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Wendy Henderson (Wendy Krick)

Joined 16 years ago from Cape Coral

  • 100
  • 396
  • 278
  • Get Paid Blogging

    Get Paid Blogging

    9 years ago

    Anyone can get paid blogging once you realize how easy it really is and it is fun too. Blogging gives you a way to express yourself while earning money.

  • The Power Of Good Customer Service

    The Power Of Good Customer Service

    9 years ago

    If you think providing good customer service doesn't make a difference then you should read this article. Providing excellent service not only keeps your company in business but it can make you rich.

  • SEO Online Training

    SEO Online Training

    10 years ago

    Although many people find SEO confusing at first, if used properly, you can generate lots of highly targeted traffic to your niche website. Learn how you can get SEO Online Training...

  • 0

    Small World Living Toys Young Chef Cookware Set

    12 years ago

    One of the most fun I had as a child was playing pretend. And kids today love pretending to be a grown up cook. Kids especially love cooking in a make believe kitchen as they get to use their emagination as they pretend to be the Mommy (or Daddy)...

  • Egg and Muffin Maker

    Egg and Muffin Maker

    12 years ago

    I have teenagers who like to prepare their own breakfast in the mornings. They will often grab a bowl of cereal or make an egg with toast. So I decided to get an egg and muffin maker so they could quickly make a healthy breakfast each morning. ...

  • The Best Product for Kitchen Knives Sharpening

    The Best Product for Kitchen Knives Sharpening

    12 years ago

    I would be lost in a kitchen with out a sharp set of knives. And for many years I have used a traditional sharpening stone to keep my knives sharp. The Sharpening stone worked pretty well but it was a lot of work to keep my knives sharp. I have also...

  • The Many Uses of Original Dawn

    The Many Uses of Original Dawn

    9 years ago

    Dawn is one of the most popular dish detergents, because it works so well at removing grease for dishes. But did you know that Dawn soap isn't just for washing dishes.You have probably seen on television how Dawn dish washing soap has been used to remove oil from birds and other wildlife during oil...

  • Emergency Preparedness For Kids

    Emergency Preparedness For Kids

    13 years ago

    We always try to be prepared for any emergency that may happen by having a emergency preparedness kit ready with an ample supply water and food. But don't forget about the kids. This article will give you a few tips to help with Disaster Preparedness for kids.

  • Disaster Preparedness Plan

    Disaster Preparedness Plan

    13 years ago

    Every family should have a disaster plan in place. This article will help with emergency disaster planning. Being properly prepared for a disaster could mean the difference between life and death. Be sure to have the right first aid kit as well as the vital items needed for disaster survival.

  • Murder In the Dark

    Murder In the Dark

    13 years ago

    When I was a teenager, we used to play a game called murder in the dark. We always played this game when there was lots of kids over. I belonged to a youth group so there were often a few kids over and since I had 4 siblings there was always lots...

  • Foot Pain Relief

    Foot Pain Relief

    13 years ago

    If you know anyone who works on their feet all day long, like I do, then you probably have heard them complain about hurting feet. Especially those retail workers or nurses who are on their feet for a long period of time while walking on a hard...

  • School Supplies For Kids | Stress Free Shopping

    School Supplies For Kids | Stress Free Shopping

    13 years ago

    Shopping for School Supplies can be a very stressful time for parents both financially as well as organizationally. But it is a necessary task that must be done in order to help our children start out strong on their first day of school. But...

  • Easy Sloppy Joe Recipe

    Easy Sloppy Joe Recipe

    9 years ago

    Sloppy Joes made with Chicken Gumbo soup was a family favorite when I was a child. This sloppy joe recipe is very easy to make and tastes delicious.

  • Why do People Fear Death?

    Why do People Fear Death?

    10 years ago

    Many people suffer from the fear of death and dying. Is it the fear of the unknown? Or the fear of pain? Or perhaps the thought of being alone. There are ways to overcome these fears...

  • Madame Alexander Wizard of Oz Dolls

    Madame Alexander Wizard of Oz Dolls

    10 years ago

    Madame Alexander is a doll company that makes popular collectible dolls. For over 80 years Madame Alexander has been creating the most beautifully crafted dolls for children and doll collectors everywhere. Many of the dolls are characters from...

  • Harry Potter DVD Set

    Harry Potter DVD Set

    13 years ago

    Every 10 years or so a Movie series comes out that is such a delight to the whole family that you just need to own it. The Harry Potter Series is one of the DVD sets that everyone should ad to their collection. I for one have seen each of the...

  • Using Glass Straws - A simple way to help the Environment

    Using Glass Straws - A simple way to help the Environment

    13 years ago

    Many people are concerned about the plastics usage being at an all time high. But did you know that new evidence suggests that plastics in our diet has been the cause of a many health problems in people. One simple way for people to ingest less...

  • Football Party Decorations

    Football Party Decorations

    13 years ago

    It's football season and time for the football parties. This page has all of best Football supplies and party favors to make your party the best in town.

  • Precious Moments Dolls

    Precious Moments Dolls

    13 years ago

    I love Precious Moments and have been collecting the adorable precious moments figurines for a long time now. Just recently I discovered this adorable like of Precious Moments dolls. These dolls are so cute and adorable. A Precious Moments doll...

  • Beach Bracelets For Teens and Young Adults

    Beach Bracelets For Teens and Young Adults

    13 years ago

    Teenage girls love jewelry and in the Summer time, they really enjoy beach jewelry. Most Beach Bracelets are made of beads that have a pretty charm that reminds you of the ocean. Or a linked charm bracelet is also very popular. There are lots of...

  • Daddy Diaper Bags

    Daddy Diaper Bags

    13 years ago

    Diaper bags for men are more popular than ever. With the current times, Dads are playing a more active role in taking care of baby. And they need their own Daddy Diaper Bag. This page has a selection of the most popular diaper bags for Dad.

  • Maryland Camping

    Maryland Camping

    13 years ago

    My family and I love going camping as mini weekend vacations. Sometimes you just need to get away. And camping out in Maryland is very inexpensive but very beautiful and fun. Some of the most beautiful Maryland State Parks are located in western...

  • Dark Series by Christine Feehan

    Dark Series by Christine Feehan

    10 years ago

    Christine Feehan's Dark Series is one of the best Romantic Vampire Series on the market. If you love paranormal romance, you will love this series.

  • Barefoot Jewelry| Barefoot Sandals | The Perfect Beach Jewelry

    Barefoot Jewelry| Barefoot Sandals | The Perfect Beach Jewelry

    10 years ago

    Barefoot Jewelry are sandals that don't have a sole. These barefoot sandals are the perfect beach jewelry.

  • Heart Locket Necklace

    Heart Locket Necklace

    11 years ago

    The perfect way to say..."I Love You!" I have a thick heart pendant necklace that I wear everyday. This gold necklace was a gift from my husband Michael. He gave it to my over 25 years ago before we were married. When he gave this gold heart locket...

  • Mother And Child Jewelry

    Mother And Child Jewelry

    10 years ago

    These beautiful sterling silver mothers pendants are made of genuine sterling silver. These gorgeous mothers necklaces come in an attractive Gift Box that is ready for gift giving. This ...Loving Family Sterling Silver Necklace come with an 18" inch long sterling silver box chain. The chain has a...

  • No Stress Chess

    No Stress Chess

    13 years ago

    Like many people I tried to play chess when I was a child and found it very confusing. So I am excited that there is a new Chess game that helps people of all ages learn how to play. Chess can be loads of fun once you understand how to play. Chess...

  • Flexible Flyer Sled

    Flexible Flyer Sled

    10 years ago

    The most popular Flexible Flyer Sled with 9 five star reviews at Amazon.com is the Mountain Boy Sledworks Ultimate Flyer 52-inch sled. This sled is almost to pretty to ride. But of course you need to ride a wooden sled because it is sturdy. It can stand up to many spills without being damaged....

  • Hampden Christmas Lights | A Baltimore Tradition

    Hampden Christmas Lights | A Baltimore Tradition

    10 years ago

    One of the traditions in The Baltimore area is to go to downtown Baltimore and see the Hampden Christmas Lights. On 34th Street in downtown Baltimore there is an entire street of row homes that make the most beautiful Christmas display I have ever seen. Each row house decorates. It is probably the...

  • Roasting Chestnuts at Christmas

    Roasting Chestnuts at Christmas

    10 years ago

    Roasting Chestnuts at Christmas is a wonderful family tradition. Not only are they tasty but chestnuts are nutritious.

  • Buy Gift Card Online | Cute Christmas Gift Cards

    Buy Gift Card Online | Cute Christmas Gift Cards

    13 years ago

    The best way to shop for Christmas gifts or for any holiday is to simply buy a gift card online. I can shop while I am wearing my pajamas and enjoying a nice hot cup of tea. I get to sit back, relax, and shop. And now there are a huge selection of gift cards for everyone. Check them out here.

  • Christmas Jello Cake | Perfect Holiday Dessert

    Christmas Jello Cake | Perfect Holiday Dessert

    13 years ago

    Jello Cake is delicious throughout the year, but it makes a beautiful addition to your holiday table. Do one layer with red jello and one with lime jello and you can a festive a colorful Christmas dessert. Jello Cake makes the perfect holiday desert. Check out the Jello Cake Recipe.

  • Candied Yams With Marshmallows Recipe

    Candied Yams With Marshmallows Recipe

    13 years ago

    I think we each have a favorite dish that we like to eat or prepare for Thanksgiving and for Christmas dinner. My Holiday dish that I enjoy making is the candied yams also known as candied sweet potatoes. They always taste yummy and there are rarely...

  • Planning A Funeral For Yourself

    Planning A Funeral For Yourself

    9 years ago

    Death is a subject that many people don't like to think about. But ultimately it is something that we all need to do. Once of the best ways to ensure that your wishes are implemented is to plan your own funeral. I know it seems a little weird but planning your own funeral is really just like...

  • Giraffe Toy

    Giraffe Toy

    10 years ago

    ...This Melissa & Doug Giraffe Plush is the perfect gift for anyone who loves Giraffes. It would also be the perfect for a child's room or a childcare center. A Giant toy Giraffe would also be a terrific addition to a nursery done in the Circus theme or Giraffe baby theme. This sturdy giant...

  • Massaging Foot Warmer

    Massaging Foot Warmer

    13 years ago

    In the wintertime I love to sit inside and look outside the window at the pretty white snow, but I really don't enjoy playing in it. I would much rather be nice a warm in my home tinkering on the computer or watching a good movie with my family. ...

  • Wassail Hot Apple Cider

    Wassail Hot Apple Cider

    13 years ago

    Just like most people I have many warm Christmas memories which includes many family traditions. Sometimes it is the simple traditions that give the holidays that extra warm feeling that just ties everything else together. For our family it is the...

  • Nurse Ornaments For Your Christmas Tree

    Nurse Ornaments For Your Christmas Tree

    10 years ago

    Christmas is the perfect time to show your appreciating to the nurse in your life. A great way to show your love for a nurse is by giving them a nurse christmas ornament as a christmas gift. There are many different kinds of unique christmas ornaments for nurses. Some Nurse ornaments can also be...

  • Teacher Christmas Ornaments

    Teacher Christmas Ornaments

    10 years ago

    Often teachers don't get the appreciation that they deserve. And we all know teachers are not paid what they are worth. Christmas is the perfect opportunity to let the teacher in your life know that you appreciate them. A Teacher Christmas Ornament is the perfect keepsake for that special teacher....

  • Red & Kiwi Christmas Ornaments | Traditional Red and Green Christmas

    Red & Kiwi Christmas Ornaments | Traditional Red and Green Christmas

    10 years ago

    One of my favorite color schemes is the Red & Kiwi Christmas Ornaments. The red and kiwi green really blend together. I think your Tree looks best when you use a variety of shapes and sizes of your Red and Kiwi Christmas ornaments. I think using a silver artificial tree really makes the colors of...

  • Snoogle Body Pillow | Body Pregnancy Pillow

    Snoogle Body Pillow | Body Pregnancy Pillow

    13 years ago

    One of the most valued items for an expectant Mom is a pregnancy pillow. A body pillow allows pregnant women me to get a good nights sleep. It allowed expectant Moms to place the pillow in between their legs so it helps to keep my spine even. A...

  • Heated Mats | HeatTrak

    Heated Mats | HeatTrak

    13 years ago

    Many people who get lots of snow in the winter time have discovered one of the best ways to keep their entryway dry and clear of snow as well as ice is using a HeatTrak electric heated door mat. If you get a lot of snow you may want to consider...

  • Purple Christmas Trees

    Purple Christmas Trees

    13 years ago

    How about doing something different for Christmas this year? If your favorite Color is purple, you could do something a little different this year rather than the traditional, red, green and gold. How about a purple christmas tree? With some really...

  • Cuisinart Electric Fry Pan

    Cuisinart Electric Fry Pan

    12 years ago

    I love my electric fry pan. We are a family of 5 and I need a large skillet to cook just about everything. I love the Cuisinart Fry Pan because it is the perfect size for our family. Nothing ever sticks to the bottom which makes clean up way easy....

  • My Three Sons Television Show

    My Three Sons Television Show

    10 years ago

    I LOVED My Three Sons as a little girl. The My Three Sons show chronicles the life of the Douglas family. The My Three Sons tv show was a huge hit in the 60's. Fred MacMurray played the role of Steve Douglas, an aeronautical engineer and widower raising his three sons alone. mythreesons brought...

  • Squinkies Cupcake Surprise Bakeshop For Little Girls

    Squinkies Cupcake Surprise Bakeshop For Little Girls

    13 years ago

    Squinkies are the hottest new toy for little girls between the ages of 4 and 10 years old. Squinkies Toys are cute little squeezable people (friends and pets) that are small enough to hold in the palm of your hand. The latest Squinkies Toy is the Cupcake Surprise Bakeshop....

  • Charlie Brown Christmas Tree

    Charlie Brown Christmas Tree

    10 years ago

    You can own the classic "Charlie Brown Christmas Tree" which includes one single red ornament.

  • Corolle Baby Dolls - Best Toy Baby Dolls

    Corolle Baby Dolls - Best Toy Baby Dolls

    13 years ago

    This article is about one of the most popular baby girl toys for gift giving, Corolle Baby Dolls. If you haven't heard of them before lets just say that The corolle baby doll the softest and most hug-able baby doll. They come in different sizes including the new born baby dolls which are 12" and...

  • Wooden Train Sets For Toddlers

    Wooden Train Sets For Toddlers

    13 years ago

    ...Toy trains are just so much fun. Preschool kids especially love playing with railway train sets and the Melissa and Doug wooden railway is one of the most popular. Kids can pretend that they are the trains conductor or they can pretend they are carrying cargo from one place to the other. Find...

  • Melissa & Doug 60-piece Standard Unit Blocks

    Melissa & Doug 60-piece Standard Unit Blocks

    13 years ago

    ...One of the best toys for child development is playing with toy blocks. Teachers know how important building blocks are for development of early childhood. This is why you can find building sets in every play school and kindergarten classroom. I know I had wooden blocks as a child...

  • Fun Family Board Games For any Family Game Night!

    Fun Family Board Games For any Family Game Night!

    10 years ago

    This article has a wonderful selection of the best and new board games for Christmas 2011. Many people like to buy board games as a company christmas party idea or for family game ideas. Many families enjoy playing family party games during the holidays. Board Games as well as Dvd trivia games will...

  • Cryopak - Microwave Heating Pad

    Cryopak - Microwave Heating Pad

    12 years ago

    The Cryopak Simply Cozy 10 x 13-Inch Microwaveable Heat Pad is terrific because you only have to put it in the microwave for a moment and moist heat pack will stay warm for hours. This Simply Cozy Pack contains two cozy reusable microwaveable heat pads, each pad measuring 10 x 13 inches. The...

  • Microwavable Slippers | Slippers for the Microwave

    Microwavable Slippers | Slippers for the Microwave

    10 years ago

    These microwaveable foot warmers are so snugly warm and they smell really nice too. These microwave slippers come with a microwaveable insole filled with all natural lavender and flax seed. So they smell wonderful and help you to relax. You can wear microwavable slippers with or without removable...

  • Warm Winter Boots For The Entire Family

    Warm Winter Boots For The Entire Family

    12 years ago

    A good pair of warm winter boots will survive many years of snow storms. A nice pair of winter boots will have a good tread so no one falls on the ice.They will also keep your feet warm, but not so warm that you want to take them off. There are many stylish boots for people to choose from to wear...

  • Melissa And Doug Floor Puzzles

    Melissa And Doug Floor Puzzles

    13 years ago

    Melissa and Doug floor puzzles are so much fun for the entire family. Children especially really enjoy putting together puzzles. Toddlers enjoy puzzles so much, they will often put them together over and over again. Melissa & Doug puzzles are the perfect kind of toy for toddlers because they have...

  • Melissa & Doug Pretend Play Food and Kitchen

    Melissa & Doug Pretend Play Food and Kitchen

    13 years ago

    Melissa and Doug toys are a popular brand of educational toys for Toddlers. The pretend play Food and Kitchen are especially popular. This hub has a huge variety of Melissa and Doug food including the deluxe ice cream parlor and the Doug deluxe ice cream. And of course don't miss the best selling...

  • Learning Resources Pretend & Play Doctor Set

    Learning Resources Pretend & Play Doctor Set

    13 years ago

    The Learning Resources Pretend & Play Doctor Set is awesome. This pretend doctor set has lots of pieces so several children can play at the same time. The pretend Stethoscope actually makes realistic sounds. You can hear a cough or a heartbeat with the stethoscope. The pager beeps just like a real...

  • Best Allergy Pillow Covers

    Best Allergy Pillow Covers

    13 years ago

    The use of Allergy Pillow Cover also known as dust mite covers help to guard against pet dander, cigarette smoke and mold spores and of course dust mites. Allergy pillow covers give relief to sufferers and help people get a restful night sleep. Allergy Armor is the best pillow cover available....

  • Best Room Air Purifier For Allergies

    Best Room Air Purifier For Allergies

    10 years ago

    Room air purifiers help to remove the dust and pollen from the air which can help relieve your symptoms. Good ionic pro air purifiers effectively remove pet odors, smoke, dust and many other irritants that cause allergic reactions. Most people who suffer from severe allergies notice a huge relief...

  • Sinus Nasal Irrigation And Neti Pots

    Sinus Nasal Irrigation And Neti Pots

    10 years ago

    Sinus Cleansing is a natural way to help people who suffer from sinus problems including seasonal allergies and Chronic sinus infections. The use of a neti pot or a nasal sinus irrigation system only takes a minute to use and will give the allergy sufferer amazing results. Most people notice a...

  • Suzanne Collins The Hunger Games Trio

    Suzanne Collins The Hunger Games Trio

    13 years ago

    This book review is about The Hunger Games series. The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins includes three books. Book one is The Hunger Games. Book two is Catching Fire and the third is Mockingjay. The Hunger Games books is loved by both teen boys (because of the action) and teen girls (because of the...

  • Our First Christmas Together Ornament

    Our First Christmas Together Ornament

    10 years ago

    When newlyweds celebrate their very first Christmas holiday season together, they often don't have many ornaments to decorate their Christmas tree. One of the Best ways to help them get their collection of Christmas tree ornaments and holiday decorations started is by giving them an "our first...

  • 12

    Most Beautiful Christmas Heirloom Nativity Fontanini Nativity Set

    10 years ago

    The Nativity manger scene is such an important part of decorating your home for the Christmas Holidays. In many families the heirloom nativity set often gets passed down from generation to generation. Families choose the Fontanini Nativity set for their holiday festivities because Fontanini makes...

  • Parenting Help - Homework Tips for Parents

    Parenting Help - Homework Tips for Parents

    10 years ago

    Many Parents get frustrated with thier kids and home work. This article shares some of the homework tips for parents and study skills time management that have been effective including homework completion, homeowrk overload and study skills for children....

  • Disney Princess Back to School Supplies

    Disney Princess Back to School Supplies

    13 years ago

    Back to School time is an exciting time for little girls. Children get excited picking out their new clothes and their school supplies as they anticipate their first day. And as parents, we want to start them off with confidence. We just want...

  • Roxy Girls Backpacks For School

    Roxy Girls Backpacks For School

    10 years ago

    Roxy backpacks are a great option for carrying school books and other supplies. They come in a large variety of colors that every student would love.

  • Scary Halloween Life size Coffins For Halloween

    Scary Halloween Life size Coffins For Halloween

    10 years ago

    Halloween is such a fun time of year for the entire family. Okay the little ones like to go and get candy. But when you get older it is really fun to decorate and make the front yard of your house as scary as possible. One way to make your yard...

  • Unemployed In America | I'm Now UnEmployed

    Unemployed In America | I'm Now UnEmployed

    10 years ago

    I am now an unemployment statistic. The Company Location has closed and I am now one of the unemployed. Actually my last day was last Wednesday but it has taken a week to really hit home. Sometimes the...

  • Disney Beauty And The Beast DVD

    Disney Beauty And The Beast DVD

    12 years ago

    Disney's Beauty and the Beast is one of my favorite Disney Princess Stories. This movie was also an all time favorite for my girls who are now grown. We have watched our DVD again and again over the years. Disney first released Beauty and the Beast...

  • The Closer Box Set

    The Closer Box Set

    13 years ago

    The Closer is not your typical cop show. It stars Kyra Closer DVD stars Kira Sedgewick as Brenda Lee Johnson. She is the Closer. She can close any case. What I love most about her is that she is totally feminine yet she is really tough. But my favorite thing about her is the way she manipulates her...

  • Should I Buy a Kindle?

    Should I Buy a Kindle?

    10 years ago

    This page is for the person who isn't sure if they would like a Kindle.

  • 5 Tips for Amazon Affiliates: How to Find the Best Amazon Products to Promote.

    5 Tips for Amazon Affiliates: How to Find the Best Amazon Products to Promote.

    10 years ago

    There really is no limits to how you can make money using Amazon products as an amazon affiliate and Hubpages. Learn How to pick Amazon products to promote so that you can earn amazon affiliate revenue. Learn how to get Amazon results with these amazon tips.

  • Bilibo Toy

    Bilibo Toy

    10 years ago

    At first glance the bilibo toy looks like just a piece of plastic. But this Bilibo rocking and spinning toy is one of the best educational toys and learning toys for toddlers. This bilibo actually one of the most imaginative toys on the market. They are hot in the eyes of kids ...

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    How We Survived Toxic Black Mold Exposure

    10 years ago

    My toxic mold story. I share the toxic black mold symptoms and toxic mold health effects that we suffered. I also express how urgent it is if you think your home has some house mold symptoms or if you have seen what you believe is toxic mold. Learn about identifying black mold and how to do mold...

  • Filing Bankruptcy By Yourself Without a Lawyer in MD (Maryland)

    Filing Bankruptcy By Yourself Without a Lawyer in MD (Maryland)

    11 years ago

    I live in Maryland and have found that many families are really struggling financially and are wondering if chapter 7 bankruptcy is the Answer and when to file bankruptcy. And they have no idea where to start in filing bankruptcy in Maryland. Many people are seeking help from a Maryland Bankruptcy...

  • Toy Story Halloween Costumes for Toddlers, Jessie Costume

    Toy Story Halloween Costumes for Toddlers, Jessie Costume

    5 years ago

    Disney Toy Story 3 is a hit with toddlers. And kids everywhere love both Buzz Light year and Woody. Which is why Toy story costumes are really popular all year long. Kids can where a woody dress up costume and play pretend.

  • Most Popular DVD Movie Rentals | Blue Box or Red Box

    Most Popular DVD Movie Rentals | Blue Box or Red Box

    13 years ago

    With Block Buster closing many of their retail locations people are looking for places to rent movies. Now people are renting popular dvds at redbox as well as blue box movies ...

  • Earning Money As An Amazon Affiliate Is Easy With Hubpages

    Earning Money As An Amazon Affiliate Is Easy With Hubpages

    10 years ago

    People think that making money online through affiliate marketing is hard to learn and hard to do. It really is easy to earn money. It just takes a little patience. Websites like Hubpages makes it way easy for anyone to make money online. Learn how Making Money with Amazon is easy with Hubpages.

  • Skip Hop Backpack

    Skip Hop Backpack

    13 years ago

    If you have a toddler going to prekindergarten or kindergarten then you are probably thinking about the right kind of book bag for your little one. The problem with many book bags is they are made for an older child and tend to be too big and...

  • Baltimore Ravens Silly Bandz | Ravens Silly Bands

    Baltimore Ravens Silly Bandz | Ravens Silly Bands

    13 years ago

    By now most people know what silly bandz are and that it is all the rave with kids. At least where I live they are. They are these Silicone (rubber band like) bracelets that come in different shapes of things. Because they are made of silicone...

  • Car Trip Games

    Car Trip Games

    10 years ago

    Car Trip Games like the license plate game are a great way to make a long trip feel shorter. Games for Road Trips are a very inexpensive addition to have family fun.

  • Silly Bandz - I don't get it

    Silly Bandz - I don't get it

    12 years ago

    If you have a teenager you probably have heard about the rave of silly bandz(silly bands)also known as rubber band bracelets. Kids are just nuts over these silly rubber bandz that are in the shape of animal, flowers, dinosaurs. There are also glow in the dark silly bandz as well as tie tied rubber...

  • Punctually Challenged & Always Late? Never Be Late Again.

    Punctually Challenged & Always Late? Never Be Late Again.

    13 years ago

    This article offers help for those people who are punctually challenged. Some people seem to always be late for everything. But there are things they can do to help prevent being late for work and school tardiness. There are books as well as unique alarm clocks available for People who are always...

  • How To Organize A Family Reunion

    How To Organize A Family Reunion

    10 years ago

    I am one of 3 siblings and we have a family reunion every 2 or 3 years and we each take a turn hosting it. This year was my turn and it actually wasn't too stressful because I was pretty organized. I wanted to share some of the ideas that we have used over the years to make our reunions a hit!

  • Baby Stella Doll

    Baby Stella Doll

    10 years ago

    The Baby Stella Doll is a very popular gift for a child. Children love rag dolls because they are very snug able. Moms like rag-dolls like Manhattan toys baby Stella because they are washable. Manhattan has a huge selection of developmental toys including the Baby Stella Manhattan Rag Doll Toy...

  • Psychic Shield: The Personal Handbook of Psychic Protection

    Psychic Shield: The Personal Handbook of Psychic Protection

    5 years ago

    The book, Psychic Shield: The Personal Handbook Of Psychic Protection offers sound advise when dealing with psychic vampires in your life.

  • Books By Seth Grahame-Smith

    Books By Seth Grahame-Smith

    10 years ago

    Seth Grahame-Smith is the author of the popular mash up novels including Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter and Pride and Prejudice and Zombies..Supernatural Books, vampire books, fiction books....

  • Treatment for Seasonal Affective Disorder

    Treatment for Seasonal Affective Disorder

    10 years ago

    Doctors suggest seasonal affective disorder light therapy to people who suffer from winter depression. This sad light is a great substitute when it is rainy or the sun simply isn't available. A Light therapy lamp or Sunshine Simulator .....

  • How to Save Money Tips

    How to Save Money Tips

    10 years ago

    If you are like many people living in the current economy, you have seen your expenses go up and often your income come down. Over time I slowly watched my weekly grocery bill creep up from around $150 a week for a family of five to well over $200...

  • What Causes Canker Sores?

    What Causes Canker Sores?

    10 years ago

    A Canker sore or mouth ulcer can be a painful thing. Learn what causes canker sores and how to heal them quickly.

  • Edward Cullen Gallery - Most Loved Vampire

    Edward Cullen Gallery - Most Loved Vampire

    10 years ago

    Since Twilight First appeared on shelves Edward Cullen, played by Robert Pattinson has become a huge sex symbol. This hub is dedicated to all of the Team Edward, Edward Cullen Fans. There is lots of Twilight Fan Gear and Team Edward Products that fans can show off.

  • Twilight Fan Gifts | Twilight Birthday Present Ideas

    Twilight Fan Gifts | Twilight Birthday Present Ideas

    11 years ago

    The Twilight Saga is all the rage. Women everywhere love the series. And I mean women of all ages from the tweens to the grandma's. My teenagers love the books and I am a huge fan as well. Stephanie Meyer has a way of writing that just gets you on...

  • Kota the Triceratops Dinosaur

    Kota the Triceratops Dinosaur

    10 years ago

    This Dinosaur toy is the coolest "Fur Real Friend" and I'm sure playskool kota the triceratops will be a hit this holiday season. Kota the Triceratops is a robot that is in the shape of a pre-historic dinosaur. The triceratops toy is actually a riding toy. ...

  • Panic Attack Self Help

    Panic Attack Self Help

    10 years ago

    If you or a loved one suffers from panic attacks you may be looking for some panic attack self help. And the goal of this page is to help give you some suggestions on how to deal with your panic attacks so they will go away and not come back as often.

  • Sinus Pressure Again? Learn How to Get Sinus Relief

    Sinus Pressure Again? Learn How to Get Sinus Relief

    10 years ago

    If you suffer from painful and annoying sinus infections than these three simple tricks may help you find the relief you are looking for.

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    How to Overcome Fear of Death or Dying

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    Fear of dying is the biggest phobia that people have because when you have a fear of dying phobia you are really scared of the unknown. This article shares with you how I have been able to overcome my personal fear of dying by being with my Grandmother at the end of her life.

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    Why Start an Affiliate Marketing Business?

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    Looking for the best business model? I found it with affiliate marketing. Affiliate Marketing is when you recommend or refer people to a product or service. If that customer buys then you receive a commission....

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    Waffles and Ice Cream

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    Learn how to make home made waffles and ice cream in 4 easy steps.

  • There is nothing like Old Fashioned Icecream!

    There is nothing like Old Fashioned Icecream!

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    Homemade ice cream made with an old fashioned ice cream maker is delicious. With good homemade ice cream recipes people can create the same old fashioned ice cream that in the past was made with a hand crank ice cream maker. Now there is the cuisinart ice cream maker as well as many electric ice...

  • Haunting In Connecticut

    Haunting In Connecticut

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    If you like a good old fashioned Ghost story then Haunting in Connecticut is a must see for you. This real ghost story was scarier than Amityville Horror. If you love scary horrr stories and horror movies, then you will enjoy this article about The Haunting in Connecticut...


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