Blaise25 Series, A Complete List of Short Stories
Writing has always been my biggest passion. Actually I don’t know why I write and why I bother. Dreams, fantasies, mysteries, inspirations, love or whatever you blurb, sometimes you just can’t help typing until you realized it’s a thousand words already. One thing is for sure, whatever I write, there would always be some fragments and pieces about me within whatever I publish in here. So flip over the pages and have a peek of Blaise25…
The following are series of short stories that my creativity has crazily painted into words.
Higher than the Rooftop
I hope my roofie series would bring you to the top and fall…This is about rooftop memoirs and a love story. The links are below in chronological order.
The One
There’s always be that one person…and you know who they are :)
Read it while the ink’s still wet...
Other Creative Writings...
© Copyright by Fehl Dungo All Rights Reserved
I love reading…
Invictus, Poet L (aka Joy56), CiscoPixie, Micky Dee, Astra Nomik, Cheeky Girl, Brandon Fan, Justine76 (where are you? I missed you), Kimberly Lyrics, Dim Flaxenwick, Mentalist Acer, Dark Heart, stOrm, Randy Behavior, Ralwus, Jess Kill Me Now, pbwriterchick, WesleyCox, epigramman, niceandcool, enigmatic me, Carolina muscle, always exploring, awful poet, freya cesare, Karen Russel, Moulik Mistry, Christalluna, MFB, cupid, Keira, Kavita Trivedi and many more…
Too many creative writers here Dear Lord! Happy to be hub hopping... :)
Looking forward to discover more writers...
If you've read me, I really really want to know your favorites...the comment section has unlimited space ;) Glad to hear from you. Thank you! XO