including Hubpages, Bubblews, Ciao, Blogger, Freelancing/Ghostwriting for other publishers, etc. I don't just write either, I also do a lot of other things too.
I write on hubpages and squidoo. I tried writing on Bubblews but found its fraud site.
When I want to write current news articles, I write for Examiner.com. When I have short news or interesting facts info, I post on Bubblews (no problems with payment so far). I like HubPages for going in depth on topics of interest to me.
I have recently been looking into other sites I could write for as well as HP.
Has anyone had any good experiences with Xomba?
I use to write for them back when traffic was good. Now it is hard to get traffic there since they were hit by Google back in 2011. I didn't earn money there anymore. It is now more of a site for writers if you don't care if you don't earn money.
I write on Bubblews...and do quite well..Have not tried Squiddo
by Mary Craig 10 years ago
Do you write for other sites, besides Hub Pages?If you do, what sites are they? We love to write but sometimes its nice to make money while doing it.
by janesix 10 years ago
Do they make you as much money as HupPages?
by Wesley Meacham 12 years ago
Do you write for sites other than Hubpages?Do you write for other content sites or just Hubpages? How many different sites do you write for and which ones do you like best?
by Steve Andrews 12 years ago
I never thought I would ask that but having just looked at the large number of hubs now classified as Idle in my account why should I write any more, and what am I do with all of those already here? A lot of them are good quality writings I know because they had previously been published in hard...
by dadibobs 12 years ago
Are there other sites like Hubpages?Any other sites out there?
by Ellen 13 years ago
... But on the other hand I am keenly reminded of Kipling's blind man and the elephant. Have I seized hold of a tail, or grasped the elephant? Last August, upon returning to Hubpages after a long and lucrative hiatus, I asked myself, "Self, how does one decide which articles to post here,...
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