An awakened human race is the solution to the problems the world is facing.
We free the human race by opening ourselves to the consciousness of peace, harmony, and love...
Living an authentic life of originality and uniqueness is the revolution that changes the world.
Conformity and acquiescence will not set the world free; only uniqueness and individuality can do that.
We change the world by rearranging our minds and opening our hearts.
The agenda and methods by which our minds are molded and our lives are controlled is something we must all come to understand, if our minds and lives are to truly be our own.
We are going to live as slaves if we don't wake up.
We're all crazy here anyway, so you might as well just go on ahead and be yourself -- your true self.
People who are afraid are easy to control; a world living in fear is a controlled world.
If we don't become aware of the ways in which our minds are controlled and manipulated, we will never be able to free ourselves.
To end the Control System we must expand our awareness and awaken to the Consciousness of a new way of being.
It is time to get rid of all of the old rigid structures and beliefs that confine us and embrace the truth and freedom of All Possibility.
The Control System loses control when we become Conscious.
We must come to terms with the true nature of reality so we can reconnect to Eternal Infinite Conscious Awareness.
The Control System doesn't want us to ever become aware that reality is virtual -- a video game -- that we can control.
We can only make the world a better place if we finally come to terms with the true reality in which we live.
The future of the human race: cyborgs enslaved to an artificially intelligent otherworldly hive-minded entity named Lucifer.
Human health is under attack and if nothing changes, we're going extinct.
Natural cycles and geoengineering/weather modification cause global warming/climate change, not CO2 produced by humans.
The Agenda includes turning the whole world into a militarized Police State that is brutal beyond belief -- we gotta stop it from happening!
We must learn and understand the methods by which we are manipulated if we are to avoid the world that George Orwell and Aldous Huxley predicted.
George Orwell: "If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face — forever."
The Agenda: Global Control
Agenda 21 and 2030 are real plans that are being implemented into the world; if we don't stop them, it will mean the complete enslavement of humanity -- forever.
Zionism is a controlling influence in the world, and we must not be afraid to talk about it.
Have we all died and gone to Hell? No? Well, then, why is Satan in charge here?
Satanists and Pedophiles run the world ... and no-one is doing anything about it.
Non-human non-physical Reptilians ruling the world sounds like nonsense ... but only before you know.
There is a trail of evidence extending through all of history that suggests Reptilian beings control Earth.
The Archon Theory is very bizarre indeed, but what if it's true?
Saturn has always been significant to the human race and planet Earth ... some researchers believe that is because Saturn creates our reality.
Researchers suggest that the Moon may be an artificial construct used to control the human race.
Context is everything: the true context of UFOs and aliens is bizarre beyond comprehension.
Is it possible for people to have ever lived on the Moon? Some people believe photographic evidence of ancient glass domes proves they did.
Torsion field hyperdimensional physics may be the science that unlocks the mysteries of consciousness, existence, and reality.
Intelligently created geometry and blue skies on Mars is an unofficial truth that could alter humanity's perception of itself.
The War on Drugs is a War on People and a War on Consciousness. The time has come to finally end this pathetic, unfounded, indefensible, and unjustifiable war.
The Christian elimination of Gnosticism was cruel, grotesque, and unacceptable. We should guard against mandated belief systems that are backed by force.
Ancient Egyptian knowledge, concerning life after death, is contained within the pages of the Book of the Dead. Maybe what they believed can help us remember what we really are.
Life after death: do we go on, or do we not? It's a big question, and one that we will all eventually know the answer to.
We have all been forcibly indoctrinated into the cult of Materialism, Physicalism, and Sciencism. Get out while you still can.
To those who wish to control and enslave the entire Human race, no lives matter. It is time to put a stop to what is happening before it is too late.
Authorities have indoctrinated the entire Human race into a false version of history. The time has come to break free from the forced ignorance that has enslaved us all.
Many Moon anomalies persist without explanation. We think we have things figured out, but we do not. Many things wait to be discovered.
An ever increasing number of people realize Earth is being visited by extraterrestrials. We are not alone and some UFOs are real.
People do not want the truth and that is why we are not getting the truth. It's going to take all of us demanding the truth if we are ever going to get it.
Connecting what seem to be separate issues reveals what has been hidden. Understanding the connections simplifies the subject. It is not nearly as complicated as it appears to be.
Many people believe psychic abilities such as remote viewing are real. Remote viewers access the energy grid we are all part of, and have reported seeing UFOs, aliens, and strange heaven-like worlds.
Although we may never be told the truth about what happened to JFK, we do know some things. We know there was a conspiracy and a cover-up. We also know the Warren Commission Report was a lie.
War, Terrorism, Money, Politics, Media, Education, Food, Water, Air, Drugs, Vaccines: It's all just one big conspiracy. They want us dead.
The reason for invading Iraq seems to be a mystery. None of the stated reasons actually make sense. Some people believe it had to do with ancient alien technology.
To respect and honor those who have been lost, truth and justice must prevail. Many questions about 9/11 remain unanswered; we must develop the courage to answer the unanswered.
The Rothschild Banking Dynasty caused the American Civil War. International Bankers created Communism and Nazism. Nazis created secret societies that have taken complete control of the planet.
Whoever controls knowledge from ancient Sumer controls the world.
Through Abraham, then Moses, ancient Sumerian Anunnaki alien knowledge was delivered to the Temple of Solomon.
According to Sumerian tablets, aliens from the planet Nibiru traveled to Earth thousands of years ago and made humans out to be a slave race of workers. Evidence suggests they are still here.
America has two flags, two governments, two sets of law, two different Constitutions, and two of you.
The Human Race is property. Our bodies are securities on the New York Stock Exchange. Our birth certificates are bought and sold. It is slavery, and it's all legal.
According to Thomas Jefferson, God's justice cannot sleep forever.
The people running things are very powerful and intelligent. They know exactly what they are doing. Our world is the way it is because that is how they want it to be.
There are many things that we have never been told. Much has been deliberately hidden from us; we may never get to the bottom of the truth.
The planet Saturn is, and has always been, very important to Earth and humanity.
Symbols are intentional and they mean something. Understanding origins and meanings of symbols can be very interesting and revealing. Symbols often paint a different picture of reality.
In any society, those who control the currency control the entire country. The privately owned Federal Reserve Bank owns America. Freedom does not exist under this system.
The Illuminati is a controversial subject, but it makes no difference if it's real or imagined. Freedom for all people is what makes a difference.
The Hegelian Dialectic (Problem Reaction Solution) is powerful mind control.
Astrotheology describes religions based on astrology. Astrology is the foundation of all religion and much of the Bible. The astrology of the Bible points toward a New World Order.
Atlantis is said to have been a highly advanced ancient society that came to a destructive and sudden end in just one day and night. The lesson is for all of humanity.
The sons of God were non-human beings that manifested into our reality and went on to rule the world.
All ancient texts record beings coming from the sky. The Bible has them forming man and putting him into the Garden of Eden to prevent him from being destroyed by the other inhabitants of the world.
Legend has it that Satan guided the hand of just one man, in just one night, to create one of the worlds largest and most mysterious books ever written, but is any of this true?
The Pyramid is a symbol of God. The All-seeing Eye is a symbol of Jesus. Together, these symbols are very powerful.
The story of the Sun is the greatest story ever told. As it should be, without the Sun we will all perish.
Earth has been RE created many times. Adam and Eve were not the first people on this planet.
Exercise is a hard thing to start doing. Starting small and gradually working up can make it very easy.
The Bible's account of God(s), Satan, and Fallen Angels can be interpreted as aliens. Perspective and perception dictate how we view things.
The concept of sin has been around for thousands of years. It is a false idea that is designed to hurt everyone and help no one.
Programing your own brain is absolutely essential. Be aware of outside influences attempting to be the programer. It's easier than you think and results lead to a life that is truly yours.