all your unanswered
- 42Testimony of Native Indians' genocide in Canada. Shame on Anglo-Saxons
Castlepaloma (9 years ago)
- 4Godhead Terminology
Oscarlites (9 years ago)
- 6Christianity - The Short Version
TheBizWhiz (9 years ago)
- 11What are the pros and cons of Atheists?
psycheskinner (9 years ago)
- 101Gays and transsexuals can't enter heaven..?
Natasha Luve (9 years ago)
- 1God Must Be Worshipped In Spirit And Truth
Kathryn L Hill (9 years ago)
- 0Truth on Time Travel. They do not want this message getting out!
steve8miller (9 years ago)
- 153The earth experiencing birth pangs
bBerean (9 years ago)
- 3The Devil
Joshtheplumber (9 years ago)
- 0The Shepherds Chapel
paulburchett (9 years ago)
- 5Religious or not?
jlpark (9 years ago)
- 43Prayer
mishpat (9 years ago)
- 10Jesus is coming back tomorrow . . .
aka-dj (9 years ago)
- 55Your Opinion?
wilderness (9 years ago)
- 31Pope Francis, a unique Pope for the people
Jomine Jose (9 years ago)
- 7LDS Face in hat = Book of Mormon
Castlepaloma (9 years ago)
- 11Joseph Smith Pedophile polygamous
BuddiNsense (9 years ago)
- 106Can an atheist and a hardcore Christian make marriage work
Castlepaloma (10 years ago)
- 18Merry Christmas - Oh come let us adore him, Christ the Lord!
BuddiNsense (10 years ago)
- 13Demonic Spirits? Nope.
Castlepaloma (10 years ago)
- 5Do you know the truth!!!!!
cjhunsinger (10 years ago)
- 70Struggling to understand Romans 7:10
Joseph O Polanco (10 years ago)
- 1Things are tough without a Father
AshtonFirefly (10 years ago)
- 99Can human civilization survive without religion
Dudley Doright (10 years ago)
- 5Law - Legalism - Grace
bBerean (10 years ago)
- 152Second Coming...when?
Cat333 (10 years ago)
- 54Prayer Requests
Cat333 (10 years ago)
- 298Humans are 98.7% chimpanzee and bonobo monkeys and 1.3% what?
Cat333 (10 years ago)
- 296Matthew 7:6 doesn't mean you shouldn't tell folks about Jesus.
Rad Man (10 years ago)
- 0Atheist vs Agnostic vs Gnostic vs Christian
mishpat (10 years ago)
- 12Dishonesty has a new name... well, not so new.
psycheskinner (10 years ago)
- 3Is god a faulty designer or is Man a product of evolution?
cjhunsinger (10 years ago)
- 51What are the personality types of Atheists and theists?
wilderness (10 years ago)
- 27If 'god' is omnipotent is humanity the best he can do?
cjhunsinger (10 years ago)
- 109Stand in awe of God our Creator with us on Sat, 10/18 - Creator Day!
Jomine Jose (10 years ago)
- 48Led by the Spirit
Cgenaea (10 years ago)
- 656Pray for salvation & healing of all, or listen for Spirit's direction?
SirDent (10 years ago)
- 0Oops - Ken Ham is less than honest lol
Righteous Atheist (10 years ago)
- 19The Story of Love
Cgenaea (10 years ago)
- 1For my girlfriends.
Sed-me (10 years ago)
- 75I love so many bible verses but this one
Righteous Atheist (10 years ago)
- 48Surrender
Righteous Atheist (10 years ago)
- 69"Feeling saved"
lone77star (10 years ago)
- 200False prophets shall rise; truth will prevail.
Cgenaea (10 years ago)
dtesh71 (10 years ago)
- 31Do you believe that miracles are for today?
Cat333 (10 years ago)
- 48What is your most inspirational book in the Bible?
JCwithU (10 years ago)
- 12Hebrews 11:1 of the New Testament
Doc Young (10 years ago)
- 48Where In the Bible Does It Say pray to mary the mother of Jesus?
Debraw50 (10 years ago)
- 100Provocative questions in Romans 9 to uncover Paul's teaching.
Cgenaea (10 years ago)