Why are people so afraid of Trump becoming President?

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  1. norlawrence profile image71
    norlawrenceposted 7 years ago

    Why are people so afraid of Trump becoming President?

    Do they think he might do good and make the country great again.  The U.S. is no longer a world leader in much of any thing.  Some countries call us a third world nation now.  Others say the U.S. can not be trusted anymore.

    1. Solomon Burns profile image42
      Solomon Burnsposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      How is artificially inflating the stock market with manipulation and tax gutting of the American GDP 'making Murica great again'? If we taxed CASH FLOW instead of EARNINGS, humans could live TAX FREE and Corporations would pay less than they do now because with NO EXEMPTIONS< there would be no tax litigation and thus, NO LEGAL COSTS in time or money.

      Think about it, US carmakers spend 400% more in fighting seatbelts than it would have cost them to install them on day 1. The invested even MORE TAX DEDUCTIBLE LEGAL FEES in fighting efficiency and quality standards.

      We've TRIED deregulation and got RECESSION after RECESSION after RECESSION.

      WAKE THE FRIG UP!!!!!

      OVER REGULATION DOESN'T STRANGLE BUSINESS!!! China has been cleaning our clocks for more than 2 decades as the MOST regulated economy on earth. They even leveraged Elaine Chao's husband to fork over ALL AMERICAN TECHNOLOGY to the Chinese for access to Chinese markets for US Paper Entities. NOT FOR CITIZENS or HUMANS, just for those shell corp. contracts.

      How does it feel to have paid Mitch McConnell  $37 MILLION DOLLARS A TERM (plus all the money he could launder tax free through his campaign) to sell out you, your children, neighbors, co-workers and friends? For 7 terms = $259,000,000 in checks made out ot MITCH McCONNELL.

      WHAT did you get for your vote? Corrupted healthcare, elections and defense.

      Are you getting your money's worth in taxes?
      Then WHY pay them?

  2. AshutoshJoshi06 profile image82
    AshutoshJoshi06posted 7 years ago

    Two reasons, I may be wrong...
    First, him being President breaks the status quo - someone like him with no political standing, was never percieved as a threat or a potential candidate especially among the elites.
    Secondly the ever so biased, left leaning msm projected him as satan, who would destablise and destroy the nation and break the American hegemony, hence a whole lot were decieved.

    1. wba108@yahoo.com profile image76
      wba108@yahoo.composted 7 years agoin reply to this

      No, you are right, you hit the proverbial nail on the head!

  3. Tusitala Tom profile image65
    Tusitala Tomposted 7 years ago

    An opinion from an outsider (Aussie)  I think Donald will 'bring back the jobs.'   But he'll have to be really savage with those big companies which get most of their work done overseas and then import the goods back into America for sale.   They're thinking of their shareholder profits, not of the average American citizen's welfare.

    To me - and I'm not really into Economics - this would mean massive  'protection' of US industries with workers working in the US, by way of huge tariffs.   If this works, it'll mean Americans with jobs - and remember, there should be a lot of jobs, if those 'protectionist' policies work. US citizen will pay more for their goods and services.  But they will be all working again, US made production will be up, and so will sales to the US citizens.  Americans will HAVE the money to pay for the goods produced in their own country.

    Moreover, the American economy is big enough and variegated enough to go it alone.

    Done right, you'll have full employment, a booming economy...and lot of overseas countries grinding their teeth.

    1. Bill Yovino profile image87
      Bill Yovinoposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      He has a long documented history of screwing his partners, vendors, and workers. He talks about losing jobs overseas yet he has all of his merchandise made in China and Mexico. He imports foreign workers for his US resorts. He is what he says is bad.

    2. gregas profile image81
      gregasposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Do you liberals really listen to yourselves? You all sound like a bunch of fear mongers.

    3. Shyron E Shenko profile image70
      Shyron E Shenkoposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Do you really believe that a man who rips-off those who worked for him is really going to provide jobs for anyone?

    4. Terrielynn1 profile image84
      Terrielynn1posted 7 years agoin reply to this

      I think the facts that his own products are made in other countries. Law suits against him. Claiming backrupt more then 4.  Times, leaving the USA tax payers to foot the bill. Finding every loophole not to pay taxes and his attitude. Shows who he is.

    5. Ewent profile image67
      Ewentposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Bill, one of the contractors here in NJ who built the Taj Mahal has had to sue Trump to get paid for the work he and his contracting company did. Trump's response? "It's his fault for trusting me." That what he'll say to us when he nukes our kids?

    6. profile image0
      PeterStipposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      It's easier to scrap the minimum wage an give more zero hour contracts. Trump is for the quick buck not for the welfare of the ordinary man.

  4. krillco profile image87
    krillcoposted 7 years ago

    Because he is mentally ill. He has an 'Axis II' personality disorder called 'Narcissistic Personality Disorder', and is quite possibly even a megelomaniac, whi is on the far end of psychopathy (think: Hitler).

    1. gregas profile image81
      gregasposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Only idiots think that way.

    2. The Old Guard profile image61
      The Old Guardposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      And the left comes out with their love LOL
      And obamamama was the second coming of the great hope that destroyed almost everything American.
      No wonder America is such a screwed up place with people like this actually thinking this is "truth"

      1. Solomon Burns profile image42
        Solomon Burnsposted 4 years agoin reply to this

        Let's see the unredacted Mueller Report, then we can talk about TRUTH.

    3. krillco profile image87
      krillcoposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      I suppose you two have  a couple of advanced degrees and 38 years of experience in the field of clinical counseling, right?  Idiots, indeed.

      1. Solomon Burns profile image42
        Solomon Burnsposted 4 years agoin reply to this

        if everything is a HOAX...
        If all evidence is 'fake news'...

        HEY! REALITY CHECK!!!!!

        ALTERNATIVE FACTS only give you ALTERNATIVE TRUTH... Which Webster's dictionary defines as
        A LIE!

        Be proud that you aren't as stupid as the other Trumpers who DON'T understand how badly they've been duped. Unless I got My hopes up and you're speed reading through Breitbart for some snarky fraud to gossip about...

    4. The Old Guard profile image61
      The Old Guardposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      A lot of 'em around, Greg!

    5. profile image0
      savvydatingposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Wow. 38 years of counseling. Never met Trump and you know all about him. Right. And elephants can fly. Sad that your "clients" cannot possibly get the help they need from you, Krill.

    6. The Old Guard profile image61
      The Old Guardposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Thx for sharing. One of the reasons kids need safe spaces is because of people like yourself.
      As a counselor, seems like you mess people up vs. help them if this is the type of "counseling" you give.
      A sad state for your profession.

    7. Ewent profile image67
      Ewentposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Greg...I find it ironic that you think a man like Trump can openly make fun of the handicapped, grabbed women's genitals and everyone but you is an idiot? Who raised you? Mammy and Pappy Yokum?

    8. jtrader profile image35
      jtraderposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      You're perfectly right William. I wonder if the people pretending to be outraged by your comment even know how someone with NPD behaves. This is why those with the disorder can get away with so much abuse.

    9. Ewent profile image67
      Ewentposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      My only experience with the mentally ill is as a former Lion's Club volunteer at a psychiatric hospital. There are 3 things all mental possess have in common: paranoid need for control, inability to accept reality and reverse reality.

    10. Kathleen Cochran profile image76
      Kathleen Cochranposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Greg:  Who are you to say who is an idiot and who is not?  William:  You are not the first one to make this observation.  They can't all be idiots.

    11. Ewent profile image67
      Ewentposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Kathleen, Some American men today are bullies who actually think we will not call their bluff. I do that all the time with men with big mouths. They know they have to back off because sitting in jail is not as thrilling as they hope it should be.

    12. Aime F profile image70
      Aime Fposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Literally all he did was say Trump fit the criteria for NPD (which I also agree with) and people come in and say he must be crap at his job and "messes people up". Getting a bit worked up, don't you think? Aren't y'all supposed to be hard to offend?

    13. profile image0
      Shirl Urso-Farmerposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Spot on William

    14. Billie Kelpin profile image87
      Billie Kelpinposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      William E Krill, Jr. - It's vindicating to have the view of a professional which, as indicated by your articles, you obviously are!  It is also encouraging that so many of the non-professional responses here are in agreement with your view.

    15. Kathleen Cochran profile image76
      Kathleen Cochranposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Only idiots call other people idiots.

    16. wrenchBiscuit profile image69
      wrenchBiscuitposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      If only idiots  call other people idiots it follows that only rapists call other people rapists, and only murderers call other people murderers. With this new info we can really take a bite out of crime, since we know the accusers are also perps.

    17. docclay profile image61
      docclayposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Mr. Krill, I'd recommend some of your distractors pick up a new copy of the DSM-5, but literacy would be required.to make use of it. Qualified professionals are asked to render opinions such as yours all the time for people they haven't actually met.

    18. Solomon Burns profile image42
      Solomon Burnsposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      He's the symptom, not the problem. The problem is 52 accomplices who are creating a SOVIET STYLE OLIGARCHY in America. They NEED to all be prosecuted and I'm voting for the first candidate who promises to do that after releasing the unredacted Mueller Report.

      If I were Prez, I'd declare the NRA a terrorist organization and put all members, employees and donors on the NO FLY LIST as well. I'd repurpose the DEA, pardon all non-violent drug offenders and have all those agents investigating Political corruption in ALL PARTY committees. EVERY campaign bundler would have to register EVERY TRANSACTION so we know which banks to BLACKLIST with Iran/Venezuela level sanctions, asset forfeitures and commerce restrictions.

      Just imagine if you had an honest election for once. I bet you can't name the last one NOT corrupted by party managers.

  5. Anjili profile image66
    Anjiliposted 7 years ago

    There are many reasons why people feared Trump on the throne
    Trump speaks truths off his cuffs
    He also shoots below the belt
    Trump's tongue is clearly uncircumcised
    Trump, the best businessman among a few reeks of tyranny
    People seek to preserve their posterior with their children in mind
    Impressions Trump made each day endangered even the Republicans
    People know that an empty tin produces a lot of noise
    Trump often seemed like a clown instead of a presidential aspirant
    Trump's mouth spews venom with a high probability of carelessly starting a world war
    The list goes on
    Lets pray and hope that he knows it isn't a joke to lead the whole world
    The good Lord has a divine purpose in Trump
    That is why God played us a trump card

    1. The Old Guard profile image61
      The Old Guardposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Yeah, like the alternative for a corrupt hillary killary and her DNC cohorts would work real well,.
      LOL seems the left so quickly forgets who was the corrupt candidate - I'll give you a hint - it wasn't Trump.

      1. Solomon Burns profile image42
        Solomon Burnsposted 4 years agoin reply to this

        Would you recognize an honest man if you saw one?

        DO you think Truman was honest?
        Bush I or II?

        Would you vote for one with NO PEDIGREE?

        Would you vote for a man so honest he DOES NOT TAKE DONATIONS because he only wants ACTIVE SUPPORTERS? American citizens who will do more than wear a hat and shout racist slurs.

        Americans who will plan the future of Democracy with a PERSON and not a Corporate stooge.

      2. Solomon Burns profile image42
        Solomon Burnsposted 4 years agoin reply to this

        There IS no 'LEFT' unless you are a McCarthyite.

        There are moderates, conservatives and criminal lunatics who sacrifice National Security to get photo ops in defense of treason.

        You are dumb enough to fall for the same scams Nixon used, the same scam Truman pushed as a puppet of hate.

        Imagine how CHEAP HEALTHCARE WOULD BE without insurance? The ONLY REASONS for medical records is Insurance company litigation. WHY does an claims adjuster get more say in your care than your Doctor?

        We could have saved the ENTIRE NATIONAL DEBT if we had BOUGHT OIL instead of committing war crimes to get it. Remember the ONLY oil producer America HAS NOT INVADE, ATTACKED or LAID SIEGE TO are the Saudi's, who are 90% responsible for 9/11?

        My question is, did Bush call The Royal Family the day he scheduled the book reading in Sarasota, FL on 9/11.

    2. Ewent profile image67
      Ewentposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      John Wilson, why not just admit that you ONLY and EVER want a white male billionaire who is corrupt for president?

    3. Kathleen Cochran profile image76
      Kathleen Cochranposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      John:  We're talking about Donald not Hillary.  You didn't like her politics but there was never proof she was anything but a decent person.  Is Donald?  That is the fear.

    4. profile image0
      PeterStipposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      John, you're still busy with Hillary.. my goodness, get over it. We've passed that station.

    5. Rock Artist profile image70
      Rock Artistposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Trump is a great negotiator and businessman,he has no desire to start a war, whereas Clinton was the biggest war mongerer going.What's wrong with having a civil relationship with Russia, would you rather be fighting with them?  Trump will be amazing!

    6. gregas profile image81
      gregasposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Keep your friends close and your friends closer.

    7. Solomon Burns profile image42
      Solomon Burnsposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      He's the LAST STRAW before Armageddon. If humans choose TRUMPING< Jesus is gonna write off Humanity and cancel his return ticket to save your worthless corpse.

  6. mike102771 profile image70
    mike102771posted 7 years ago

    If you spend all day everyday listening to the same people with the same view, then all you will know is what they want you to know. With the left that means a yearlong hate fest for Trump. This includes the both the manipulation of that Trumps as said (or tweeted) and what he has said outright (talking tweeting gaffe machine). The left wanted their people (and others) to vote against Trump (if not for Hillary). To do this they needed to paint Trump with every label they could think of. This includes anything said in the international press that will paint a negative light on Trump’s election. This has led people to believe that the election of Trump will bring about the end of Society and even the world. To them Trump is the devil (even the atheists), Hitler and Bill Cosby all rolled up in one. If that was you wouldn’t you fear his presidency?

    Go back 8 years and you will see how many thought the election of Obama was the end of the country. An election we would never recover from just like the election of Bush, Clinton, Bush, Reagan, Carter, Nixon……………

    Also people fear change (congress has a 96% incumbent reelection).

    1. mike102771 profile image70
      mike102771posted 7 years agoin reply to this

      What was so negative about what I typed?

    2. Ewent profile image67
      Ewentposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      I live in the NY/NJ Metro area. It amazes how much people do not know about Trump. The right wing doesn't want to know. It would mean they made a terrible mistake they can't admit. But, you'll learn what the rest of us have known for decades.

    3. Kathleen Cochran profile image76
      Kathleen Cochranposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Michael:  I thought your comment was well said.

    4. mike102771 profile image70
      mike102771posted 7 years agoin reply to this

      I should have typed people instead of you as in “if people spend all day” instead of “If you spend all day”. I can see how that could feel a little hostile like I was directing the comment at the reader.

  7. Badra Malik profile image60
    Badra Malikposted 7 years ago

    A lot of people believe they have a lot to lose. Gays will lose many of their rights, 20,000,000 will lose health insurance, women will lose the right to the health care they need at PP, and Muslims feel they will be targeted or made to register and their Mosques put under surveillance.

    The campaign that the donald ran was one of hate and fear. Fear of immigrants, complete disrespect for women, Muslims are terrorists and so on. That does instill fear in people.

    It can also be that they simply don’t want to live in a country with those kinds of values. However, it is usually short lived and Americans can’t just turn up at the border and move to Canada because they don’t like their new president.

    Badra Afreen | http://pakistan.jobz.pk/category/fashion

    1. articlesbar profile image56
      articlesbarposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Kher de v malng ta

    2. Rock Artist profile image70
      Rock Artistposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Donald Trump never said Muslims were terrorist. 20,000,000 people are not going to lose healthcare.  And women won't lose their rights to health care at PP, it simply won't be funded by the government.   America first!

    3. profile image60
      rrex01posted 22 months agoin reply to this

      best reply for students and journalist.

  8. Ewent profile image67
    Ewentposted 7 years ago

    I am not now nor ever have been afraid of Trump. What I loathe about this man is his ideas that he is the world's greatest, most intelligent, most successful.

    First, if he is the world's greatest, I guess that leaves out a great man like Eisenhower, right? If he is the most intelligent, Einstein must be a piker. If he is the most successful, why did he need to borrow money from Russian loan sharks? Even Madoff managed a 17 year crook streak.

    Donald Trump is a Mommy's boy whom his Daddy had to separate back in his preteens. He is also a clone of McCarthyism's Roy Cohn, a desperately ruthless man who died alone and with no one to care.

    Donald Trump believes, thanks to his Mommy Mary Ann, that he can and MUST be allowed to violate the laws and do whatever he pleases. And whatever he pleases is to cheat, lie and steal. He stole $35,000 from every one of the students who bought his line of BS that his "Trump University" was accredited. He ended up settling out of court for $25 million. He also got a FinCEN U.S. Treasury fine for allowing his Middle Eastern high rollers to launder money through his 2 NJ casinos. Another $22 million fine.

    How did he pay that $22 million fine? Like all CEOs always do, fire all employees to whom wages were owed, refuse to pay contractors (stealing) who built those casinos and then running for president so he could prostitute his TRUMP name.

    1. JayeWisdom profile image89
      JayeWisdomposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Right on the mark, Eleanore! I can't understand why so many people were "receptive" (sounds better than "gullible") to Trump's hackneyed and meaningless marketing . . . er, campaign slogan to "make America great again."

    2. docclay profile image61
      docclayposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      The problem with Tea Baggers is that they don't know what they don't know. Their problem isn't with Republicans or Democrats, it's with the Constitution of the U.S. itself. He can't stupid up things too much but he could sure muck up foreign policy.

    3. jman00001 profile image64
      jman00001posted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Interesting comments. However it was a choice of Trump versus Clinton. Clinton IS A crook. She and Bill even closed the Clinton Foundation to keep donations.

      http://hubpages.com/politics/Massive-Tr … phenomenon

    4. profile image56
      Jasmine Noel Pinaposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      This is extremely accurate!

  9. profile image0
    johnmariowposted 7 years ago

    Because Trump is an extremely careless speaker.

    Make America great again? Where has Trump been?

    Our country IS the greatest nation in the world. We are the shinning beacon of the world. As a matter of fact, our beacon shines brighter than ever before. And here are the reasons why.

    1) We have just experienced the most polarized nastiest election campaign in our history. And yet, we peacefully resolved our differences.

    2) If one wants another reason why we are the greatest nation in the world, one need look no further than the US Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. Especially the elegant words of Thomas Jefferson:

    “We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness….”

    This is as great as a nation gets!

    1. Ewent profile image67
      Ewentposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Resistance on several fronts has the power to undermine anything the right wing or Republicans attempt. Already Ted Cruz is whining that the "left" are going to cause the worst obstruction. This after they sat back and obstructed government for 8 yrs

    2. Kathleen Cochran profile image76
      Kathleen Cochranposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      John and Eleanore: Well said.

    3. jman00001 profile image64
      jman00001posted 7 years agoin reply to this

      The fear of Trump is being manufactured.
      Anti Trump protests are organized by pro marxist foreign organizations according to CNN.

      http://hubpages.com/politics/Massive-Tr … t-16996607

    4. Dean Traylor profile image94
      Dean Traylorposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Jman00001, do you have a reliable source for that accusation?

  10. Doc Snow profile image90
    Doc Snowposted 7 years ago

    I think Trump is unlikely to make anything great, except for a mess.

    He is not realistic, and his policy proposals quite simply don't add up.  His cabinet picks are not, for the most part, known to have much expertise in the areas which they are expected to administer, so they aren't likely to help him out much.

    I expect to see political division and social unrest, a ballooning Federal deficit, infighting between the branches of government, and an uncertain and vacillating foreign policy which basically careens from disaster to disaster.

    Worst of all, he will do everything he can, according to almost all indications so far, to reverse all progress on fighting climate change, just when the world was on the verge of effective--if not yet sufficient--action on the problem.  This couldn't come at much worse a time, because after 20 years marked mostly by dithering on the issue, we have a very short time frame to reduce our carbon emissions--just a few years, at current emission rates.

    1. Ewent profile image67
      Ewentposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      We here in NJ know Trump far better than many in the south and midwest EVER will. 4400 employees were shafted by Trump when he used their wages to pay the FinCEN fine. Now, we are stuck with 6 of his bankruptcies. Trump is a liar, a thief and rapist.

  11. tamarawilhite profile image86
    tamarawilhiteposted 7 years ago

    Democrats painted him as the Anti-Christ and Hitler to scare people into voting against him, which didn't quite work. But they ginned up so much irrational fear, so much hype, that there are still people who think this is Germany of the 1930s.
    Note - saying let's deport people here in violation of the law is similar to the organized murder of millions is an immoral false equivalence. And even some liberals have said this.

    Comparing Trump to Hitler Is Worst Kind of Hate Speech
    http://www.huffingtonpost.com/james-mar … 34668.html

    1. gregas profile image81
      gregasposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Hate and fear mongers came out in droves during this election and a lot are still hanging around. Ewent is one of them.

    2. Ewent profile image67
      Ewentposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Most rational people don't go along a man who cheats his own employees out of their paychecks. Men like Greg Schweizer thinks that's okay. And, he calls anyone who doesn't sidle up to the most darkly evil men, "haters and fearmongers." Truth too much

  12. profile image0
    Farawaytreeposted 7 years ago

    It's not necessarily Trump, but the people he's putting in power to do all the work for him. Those are some pretty scary right-wingers.

    1. Ewent profile image67
      Ewentposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Sorry, it IS Trump. He has spent so many years of his life in business and always gaming the system at every turn. He is quite used to sabotage, smearing and any other low form of sabotage.

  13. David Branagan profile image76
    David Branaganposted 7 years ago

    Putting it simply, people are afraid of Trump becoming president because its a drastic political change and people are afraid of change. With such a big change comes the unknown and insecurity.

    1. dentachic profile image60
      dentachicposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      I couldn't agree with you more!! I think that they think because he's not an actual politician, he's going to destroy our nation. I think this may benefit us more than most realize!!

    2. schoolgirlforreal profile image78
      schoolgirlforrealposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      I agree with you Wendy!

  14. Valeant profile image86
    Valeantposted 7 years ago

    It's not fear so much as it is disgust.  His whole platform was built on lies and discrimination, his business model on fraud.  And to put someone with such thin-skin into the most powerful position on the planet is risky, to say the least.

    I've liked the fact that Trump scrapped the new Air Force One project because if he's going to cut taxes, spending will need to be cut.  So he's at least proven smarter than Bush Jr. so far in this thinking.

    But he's so unstable that that is the scary part about having him as president.

  15. TessSchlesinger profile image61
    TessSchlesingerposted 7 years ago

    Because he is mentally incompetent? Because he never gre emotionally beyond 5 years old?

  16. profile image53
    Dominiqua Byersposted 7 years ago

    Because of his public point of view towards women, that they are objects and not humans. Since society has evolved not many people think like that anymore, and some people didn't want a president with no respect for women. They didn't want their kids to grow up with a president like that.

  17. profile image0
    Aaron Jackposted 7 years ago

    A lot of my "friends" hate him because they say he is going to start a nuclear war with North Korea or Russia. In my opinion, he is going to strengthen relations with Russia, since he did business with them sometime is his past. and with North Korea, he will not take any crap from them and will not back down unlike our commander in chief right now. Trump and Pence are going to do great things for America, rest of America needs to stop being so butt hurt that crooked Hillary didn't win the election that she so thought she had in the bag. Is Trump perfect? No, but he is a much better candidate than the Clinton's being back in the White House.

    1. Rock Artist profile image70
      Rock Artistposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      What a lot of people don't realize is that Hillary Clinton was (haha, she lost) a huge war mongerer, worse than the Bushes.

    2. gregas profile image81
      gregasposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      In actuality, she is a hate monger, not just a war monger.

  18. e-five profile image93
    e-fiveposted 7 years ago

    Because he's on his third marriage, he's had numerous bankruptcies, he has a taste for revenge to address petty grieveances which he has admitted to, he's narcisistic, we haven't seen his taxes, he has a freakishly fond opinion of Vladimir Putin (who has killed people who speak badly of him), he doesn't appear to have any code of ethics, he's tried to make money off of running for (and soon) holding public office, and this man is SUPPOSED to be a role model for citizens and the world.

    1. profile image0
      Farawaytreeposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Spot on!

    2. Dean Traylor profile image94
      Dean Traylorposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      These are the exact words I'd used to describe him. However, I would also add fraud and con man to the mix.

    3. Billie Kelpin profile image87
      Billie Kelpinposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      e-five  AGREE! nice summary

    4. docclay profile image61
      docclayposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      I'm stilled perturbed that nobody brought up all the times that the Feds had him dead to right on felony charges, and he only got out of it by turning state's evidence. He's a documented sexual predator and bigot, but other than that, he's great.

    5. FlightstoDubai profile image60
      FlightstoDubaiposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      I do not know what talking

    6. jman00001 profile image64
      jman00001posted 7 years agoin reply to this

      I think Blocking successful business people from even trying to run for President is the real reason we see "manufactured" protests.

      http://hubpages.com/politics/Massive-Tr … phenomenon

  19. profile image0
    PeterStipposted 7 years ago

    for the first time the US has a president who is not simply disrespected by the world but despised. The US has a pussy grabbing president. How can you respect that?
    But not only that. Trump is out of his dept as a president. He has no clue what to do. And thinks he can use twitter as a diplomatic tool.
    Trump does not believe in climate change, the biggest threat human kind faces today.
    Trump has a huge conflict of interests which make the US fragile and weak. Countries only have to use Trumps businesses as a leverage to get what they want. Personal gain and the fate of a country are to close for comfort.
    Trump got more then he bargened for and suddenly understands that there are far more intelligent politicians who will wind him around their fingers.
    Trump won, but he lost. And the USA lost too.

  20. profile image0
    Marlon Molinosposted 7 years ago

    I think people are scared because of his persona and reputation as a businessman that he created. Some feel that he might create more issues than solutions. I feel that because he is a successful businessman this provides him the skills necessary to grease some palms and make some deals that can potentially be great for the country. Look, not all decisions will be great, but truth be told, every presidency have made very stupid decisions during their terms. As long as the goal of providing the best solutions to an ongoing issue of how to sustain and maintain the country's infrastructure is met, then ultimately he did his job.

    1. mike102771 profile image70
      mike102771posted 7 years agoin reply to this

      I would be great if a Pres would take the infrastructure issues seriously. I think Eisenhower was the last Pres to do anything.

  21. profile image0
    Review Wizardposted 7 years ago

    May be because he is someone who has no political experience behind him, and who is politically a novice and someone who can drag down a nation in political ignorance from sky height to the depth of earth, may be ...

    1. Ewent profile image67
      Ewentposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      I live in NJ. To support the Baron of BS in any way is a slap in the face to those employees he refused to pay wages to at Taj Mahal and the contractors he stiffed. Not to mention my own tax increase because he dumped 6 corporate bankruptcies in NJ

  22. Ilham Saske profile image58
    Ilham Saskeposted 7 years ago

    Because Trump is an extremely careless speaker.

    Make America great again? Where has Trump been?

    Our country IS the greatest nation in the world. We are the shinning beacon of the world. As a matter of fact, our beacon shines brighter than ever before. And here are the reasons why.

    1) We have just experienced the most polarized nastiest election campaign in our history. And yet, we peacefully resolved our differences.

    2) If one wants another reason why we are the greatest nation in the world, one need look no further than the US Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. Especially the elegant words of Thomas Jefferson:

    “We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness….”

    This is as great as a nation gets!

  23. Angele Parris profile image59
    Angele Parrisposted 7 years ago

    I am afraid of Trump becoming president because Donald Trump can be extremely cruel with his descriptions of people like "lying Ted and crooked Hillary". I listened to a speech, where he criticized Mitt Romney, and he was not nice with his descriptions.

    However, I am more afraid of his wife. She speaks another language more fluently than english. She may say things in her language quite efficiently, that might  offend someone who is not America, without Americans understanding what she said.

  24. profile image0
    marcuscaineposted 7 years ago

    Because he acts like a child and cannot take a joke.
    He has also praised Vladimir Putin several times and Trump has the ability to bring out the worst in people

  25. CELEBSFAN78 profile image83
    CELEBSFAN78posted 7 years ago

    There is so much to say about this. It is mainly because he is unfit and unqualified to be President of the United States. The US Presidency has been such an honorable office to hold. This country used to elect honorable men for President but it does not do that anymore. Donald Trump is also wild, erratic, and totally unhinged given how he is susceptible to these kind of meltdowns on Twitter. As Charles Schumer said, America cannot afford to have a Twitter Presidency. I have been afraid of Donald Trump mainly because of his extremely bitter and negative campaign rhetoric. If he changes his tune as President then I may be willing to accept him as President but I'm not so sure that we will see this.

  26. Daniel L Wallace profile image67
    Daniel L Wallaceposted 7 years ago

    For the same reason I was worried about Obama being president. He doesn't grasp how vast his ignorance is when it comes to running the government.
    His is a dangerous mix of ignorance, arrogance, and lack of respect for the Constitution and its principles. We're in for a long 4 years.

  27. profile image76
    stethacantusposted 7 years ago

    Actually, out of all of the Republican front runners for their ticket, Trump was the least frightening. There is a 50/50 chance that the Dems could get him to agree on their issues, which would not exist if any of the other Republicans won. If Ted Cruz had won both the primaries and the general election, he would have done everything that Trump promised to do. The wall, exporting mexicans and muslims, repealing Obama Care without a replacement, having Hillary arrested and tried for a frivolous e-mail infraction, make racial profiling a nation wide standard, put a justice on the supreme court that believes in suppressing constitutional rights, etc. The difference is that Trump's promises were all just to get elected, and he will probably back out of most of them. And I think Cruz is the candidate most likely to have become a dictator.

    There are legitimate reasons to fear Trump. His habit of lying and/or believing in fantasy facts. His refusal to admit when he is wrong, His inability to hold his tongue. His refusal to take the blame when he makes mistakes, but instead passes the blame to his employees. His habit of breaking agreements and contracts, which he thinks is smart renegotiating tactics. All of this could lead to disastrous diplomacy in a world where we need as many allies as we can get. His love affair with Putin is the least of our problems.

    1. Dont Taze Me Bro profile image61
      Dont Taze Me Broposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Everybody is so obsessed now with fear of Trump which is an imagined fear put in minds of people duped by the media.The reason for real fear is a Hillary presidency.The dupes are clueless about that bullet America dodged,thanks to Trump.

    2. profile image50
      Aquamarina8posted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Hillary has been fighting an uphill battle all her life. She was out there caring for others her entire life. So what if she is now successful. People don't like a woman to succeed unless a man helps put her there. Same story always; women cannot win

  28. InsightPost profile image47
    InsightPostposted 7 years ago

    Because of the perception he created of himself while campaigning for general elections, where he promised far more aggressive and strict foreign as well as immigration policies etc. A number of people have perceived him to be antagonist for the success and prosperity of USA. However all he said were gimmicks to stand out in elections.

  29. smart-device-help profile image60
    smart-device-helpposted 7 years ago

    Yes, the rest of the world should indeed be scared.

    The fact that Trump is so impulse and egocentric, plus the fact that he cannot ever provide factual answers to support and substantiate his opinions (which he describes as being "policies") is hugely concerning.

    I am normally hugely in favour of any world leader having a successful track record in business, because running a country shares many similarities to running a company. But in Trump's case, the world and America should be concerned and scared, particularly when it is the military that he would be looking to use to reinforce his impulsive decisions. And that means the lives of thousands of young Americans will once again be on the line.

    What concerns me personally even more at the moment is that there are so many people buying into Trump which demonstrates a similar impulsiveness, rather than a desire to make an educated and informed decision. And I say this regardless of whether he was a Republican or Democrat, because you have loonies on both sides of the table.

    But the other thing that amazes me is that there are so many different people wanting to run for Republican nomination. When I see them all lined up talking, it seems to be all about me, me , me. I remember the now famous words of JF Kennedy "ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country".

  30. Sami Whiskur profile image58
    Sami Whiskurposted 7 years ago

    I am afraid of Trump because he has openly mocked people with disabilities, stated that Veterans suffering from PTSD are "weak," and threatened to take away services that help veterans after they return from duty. I am a person with a disability: Spina Bifida. In 1997, the VA concluded a study that showed that Vietnam Veterans had/have an increased chance of having children with severe birth defects (such as Spina Bifida) due to assumed exposure to Agent Orange. As a result of this study, the US Veterans Administration has provided me with a monthly stipend and pays for the vast majority of my medical expenses (I've had over 40 surgeries, so there have been plenty of medical expenses). I cannot work due to my health issues, so I depend on that monthly stipend. With our President-elect's attitude toward veterans, I am afraid I will lose not only the monthly stipend, but also my healthcare.

  31. profile image52
    Tobi Williamsposted 7 years ago

    Affairs have a way of destroying the marriage. I have been a victim so I know how it affects the receiver first hand. Right from a couple of weeks to our 6th wedding, I started noticing those obvious signs of an emotional affair in my ex-hubby's attitude. Maybe if I had drawn his attention to it, I would have saved the marriage but he had already gone deep into the affair by the time I contacted Reputable Hacker a couple of days after our 7th wedding anniversary, just about a year after I first noticed the 'obvious signs'. With the help of Reputable Hacker, I was able to know all the details I needed about the then 5 months old sexual affair they were having (sadly, I was 7 months late to act). For all your ethical hacking needs, PI and e-forensic services such as; whatsapp hack, cheating spouse, grade change, credit score, criminal records adjustment etc.. They also protect accounts from hackers! Just contact: reputablehacker gmail com

    1. wrenchBiscuit profile image69
      wrenchBiscuitposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Tobi, I had a dream that you fell down a flight of stairs, and at the bottom of the stairs were three alligators. One was holding a chain saw. One was holding a deck of cards. And one was holding the head of The Reputable Hacker.

  32. asifahsankhan profile image61
    asifahsankhanposted 7 years ago


    It's not just you — we were born to fear predators and weirdos and Donald Trump fits the bill of a psychopath!


    The real danger Trump poses is the undermining of US politics. His campaign was based on a divisive politics of identity. Ideals of equity, equal rights, diversity & inclusion were submerged under the weight of a rhetoric that raised racial & ethnic tensions and inflamed passions against imagined enemies — Mexican immigrants, Chinese exporters, Muslim refugees.

    There are numerous noticeable pointers of why individuals have each privilege to be scared about a potential Donald Trump administration. These incorporate Trump's example of misanthropic, obviously supremacist conduct. One cannot look at how Trump has treated women and not feel deep qualms about how his decision-making as the most powerful leader in the world would impact women/girls/those who love them. One cannot look at how Trump has discriminated against black people or encouraged hatred of immigrants and fear of Muslims without understanding that his policies would almost certainly be discriminatory on a scale no one has seen in the US since Jim Crow. One cannot look at how he encourages violence & targets freedom of the press without getting chills about how, were he to gain power, Trump would institutionalize those tendencies.


    The political danger will be greatly magnified by Trump’s likely economic failure. He's coming to office as the putative leader of middle and lower classes who feel they have been left behind. He has raised their expectations in ways that he cannot meet. There is little chance that incomes at the middle and lower end of income distribution will receive a large boost under his policies. The manufacturing jobs that have left will not return no matter how tough Trump’s trade policies get. These jobs have disappeared for good, largely thanks to technological changes, and not trade. When the full scale of his economic disappointment sinks in sometime during his term, Trump may well react in the time-honored fashion of global populists like President Vladimir Putin of Russia. To keep his base mobilized & insulate himself from economic troubles, he may take shelter in an intensified form of the identity politics that worked so well for him during the presidential campaign. This would rip American society further apart along racial & ethnic cleavages.

    Presidency is not a hereditary prejudice or aristocracy, so who's to blame?

    1. profile image0
      PeterStipposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Well said, forgot about ,,
      Climate change denial
      Promoting fake news
      Limiting freedom of speech
      Enlarging the gap between the poor and super rich, eliminating the middle class.
      My prediction: within two years there will be a war and a crisis.

  33. primpo profile image70
    primpoposted 7 years ago

    It's difficult to believe that people voted this man into power.  I am still having such a difficult time with this.  I normally don't really care about political structure, because I always trust in our democracy and our unified government no matter which party winss.  I always vote for the better person I feel is qualified.  Not only has Trump shown through his campaign that he is ignorant, incapable of learning, not willing to bring people together, a bigamist, a prejudice, has so many bankruptcies, has screwed over literally all those people from his school with money, broken business deals.  He has brought his family as part of his cabinet in the White House. 
    He not only shows that he is ignorant of what is going to happen if he handles things the way he is handling them and what he is going to cause this country, he is causing hate and bigotry in this country, of the likes we haven't seen in a 100 years.  What is happening?  The people that have the control to keep his bigoted ass out of the white house failed the American people.  So your question is he going to make this country great again?  This country already is great.  Obama inherited it when all the crap that Bush got us into, Obama was able to create jobs, healthcare for everyone, he is graceful, dignified and intelligent and able to handle foreign affairs without making us look like a laughing stock.  The United States is a lot of things but we are not a 3rd world country  Look at what we do.  Don't believe what you hear.  You would do yourself some good if you researched a little before you ask question.

  34. KaitlynJKness profile image61
    KaitlynJKnessposted 7 years ago

    Donald Trump is not a good Business man. he has bought companies in the past and sold them off to different countries in the world. he would try and do that with America. he also is a threat because he doesnt know when to keep his mouth shut about infomation that should never be told to the media or the public. he has anger problems and hates being wrong. i am afraid because i dont want our president selling our country to north korea so that it could be bombed and taken over by them. or even the russians as a fact they are good buddies with Trump. america would never be the same and wont be safe.

  35. DougClifton profile image60
    DougCliftonposted 7 years ago

    I think your premise is inaccurate. Half of the country is happy with the results of our 2016 election. The other half wanted Hillary to shape the Supreme Court and lead the country in the same direction it has been headed for eight years under Mr. Obama. The latter are angry, not afraid. The country is polarized, and the nature of your question makes me think you are just a little angry too.

    1. profile image50
      Aquamarina8posted 7 years agoin reply to this

      You don't know that half are happy with Trump today. Nothing suggests that this is true. Not the shows, news, or polls. Today the news reported that only a base is still with him approximately 20% of all Americans

  36. Dean Traylor profile image94
    Dean Traylorposted 7 years ago

    It's not so much that people are afraid of him that worries me, it's that he's woefully unqualified for the job. Everyday, he does something to prove that he doesn't have the temperament, knowledge, or patience to do the job. I also suspect that his whole platform was more about getting revenge against Obama for slighting him at a banquet (after Trump did his birther thing). It seems his first order of the day (probably one real one) is to dismantle his legacy.
    The worst part of it is that he's so incompetent that he doesn't even realize it (It's known as the Dunning-Kruger Effect) He even seems to be oblivious to his own abysmal business management skills.
    Still, incompetence like this breeds despots and totalitarians (that parts is scary for me). He will believe he's right and will lash out at anyone who tries to correct him.
    Well, I can probably write a book on this, but I'll keep it short. I realize that his cheese doodle supporters on this site will start trolling me, soon and try to tell me I have no argument or make "liberal" generalizations (yeah, I know their M.O.). So I'll wait with coat-hanger in hand (sorry, inside joke with one of them) for them.

    1. DougClifton profile image60
      DougCliftonposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Calling people who disagree with you about president-elect Donald J. Trump "cheese doodles" is "deplorable".

    2. Dean Traylor profile image94
      Dean Traylorposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      I've been called worse by these cheese doodles.

    3. DougClifton profile image60
      DougCliftonposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      You need to take a walk with Hillary in the wood near her mansion. Maybe she can help you cope.

    4. Dean Traylor profile image94
      Dean Traylorposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Maybe you need to take an anger management course to cope when your Golden Boy betrays you. Walk with Hillary to mansion? What kind of burn is that?

    5. DougClifton profile image60
      DougCliftonposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      What kind of burn? A deplorable one from a Cheese Doodle.

    6. Dean Traylor profile image94
      Dean Traylorposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Please work on your insult skills. Now you're making no sense at all. Take a deep breath and think about what you want to say.  If you're just an ideologist who can't handle that I said something truthful about Trump, then stop whining.

    7. DougClifton profile image60
      DougCliftonposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Your condescension is entertaining. I'll bet you blew a fuse Nov. 8th. You'll adjust in time...keep ranting.

    8. Dean Traylor profile image94
      Dean Traylorposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Your ignorance is very entertaining. You seem to do a lot of projection, do you? I'm not ranting or writing rambling responses here, Larry.  You can look in the mirror for the person who does that.

    9. DougClifton profile image60
      DougCliftonposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Aw, gee. Miss ya!

    10. Dean Traylor profile image94
      Dean Traylorposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      So I light you up and you come back for more? Thats not very smart. Do me a favor, find someone else to troll. I just cleaned up some doggy logs in the backyard and I don't need any reminders of that.

    11. Ewent profile image67
      Ewentposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Trump may not be a cheese doodle but he is a micro controller. He is already leaving the Republicans out of the loop in decision making. You people who support him don't know him or you'd realize you are on his hit list too.

  37. Billie Kelpin profile image87
    Billie Kelpinposted 7 years ago

    Respectfully, I have to say that the follow-up to your question is the use of a fallacy of logic. To ask the question "Do they think he might do 'good'" is meant to denigrate people who answer this question as those who do not want what's "good for the country".  I mention that only because I think it's important for all of us to communicate in ways that have integrity.   

    However, I will answer your question anyway, and of course, with my own personal point of view. 

    There is one and only one reason I myself fear Trump:  the man, from indications based purely on my own experience, appears to ME to be mentally unstable - plain and simple.  If he were an acquaintance of mine, I would avoid interaction with him because I do fear erratic behavior based on what I perceive as views that are deviant from the rest of society and possibly pathological. 

    If indeed, he is mentally unstable, and only a team of psychiatrists might be able to prove that, men like him are not unheard of throughout the history of the world.  However, mental instability puts a nation at great risk.

    Any of the one or two good ideas he MIGHT have, in MY opinion, are overshadowed by the fact that they come from a person who APPEARS to be out of control of his own actions.  As indicated in his press conference, his view of ethical behavior is behavior that can't be documented!  That has never been a basis for ethics no matter what religion you follow. And that is exactly what he IMPLIED by telling us that he tells his staff on trips abroad to be careful of their actions because there are tiny cameras in every hotel room.  Again, that is not how I, or most Americans I believe, view ethical behavior.  If I were the person speaking at that press conference, I would be able to say, "I am known for telling my any member of my team that they are expected to have upstanding behavior at all times. Period."  I would go on to say, "Let's investigate the source of this salacious information, which I personally know to be untrue, so that we lessen the possibilities of this being inflicted on ANY member of our government now or in the future," Instead he chose to berate the messenger. 

    In my view, this is a very dangerous person because everything he says indicates to ME, mental instability and a view of ethics, morality, and the world as a whole, that is neither honorable nor admirable in my own code of morality.

  38. JayeWisdom profile image89
    JayeWisdomposted 7 years ago

    We could have had an ethical and mentally stable president--not one who is proven corrupt and connived with the equally corrupt DNC to commit primary election fraud and cheat voters out of their votes while stealing the Dem. nomination from Bernie Sanders (Hillary Clinton), nor one who has no integrity and is, indeed, a textbook narcissist with grandiose schemes and an out-sized ego, Donald Trump. This election would have been different if 46.9% of all eligible American voters weren't so disgusted by the choice between Clinton (corrupt sociopath) and Trump (con man narcissist) that they stayed home and did not vote at all. The voter turnout was horrendous. We COULD have had Bernie Sanders in the White House doing everything possible to help all Americans, but Bernie is back in the Senate as the only Congressional member worth his paycheck and perks as a senator--the only one who truly works and does so for all of us instead of being a corporate whore like all the rest in both Dem and GOP parties.  Okay--my rant's over, and I'm sure I will be disagreed with from both sides, but I really don't care. I had to say it.

  39. noahunter profile image58
    noahunterposted 7 years ago

    People who have not travelled outside of the United States (which is a large percentage of his supporters) have no idea the actual consensus outside of the country. I have travelled and had people who were elated over President Obama, glad that we had actually voted for someone with intelligence and some common sense. Whether or not you agreed with everything that he did (and I didn't), he carried himself with a dignity that had been missing from Office.

    Trump will not do that. He has shown himself to be a petty, petulant child who has been recklessly casting about dangerous opinions that can have lasting repercussions.

    I am not afraid of him, but I am concerned. Someone who is showing himself to be emotionally immature and unstable shall be taking office very soon. There is absolutely no telling what damage he will do. But for damn sure, he's not going to make the country "great again."

    1. Rock Artist profile image70
      Rock Artistposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      I, for one, am glad that we no longer will have a terrorist sympathizer running this country.  Good ridence Obama!  I've had enough of his bending over backwards and being the wimp that represents this country.

  40. Rock Artist profile image70
    Rock Artistposted 7 years ago

    Because they are watching the wrong news about Trump, namely CNN, MSNBC, NBC, CBS and therefore are being misinformed about what he is and who he is at his core.  People who don't like Trump take him literally, but not seriously.  People who support Trump take him seriously but not literally.  He is a good person at heart and wants to do great things for this country that has been so good to him.  Marriage takes two, okay?  If we only wanted someone who was married once, then we would have a small number of people to choose from for President.  I will not  even get into the personal lives and morals of the Clintons here, because it's too much to write about.   The Obama's personal lives are very questionable as well.  At least Trump's bankruptcies were personal and had to do with the business he was in at the time.  The man is worth about 9 billion dollars, funded his own campaign so he wouldn't be beholden to corrupt lobbyists, and wants to make the United States better for the working class, not keep people poor and dependent on the government to support them.  He doesn't need the corrupt and liberal press to get his messages out, and why shouldn't he defend himself against the lies they print about him???  As far as the people who don't like Trump crying in their coffee about him being the POTUS, just remember the reason they were so upset about Clinton losing is because they were lied to about her being ahead in the polls by tremendous amounts, and who were they lied to by???  The corrupt, one-sided liberal media who didn't care to report about or show the TENS OF THOUSANDS of people supporting Trump at his rallies!

    1. profile image0
      PeterStipposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      I have this picture in my head of Trump and his wife walking in the rain. Trump has a big umbrella, but he is only covering himself. His wife is soaking wet. To me this picture says it all.
      Trump is an Asperger patient without any ampathy.

  41. hglick profile image81
    hglickposted 7 years ago

    because the mainstream media has them in a frenzy over the lies about Trump becoming the next Hitler.  It is time for someone to call them and the lying left (Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Al Franken and the others   
    ) out for who they really are.

    1. gregas profile image81
      gregasposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      I agree with that 100%.

    2. Ewent profile image67
      Ewentposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      What lies? If you can possibly state that you would have allowed Michelle Obama to pose nude in lesbian photos, please do. If you would have allowed President Obama to discriminate against Hick Religious Bible Thumpers, please do. Down with Trump.

  42. Sharlee01 profile image83
    Sharlee01posted 7 years ago

    In my opinion the media has contributed to why people are afraid. Yes Trump did say some very shocking things along the way... However, much of what he said was twisted and reported out of its context. One only has to pull up the interviews and listen to them in total to realize much was misconstrued by media. Just my opinion...

    1. primpo profile image70
      primpoposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      I have to disagree with you on it being twisted and misreported.  He did and spoke about a lot of things right infront of the camera.  How is that misreported?  no offense,

  43. AaronMedley profile image61
    AaronMedleyposted 7 years ago

    I honestly think it will take more than a presidential decision to make this country great again! After burning bridges and spilling blood for years it will take a master plan to get everything back In order to gain other countries trust again.

    1. mike102771 profile image70
      mike102771posted 7 years agoin reply to this

      I don’t think his plans include fixing what other countries think. The apology tour was the last president’s thing. Trump just might want them to fear us. His slogan could have easily been “Make America Great in the Eyes of Americans Again.”

  44. MichaelMcNabb profile image60
    MichaelMcNabbposted 7 years ago

    I very much regretted having to vote for Trump.  I was still debating on not voting at all even while standing in line at the poll.  I kind of just closed my eyes and did the deed.  I did it for all of the people that I know.  Those people really believe in Trump but they don't know any better and the evidence is their support for Trump.  The only thing possibly worse would have been Clinton.  I am by no means a liberal nor a Democrat but I have to say if it weren't for her assuming she had the election in the bag I might have voted for her over Trump.  At least I sure considered it.  To be honest I am more disappointed in the American people than I am in the candidates themselves. In my opinion we as Republican's had some of the best choices for candidates that we've had in decades.  I am disgusted to this day but now on to your question about being afraid.  I am afraid I will regret my vote and I will have a sense of responsibility that is obviously not something other voters ever consider in this all about me me me world.

    Well, that's where I stand with President Elect Trump

  45. RahaVision Ser profile image57
    RahaVision Serposted 7 years ago

    look man very simple there is no wise ever president did what Trump is doing, market will be unstable with this guy and big leaders won't like that
    read more about it here http://rahavisiontravel.com

  46. profile image58
    jerrycarmanposted 7 years ago

    Because you have people out therein politics that want to take our country to far to the left including the national media. Mr. Trump will take back to the right and down the right side of the road. This the left dose not want to happen.

    1. Ewent profile image67
      Ewentposted 7 years agoin reply to this

      Would you please explain how dividing the country as Trump has done is in any way goig to help you? You do realize that because of his combatant attitude he had 900,000 protestors around the world protesting his policies? Those protests are growing.

  47. profile image53
    Jonas Corronsposted 7 years ago

    I'm talking about Trump without beeing an american, but with my foreign perspective I would say that is not casual that Trump had been president of the United States. The fact of making america great, with an economic crisis behind and an incomlete legislature in matter of promises by the last president, put hopes in the figure of Donald Trump, a narcissistic man with an strange white-supremacy belief and descendant of the American big bourgeoisie. It's true that it's necessary to take care, but also we don't need to be absolutly afraid of him, because the institutions that regulate decision-making bodies can stop the wrong actions that he could do. It's the president of america, not the absolute king of the world. Who knows, maybe do something well.

  48. sparkleyfinger profile image86
    sparkleyfingerposted 7 years ago

    Because it's like leaving a 2 year old in charge of a candle and gas cannister...

  49. slock62 profile image58
    slock62posted 7 years ago

    He scares me because he is an ego-maniac with  an exaggerated sense of self importance.
    How can we expect him  to respond properly to issues concerning someone other than himself?
    The unfortunate part is that we weren't given a better alternative choice.

    1. mike102771 profile image70
      mike102771posted 7 years agoin reply to this

      It could be argued that anyone who wants to be the American President is an ego-maniac and that might not be a bad thing.  His failures will be our failures just as his successes will be ours. An ego-maniac does not like to fail.

  50. Pranay Gattu profile image61
    Pranay Gattuposted 7 years ago

    because of they were thinking that he wil become next hitler / 1st trump
    and may be there was a cause of 3rd world war under the leadership of trump


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