all your unanswered
- 939Will homosexuals go to heaven or hell when they die?
jonnycomelately (7 years ago)
- 225Why Do So Many People Hate Jesus and Christianity?
Castlepaloma (7 years ago)
- 16Was Jesus a Christian?
Onusonus (7 years ago)
- 349is not jesus a myth?
paarsurrey (7 years ago)
- 38The Ten Commandments comes from the Egyptian Book of the Dead
Live to Learn (7 years ago)
- 2What's the Best Way to Be a Better Christian?
Paul K Francis (7 years ago)
- 305What made you choose to believe in Jesus Christ?
GalaxyRat (7 years ago)
- 10On becoming an authentic Christian in today's social climate
yoliyeve (7 years ago)
- 112Christians-- Do You Realize Jesus Was not Present at the Creation?
Live to Learn (7 years ago)
- 57Why is it Satan can't repent?
Mihai Stet (7 years ago)
- 39Is Satan and Alter Ego of God?
jacharless (7 years ago)
- 0Why do many equate seeking self to please they have adapted to lust.
pierbrook (7 years ago)
- 203How does the bromance of Trump/Putin possibly play into end times?
dianetrotter (7 years ago)
- 29Is the story of Jesus in the wilderness an allegory?
Claire Evans (7 years ago)
- 658Yahshua And Paul
Norine Williams (8 years ago)
- 117Apostle Paul got it all wrong.
Norine Williams (8 years ago)
- 90What could be the greatest problem of a professing Christian?
Norine Williams (8 years ago)
- 104Everyone dies, why fear death?
Castlepaloma (8 years ago)
- 191What does your belief depend upon?
paarsurrey (8 years ago)
- 27why jesus spoke in aramaic?
paarsurrey (8 years ago)
- 17Trump and the Christain Right.
Castlepaloma (8 years ago)
- 104"How do Christians know the Bible is the inspired Word of God?"
snapcracklepop (8 years ago)
- 6The Next Step
Trichakra (8 years ago)
- 184Does the bible say the earth is only 6000 years old
Trichakra (8 years ago)
- 109Does God Speak to You?
Trichakra (8 years ago)
- 64S-A-T-A-N
Trichakra (8 years ago)
- 37Satan is the father of all lies, yet God tells lies?
Trichakra (8 years ago)
- 195Who Authorised the Change of Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday
Sgt Prepper (8 years ago)
- 26 plus 3 equals 9
wilderness (8 years ago)
- 2Prophetic Dreams and Visions
David Ortega (8 years ago)
- 61What is the biggest problem with Christians who do not study the Bible
dianetrotter (8 years ago)
- 455Can Jehovah's Witnesses be considered a subset of Christianity
Norine Williams (8 years ago)
- 26The Second Coming ?
Lee Ann Bunch (8 years ago)
- 200Why did God choose the Jews?
Claire Evans (8 years ago)
- 63Why is Christianity more valid than say, Greek Mythology?
Oztinato (8 years ago)
- 128What's wrong with using the bible against christians?
FootballNut (8 years ago)
- 1Who is really the disciple whom Jesus loved aka the author of John?
lions44 (8 years ago)
- 540Who tempted Satan?
Planet Avenue (8 years ago)
- 46Roman Catholic Coverup
LauraD093 (9 years ago)
- 564Do Christian fundamentalists and ISIS have anything in common?
wilderness (9 years ago)
- 85Why do Christian judge those who are gay and claim to be Christians?
peter565 (9 years ago)
- 51Why Aren't Miracles Verifiable?
IsaiasPablo90 (9 years ago)
- 13Creator Day - October 18
Disappearinghead (9 years ago)
- 17Qualified to Speak for God? Is This for Real?
Jay C OBrien (9 years ago)
- 24Signs of the times
Kiss andTales (9 years ago)
- 90Jesus said "do not throw your pearls to pigs"?
Michael-Milec (9 years ago)
- 16Islam is only way to heaven - your views on such claims?
Davidsonofjesie (9 years ago)
- 17Reading And Understanding The Bible.
Mthokozisi Nkosi (9 years ago)
- 9Christians misuse the Term Fornication to mean premarital sex.
Moshka (9 years ago)
- 253God vs. Satan
Kathryn L Hill (9 years ago)