all your unanswered
- 2What does the terms 'hmm', 'Mmm' and 'K' indicate?
Nived98 (7 years ago)
- 0Have you ever fallen in love with someone else's spouse?! If so and could act on
frequencychange (7 years ago)
- 2What makes your significant other so significant?
frequencychange (7 years ago)
- 0What's your idea about life?
tooba ather (7 years ago)
- 0What is your favorite PC Game?
redcharlie8700 (7 years ago)
- 2Is it proper for my husbands children from his first marriage to stay with us?
DOLPH ANDERSON (7 years ago)
- 3How can you make your dating profile more desirable?
DOLPH ANDERSON (7 years ago)
- 1Can I write about personal experiences?
DOLPH ANDERSON (7 years ago)
- 24How can you say you really love someone if you don't trust them?
alexarain379 (7 years ago)
- 0Who likes BTS?
Aulona (7 years ago)
- 0Am I in love with you or am I in love with the feeling
yulinatalia (7 years ago)
- 1Who is your best friend
Liztalton (7 years ago)
- 225How long does it take to get over the breakup of a 5 year relationship?
XBhelliom (7 years ago)
- 2Is it possible to love someone without any reason at all?
XBhelliom (7 years ago)
- 1I feel today's generation teenagers are much under pressure compared to twenty y
dashingscorpio (7 years ago)
- 5When is it time to end an unfaithful relationship?
Express10 (7 years ago)
- 6Would you have the ability to love again after a divorce?
DDE (7 years ago)
- 1He says his not into you but wants to buy you things, says "We are just friends"
dashingscorpio (7 years ago)
- 1How must one deal with a second heart break?
dashingscorpio (7 years ago)
- 1What would you do if you fell in love with a younger guy but you are still insid
dashingscorpio (7 years ago)
- 0What is love?
Babyanna (7 years ago)
- 0What does it mean to have a dream of an ex dying?
Mariah byrd (7 years ago)
- 2I would like to see what a well-written profile looks like on a dating website?
I love the cape (7 years ago)
- 1As I am transgender I do not understand why it should be regarded by some as a m
Wesman Todd Shaw (7 years ago)
- 1Is it fun to be in a cockold relationship
nochance (7 years ago)
- 1What is the best way to say yes to a boy?
nochance (7 years ago)
- 2How do I recover from co-dependency
tamarawilhite (7 years ago)
- 0What should women keep in mind while dating?
smith0000111 (7 years ago)
- 4What are you actually living for?
Alan Grace (7 years ago)
- 0My lady left without saying after 8 years imbored and lonley
Timothy H Templet (7 years ago)
- 5Is there a magical approach to dating?
kdogswimmerchic (7 years ago)
- 23What does it he really mean when he kisses you but doesn't want a relationship?
Rosana Modugno (7 years ago)
- 1Tips on dating
nochance (7 years ago)
- 1I like this really bad but I'm too scared to talk to him about it. Help!
nochance (7 years ago)
- 0What meaning does it have if I dreamed with a guy & met him in real life? Same n
PinkBella83 (7 years ago)
- 18What is your opinion on the issue of gay/lesbian relationships and gay marriage?
Christafaye (7 years ago)
- 7Do you think gay people choose to be gay? Do you think straight people choose to
Christafaye (7 years ago)
- 4what are the goals and objectives of same sex relationship?
Christafaye (7 years ago)
- 5How would you accept a break up in a relationship?
Michael-Milec (7 years ago)
- 25What is your sexual orientation (if you don't mind me asking)?
Christafaye (7 years ago)
- 12I'm married. I've a crush on a married man. How do I snuff the crush? I'm growin
Christafaye (7 years ago)
- 12What advice would you give to someone who had just came out of the closet?
Christafaye (7 years ago)
- 21If Your Girlfriend Would Wear A Serious Face And Ask You To Dress In Her Dress,
Christafaye (7 years ago)
- 6WHY are new comming LGBT so afraid to come otu of the closet? Also and why does
Christafaye (7 years ago)
- 7Are lesbian relationships more emotionally charged than heterosexual or gay male
Christafaye (7 years ago)
- 8Do some Gay people not realize they are Gay?
Christafaye (7 years ago)
- 1I have two problems 1: I'm in love with a 14 year old I'm 18 2: we both are che
nochance (7 years ago)
- 31Trump says he will veto gay marriage.
colorfulone (7 years ago)
- 0I had a dream of a senior
Niada (7 years ago)
- 35Are people really born straight or gay?
izettl (7 years ago)