Ryem profile image72


Joined 12 years ago from Maryland

  • 50
  • 172
  • 110
  • Prayers in a Glass (My Reflection)

    Prayers in a Glass (My Reflection)

    9 years ago

    I saw my reflection in a glass. I knew I was smiling, but the reflection was sad. I'm almost certain it was a hallucination or a dream I had. Real or not, I still feel bad. Proven or not, there's still a chance it was reality. Most days, I'm...

  • Fallen Petals & Strangers

    Fallen Petals & Strangers

    9 years ago

    There's more to a rose than its hue- soft peach, deep blue. Caress the stem, you'll see the point I've got to prove. Blood on your hands once again. When will you learn? Petals on the floor. Damn, why do they always blame the women? You've got...

  • A Toast to Our Secrets

    A Toast to Our Secrets

    9 years ago

    Thirst. We couldn't get enough of them, them, them. Sins buried in our hearts. Shhh...don't talk. Let's toast to our secrets and digest our regrets. We won't remember this speech in the morning, but the feeling is what we'll never forget . ...

  • Vacant Excitement

    Vacant Excitement

    9 years ago

    I pray that my karma doesn't catch up with me. I don't rest cause it promised to grab me from my sleep. I’ve got a reoccurring daydream. In fact, I’m haunted by the sunlight. I’ve got a smile on my face. Why? I’m still too fucking pretty to...

  • Wine O' Clock

    Wine O' Clock

    9 years ago

    I woke up at wine o' clock in the morning. I drank my thoughts away, but couldn't do the same with my emotions. I sucked my tongue to savor the flavor I've become addicted to. If only it were my heart in your hands. I wish I had...

  • Lightning's Glow

    Lightning's Glow

    9 years ago

    My city. Maybe he gave up his heart, his job, and livelihood all to me because he loved to sing and I believed in him. He broke my heart, but I still prayed for him. But I was still surprised when I found this letter in his writing. Dear Ryem, I...

  • Blossom


    9 years ago

    Hey pretty baby, please stop crying. I'm here to tell you, it'll be alright. I know you haven't laughed in quite a while. You're a gift, I wanna see your smile. Hey pretty baby, why don't you see the greatest beauty is the black sheep? Your talent...

  • Make Me a Beauty/Make Me Yours

    Make Me a Beauty/Make Me Yours

    9 years ago

    Trap me. Claim me. Tame me. Make me a beauty. Don't break me. Shame me. Name me. Make me a beauty. My love won't let you go. I move real slow, it brings me hope. I'm the lump in your throat, your Christmas coal, on the nerves of your soul. Please...

  • What Goes Up Must Come Down

    What Goes Up Must Come Down

    9 years ago

    When you walked out of my door, I begged you to stay as I fell to the floor. My heart sunk down to the pit of my stomach. I didn't know who to be without your influence. You didn't laugh, but I detected a smile. Once insecure, your ego shot up 10...

  • I Probably Should Die

    I Probably Should Die

    9 years ago

    Model: Ryem Photographer: Michael Paul I'm sick of living in a world that I feel uninspired by. I probably should die. There is no color. I am chased by gray surroundings and haunted by a meek sense of freedom. One day, I was drunk enough to...

  • Addicted to Flying

    Addicted to Flying

    9 years ago

    My phone rang last night and I was reminded of what my voice sounds like. All I wanna do is write, it makes me feel like I can fly. I'm a party girl, yes I am, but lately I've felt disconnected from my friends. I haven't even contacted my fam. No...

  • Sweet Red

    Sweet Red

    9 years ago

    I had a relationship where both our best and worst memories revolved around sweet red wine. I recently spent a solo night with that wine and wrote my memories as they came in.

  • I'm Done

    I'm Done

    10 years ago

    I'm done. I'm scared of lonely and I'm curious to see, what we might become. Don't throw your entire personalty, hopes, and dreams to me at once. Just come. Dress as you are and do what u feel cause I'm hopeless and you're a pill. I'm done. I...

  • Those 3 Words (ILY)

    Those 3 Words (ILY)

    10 years ago

    Pushed to the limit...

  • I Call Him

    I Call Him "Mine"

    9 years ago

    This poem is about two people who cannot trust each other developing a deep bond in spite of that. The relationship isn't healthy and it only makes sense to the two involved....We're foolishly happy.

  • Did We Choose to Live a Lie?

    Did We Choose to Live a Lie?

    10 years ago

    I felt like you were mine the first time we locked eyes. This was before we exchanged names and smiles. It was even before I heard your voice. I felt like we were born to feel a bizarre connection and didn't have a choice. I was alright with that....

  • This is Dedicated to a Weirdo

    This is Dedicated to a Weirdo

    9 years ago

    Embrace your differences, love who you are, speak loudly, and be brave.

  • This is My Life?

    This is My Life?

    10 years ago

    Sometimes I feel like I have all the time in the world and sometimes I think my better days are behind me. I feel old, but I'm young. It's hard to explain! This is my attempt at writing it out.

  • The Voices in My Head Told Me To

    The Voices in My Head Told Me To

    10 years ago

    I had a hard time sleeping last night. I was exhausted, but I couldn't stop thinking. It felt like I was thinking 100 thoughts at once. This poem is the child of those thoughts.

  • I'm a Loser

    I'm a Loser

    10 years ago

    As I grow older, I become more accepting of my flaws & things that I can't change. I'm also more focused on reaching my goals and living for ME. I'll be 24 in July & I'm excited to reach my new age.

  • Too Pretty to Frown

    Too Pretty to Frown

    9 years ago

    My ego won't allow me to show fragile emotions in public. I believe that some acts should only be done behind closed doors, no matter how honest you are. I'm no robot, I've got things under control.

  • Thank God for Tears

    Thank God for Tears

    9 years ago

    Allow your tears to quench your thirst, find faith in your strength, learn from the experience and then allow yourself to move on. That is what this poem is about, it's the art of moving on.

  • Looking For a Place to Die

    Looking For a Place to Die

    9 years ago

    The title of the poem was inspired by a song called, "One Foot" by a band named Fun. Writing this poem gave me a chance to interpret the line of the song that stood out to me the most.

  • Denial is What He Calls Me

    Denial is What He Calls Me

    11 years ago

    Denial. Is that your new favorite word? Whenever I talk trash to you, my goal is to leave your feelings hurt. But you just joke like it's a flirt. I guess that's just how we work. Denial. You say that when I say "no". Yes, there is a reason I...

  • Cause I've Been Hurt Before

    Cause I've Been Hurt Before

    11 years ago

    There are certain things I wish I had known before my innocence was stole, but babe, you've got to have your heart broken before you truly know how to protect it. We go through the motions, and deal with tough emotions. We start feeling hopeless...

  • I'll Take Care of You

    I'll Take Care of You

    11 years ago

    Even when dark clouds erase the sun and the sky turns the earth black, when there is no smile in your reflection, I’ll take care of you. When your heart cries and your eyes are dry from not sleeping, I’ll give you what you...

  • Life at Rock Bottom

    Life at Rock Bottom

    11 years ago

    Sometimes you've gotta embrace your sadness before you can conquer it and move on.

  • Two Artists in Heaven

    Two Artists in Heaven

    11 years ago

    Art, love and struggle...they are all the same thing, period.

  • I Am Satisfaction

    I Am Satisfaction

    9 years ago

    She doesn't deserve to be loved cause she's been damaged. She wasn't built to be cherished. She is strong, she is hustling, but she will never ever feel accomplished. I won't let her because I am satisfaction and I won't let her...

  • 19

    I Love the Fighter in You (After the Storm)

    10 years ago

    This poem was written for a poetry challenge inspired by those affected by Hurricane Sandy. The storm caused devastation for many. I hope my words helped someone find some strength & faith afterwards.

  • If Brick Walls Had Hearts...

    If Brick Walls Had Hearts...

    9 years ago

    Only the strong prevail...

  • Loud Memories

    Loud Memories

    9 years ago

    I remember smiling at you, back when our skin was inseparable. And when it’s late and I can’t sleep it’s cause I can feel your need for me. Would you believe just yesterday, I picked up my phone and scrolled to your...

  • U Made Me Cry

    U Made Me Cry

    9 years ago

    This poem is very important to me, I wrote it as I felt myself growing out of a very twisted, unhealthy relationship. I had spent over two years in a dark hole because it felt right. Now, I can laugh.

  • Ruby Red Fantasy

    Ruby Red Fantasy

    9 years ago

    I love the energy I get from the color red, it makes me feel powerful, sexy, and strong. As a Leo born in July, my deep love for rubies just makes sense. It's definitely my favorite gemstone.

  • To My One True Love: Poetry

    To My One True Love: Poetry

    11 years ago

    You are intensity. You are power. You are therapy. You eat away at me, you stress me, make me your lunch and dinner. In the mornings, you don't bother me you allow me to get myself together. But, at 6:01PM I must confess to...

  • Mr. Superstar

    Mr. Superstar

    9 years ago

    4 my #1 fan...

  • Prison Song

    Prison Song

    11 years ago

    When I opened my eyes, I was mad and frustrated. I was curled up in a ball, with my knees to my chest and my wrists tightly cuffed behind me. I couldn’t even bring my arms to the front. I couldn’t hold myself for comfort. I was...

  • Back-up Plan

    Back-up Plan

    11 years ago

    Hello world, IDGAF.

  • Buy My Love

    Buy My Love

    9 years ago

    Buy my love with empty pockets and a dusty wallet. Show me your riches, but not by shopping. I don’t like diamonds. I like kisses and jokes, a man with ambition in his soul, hard, rough love, and a smile pretty as a dove. Buy my...

  • Dead Clocks

    Dead Clocks

    9 years ago

    Don't play dumb. Death is around the corner : )

  • When They Fly

    When They Fly

    9 years ago

    A song for my heart...

  • The Rose...

    The Rose...

    9 years ago

    Inspired by Tupac Shakur's poem, "The Rose That Grew From Concrete" I dedicate this story to his memory and my own growth and experiences with poetry.

  • Paper Castles

    Paper Castles

    11 years ago

    Look at the castle I’ve built, on the ground that I created. You watched me struggle to get to this point. Now ,you’re reluctant to give me praises. Are you hating? Why are you jaded, now that I’ve made it? It rained, I got...

  • Setting Me Free

    Setting Me Free

    9 years ago

    Set me free from my turmoil. I don’t want to be spoiled. I just want to prove that I am not a fool for being hopeful. Tears taunt my face by making my eyes water. Once they follow through with their threat and roll down my cheeks...

  • Paranoid Hearts Tell Lies

    Paranoid Hearts Tell Lies

    10 years ago

    When you're afraid to love, you end up punishing yourself. You can break your own heart, and cause your own loneliness. Learn to trust, learn fearlessness, and cope.

  • 24

    The Tattooed Man

    9 years ago

    This man looks like my deepest fantasy, but what if he sucks in real life?

  • Jeremiah


    11 years ago

    I will watch you grow, help you heal, and protect you...my precious little flower.

  • Loving You Still

    Loving You Still

    9 years ago

    This poem tells the story of a woman loving an unfaithful man. Although she knows the relationship is all wrong, she isn't strong enough to let it go.

  • Lost Art

    Lost Art

    9 years ago

    When I alienate myself before you do...

  • Cry


    9 years ago

    I know my heart can’t be wrong, I need you crying for me. Tell me I'm not worth the tears and I’ll know you’re lying to me. Quit hiding from me, baby I won’t ever leave you. I’ll hurt you, I won’t misuse, I will abuse you, but I will...


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