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Maria D'Alessandro (scrittobene)

Joined 14 years ago from Melbourne Australia

  • 66
  • 149
  • 88
  • 2

    The Seeker & The Dreamer

    3 years ago

  • My Beloved

    My Beloved "Epi"

    3 years ago

    Dedicated to a great man, friend and poet - Colin Stewart aka Epigramman

  • Could Be A Long Time Coming

    Could Be A Long Time Coming

    11 years ago

    COULD be a long time coming Before the minds of men meet and discover New ways of resolving the angst of the human condition New ways of creating joy in the hearts of all And a new speak that can soothe the sorrow that prevails In this...



    11 years ago

    This poem was inspired by Tony DeLorger who is the author of "Zombie Mornings".



    11 years ago

    When it is all said and told Our love is not of this world. Suffering is the foundation By which our love has flourished, survived and becomes forged in steel, Not just for our time on earth But for eternity. Such love cannot be defined, ...



    11 years ago

    I love you because you are.... my dearest friend and most esteemed colleague my sweet companion with a youthful heart which I noticed from the start I love you because you are.... a sensual man of passionate persuasion with...

  • The Scent of Magnolias

    The Scent of Magnolias

    12 years ago

    With the faint sound of hooting owls in the distant woods on a night lit by candlelight amidst the fragrant scent of magnolias in the damp evening air - My fingers gently touch your face as you move closer and closer looking...



    12 years ago

    'Tis Winter there where you reside Outside all is white with a snowy glow The sun rarely peaks behind a cloud And hearts no longer beat to a loving sound ‘Tis Summer here where I live proud The air is thick with the sun’s perfume In crowds...

  • Love's Last Lament

    Love's Last Lament

    11 years ago

    The curtain certainly fell on this manic show That’s all it was, a cabaret with performers who wanted more The stage is a place where you and I can hide our pain When stepping out and dancing in some imaginary rain Apologies come...

  • Song Lyrics:  Have You Ever Wondered?

    Song Lyrics: Have You Ever Wondered?

    3 years ago

    Lyrics: Maria D’Alessandro ©2012 Music: Marcel van der Linden ©2012 Have you ever wondered where you’d be right now If you drove your car and just ignored the signs Down some lonesome highway, the sun in your eyes To a new town...

  • Mr Romantic

    Mr Romantic

    12 years ago

    He wears his clothes with style to look cool No-one suspects under his fashion garb lies a fool The kind who loves to pursue new hearts to woo In search of gullible women who yield and sigh For reasons of low esteem which they will deny ...

  • Without thy hand...

    Without thy hand...

    12 years ago

    It is the wild whistling wind that blows from the West Which brings to mind thoughts of yesteryear When I first met thee on the highest of cliffs Back home in Scotland, core of my heart so dear Ever so sweetly I set my eyes upon thee ...

  • I Am Different Yet Just The Same

    I Am Different Yet Just The Same

    12 years ago

    I was different yet just the same But I was hunted down like game I stood out like an ant in a sugar bowl But hoped no-one would notice me at all I smiled at everyone who came near But all I could feel was their inner fear I faced...

  • First Love Revisited

    First Love Revisited

    12 years ago

    I loved you then as I love you now Three decades have since passed Yet you have always lived in my heart Secretly and quietly like an owl in flight Cupid’s bow has flown into the night And struck me in the full moon’s light We...

  • PhD on

    PhD on "Facebook - The Real and Unreal"

    12 years ago

    For years I’ve been studying for my PhD The topic: “ Facebook - The Real and Unreal” I learned many things which I shall proceed to reveal Some interesting revelations which will hopefully appeal Firstly I must mention The power...

  • Great Southern Land

    Great Southern Land

    12 years ago

    We sailed across the blue-green seas To this Continent dry and blistering hot ‘Neath the light of the starry Southern Cross Where the Eucalyptus trees lose their leaves not We came to seek our fortune It was waiting for us here We...

  • My Nobleman

    My Nobleman

    12 years ago

    He came to me last night Dressed as a nobleman of days gone by And with chilvalry he did kneel before me To hold my hand reverently in his Kissing it with humility to appease me And soften my view before he could start To tell me what...

  • His Love Is Mine

    His Love Is Mine

    12 years ago

    His love was pure as alpine air With urgency and passion of gushing rapids Running wild and free and ever flowing through the gullies of my heart Immortal as the Gods to whom death is unknown Meaningful as a first snow flake in the tender...

  • Delusional Love

    Delusional Love

    12 years ago

    A frozen moment In a troubled life Of delusional love Born of unbearable strife Desire with passion, with sentiment so real Mutual respect and affinity to feel Between strangers with ill fates sealed Sharing tears over distant time and place A love...

  • The Fireball

    The Fireball

    12 years ago

    He was like a Fireball That much was clear It was said he had chemistry And could charm everyone near Ladies loved him at least once But his heart was set and ready to pounce On a gal who was out of town In a land at the bottom of...

  • Victory Of A Lioness

    Victory Of A Lioness

    12 years ago

    Your day has finally come Unlucky lady of Middle Earth Your face and body are not for keeps And your suitors are no less than creeps The words you utter are as bitter as bile Or at best, breathy and sickly sweet Not clever as those...

  • The Light of Orion

    The Light of Orion

    12 years ago

    The dark chamber of my sphere smothers me like dust from a storm whipped up from a fury of wind and rain mixed with disappointment and excruciating pain The knots in my mind are fixtures which form the new landscape of my dreams and...

  • World of Dreams

    World of Dreams

    12 years ago

    You follow my heart Tho’ we are not free I can only hear Your voice you see We cannot touch It certainly seems But let’s meet each night In the world of dreams You gaze at me And I hold your hand Both hearts together...

  • My Straight Line

    My Straight Line

    12 years ago

    Objects aligned all in a row Nothing out of place can cause sorrow The last bite or two of a pizza roll Two paper cups filled with water so cold An ipod with earphones can also be seen What can it all possibly mean? Will order among...

  • To My Only Girl

    To My Only Girl

    12 years ago

    It was too much for you to bear You wanted a rest from the scare No reason was ever given So you gave yourself what you needed To justify your suffering and despair You put them all to the test, yes You gave them what they...

  • To My Juliet

    To My Juliet

    12 years ago

    Long black locks flow down thy back Slightly shining in the soft moonlight As I stand here alone under the dark night sky And watch the misty clouds drifting by Thy ruby lips are looking black And as I draw near to hold your hand The...

  • You


    12 years ago

    You who have lost your soul To life’s temptations To the Lord’s forbode Love does not reside in your home For no man will make you his own You who have destroyed the gentle And wronged a man of worth Will always be remembered ...

  • Finding A Haven

    Finding A Haven

    12 years ago

    Rain drops pelt down hammering on my old iron roof The wintry wind blows with a fast fury screaming blasphemous curses as it whistles through the stubborn bent branches of an ancient Gum tree outside my window Dark grey angry...

  • The Ghost of Hearts

    The Ghost of Hearts

    12 years ago

    This is a tale of a tortured soul Who tragically has not quite passed on But walks the earth alone and forsaken Neither having gone to hell or heaven His demise came on a fateful frosty night When he slipped on rocks to his death All...

  • For My Lover

    For My Lover

    12 years ago

    With the faint sound of hooting owls in the distant woods on a night lit by candlelight amidst the fragrant scent of magnolia in the damp evening air... My fingers gently touch your face as you draw near to look into my...

  • The Succubus

    The Succubus

    12 years ago

    He has much to give His cup runeth over with love and affection From a source that must have been a golden well from heaven From whence was born his passion He has much to give His blessings are a daily ritual Sought out by all who would...

  • Sublime love

    Sublime love

    12 years ago

    On a sultry Summer night with silks adorning my body you come into my chamber and gently brush my hair away from my eyes I raise my coy face to gaze upon your countenance sensing your breath increasing its rhythm as each love...

  • Bittersweet Regrets

    Bittersweet Regrets

    12 years ago

    I’ve never seen your eyes but I know they must be jewels Able to penetrate granite with a single gaze Only to reveal the fossil remnants of a life gone by With all it’s pursuits of illusionary happiness In the form of material pleasures...

  • In My Dream

    In My Dream

    12 years ago

    I knew you long ago You were by my side during the war When the evil doers tried to take What didn’t belong to them You tended to my wounds Dried my tears of despair Helped me on my feet And to leave me alone, you did not dare ...

  • If You Say We Should Try - SONG

    If You Say We Should Try - SONG

    12 years ago

    I wrote this song recently and I collaborated with a musician from Finland Kaj Fristyle who wrote the music for it. Please click on the video to listen to him singing this song. It's just a home demo so no special mixing here. LOL. Lyrics by...

  • The Legend of Tom Firestone

    The Legend of Tom Firestone

    12 years ago

    Tom Firestone is dead but his ghost lives on He was a gambler who was lucky and always won Got caught up in some trouble and spilled some blood A cowboy pulled a gun and figured Tom would run But Tom Firestone was a good ol’ straight...

  • Heart of Gold

    Heart of Gold

    12 years ago

    Sometimes love comes gradually... Like a sprouting seed reaching for the Spring sun After the Winter snow. Other times suddenly... Like a gust of wind recklessly dispersing dry Autumn leaves Or like a momentus white washed wave in the Summer...

  • Underserved Love

    Underserved Love

    12 years ago

    Let me tell you what’s in my heart Those things that bear down upon me And never give me peace Of guilt and worry That I do not deserve the purest form of your deepest love Of dread that one day you shall pay For this feeling for one another and...

  • The Hip Hop Man

    The Hip Hop Man

    12 years ago

    Listen up, hear me more Let me tell you one and all Met a friend from Forestville Whose stride is cool and gives a thrill His hair is long, his name is Sam He never plays no crazy game He told me once that I got swaga I took it...

  • Unattainable Love

    Unattainable Love

    12 years ago

    As he wakes from a deep sleep, He turns to gaze in awe at a photo of the one he loves with her plump pouting lips as they glisten in the sun In that moment he feels certain she is his to keep There is no doubt of this No doubt at...

  • He Asked Her To Marry Him

    He Asked Her To Marry Him

    12 years ago

    He asked her to marry him She thought he spoke on a whim She tested and questioned him Whilst his patience wore thin He asked her to marry him Nursing a glass full of gin Whilst she reminisced how her kin Would say he was no Errol...

  • Sweet Devotion

    Sweet Devotion

    12 years ago

    There’s a stranger in my midst, I do not know if there’s a twist. Has he come to wake me from my slumber? By playing a tango, a waltz or a rumba? Will he put a swing in my stride? Or maybe a dent in my pride? Out of the obscure...

  • Unfinished Love

    Unfinished Love

    12 years ago

    The flame of unfinished love burns and flickers Fueled by each passing moment of life Diminishing the heart in density Like hot, red coals slowly turning black Given enough time... Memories feed the fire of past desire Jealousy felt,...

  • The Darkest Journey

    The Darkest Journey

    12 years ago

    What happened to our friendship Did it fade with the setting sun When it seemed to have just begun What of your daily worship And talk of your hopes and dreams Did it end with your short courtship Was it all just strawberries and...

  • The Thief, The Priest and the Pearly Gate.

    The Thief, The Priest and the Pearly Gate.

    12 years ago

    · He didn’t speak a word about life or death He was a man of few options and his politics left Without a wife he lived alone in monetary strife His world was all about risk and smoking his pipe But when he entered a room he often...

  • The Prince of Poets and Dylan Freak

    The Prince of Poets and Dylan Freak

    12 years ago

    He was the Prince of Poets The Jewel of the Sea The glowing white light Of the noble and free He kept court with the wise Studied Dylan to a tee His affection was sincere And even dared to revere The Queen of his life A Dylan Freak...

  • He's Just a Song and Dance Man.

    He's Just a Song and Dance Man.

    12 years ago

    My very first introduction to the mere mention of Bob Dylan was through my Year 12 high school Literature teacher. At the end of the year, he wished us all well by giving us a poem. It was called "Forever Young". I cherished this always and still...

  • I Hear Peace In Your Voice

    I Hear Peace In Your Voice

    12 years ago

    I hear peace in your voice Treasures hidden for safe keeping Those bluesy eyes are not for weeping And your song is destined for singing As summer skies are open to ideas Of distant thoughts and mixed up feelings Of emerging emotions...

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    Review: BOB DYLAN Concert "Rod Laver Arena " Melbourne 2oth April 2011.

    3 years ago

    RAVE REVIEW OF DYLAN'S CONCERT IN MELBOURNE 20.4.2011 by Maria D'Alessandro on Thursday, 21 April 2011 at 13:59 · It was fitting that one of Australia’s well known and loved musicians, Paul Kelly, supported Dylan in concert at the Rod...

  • Love Sincere

    Love Sincere

    12 years ago

    As I caress my locks and twirl Time’s rapture passes in a whirl My poems prepared from wisdom’s pearl Are shared in rhyme with he who knows That from mind to heart we did go As the current of rivers flow On the wings of words...

  • To My Bhoy

    To My Bhoy

    12 years ago

    T’was a Summer’s day when you and I did meet With the heat of the hot sun that makes grapes sweet A random encounter which crossed the equator Only to find to my surprise, my own personal narrator We both worship a Master whose...

  • I Am Larger Than I Thought

    I Am Larger Than I Thought

    12 years ago

    I am larger than I thought Though in circumstances poor I see hope and beauty all around When Spring holds wide the door I will be certain to be kind To all who come first and last But remove the cobwebs in your mind And forget the...

  • Mediocrity


    12 years ago

    You are absolved of all that you cannot say of all that you cannot be of all that you cannot write of all that has come in your way of all your unkind jealousy of all your protective intensity of all your imaginary fantasies of all your...

  • Epigramman - A Tribute

    Epigramman - A Tribute

    12 years ago

    He is known by all who love prose as the “Epigramman” But I knew him when he was “Colin” a mere gentle-man My buddy, my mate who never agitates nor grates Nor ever starts a storm to stir the present peaceful state He’s an...

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    How to Say "Thank You" in Writing: 25 Ideas

    2 years ago

    If you're struggling with how to say "thank you," I have written quite a few helpful suggestions down that will help you!

  • Soul Mates

    Soul Mates

    12 years ago

    SOUL MATES Meet me in the night sky Just the two of us in the twinkling star light. Feel me weightless and void of form For your ever loving soul to sense My ever present love. Dance with me Free of earthly bonds and material illusions, Free of...

  • Search For Me

    Search For Me

    12 years ago

    Search for me in the most obscure places Call my name and select me from all the faces. Close your eyes and sense me, I shall be waiting I can light your flame, so do not forsake me Perhaps you are an extraordinary man Who seeks that which you...

  • My Quiet Desperation

    My Quiet Desperation

    12 years ago

    You were right Thoreau when you wisely declared That “Most men lead lives of quiet desperation.” Why then should I care If I bleed and despair Or come to the realization From careful calculation That my life is filled with confusion Where my...

  • Love and Destitution

    Love and Destitution

    12 years ago

    Memories of earlier days do not end A time when feelings never seemed to fade Neither we nor our friends Imagined that future ways Would be filled with bends And callous trends Causing wounds in our heart Which never mend. We...

  • No Binding Limits

    No Binding Limits

    12 years ago

    Tender is his touch and always sensual His love seeps into the pores of my skin Inevitably, like a thirsty sponge My body swells with joyful ecstasy and The healing warmth awakens the beauty That for so long has lain dormant And... Painfully...

  • Only One Escape

    Only One Escape

    12 years ago

    In the wilderness of pain Consciousness rules in vain For there is only one escape. For all it is worth In the place of my birth Many things have come forth: The will to be weird A longing to be revered Prolonged discord of the senses Which actually...

  • Love's Last Moment

    Love's Last Moment

    12 years ago

    You live in my mind all the time As the chambers of my heart flow with tears I can’t have you but I can’t let you go I love you but you will never know How you’ve been so kind but I feel so low That my skin no longer glows with...

  • The Oracle and the Muse

    The Oracle and the Muse

    12 years ago

      My beloved Poet Whose words of symmetry I admire What truths in your poetry Do I inspire?   Would you risk being thought foolish When from solitude you move As you strive to improve? Are you seeking something new Maybe a...

  • In the Quiet of the Night

    In the Quiet of the Night

    12 years ago

    In the quiet of the night The owls silently on watch Only whispers of the stars can be heard And the moon reminds us That the sun still shines. Angels appear without summons Whilst you repose, And they leave behind a dream Of love and hope Flowing...

  • 8

    Bob Dylan - His Music, Lyrics & Poetry

    11 years ago

    "A man is a success if he gets up in the morning and gets to bed at night, and in between he does what he wants to do." - Bob Dylan "Dylan was born in Duluth, on May 24, 1941 and grew up in Hibbing, Minnesota, a mining town near the Canadian...

  • 2

    "He Not Busy Being Born is Busy Dying"

    12 years ago

    A summary by Maria D'Alessandro You Can Achieve What You Want and Even Attract As Much Money As You Want If Only You Can Come To Understand How Your Subconscious Mind Works and How To Shift Your Paradigms. Before I begin my discussion, I want to...


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