I love the whole idea of a quick breakfast sandwich maker, or a quick grilled cheese for that matter.
When I use the Dutch oven, everything smells so French! Maybe it's that cup of red wine I tossed in . . .
It must be be holiday mania time - I hear my electric mixer calling me.
Take no prisoners! Pulverize that dirt!
What is Clara's deadly secret? Her mom is a cop, but is Clara beyond her help?
A baby in a fairy costume is almost too much cute to handle.
I wonder if Harry Potter ever lost his glasses? You know, like me.
The Sorting Hat of Harry Potter fame has character, and it talks. Not quite as much as me, but it sure tries. Harry Potter brought his masculine energy to witchcraft. Thanks, cutie pie.
It's Halloween! The most wonderful time of year! Let my cauldron be filled with candy and joy.
My dog loves his Milk-Bones. He carries them off to eat privately. He doesn't want an audience, thank you very much.
Gorgeous! Rainbows and fairies go together like peanut butter and jelly.
Fly me away, broom, on my lovely crooked witch's broom. Could we make a pit stop at 7-11?
I am sure that I can fly - I just need the right broom.
By all that is pure and holy, a baby witch!
Gather around, all ye fairies of the realm, it is time for wardrobe planning.
There is no witch quite like a story book witch, with magic, style, and charisma all tied in one pretty bundle.
I completely love my witchy boots, whether it is Halloween or not.
Oh, my, you precious little Smurf! You come here, buddy.
This is another series of fairy tales, golden edged and hearty.
13 candles is probably the most well known of the witch's dozen. 13 is a very lucky number.
A broom isn't just a broom, it goes much deeper than that. A broom is actually a witch's power accessory.
My garden fairies love all kinds of flowers. Who could blame them? Their taste is exquisite.
I cannot imagine a life without house pets. How dry and colorless that would be.
If it is comfort you want, comfort food is where you look.
Being a kid is all about having fun, playing with your brothers and sisters, and watching cartoons. You bet!
There is something so very pretty about crystal blue jewels; they catch the light so delightfully.
I love crystals both old and new. I feel their affinity.
Laugh, play, eat, & play with dogs to have a healthy and happy life.
Keep the shopping simple when you are shopping for difficult people. Don't let it get complicated, that's what they hate.
If any fairies out there are looking for a new home, my garden is lovely this time of year. By all means, come on down to Linda's Garden For Fairies!
A little bit of witch power goes a very long way.
The air is getting crispy and the days are getting short, time to cuddle up with a warm toasty blanket, or blankie as some of us call it.
Many fairies do like gardens, that is true. There are others though that like to live in the woods, or on the water, or even in a fairy village. Fairies almost always prefer natural surroundings.
The truth is that witches wear what they damned well please.
Light a candle , say a little prayer.
Crystals are beauty and art all bundled together with science.
I always wanted to be a fairy when I grew up. And I still do.
It is the time of year for cozy pajamas and Halloween costumes too! Why not combine the two events into one spectacular pair of costume pajamas?
No witch can ever have too much jewelry.
Loving my boots - click click click, and again. The leaves race and play before me.
If you are feeling a little witchy these days, it's only right. All Hallows approaches, kick up in witchy blue shoes.
This is one of my favorite witch hats. Of course, I have a bunch of them, doesn't everyone?
If you are a witch, you already know it, so take your time, buy a new hat, and pull your boots out of the closet. It is Halloween!
Smurf blue is the color for fall, darling.
Dyson is the best vacuum around for pet hair. It obliterates all dirt related stuff.
Pear Cobbler is so lovely, aromatic, warm, and tasty. This recipe is easy to make too.
This recipe is for strong, sweet iced tea, Southern style.
This gives new meaning to the phrase "hot cookies!" Cayenne chocolate snickerdoodles are good cookies!
I have a lot of fairies living in my garden. I am so lucky!
Blue and purple flowers are my absolute garden favorite. And they are stunning against a green background.
My niece Emily introduced me to Flat Stanley. What a good traveling kid he is!
Tigey was a wonderful cat and I love him to this day. He was scary smart and often acted more like a dog than a cat. He liked to go with us at dog walking time.
If my dog is not eating good food, I am not happy.
Hell's bells, the computer crashed! Let's all go laptop shopping.
There is no greater love than kitty cat love. That is what Blogs For Cats is all about.
My dog comes first and he knows it. I taught him that he has rights.
Amtrak, leisure riding at its best.
My sister! Yoga master, knitter of gloves, and a grandma you wouldn't believe.
Let me take a moment to introduce myself. I am Linda M. Hahn. I have a few nicknames that do not bear repeating at this time.
I personally invented this Country Supper recipe and I am quite proud of it. All of the ingredients can be switched around, making for amazing diversity in dishes. Only one dish is used during the cooking process.
Ding dong, the witch is dead! Which old witch? The wicked witch! Ding dong, the wicked witch is dead!
Jackson is my best dog buddy. He has owned me for almost five years. He is a very good human owner.
This is the tale of a battle hard fought, which I lost. Still, it was a fun project.
One day from my back yard, I saw a huge bird watching me from a tree maybe thirty or forty feet away. It turned out to be Owlie.
I was out walking my dog one day, when what to my wondering eyes did appear - a ghost truck!?
Hearty is the way of the mighty Reuben Sandwich, lusciously flavored with sauerkraut.
Exercise you say? Right, let me think about it while I get settled on the couch.
The magic of Rock and Roll in the early days never falters. It has become our generation's classical music.
I learned to love trees from my parents. They always loved being close to the woods.
The best times of my life were times I was with my brothers and sisters. Thank you Mom and Dad.
Insanity requires laughing, lots and lots of laughing.
Twisted modern fairy tales for the fey connoisseur.
Don't mess with me, kiddo, I can get weird in a flash, especially if we are discussing old age.
I wrote this book to encapsulate my feelings about the death penalty. There is a twist and that is the black humored serial cat killings.