Do you love gnocchi? Then give this recipe a try. It is easy and simple to make.
Can you imagine being barren then being told at the age of 90 that you will bear a son? That is what happened to Sarah. She trusted God even though at first she laughed and we should trust in God, also. With God, anything is possible.
True heroes don't always use swords but some use their voice. Let's meet the wise woman of Abel who not only saved herself but her city with her courage and wisdom.
Have you ever felt an ache in your chest, an unwelcome companion that messes up your planned day? Let’s explore the world of costochondritis, a condition that can be a mystery, but together, we’ll uncover its symptoms and discover remedies that can bring relief.
In the Bible, myrrh is mentioned frequently for its sacred purposes. It was a key ingredient in anointing oils, used for purification, and involved in the embalming of the dead, especially in ancient Israel
Zipporah, though an outsider, saved her husband Moses' life without hesitation. But would you have done the same especially if it wasn't part of your custom? Zipporah's act shows courage and faith. Her story resonates through history demonstrating her faith and God's plan for us.
This woman had nothing left to give, yet her two mites caught Jesus's attention. The widow's story and her two mites highlight that God sees not just what we give but also our intentions.
From the Bible's sacred pages to today's medicine cabinets, hyssop has stood the test of time with its healing properties and purification and cleansing aspects. Discover how hyssop was used in Biblical times in purification and cleaning rituals and how it offers health benefits today.
“Have you ever wondered how God’s promises unfold through unexpected people and circumstances? The lives of Bilhah and Zilpah reveal truths about faith and the divine purpose that echo today”.
"By faith Moses, when he was born was hidden three months by his parents…” (Hebrews 11:23, NKJV). Jochebed’s faith and courage are written in the Bible for all to read. Her story is a testament to her faith in the face of overwhelming odds.
Judges 4:9, "So she said, "I will surely go with you, nevertheless there will be no glory for you in the journey you are taking, for the Lord will sell Sisera into the hand of a woman..."
Cinnamon was considered to be a valuable commodity that was used for various reasons. It was an anointing oil for the Tabernacle and holy objects, it was a perfume for the bed, it represents love and devotion and, it was for the mourning of the merchants in Babylon.
Peppermint has been around for thousands of years and is known for its medicinal uses and health benefits.
Frankincense was used as an anointing oil and used for an incense in the Tabernacle so that God was honored.
We can learn from women in the Old Testament if we just sit down and study. This article is on Abigail and what we learn from her today.
Cinnamon was important to Egypt as early as 2,000 BC. Cinnamon was considered to be a prize among the ancient nations and as such was for the monarchs or a deity. Apollos Temple in Miletus, has an inscription of a gift of cinnamon and cassia. The Egyptians used it as part of their embalming mummies.
The main reason to use Manuka honey is for minor wounds and to heal from burns. This honey may help with the following eczema, dermatitis, sore throat, cough, and digestive health but there needs to be further study.
Are you like me, a tea drinker? If so, did you know that drinking tea has many benefits? My favorite way of drinking tea is loose tea. The other day, I was looking through my tea and came across a jar of Earl Grey. I didn’t know there were benefits to drinking Earl Grey Tea.
Hannah’s story is about her unwavering faith in God, being bullied, barren, and then having a child. Hannah (11th century BCE) was the mother of the prophet Samuel. According to Easton’s Bible Dictionary, Hannah means favor and grace.
This is a great book for beginners who are learning about herbalism. Ava Green has written a 151-page book on The Art of Herbal Healing Herbalism for Beginners
I love making my own stuff. It is good for you and your family as well as it saves on your money.
To frog or not to frog is a question that many knitters/crocheters have asked themselves when doing a project. Frogging is up to the individual
Who doesn’t love the taste of pickled eggs? Who knew that there were so many ways to make pickled eggs, I didn’t? If you love pickle eggs then you need to try this recipe.
This herb means “remove pain” which is why in Japan it is called “itadori”. Japanese Knotweed is known for its medicinal and pain-killing uses. Once you peel the shoots and the young leaves, one can consume them. In Japan, this herb runs freely in big open spaces like mountains and on volcanoes.
If you have a dream, then follow it. Crochet is my new dream.
“And behold, a woman of Canaan came from that region and cried out to Him, saying, “Have mercy on me, O Lord, Son of David! My daughter is severely demon-possessed” (Matthew 15:22, NKJV).
God had no qualms about women prophets. God chose women to be prophetesses in the Bible for a reason.
“The name of Amram’s wife was Jochebed the daughter of Levi, who was born to Levi in Egypt; and to Amram she bore Aaron and Moses and their sister Miriam” (Numbers 26:59, NKJV).
If we are not careful people like Jezebel can creep into our churches and try to take us away from God.
Noadiah is only mentioned once in the Bible and she is mentioned by name whereas the prophets are not.
Huldah teaches us that even though she was a woman, God still used her to speak His Words. This means that we need to do this today. We need to go out in the world and teach the word of God with boldness, courage, and honesty. We can still teach God’s Word even if we are women.
Isaiah's wife like her husband was a prophet.
Can you imagine being married for 7 years and a widow for 84 years. And during those years not remarrying but fasting and praying all day and night waiting for our Redeemer to come. That is what Anna did.
Dressing for worship is important. We should look our best when we go to church because it is a small sacrifice to make when we are in the presence of our Lord.
Crochet has been around for a long time. It is getting more popular with both men and women now. Crochet cannot be mass produced.
Do you know what a darning egg is? Not many people do in this day and age. A darning egg belongs in a sewing basket so people can darn their socks.
How would you like to be remembered throughout history for doing something wrong? That is what happened to Herodias and her daughter. Herodias will always be remembered as the woman who had John the Baptist beheaded. What did John the Baptist do to make this woman have him beheaded?
The adulterous woman is an example of Jesus's love, forgiveness, and mercy. The woman could have been stoned but she was not. The Pharisees brought her before Jesus in hopes of tempting him but were not successful.
Phebe, a servant of God is mentioned by name in Romans by Paul. Phebe must be very important for him to do that. She is a helper to Paul and to others who need help. We must strive to do the same.
Sage can be used in dried, fresh, or oil form. One can buy sage tea and sage extract supplements. Sage also can be used as a ritual object in smudging or in spiritual sage burning. Sage also can be used as a cleaning agent as well as a pesticide.
This article is on the fall of Satan and what the Bible has to say.
There isn't much about this woman who had a blood issue for years but we do know that she had faith. And that is what we all need to have.
This article is on modesty and what the Bible has to say about it.
Ananias and Sapphira lied to the Holy Ghost and this is what happened.
Chamomile has many health benefits. It is good for you and delicious too.
Do you want a simple and easy supper to make, if so, then this is the recipe for you if you love chicken?
There are many many interesting women in the Bible and Lydia is one of them.
Elizabeth played an important role in the Bible, which was the mother of John the Baptist.
If you want to use herbs in your daily diet then turmeric is an herb that you should use. There are many health benefits that come with this herb. I love drinking turmeric tea.
Priscilla or Prisca was a New Testament Christian woman who helped Paul when he needed it. She and her husband, Aquila were lifelong friends and companions to Paul.
Even though these two Christian women were only mentioned once in the Bible, they are very important.
Some people believe she was Jesus' wife, a sinner who anointed Jesus's feet, or a prostitute but what does the Bible say who was Mary of Magdalene?
If you love to incorporate herbal remedies into your life and have joint pain, then this remedy may be for you. It is easy to use and you most likely have the ingredients in your kitchen.
If you want to grow your business then this book will show how to do it the right way by growing your business and how to profit wisely.
If you are learning about home remedies, this herb should be included in your research. Echinacea is a great benefit to us for many reasons and in this article, I will name some.
Do you want to have your dream job? If so, this book is for you. Read this book because the author has walked the walk. He actually landed his dream job and knows what he is talking about.
Do you love chocolate as much as I do, if so then check out this recipe for chocolate cookies that you don't have to bake?
Ginger has been used for ages for its medicinal remedies. Drinking it as tea is a popular way of consuming it. You can use a tea bag or fresh ginger root to make it.
Do you love to drink tea then check out this tea that not only tastes good but has some medicinal benefits, too. Just make sure that before drinking this tea you check with your doctor first.
Lavender is a widely known herb and has been used for generations. People have used its flowers and oil to make medicine.
Being positive when your flight has been cancelled isn't easy but I've learned to find a silver lining to everything in life.
"If you follow your dreams, it means you follow your heart. If you do follow your heart, I don't think you can go wrong." By Celine Dion
Do you love salmon? If so, this recipe is for you. It is easy to make and taste delicious.
Reading a good book is very important to me. So I am always happy when I get to read a new book by Susan Clayton-Goldner. She writes books that keep me captivated until the end.
If you are looking for a book that has intrigued, adventure, romance, and historical fiction then you need to read this book.
Do you want to try a new but simple and easy rice recipe, if so, then this is for you? My husband loves his rice and loved this recipe.
11 short stories by Christopher Meeks that looks into human relationships.
Want to read a good cozy mystery then search no farther than the Miranda and the D-Day Caper by Shelly Frome.
Want an easy and simple recipe then look no further than this recipe. If you love ham and potatoes then this is the recipe for you.
"The closer we come to the truth, the harder it is to see". This is a suspense novel that must be read.
Are you looking for a simple and easy-baked salmon recipe? Then this is the recipe for you.
Do you want crispy baked chicken but don't have the time? Then this recipe is for you. It is easy and simple to make.
A hot bowl of soup is great on a cold winters day. This soup is easy and simple to make.
Chronic Fatigue is defined as a chronic illness that is characterized by extreme fatigue that lasts for more than 6 months. It is an invisible illness that a lot of people don't think is real but it is real.
When you bake cookies for yourself, why not treat your dogs to some cookies, too? These treats are good all year round, and they're healthy.
In this article, I will be writing about who was Florence Nightingale and her contribution to nursing. Florence Nightingale is known for Pioneering Modern Nursing.
Do you love to bake cookies but don't always have the time? If so, then this recipe is for you. This is a simple and easy lemon cookie recipe. It doesn't take long to make and enjoy to decorate.
This is a book review on the book Shifter: A Valiant Novel Book 2 by Joanna White. This is a Christian book.
Spice up your moment with this nutty carrot sandwich recipe. A healthy recipe like never seen before. Yummy sandwiches that will spice up your day.
Do you have TMJ? Would you know if you had it? In this article, I will explain what TMJ is, the causes, symptoms, how to diagnosis, and treatments.
In my family, we have always loved homemade pickles. My momma's recipe is the best!
I wrote a poem on death when I was a teenager and thought it would go with this article on the death of my grandfather and my grandmother. This is my goodbye or tribute to them.
Did you know that the cayenne pepper is a type of the chili pepper or that it is related to bell peppers and jalapenos? I didn't know that until I looked it up.
Do you love to read books on vampire romances? Then if you do, you need to check out the books by Lana Campbell. I am writing a review on her 5th book.
If you are looking for an apple salad recipe that is easy and simple then this is the recipe for you. I love this recipe and hope you will too.
Are you looking for an easy and delicious recipe that includes imitation crabmeat? Give this recipe a try!
Alum is white and can be with no color but it has no odor. Alum is either a cube, powder or crystals. Alum can be used for many purposes.
Do you love chocolate cake but can't have eggs or dairy? You will be amazed by how a cake can taste so great without eggs, milk, or butter.
Less is more and we can be happy in owning fewer things. We free up our energy and time when we don't have so much stuff.
What would you do if your actions, well intended, was a catalyst for a war? Or your actions started a war? That is what happens in this novel.
Do you love dogs? Do you treat your dog(s) like their your babies, if so, then try out this basic doggie treats?
What would you do if you woke up surrounded by people you didn't know? Or you woke up and didn't know who you was? This is what happened to the main character in this book. If this sounds interesting, then read this book.
Do you love to read books about Post-Apocalyptic themes or science fiction, if so, then this book is for you? This book will keep you on your toes.
Did you know that there is a difference between the British and American Scones? A British scone is not as buttery as an American scone because of the British slather butter on top of the scone. Their scone doesn't have a lot of sugar either because of the British slather jam on top of it.
Nutmeg is an incredible sweet tasting spice that is used in cooking or baking recipes. It is not only used to cook with but has some health and beauty benefits as well. But for this article, it is used to make cookies.
These cookies will melt in your mouth with its lemony taste. These cookies will add some brightness to your day.
This butter ball recipe only has four ingredients and it is easy and simple to make. Who doesn't love simple recipes.
This is an easy and simple recipe to make. Who doesn't love angel food cake and raspberries.
This novel is told from two different view points. Each of the characters are going through issues in their life. One is dealing with his reality and the other is dealing with the sad realities of life. This is a novel to read if you love friendship, love, honor, adventure, and mental illness.
I just found this great recipe for baking acorn squash. The great thing about this recipe is that you can add or take away any ingredients that you want. Experimenting with squash is fun.
What's a party without meatballs. Are you tired of the same old meatball recipe? Then check out this recipe with only three ingredients.
Sugar Cookies are easy to make and so much fun. There are so many different recipes to use. This recipe uses butter but most people will have all these recipes either in their pantry or in their fridge. Hope you enjoy these cookies.
This is a classic white cake that you can use any kind of frosting. For this recipe, the frosting is just a plain white frosting topped with cherries. This cake was so delicious.
Who doesn't love a hot dish of apple crisp? You can pair it with a scoop of ice cream or if you are like me, a hot cup of coffee. This is a simple and easy recipe to make.
Do you love to bake but lack the time or energy? Then try this three-ingredient peanut butter recipe. It is easy and quick, with ingredients that you're likely to already have in your pantry or fridge.
What would you do if you held the one key that opens Heaven and Hell? What would you do if you found out a secret that affected your life and turned it upside down? If this sounds interesting then check out this book.
Do you love to crochet? If so, then check out this article. This pattern you can use as a coaster or a makeup remover pad. I hope you enjoy this pattern.
Do you love to crochet or knit? If so, then this easy project is for you. I provide a pattern, but you can decide how many rows you want.
Snickerdoodle cookies are easy and simple to make. No one knows the origin of this cookie. It can be soft or crisp but it is delicious.
Do you love to read short stories that are creepy or a little scary? Then this book is for you.
Have you ever read a time travel novel? If not, then you should check out this book by Chris Johnson. You won't be disappointed.
If you love to read short stories of horror then this is the book for you. Stephanie Ayers is great when writing this kind of book. This is the first book in this collection.
Can you imagine an engagement ring going on a killing spree? That's what happens in this book. This book has romance and horror and will keep you wanting to read more.
This book starts out with a murder. Who did it and why? There's magic, murder, romance, and history of the Ptolemaic family in Egpyt. Come in and read the book.
Do you love to read novels that have fantasy, mystery, suspense, and paranormal, if so then you need to read this book. It will keep you on your toes. You will want to read this book all at once.
This is a great book and I can't wait to read the next book to find out what happens. This book parallels what is happening in the world today. You will love it.
Who doesn't love fish, rice, broccoli, and cheese? When you put them all together, you get a great tasting supper. This is quick and easy to make.
Are you are reader, who enjoys a good crime novel? If so, then you will love this book River of Shame #4 by Susan Clayton-Goldner.
What would you do if you had amnesia? How would you feel? Rai wakes up and doesn't remember anything. Is this a good or bad thing? You will have to read the book to find out.
If you are like me, you love DIY projects. I have just started making my own facial products and I love them.
Do you love poetry's? If so, then this is the book for you. In this article, I am reviewing a book, Stellar by Kevin Hollingsworth. This is a great poetry book on love.
What would you do if you found yourself alone in a place you didn't know? That is what happens to Peter the Pixie in this children's book.
Do you love reading children's books that have a lesson or moral to it? If so, then Little Bear and his Chair by Claressa Swensen is the book for you. This book has beautiful illustrations that will make you think you are in there in the book.
What happens when you are attracted to a woman but she's not your wife? What goes on in a mind like this? Read this book and find out what happens, you will be surprised.
Be ready to step into a dystopian fantasy world filled with not your average vampires, priests who rape and kill, brutality, and violence. If this is for you then you will love this book.
Do you love Panda Express Orange Chicken, if so, then you will love this recipe? This Orange Chicken recipe this easy to make. So if you love Panda Express Orange Chicken then you're in for a treat!
Blueberries are healthy for you. You can use them in so many recipes and who doesn't love them. This smoothie was simple and easy to make. This is a great way to start your day by drinking a blueberry smoothie.
The best kind of puzzles, brain teasers or riddles are the ones that excite and challenge the people who love doing this kind puzzles. Puzzles have been around since the beginning and will be around for years to come. If you love to challenge your mind, then this book is for you.
Most of the spaghetti recipes you find are made with meat, but what happens when you don't have meat? The answer is to make it vegetarian. This was my first time making vegetarian spaghetti, and it was great.
For this recipe, all you need is a skillet, chicken, and five ingredients that you probably already have in your cupboards. You don't need an oven or a fryer. This recipe will make your tastebuds water.
Do you love whoopie pies? If so, you should try this recipe. Instead of chocolate, they are made from molasses cookies with frosting in the middle.
Why buy bread when you can make your own? Here's how to make your own white bread. My mother made this bread by using a breadmaker to mix the dough and then let it rise before baking it in the oven. It is delicious with butter.
I love cornbread with soup. This cornbread is quick and easy, taking only 20 minutes to bake! Here's how to make it.
Want a new way to eat tuna? Then try this recipe. It tastes great, and you will love it.
Do you love pumpkin pie? Then you'll love the famous pumpkin pie my mother makes! It's an easy recipe, and you'll want more than one slice.
Do you love pie? Do you love cheese and spaghetti? Then this is the recipe for you. This recipe combines ingredients like cheese, spaghetti, spices, and beef and turns it into a pie.
Do you like to make your own beauty products? If so, then this easy and quick recipe is for you.
Love peanut butter and oatmeal? This recipe is for you. I love this simple recipe that combines two of my favorite ingredients. These bars make a great snack!
Love apple pie? You'll love this simple and easy recipe that's sure to please. This apple pie is sure to be a hit this Christmas.
I love to cook. Every Thanksgiving and Christmas, either my mom or I make this pear salad. It is easy to make, and it will be an excellent addition to any meal.
If you are like me, you love trying out your mother's recipes. If you are like me, they probably don't end up tasting the same. But this recipe turned out well!
Love quick and easy recipes that make tasty treats? You'll love this recipe for three-ingredient sugar cookies.
The great thing about these Congo squares is that you can use chocolate chips or substitute those for nuts. These squares are easy and quick to whip up.
Apple Cider Vinegar is not only good for cleaning supplies but it is also a good home remedy for an ear infection.
Do you love sugar cookies but have no butter? Don't worry, try this recipe with vegetable oil instead. I was in the mood for sugar cookies but didn't have butter, so I used this recipe instead.
This is an easy and quick biscuit recipe to make. It has only 5 ingredients and tastes great.
Do you love sugar cookies but don't have (or want) butter? Try this recipe that uses oil instead of butter. You'll savor the delicious results!