HubMob Weekly Topic: Fitness, diets, staying in shape & losing weight

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  1. Ryan Hupfer profile image60
    Ryan Hupferposted 16 years ago

    Hey there HubMobsters! smile

    Before I even get started on this post, I feel like I should let everyone who is reading this know exactly how awesome it was to see all of us Hubbers come together for last week's HubMob, which was the first one that we have ever had here on HubPages. We had 30+ Hubbers publish a Hub that was based on the HubMob topic of hair and honestly it blew me away to see how many different and interesting Hubs were created and how different each individual one was.

    Also, the fact that so many of the published Hubs have already been given a spot on the first page of Google is so freakin' cool and it shows that when you make really good and informative content, HubPages can get it out there on the web so it's found by Google, Yahoo!, etc. If you want any more information about last week's HubMob, head on over to this Forum topic and take a read:

    Now, on to this week's HubMob topic which is Fitness, diets, staying in shape and losing weight: Tips for becoming a healthier person. I picked this topic because I feel that whether you work out, diet, eat a certain way, take vitamins or just sit on the couch - everyone seems to have an opinion when it comes to becoming a healthier person. It's also true that nearly everyone would like to become a healthier person somehow, someway, but not everyone knows exactly how to do that. This week's going to dig deep into this topic of becoming healthier and I encourage you all to put your own spin on it just like last week's topic.

    For example, if you believe in taking vitamins, then write about that. If you are an active outdoors-type person and you think that's the key to staying healthy, then write about that. Also, if you think that staying healthy is simply not stressing yourself worrying about all of these diets, fitness routines, etc., then write about that - it's all up to you on how you want to translate this topic into a Hub.

    To join this week's HubMob, please follow the steps below:

    1. Come up with an amazing idea to write your Hub on that has something to do with the topic of 'Fitness, diets, staying in shape and losing weight: Tips for becoming a healthier person'. Make the topic your own and feel free to have fun with it, research it or wing it. It's up to you on how you write your HubMob Hub.

    2. After you come up with your topic idea, click this link and answer the Request that I entered in for all of you HubMobsters. Feel free to use the tags that I suggested or add a few of your own.

    3. Write a an awesomely comprehensive Hub that completely covers your topic idea. Be sure to add an RSS Capsule that includes the RSS feed to the rest of this week's HubMob entries (Link: and also add one of the HubMob images below to your Hub so that everyone who reads it will know that it is part of the official HubMob topic of the week.

    4. After you publish your HubMob Hub, reply in this Forum thread with a brief description of what topic idea you wrote about, why you chose it and a link to your newly published contribution to the HubMob. I mean, we all want to see, too!

    5. Keep track of your Hub and keep us updated on any traffic that you're getting and post some screenshots if you end up HubMobbing a few search keyword over on Google.

    Yep, that's about it - have fun writing your HubMob Hub this week and please let us all know if you have any questions. Have fun, you crazy HubMobsters. smile

    1. profile image0
      Anitha1978posted 16 years agoin reply to this

      HI Ryan This is my contribution to the Hub family … at-Matters

      1. profile image0
        Anitha1978posted 16 years agoin reply to this

        is it ok if i copy the hubmob logo and paste it in my health hub? Do i have to email the hubpages team to seek permission ?

        1. Ryan Hupfer profile image60
          Ryan Hupferposted 16 years agoin reply to this

          Hey Anitha,

          We encourage you to use the logos, so go right ahead! Free free to let me know if you have any other questions and thanks again for becoming a HubMobster!

          1. profile image0
            Anitha1978posted 16 years agoin reply to this

            Thanks Ryan thats sweet of you,  smile

    2. talkabout profile image68
      talkaboutposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      I wrote a detailed Hub about why is it has become so difficult to lose weight and why simple weight loss methods are no longer effective for many people.  I lay out the issues and outline a solution to correct the problem. 

      I wrote this to show how short term weight loss efforts may harm you in the long run and to defend a natural long term solution for weight loss.

      1. Ryan Hupfer profile image60
        Ryan Hupferposted 16 years agoin reply to this

        Now THIS is a great Hub...very comprehensive!

        Happy to have a new HubMobster!

    3. talkabout profile image68
      talkaboutposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      I didn't respond to the Hub request properly and had to delete and copy it to a new address....

      This is the new address:

      A look into why weight loss has gotten so difficult for many people...and a natural long term solution.

    4. lgyre profile image57
      lgyreposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Hi, I just made a hub on how to go vegan for this hubmob.

      It's posted at


  2. Shadesbreath profile image76
    Shadesbreathposted 16 years ago

    I just want to say thank you for this hubmob thing.  I'm a creative writer and, frankly, I come to hubpages for a break, if that makes sense.  As joyous and awesome as it is to try to channel the muses, sometimes its nice to just have someone point your writer's mind at a target.  No groping in the dark for subject matter, no wrestling with the maybes of this idea or that.  Just, splat: write on this.  I enjoy writing research stuff a ton, but, it's so hard to "assign" yourself a topic.  This hubmob thing solves that beautifully.  (I'm getting great search engine traffic off my last one, and it was so much fun to research and to write.)

    Truly it's an absolute gift to have hard boundaries, despite how much room there is within them.  This hubmob thing is an awesome idea and I truly believe it helps everyone involved: Google, Hubpages and us.  Nice work, guys, seriously.

  3. B.T. Evilpants profile image61
    B.T. Evilpantsposted 16 years ago

    Ryan, you may be the first person to ever refer to one of my hubs as "Really good and informative." In fact, I'm not sure they have even been called "Content" in the past. This was great fun, though.

    1. Ryan Hupfer profile image60
      Ryan Hupferposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      haha....yeah, I know - I can't really believe that I told you that, either. smile

  4. Zsuzsy Bee profile image85
    Zsuzsy Beeposted 16 years ago

    Ryan! I agree with both Shadesbreath and BT the evil about how much fun this is and will be. I'm off to get my next hub ready...regards Zsuzsy

    1. Ryan Hupfer profile image60
      Ryan Hupferposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Awesome! I can't wait to see what you come up with...I'm a BIG believer in working out to stay in shape, so I think that I'm going to write a Hub on 'The Benefits Of Working Up A Good Sweat Everyday', or something like that. I'm kind of excited to research it actually. smile

  5. profile image0
    Ananta65posted 16 years ago

    Here it is then. A hub on obesity and overweight. What is it, how bad is it (in numbers and risks) and what can you do.

    And I agree with Zsuzsy Bee in agreeing with BT and Shadesbreath smile

    1. Ryan Hupfer profile image60
      Ryan Hupferposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      What a great way to kick us off this week, Ananta65. smile

      I mean, even though the facts in it are kinda scary....

      1. profile image0
        Ananta65posted 16 years agoin reply to this

        Thank, Ryan. I agree, those are scary numbers. Try to visualize 700 million people like Eddie Murphy in The Nutty Professor!

        1. Ryan Hupfer profile image60
          Ryan Hupferposted 16 years agoin reply to this

          ^ I think that you hurt his feelings.

  6. Julie-Ann Amos profile image57
    Julie-Ann Amosposted 16 years ago

    In hand thanks.  This one took a bit longer to come up with a title for but I've got it...

    1. Ryan Hupfer profile image60
      Ryan Hupferposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      You mean, we actually made you work a little bit this time? Oh no! smile

      Also, if someone doesn't wrote about the health benefits of sex, I'm going to be one very, very disseminated Hubber.

      Another good one would be 'Fad Diets And Why You Should Stay Away From Them'...fad diets are crazy. My mom gets into these things and it drives me crazy.

  7. DJ Funktual profile image67
    DJ Funktualposted 16 years ago

    As the unhealthiest person any of you has ever met, I will pass on this subject.

    1. Ryan Hupfer profile image60
      Ryan Hupferposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Obviously you didn't see this part, which I guess applies to you:

      Anyways, I bet that you get a pretty good workout DJing and I KNOW that the people dancing to your funkdafied tunes are getting an amazing workout on the dance floor.

      That's what you should write about - something like 'How Dancing Can Become An Incredible Workout' or even the health benefits of dancing.

      Also, you don't need to add the 'HubMob Weekly' into the titles of your HubMob Hubs, just make up your own, more search-friendly title that applies to the topic idea that you come up with.

  8. SweetiePie profile image77
    SweetiePieposted 16 years ago

    This is very true.  Some people eat right, exercise 24/7, but have heart attacks, while others eat all the junk food they please, smoke, drink to excess and have very minor complications.  Those are usually exceptions to the rule, but I feel everything is in moderation.  If you exercise by walking more and driving less I think that is a good start.  If you forgo dessert a few days a week and opt for fruit instead, etc.

    1. Ryan Hupfer profile image60
      Ryan Hupferposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Well, SweetiePie - it sounds like you definitely has an opinion on the subject. smile

  9. Whitney05 profile image82
    Whitney05posted 16 years ago

    Hey Ryan, what about getting tested for HIV? it's kind of a health thing isn't it? Or are you looking for more of fitness than general health?

    It's pretty much written, I just need a few things before it's done. Just wasn't quite sure if it would really qualify. If you're looking for fitness, that's cool too, just need a new idea. Ha

    1. Ryan Hupfer profile image60
      Ryan Hupferposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      I think that anything that applies to a healthier lifestyle I say go for it. smile

      1. Whitney05 profile image82
        Whitney05posted 16 years agoin reply to this

        Sweet so two ideas! Go me! HaHa

  10. shawna.wilson profile image61
    shawna.wilsonposted 16 years ago

    Okay, here's my contribution.  Exercise Ideas for Moms smile … -Moms?done


    1. Ryan Hupfer profile image60
      Ryan Hupferposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Awesome, Shawna - thanks being a true HubMobster!

      I've noticed that a lot of gyms now have the child care centers in them, which I'm sure makes it a lot easier to get the workout in while still keeping your sanity. smile

  11. Research Analyst profile image68
    Research Analystposted 16 years ago

    This is a great topic because fitness and getting healthier can go on so many levels, from mental, spiritual , physical and emotional health and fitness too!

  12. profile image68
    SpotCoolStuff.composted 16 years ago

    No, that graphic isn't left over from last week's HubMob. It's for my humble addition to our topic this week: Ten Unusual And Bizarre Diseases (And How To Avoid Them) … Avoid-Them

    1. Ryan Hupfer profile image60
      Ryan Hupferposted 16 years agoin reply to this


      (and scary)

      I don't think that I want whatever he has.

    2. Ryan Hupfer profile image60
      Ryan Hupferposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Wow, this Hub is already on page one for 'Unusual And Bizarre Diseases'...

      ...and it's moving right up there(on page 5) when you search 'unusual diseases', too - which is a HUGE topic.

      Any others from this HubMob? Please give us updates as you notice them! smile

  13. Shadesbreath profile image76
    Shadesbreathposted 16 years ago

    Ok, here's mine.  Serious health advice for the seriously serious. … a-Cow?done

    1. Ryan Hupfer profile image60
      Ryan Hupferposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Wow...that IS a not-so-serious sorta way.

  14. gwendymom profile image67
    gwendymomposted 16 years ago

    Ok' here is mine … r-person_1

    I could not think of a title for this one, hope it's ok that I used the topic request title.

    btw, can I change the title after it is published?

    1. Ryan Hupfer profile image60
      Ryan Hupferposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Yep, you can change the title...I gave you a couple of suggestions in my comment on your Hub....see what you think.

  15. jimmythejock profile image80
    jimmythejockposted 16 years ago

    here is my humble offering for the hubmob this week I hope that you all enjoy.....jimmy … Diet-Guide

    1. jimmythejock profile image80
      jimmythejockposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      wow No 1 on google after 25 mins coool.....jimmy … et%20Guide

      1. Ryan Hupfer profile image60
        Ryan Hupferposted 16 years agoin reply to this

        Nice, Jimmy...great topic idea. I may have you come up with mine next time around. smile

    2. Ryan Hupfer profile image60
      Ryan Hupferposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      You don't hear 'chilled out' and 'working out' too much in the same sentence, but it sounds great to me. smile

  16. Anna Marie Bowman profile image69
    Anna Marie Bowmanposted 16 years ago

    Well, here is mine.  I don't generally consider myself to be the healthiest person on the planet, and don't claim to be a fitness expert. … er-person_

    1. Ryan Hupfer profile image60
      Ryan Hupferposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      I love your point of never workout? Ever?

      1. Anna Marie Bowman profile image69
        Anna Marie Bowmanposted 16 years agoin reply to this

        He he...I never work out just for the sake of working out.  I do things I want to do, and fairly often, there is exercise involved.  I don't throw on a pair of running shoes and hop on a treadmill just in the name of exercise, no.  Chasing my daughter around isn't a workout in the traditional sense, and that was my point.

        1. Ryan Hupfer profile image60
          Ryan Hupferposted 16 years agoin reply to this

          Ahhh, ok. You have the 'hey-I'm-A-Mom-And-I-Never-Get-A-Chance-To-Rest' workout. smile

  17. gwendymom profile image67
    gwendymomposted 16 years ago

    Ok, changed the title of mine but it still has this huge address. but anyway here it is … r-person_1

    Thanks Ryan for the suggestions.

    1. Ryan Hupfer profile image60
      Ryan Hupferposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Great change on the title...glad that I could help. smile

  18. Stacie Naczelnik profile image65
    Stacie Naczelnikposted 16 years ago

    Running for Beginners:

    ...with ads for finding foreign brides!  Woohoo!

    1. Ryan Hupfer profile image60
      Ryan Hupferposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Ummm....I've ran through a bridge??!?

      That makes sense, right?

  19. jimmythejock profile image80
    jimmythejockposted 16 years ago

    lol I would be only too happy to oblige haha.....jimmy

  20. sixtyorso profile image71
    sixtyorsoposted 16 years ago

    This is my effort. it is an update of a hub I previously published polished to suit this topic. i hope you like it. … erson?done

  21. Whitney05 profile image82
    Whitney05posted 16 years ago

    I've got two:

    Getting Tested for HIV
    And it's basically just what the title suggests


    Lose Calories Sexually (title is subject to change)
    Basically what calories you can lose during sexual acts and thereof.

    1. Ryan Hupfer profile image60
      Ryan Hupferposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      p.s. Looks like a couple trips to the theater and I could have my daily Mt. Dew burned off, no problem.

      1. Whitney05 profile image82
        Whitney05posted 16 years agoin reply to this

        ROFL you're crazy

        1. Ryan Hupfer profile image60
          Ryan Hupferposted 16 years agoin reply to this

          You think? smile

    2. Ryan Hupfer profile image60
      Ryan Hupferposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Dahng,'re on Page 2 for 'Getting Tested for HIV'...nice!

      ...and #1 for 'Lose Calories Sexually'...awesome. smile

      1. Whitney05 profile image82
        Whitney05posted 16 years agoin reply to this

        Sweet. Yea the HIV testing typically has a number of results too, so I guess that's pretty good. I think I need to change the title of the other one to be more searchable in terms of who really searches the phrase "lose calories sexually"? Hm..

        1. Ryan Hupfer profile image60
          Ryan Hupferposted 16 years agoin reply to this

          'Burning calories with sex' would be has 540,000 results.

          'Burning calories during sex' has about 4 million. smile

  22. Ryan Hupfer profile image60
    Ryan Hupferposted 16 years ago

    Wheeewwwww hoo! Is it getting warm in here?

  23. kerryg profile image82
    kerrygposted 16 years ago

    Here's mine: … e-Exercise

    How to exercise without feeling like you're exercising

  24. spryte profile image75
    spryteposted 16 years ago

    My weekly entry is: … ion-of-PMS

    Irritable Male Syndrome - The Male Version of PMS


    Also...I have a question and I'm sure it was covered already somewhere else and I'm just too damn lazy to hunt for it...but...

    How do I put links to other people's hubmobs at the bottom of my hub?  It looks so cool and it just seems like a nice thing to do to support my fellow mobsters.

    1. Anna Marie Bowman profile image69
      Anna Marie Bowmanposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Here ya go...

      Be sure to add an RSS Capsule that includes the RSS feed to the rest of this week's HubMob entries (Link: and also add one of the HubMob images below to your Hub so that everyone who reads it will know that it is part of the official HubMob topic of the week.

      1. Ryan Hupfer profile image60
        Ryan Hupferposted 16 years agoin reply to this

        Good call Anna! Thanks for the kind reminder. smile

  25. spryte profile image75
    spryteposted 16 years ago

    Thanks Anna!  I nearly had it at one point...just couldn't figure out what to link the RSS feed to.  Thanks bunches!

    1. Anna Marie Bowman profile image69
      Anna Marie Bowmanposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      No problem at all.  It took me a minute to find it when I did it, too.  Glad I could help!!!

  26. Amanda Severn profile image88
    Amanda Severnposted 16 years ago

    I got to thinking, what do I know about keep fit? and the answer is, well, not a lot. So I've written about how mediaeval knights kept fit. I've had a passion for knights ever since I saw Heath Ledger in A Knight's Tale, and I've named my hub in homage to the film: … al-England

  27. Julie-Ann Amos profile image57
    Julie-Ann Amosposted 16 years ago

    Here's my first one this week.

    I say first one because I'm finding this is a good opportunity to get a kick up the arse and get some of these hubs that are pretty much written but not posted online.  I have at least 3 on this topic area not posted, so time to pull my finger out and get them all online this week while the topic is hot!

    1. Ryan Hupfer profile image60
      Ryan Hupferposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Great use of the vertical HubMob banner. smile

      If anyone else wants to use it, here you go:

  28. Ryan Hupfer profile image60
    Ryan Hupferposted 16 years ago

    kerryg's Hub 'Exercise for People Who Hate Exercise' is almost on page one of's a very popular topic, too! smile

    1. kerryg profile image82
      kerrygposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Hey, cool! Thanks for letting me know!

  29. profile image0
    SirDentposted 16 years ago

    This is a hub I wrote a few months ago. It fits with the theme, sort of.

    1. Ryan Hupfer profile image60
      Ryan Hupferposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      SirDent...are you slacking on us, or what?

      Can you give us a new Hub? You have all week if you need it. smile

      1. profile image0
        SirDentposted 16 years agoin reply to this

        Not slacking, just don't have time at the moment. I have 7 unfinished hubs I need to get out. I just thought maybe someone might enjoy thatone. tongue

  30. Shadesbreath profile image76
    Shadesbreathposted 16 years ago

    Well, I'm number one amongst the 132,000 people who searched for zen profanity LOL

    1. Ryan Hupfer profile image60
      Ryan Hupferposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Hey, we'll take it smile

      1. acufftg profile image38
        acufftgposted 16 years agoin reply to this

        That 132,000 is search results not 132k people.  And it is a broad search at that.  "zen profanity" which is a exact match has 3 search results.  But it is #1.  There is not really enough data right now to see how many people actually search for zen profanity.

        1. Ryan Hupfer profile image60
          Ryan Hupferposted 16 years agoin reply to this

          Oh geez...who let this guy in here?

          Good to see you in the Forums, Cuff.

          p.s. We went to college together. smile

  31. jimmythejock profile image80
    jimmythejockposted 16 years ago

    Wish my screen capture was working lol my Hub mob hub is doing well on google. … Diet-Guide

    No 1 and 2  for the whole title
    No  2 for the chilled out guide
    No 2 for the chilled out workout
    No 1 for the chilled out diet
    No 1 for chilled out fitness
    No 4 for chilled out health
    I stopped looking after that, thanks for chosing such a great topic this week Ryan the Hup Hupfer.....jimmy
    P.s doing pretty well on Yahoo too
    No 1 for whole title
    No4 for the chilled out guide
    No 1for the chilled out workout
    No 3 for the chilled out diet
    No 3 for chilled out fitness

    1. Ryan Hupfer profile image60
      Ryan Hupferposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Jimmy is rockin' it out...nice. smile

  32. Lela Davidson profile image80
    Lela Davidsonposted 16 years ago

    Okay I followed the directions this week! … ike-Sports
    I wrote about sports for kids who don't like sports because I have one of those and it fits with my parenting Hubs! Hope you enjoy and get some tips!

  33. DJ Funktual profile image67
    DJ Funktualposted 16 years ago

    I was wondering where everyone's been.


  34. profile image68
    SpotCoolStuff.composted 16 years ago

    And yet, ironically, when you google "hubmob" you find that HubPages is not the first result. That honor goes to a site that translates emails and text messages between Japanese, Chinese and Korean, quite possibly so people can hook up cross-culturally and lose weight sexually.

    Did you mean hubmub?

    1. Ryan Hupfer profile image60
      Ryan Hupferposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      HAHAHA...I love it. smile

  35. Research Analyst profile image68
    Research Analystposted 16 years ago

    I chose to write a hub on excercise and mental health. … tal-Health

    1. Ryan Hupfer profile image60
      Ryan Hupferposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      You're the 20th official HubMob Hub this week! smile

      You guys rock.

  36. Anna Marie Bowman profile image69
    Anna Marie Bowmanposted 16 years ago

    Wooohooo!  Mine is number 2 on Google when you search "Tips for becoming a healthier person".  And number one on Yahoo, for the full title as well!!!

  37. Uninvited Writer profile image75
    Uninvited Writerposted 16 years ago
    1. Ryan Hupfer profile image60
      Ryan Hupferposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Suhhhhweet! smile


  38. gamergirl profile image88
    gamergirlposted 16 years ago

    Ryan!!! I'm a goober!!! … -Fat-Foods

    I answered the wrong request, because I read through the requests first and not the thread.  Let me be an example of rawr, read topics first!  But here's my hub for this week anyway - even if it is all on it's lonesome.

  39. Dottie1 profile image65
    Dottie1posted 16 years ago

    I confess I am the biggest dummie or nut for staying up this late!!!

    At least it's done. … thy-Living

  40. Lazur profile image69
    Lazurposted 16 years ago

    I finally finished too:) So here it is:) … ht-problem

  41. Julie-Ann Amos profile image57
    Julie-Ann Amosposted 16 years ago
  42. Julie-Ann Amos profile image57
    Julie-Ann Amosposted 16 years ago

    And my last one.  Phew! … ing-Weight

    Thanks again Ryan for the kick iup the backside that HubMob offers to get partially done hubs finished and online!

  43. Jennifer Bowman profile image61
    Jennifer Bowmanposted 16 years ago

    Here's one I prepared earlier - that's what you get for not keeping up to date with the forums!

    I could have posted this link on Monday ... lol.

  44. Moon Daisy profile image78
    Moon Daisyposted 16 years ago

    Here's my hub on internet addiction, and how to help yourself get out of this situation. 

    In the course of my research, I discovered that this is in fact considered (by some) to be a real problem, and not the "humourous" condition that I thought I'd pretty much invented!  What's more, it seems as if the "addict" label actually fits me quite well... … et-Addict/

  45. crashcromwell profile image67
    crashcromwellposted 16 years ago

    I almost decided to take a pass on this, but I'm glad I didn't. I chose to focus mostly on the the surgical option because it's a process I am presently preparing to go through.

    Here's my link: … r-person_5

  46. Zsuzsy Bee profile image85
    Zsuzsy Beeposted 16 years ago
  47. profile image0
    jupitarposted 16 years ago

    I have done and here's my one about "How to gain weight to stay healthy"
    How to gain weight to stay healthy
    check this out.

  48. Bob Ewing profile image66
    Bob Ewingposted 16 years ago
  49. Rochelle Frank profile image92
    Rochelle Frankposted 16 years ago

    I got one. … -Happiness

    One small problem-- I spelled health with two ee's> I changed it on the title page-- but the url is still wrong. Can I do anything?

    1. Zsuzsy Bee profile image85
      Zsuzsy Beeposted 16 years agoin reply to this

      Rochelle! I don't think you can do anything about the booboo. As far as I can tell once it's an address it's an address.
      regards Zsuzsy

  50. Patty Inglish, MS profile image86
    Patty Inglish, MSposted 16 years ago

    Sometimes the mistake doesn't doesn't matter anyway, especially if people mistype partial urls into a search engines, etc. Some companies use misspellings purposely, so they tell me.



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