What is your favorite type of cake

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  1. nikki1 profile image61
    nikki1posted 14 years ago

    With full detail picture included smilesmilesmile

    this is sweeet wink

    talk about interesting..

    1. Tinsky profile image91
      Tinskyposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I love a glazed fruit flan, especially at this time of Christmas.   It is delicious with kiwi fruit, glazed apricots and other delicious delights such as cherries.

      Getting it home quickly without it moving can be a challenge particularly if the custard base melts in heat.  (I live in the beautiful sunny state of Brisbane where it is a hot Christmas!)


    2. Dave Mathews profile image60
      Dave Mathewsposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      As a seriously sincere chocoholic, My favourite is a triple chocolate layer cake made with deep dark devil's food chocolate cake a chocolate-mint mousse filling and semi-sweet dark chocolate ganashe for an icing with shaved dark chocolate decoration. Yum Yum!

    3. Axel38 profile image60
      Axel38posted 14 years agoin reply to this


      1. profile image51
        evelynhaasposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        Chocolate cake is my favorite one. It just brings water to my mouth.
        http://www.wellnessstarts.com/ultra-ber … eview.html

      2. smcopywrite profile image61
        smcopywriteposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        chocolate and more chocolate. bring on as much as you can stuff inside of a cake!

      3. profile image55
        shell20110309posted 13 years agoin reply to this

        i also like to eat the chocolate cake.it is very delicious.

    4. Carrie.M profile image61
      Carrie.Mposted 14 years ago

      My favorite cake would have to be Cocount Lemon Cake
      Yum yum yum!
      Chatelaine has a great recipe for it.

      1. milesofjazz profile image60
        milesofjazzposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Any cheescake my wife makes, she it an awesome cook.

      2. nikki1 profile image61
        nikki1posted 14 years agoin reply to this

        yum big_smile

    5. SomewayOuttaHere profile image59
      SomewayOuttaHereposted 14 years ago

      birthday cake is the best...had one recently....hubby took a shot of me blowing out the candles!  happy, happy birthday to me!


      1. profile image0
        klarawieckposted 14 years agoin reply to this


        1. SomewayOuttaHere profile image59
          SomewayOuttaHereposted 14 years agoin reply to this


      2. Carrie.M profile image61
        Carrie.Mposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        yikes OH DEAR!

    6. alternate poet profile image67
      alternate poetposted 14 years ago

      Belated happy birthday Biker girl big_smile

      my favourite cake is the one I can have AND eat !!

      Other than that - I avoid them like the plague, sticky, sweet, yummy, irresistable piles of fat-making dough and sugar !

      1. SomewayOuttaHere profile image59
        SomewayOuttaHereposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        ...thanks AP!....the cakes I eat are fat-free btw!....no fat-making dough for me!

    7. mega1 profile image78
      mega1posted 14 years ago

      I like cheesecake. 

      http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eV8ergvS … playnext=1

      vintage cheesecake

      1. nikki1 profile image61
        nikki1posted 14 years agoin reply to this

        yum wink

    8. ediggity profile image59
      ediggityposted 14 years ago

      If we can call cheesecake cake then I go with that like mega.  If we have to choose cake cake, I just like the ghetto yellow cake with chocolate frosting.

    9. Stacie L profile image87
      Stacie Lposted 14 years ago

      I love carrot cake!

      1. timorous profile image80
        timorousposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        I make a delicious carrot cake every once in a while. Mmmmmm big_smile

        ps. the secret ingredient is ginger.

    10. nikki1 profile image61
      nikki1posted 14 years ago

      thanx for the comments.. where'z the cakes though hmm

    11. brimancandy profile image76
      brimancandyposted 14 years ago

      Birthday cake!

      I just celbrated my 45th birthday last friday. (sept 10th)

      I went to the all you can eat buffet for lunch, followed later by Chocolate cake, and moosetracks ice cream.

      My partner spoils me like I'm a six year old. But I like it.

      1. nikki1 profile image61
        nikki1posted 14 years agoin reply to this



        happy post birthday

        1. brimancandy profile image76
          brimancandyposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          Thanks for the birthday wishes.

      2. nikki1 profile image61
        nikki1posted 14 years agoin reply to this

        I created a September birthday thread for our members here in our chat room, check it out..

    12. SomewayOuttaHere profile image59
      SomewayOuttaHereposted 14 years ago

      awwww....wedding cakes....i took a pic of mine...this is a few years old btw but i think i captured the memories...the other is me and the hubby...we were quite abit younger of course....enjoy!



      1. SomewayOuttaHere profile image59
        SomewayOuttaHereposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        ...found a pic of my 4th wedding to Bob (he's my ex now)....but got a good shot of the wedding cake if anyone is interested.....enjoy!


      2. lorlie6 profile image72
        lorlie6posted 14 years agoin reply to this

        SOH, I was at your wedding, remember?  Really-I know these people!

        1. nikki1 profile image61
          nikki1posted 14 years agoin reply to this

          You aren't supposed to cap the [img]and the[/img].
          There is no [/img] at the end of the first picture.
          Can you try that again, please?

        2. SomewayOuttaHere profile image59
          SomewayOuttaHereposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          Lorlie, you might be related somehow....maybe to Bob?  He was my 4th husband...do you know him?...it's such a small world isn't it?!  If you took pics at the wedding, send them to me...will bring back good memories for me!

      3. MikeParis profile image58
        MikeParisposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        lol no seriously that's you?????

    13. Michael Willis profile image69
      Michael Willisposted 14 years ago

      The Old Fashioned 3-Tier Coconut Cake my Grandmother used to make!!! Nothing better!

    14. Jane@CM profile image59
      Jane@CMposted 14 years ago

      Finally, a thread worth posting in lol

      Carrot cake, my way.

    15. Mighty Mom profile image74
      Mighty Momposted 14 years ago


      Icebox cake (aka zebra cake)

      1. Matt in Jax profile image61
        Matt in Jaxposted 13 years agoin reply to this

        That looks pretty delicious.

    16. mega1 profile image78
      mega1posted 14 years ago

      haha!  looks like nobody really looked at the vintage cheesecake video!  haha!

      1. SomewayOuttaHere profile image59
        SomewayOuttaHereposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        ..i did..it was good, i just didn't add a comment and then.you got a 'yum' comment!...

        1. Lisa HW profile image63
          Lisa HWposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          SomewayOuttaHere,  you'll probably appreciate my favorite kind of cake - a "lovely" mad pearl cake:




          NOT!!!    lol

          (I don't like pearls OR cake!   smile  )

          (Doesn't the one in the middle look like it has a medical condtion?  lol  )

          1. SomewayOuttaHere profile image59
            SomewayOuttaHereposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            ha ha....you got me!!!!....i like wedding cakes;  you have me thinking that my next one will be a pearl themed cake....and now i'm into divorce party cakes.....i sent one to Bob when we split up...but took a pic of it for my memories....wanna see....Bob said it tasted pretty good!


            1. Lisa HW profile image63
              Lisa HWposted 14 years agoin reply to this

              Actually (in all seriousness too), on Photobucket there are quite a few nice cakes with pearls on them.   smile   I'm going to have to be coming up with a wedding cake for my daughter - but not for awhile.   Maybe we can use those pearls from Grandma that I mentioned before.   lol )

              (I like the idea of a divorce cake.  The only thing is that a lot of divorced people dont't, as your cake above suggests, have a home to eat that cake in.   lol  )

              1. SomewayOuttaHere profile image59
                SomewayOuttaHereposted 14 years agoin reply to this

                ...i think you should do something special with those pearls in the future....Grandma would love it.......i can't believe it....it looks like Lorlie may have been at my wedding to Bob...such a small planet we live on!

    17. habee profile image94
      habeeposted 14 years ago

      Sorry, I don't have a pic, but my aunt makes this awesome cake that has like 16 thin layers of yellow cake with chocolate-fudge frosting. It is TDF!!

    18. The Barbecuehut profile image61
      The Barbecuehutposted 14 years ago

      It has to be cheesecake for me. I like just about any flavour but if I had to pick my favourite to make it would be baked lemon with raspberry coulis.

      Other than that it's chocolate cake.

    19. Denise Handlon profile image89
      Denise Handlonposted 14 years ago

      Castada Cake--It's an Italian Cream cake.

      (stay tuned for more postings...YUM!)

    20. nikki1 profile image61
      nikki1posted 14 years ago

      pictures, pictures, picturez big_smilebig_smilebig_smilebig_smilebig_smile

    21. richtwf profile image60
      richtwfposted 14 years ago

      Chocolate gateau mmmmmmm!

    22. Denise Handlon profile image89
      Denise Handlonposted 14 years ago

      Sorry-no pictures, but will try later with some.  smile

      In the meantime: more of YUM...

      Awrys, no longer in business sad   ,  yellow cake with caramel frosting. It was always my brothers pick for birthday cakes.

    23. luvpassion profile image62
      luvpassionposted 14 years ago

      Cherry Cheese!


      1. nikki1 profile image61
        nikki1posted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Yummmmmmm big_smile

    24. profile image25
      clipper99posted 14 years ago

      i love german chocolate cake.

    25. Flightkeeper profile image69
      Flightkeeperposted 14 years ago

      Chocolate cheesecake is one of my favorites.


      A little goes a long way.

      1. mega1 profile image78
        mega1posted 14 years agoin reply to this

        OMG!  why do you do this to me?  why did I come into this thread?  OMG!

        1. Flightkeeper profile image69
          Flightkeeperposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          Mega, chocolate cheesecake is soooo bad for you, but then again it tastes soooooooooooooooooooo good!!!


    26. Fullerman5000 profile image55
      Fullerman5000posted 14 years ago

      Eclare cake. I love eclare cake. It is like eating a large eclare.It is very good and creamy. I also love red velvet cake.

    27. networkrecruiting profile image59
      networkrecruitingposted 14 years ago

      Nothing beats a great slice of carrot cake that is moist and delicious....

    28. profile image0
      Ella90posted 14 years ago

      Has to be toffe cheescake for me, but all these pictures off cakes are really making me hungry smile

    29. europewalker profile image59
      europewalkerposted 14 years ago

      Italian creme cake

    30. LillyGrillzit profile image83
      LillyGrillzitposted 14 years ago


    31. CYBERSUPE profile image60
      CYBERSUPEposted 14 years ago

      Italian Rum Cake

    32. sabrinaaq profile image60
      sabrinaaqposted 14 years ago

      I LOVE chocolate cake!!!!!!!!! big_smile

    33. sabrinaaq profile image60
      sabrinaaqposted 14 years ago

      I LOVE chocolate cake!!!!!!!!! big_smile

    34. sim0n30 profile image60
      sim0n30posted 14 years ago

      black forest gateau!

    35. chspublish profile image80
      chspublishposted 14 years ago

      That chocolate cake in your top photo looks absolutely scrumptious.
      To answer the question - my favorite cake is Dutch Apple Cake, which may noqualify as a stand alone cake, more as a dessert.
      Only fresh apples from a local orchard are used and this gives the cake its very distinctive flavor that exacts comments like...mmm...gorgeous...can I have some more?
      I use recipes I find on the internet.
      I'm afraid I have no photo to show you, because the cake never lasts long enough to take a shot. Sometimes I bake two and freeze one out of sight.

      1. melpor profile image90
        melporposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        A chocolate cake is mine favorite.

    36. tonymac04 profile image70
      tonymac04posted 14 years ago

      Black Forest! Definitely!

    37. humagaia profile image58
      humagaiaposted 14 years ago

      I'm surprised nobody has suggested this cake.
      http://thewarrenreport.com/wp-content/u … artman.jpg

      1. profile image0
        andycoolposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        My fave is chocolate cake... ummm!! smile

    38. profile image0
      msorenssonposted 14 years ago

      Chantilly, by King's Bakery in Honolulu. I can eat a half of the cake

    39. profile image0
      DinnerMomposted 14 years ago

      I love an egg-free chocolate cake. My daughter who is allergice to egg can eat it and everyone else loves it too!


    40. evvy_09 profile image59
      evvy_09posted 14 years ago


      strawberry chocolate cheesecake yum

    41. Misha profile image67
      Mishaposted 14 years ago

      fruitcake tongue

    42. eatlikenoone profile image60
      eatlikenooneposted 14 years ago

      Chocolate all the way!

    43. guy1973 profile image54
      guy1973posted 14 years ago

      My favorite is Black forest, the best!


    44. Joesy Shmoesy profile image60
      Joesy Shmoesyposted 14 years ago

      Everything looks so delicious, if I could try them all I might change my mind.  Seriously, honestly, I love a cake out of a box and plain old canned frosting. Love it, love it, love it!

    45. rebekahELLE profile image85
      rebekahELLEposted 14 years ago

      I shouldn't have opened this thread. I've been craving a piece of double chocolate cake. sad  I'll have to wait until tomorrow.. sigh.

    46. Julie2 profile image59
      Julie2posted 14 years ago

      White cake with Canoli cream! ughhhh
      Damn you made me hungry.... sad

    47. habee profile image94
      habeeposted 14 years ago

      One of those chocolate cakes with 12-14 tiny layers!

    48. AliciaC profile image94
      AliciaCposted 14 years ago

      I was going to say that my favorite cakes are chocolate cake and cheesecake with fruit, but after reading everybody’s posts and looking at the photos I’ve decided that my favorite cakes are all the ones mentioned in this thread so far!

    49. Bellamie profile image60
      Bellamieposted 13 years ago

      Definitely BETTER THAN SEX CAKE.

    50. Tatara profile image61
      Tataraposted 13 years ago

      Fruitcake with raisins and nuts!

    51. Joy56 profile image66
      Joy56posted 13 years ago

      i love some of these pics going to look for some to add...... i just love hot fudge cake, with tons of cream, and as the cream melts into the chocolate add more and more and more.............


      carrot cake is nice too

    52. profile image54
      stillunwrittenposted 13 years ago

      My favorite cake is Rum Cake - (Black Cake). I love that cake i grew up with it, its a cake the whole family likes to eat.


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