Blessed Hill: "If the bible is true, and it is..."
Nudely: Um, who says it is true? Well Paul says so in 2nd Timothy 3:16 "All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness." So, the Bible says the Bible is true! Hmmm... that's rich! BTW, does he imply here that Muslim and Hindu scripture is also breathed out by God? Just curious.
So why should I trust Paul? Who was he? Where can I read his bio? Oh, in the Bible of course!
Then too, there is that minor snag that by the end of the 20th Century, most modern critical scholars argued that 2 Timothy wasn't even written by Paul! They believe the pastoral epistles were penned by an anonymous follower of Paul, sometime after his death in the First Century. Who was this author? Why should I trust him?
Blessed Hill: " in Jesus Christ promises an abundant life now and for eternity."
Nudely: OK, same question as above. Who says JC promises this or that? Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. OK, but the oldest manuscripts of the Gospels extant are missing those titles, so we REALLY don't know for certain that they are written by the people to whom they are now popularly ascribed. You're trusting four ANONYMOUS authors from antiquity! You're trusting four authors who disagree among themselves about the genealogical history of Joseph and details of Biblical events. In fact, it appears as though you're trusting one author, Mark, whose story the other "gospel writers" embellished upon.
There is great uncertainty as to who wrote the gospels and exactly when, but we know that DOZENS of other similar gospels were written at the same time, most of which were disregarded as inauthentic. Who were the people that judged the authenticity of the scriptures? Why do you trust them?
I could go on, but I think it is clear, Jesus is a fiction.
If you want to study Jesus from a disbelievers perspective, I highly recommend the jesusneverexisted channel on youtube. Ken Humphreys has short 5-8 minute videos detailing the mythicist's position, that is, the position of we who believe the story of Jesus to be the stuff of myth. Remember, when the gospels were written, the world's strongest, and most technologically advanced nation, Rome, still believed in all the Roman gods and goddesses... they believed that a friend or relative of the Emperor could be deified eternally by a vote of the Roman Senate. People were as credulous then as they are now! ~Nudely