This Hub was inspired by The Book of Questions. This Hub has you answer twenty thought provoking questions and compare your answers to others. One can also defend their position in the comments part.
Many self help books and self help gurus teach us that you are fine,you are great,you are wonderful,you are unique, and you are special. But what about everyone else that is breathing your air? Well,they, as we all know, leave a lot to be desired (those jerks)... They are so very different from...
Have you ever wondered which conspiracy theories are true? Well this Hub provides undeniable proof that some theories are true. Close your shades and check for listening devices, then read this hub!
There are many, many Hubs on how to make money on Hubpages. In fact, I have read hubs-by brand new hubbers, telling one how to make money writing on Hubpages. Since making money on HubPages and other writing sites is so popular, I have written a sure fire guide to making money on HubPages.
All of us conquered the concept of time in the first or second grade, right? What if I told you that time is an illusion? Would you think that I have been drinking, or would you agree with me? Furthermore, if we did agree that time exists, do we see time the same way?
What men and boys want to know most is how to be completely irresistible to women. This Hub teaches one how to be a stud muffin, chick magnet, or player. Women should not read this article because their greatest secrets are exposed. Also, if one does not have a sense of not read this...
This Hub is now new and improved! New content, some of it might be good, has been added! In this busy and complex world it is nice to get some feedback from our writing peers; however, how many comments do we get at HubPages, or on any other website, that are really helpful? This hub will teach...
Evil is a compelling, confusing, and enigmatic subject to contemplate. Are people born evil? Is there such a thing as evil? Does evil exist outside of man? Does the devil exist? Why can evil be so seductive? Can a majority of us agree on a definition for evil? This hub looks at some thought...
Have you had enough of being a good person? Do you find the idea of being an evil person intriguing, but you want to ease into the dark side? This is a primer on how to become a semi- evil person, and it even includes a training video!
Have you ever wondered, as other sages and theologians have through the centuries, what the meaning of life is? Do you ever contemplate if there is other intelligent life in the universe? Have you ever wanted to know what caused the Tunguska Explosion? This Hub, through exhaustive research,...
Most red-blooded American boys (and some girls) want to be a Superhero, Marine, Ninja, or Pirate when they grow up. This Hub gives them the information they will need to follow their dreams or start a new hobby.
Did you know that dogs can talk? Well, I know that my dog,Spencer, can. Sometime, he will talk your ear off. I have decided to interview him, and boy, am I sorry that I did.
Is the ZOMBIE Apocalypse around the corner? This article looks at the recent "bath salts" scare, and explains why bath salts does not create "real" zombies; however, the Zombie uprisings have happened before, and Zombies will rise again. In closing, there is also a quiz in this article that might...
I originally wrote this hub as a joke. I wanted to write an entry to a cooking contest on Hubpages, but I cannot cook; however, I did come up with an existential and humorous recipe for the making of this particular man (or white bread). If you have not read it before...give it a look. One is sure...
Everyone seems to be a poet but me. So, I decided to write the world's worst poem. I fully admit that I am the world's worst poet but do not take my word for it. Warning, I cannot be held responsible for your reaction to this poem.
This Hub explores a new and different way of dealing with bullies. The suggestions in this article may be somewhat controversial, but they are definitely worth discussing.
Do you have problems with your Home Owners Association (HOA)or nosey neighbors? In fact, when you think of your HOA does the image of Nazis come to mind, or in the case of neighbors, neanderthals spring to mind? Do you need some practical advice on how to handle this situation? Well you are not...
Is your child finally bringing home the love of their life to meet you? Are you afraid that that you might make a bad impression? Would you like to have a good laugh? This article tells one how to make a good impression with your offspring's soulmate.
You have finally convinced Mr. Right to introduce you to his parents and you do not want to blow it, so what do you do? You read this article and learn what not to say when you meet his parents for the first time. Armed with this article (first tip, do not bring a weapon with you) and plenty of...
Making a good first impression is always important, but making a good first impression with your girlfriend’s parents is critical (especially if she is the one).This article gives you thirty-two suggestions on what not to say when you meet her parents for the first time.
This Hub looks at fifteen mind blowing quotes and dissects them to find out why they are so mind expanding. Okay, mind blowing might be a little too strong of a description, but one will see how these quotes really do apply to today’s world. So, even if one is a positive thinker, a cynic,...
Everyone has had to deal with a difficult coworker, and almost everyone has read an article or a book on how to deal with that problem coworker. Unfortunately, it seems like most of the advice given in these books and articles do not work. This composition takes a humorous look at dealing with...
Have you ever wondered if you are in hell? Have you ever wanted to ask someone, "Excuse me, what level of hell is this?" Well than this Hub was written for you. Not only does this article answer the question are you in hell, it looks at nine new levels you might be living in.
This Hub tells you what to put into a Doomsday Survival Kit. A Doomsday Survival Kit contains all the stuff a regular survival kit contains, plus items that will help you survive specific doomsday scenarios. This article looks at 10 specific apocalypses and tells one what should be added to one’s...
This article is a somewhat serious look at vigilantism and Batman. Are there situations that make you so mad that you are tempted to take the law into your own hands? Mad enough that you would put on a costume to dispense justice? Okay, I would not wear a costume or be a vigilante but it makes for...
If caring about our fellow human beings is corny, what else could be considered corny? This HUB looks at being corny and why it is not a bad thing.
This article answers the question-What would it take for me to stop believing in God? Some of the arguments presented are serious (others not so much). In closing, if you are easily offended on topics of religious or non-religious beliefs, do not read this article.
This HUB talks about guilty pleasures. I f you have a guilty pleasure, you may want to share it on this HUB.
This was originally an article about some random thoughts I had while trying to write a hub.This Hub has been edited to include information about the Louisiana Sink hole, and asks the question, "Can a sink hole end the world?"
This hub is about coming up with a list, that people can agree upon, of people who should burn in hell. Are You On this List? You might want to find out...
This an article about how some businesses take advantage of employees during hard economic times.
This article is for teenagers who are suffering from depression or contemplating violence against others. This Hub can also offer insight to parents who have depressed teenagers. The main message is: You Are Not A Monster-Do Not Let Them Make You One.
This is a funny article about aging and manopause. People of all ages should enjoy this hub.
This article tells one how to deal with nice people. This article also tells one how to be jerk.
This article is about what one should do when asked to do the impossible or when one has royally screwed up at work and all hope is lost (e.g., human sacrifice and voodoo may be viable options).
This article is about how Mayan’s and various other prognosticators are wrong about the world ending in 2012. This HUB also talks about some alternate ways the world might end.
This Hub is about what life lesions should be imparted to the younger generation. The life lesions I suggest sharing include the following subjects: finances, self help, being true to yourself, actions speaking louder than words, bullies being messed up, snitching is not always bad thing, our...
This is a funny article on how to tease and relate to your teenager. This hub has humor that teenagers and their parents can relate to.