This novel virus has caused widespread panic and fear. When people react in fear they often become robots by losing the ability to think for themselves.
We all have to die.But while we are still living, we need to connect with the people we love and have loved during our lifetimes. It's important to let them know what they meant to us and how they impacted our lives. We are all the sum parts of everyone we have ever known in this life.
I have THE best memory of certain parts of my childhood. The good, the bad and even the ugly. But at Christmas, its the good I love to drag out and remember.
Christmas magic isn't just about Santa Clause. Think back to the people in your lives who helped make Christmas what it was for you.
Just when you think your heart cannot hold more love, along comes grandchildren
The Serenity Prayer has, I believe, saved lives. It is, after all, the lifeline for millions of alcoholics. My own mother being one of them.
Celebrating New Year's is when we reflect on the year before. This year was also a time to look back over a decade.
Youth really is wasted on the young. Yes, as the song goes, regrets, I've had a few.
Music spans the decades of our lives and connects us to the past and people in it.
Having cancer is scary. I don't care who you are or what type of cancer you have, it's a daunting, frightening thing to hear the words no one ever wants to hear.
Lane Cedar Chests have most likely fallen out of favor in today's world. But in my mother's era they were the modern answer to a young girl's hope chest.
It never dawned on my husband and I to not take our newborn Down Syndrome baby home with us. I credit faith in God for that. It wasn't ever a choice. It just was.
Party affiliation is one thing. But doing the right thing should always supercede being a Democrat or a Republican. These days it's hard to find that responsibility.
If you've never been lucky enough to meet a Down Syndrome person you are missing one of life's greatest joys. My daughter, Shannon, has impacted so many lives with her smile, her laugh, her unabashed love for life and mostly, her ability to love unconditionally
The lessons we learn as children carry us into adulthood and last well into old age. Growing up around other kids was a lesson in learning to get along, play fair, laugh, and generally have fun. I won't ever forget those days of carefree childhood.
They say you can't go back. But I think there are some occasions where you can go back. Such is a high school reunion, especially a 50th reunion. Going back to those long ago days was a reminder of who I was, where I've been and yes, who I am today. I wouldn't have missed it for anything.
Our Father's are tasked with many responsibilities. Learning from them as they go about their daily lives, is a lesson in living for a lifetime.
Perfect parenting isn't and shouldn't be about perfection. It should only be about the things that really matter. Spending good time with each other at dinner each night is one of those things that matter. And years from now, your kids won't remember that some nights were spent eating ramen. Promise
Memories are a funny thing. We think it's the big moments in life that are easily remembered. When in fact, it's often the small, seemingly inconsequential, day to day things that grab our hearts and return us to a time we had all but forgotten.
Mother's come in all shapes and sizes. Some are the stuff TV sitcoms are made of. Some are not. Mine made my life a merry hell well into my adult years. But I turned a corner after her death and began understanding. I don't believe that anyone wants to be a bad Mom. Some just cant help themselves.
I was raised in a Lebanese family. Learning how to cook the time honored dishes was a natural thing for me. I spent so much time with my grandmother and my aunts watching and helping that I absorbed learning to cook by osmosis. Grape leaves are an integral part of Arabic menus.
Don't get me wrong, I love Christmas and Thanksgiving. But I'm a patriotic sap and Independance Day speaks to that part of me that I swear lived another life in another place in another day.
Being a Catholic these days is no walk in the park. And I guess, with good reason. Everywhere there are people with opinions and again, with good reason. But unless you have been raised in the Church, it is difficult to understand how faith can guide you through even the worst of times.
Music has that unmistakable way of dragging us back to a time or place even from decades ago. Sometimes it happens when we least expect it and emotions aren't always easily checked. Anything by Nat King Cole can do that to me. My Dad loved him and no matter where I am, I react.
No matter if you use a slow cooker or an instant pot or an old fashioned pressure cooker or do it the really old fashioned way by scratch, we women are all primal in our need to make food all about love and memories.
They say that necessity is the Mother of invention. I cannot argue with that philosophy as much of what I have accomplished in my life has been caused by the sheer necessity of needing income along with an outlet for the creative side of my personality which exists even as I grow older.
It takes growing up and getting older to appreciate the sometimes routine and monotonous things our parents did during our childhood years. And only then can we begin to appreciate the beauty of what they taught us.
When I look back to Christmas in the 50's and early 60's I remember details not so much of the toys I received. But more of the things that my parents did to make our home what it was.
We honor the memory of the heroes of Flight 93 by striving to be a truly one nation, under God. .
When we begin to try and change history, we embark on a slippery slope of when does it end.
Glen Campbell died this week. He was, without any doubt, a music icon. But he was so much more than that to me.
Saving Private Ryan was perhaps one of, if not the most moving productions I have ever seen. And it left its mark on me to the point where I could never bring myself to watch it again. Until now.
Growing up with a parent who is incapable of showing love sets a course for the rest of your life. Only you, the unloved child, can find a way to stop the cycle and love yourself
It never gets easier. Father's Day without my father only serves to remind me, as though I need reminding, that he's been gone a long, long time.
Laying down mulch is not a job for the faint hearted or the weak bodied. But doing it despite those odds, means finding out that you are stronger, both in body and in spirit than you thought you were.
Summer means freedom and the end of the long, cold winter. But it also means digging in dirt and planting and enjoying the absolute beauty of nature.
Summer is gone so quickly but it seems we pack so much living into this season that the memories we make last a lifetime.
Many people think that only children have it all. And in many ways they do. But what they don't have adds up over the years and reminds them of what they missed.
Medical science has now made it possible for people to determine not only the sex of their unborn child, but also genetic defects. We are a worse society because of it in my opinion.
I loved my grandfather. The bond between a child and a grandparent is a strong one and can do a great job of filling in for the parents.
We all have favorite songs of Christmas. This one will always be one of mine.
It seems a useless comment to tell people to get over themselves. But it fits so well in this circumstance
It sits on a shelf in my kitchen and rarely comes out. But when it does, I am reminded of my mother and the past becomes the present
You don't get to be a Dad until you become a man
There are those moments in life when you have to remember to breathe because the emotion flooding your heart is so intense.
Parents make mistakes...sometimes huge mistakes. And the results of those mistakes can guide our adult lives...if we let them
Forgetting is easy....Forgiveness is freeing.
I long for the days when you could actually expect honest news reporting. It would seem they are gone forever.
When you're young and in love the rest of your life is as close as the next day.
Not everyone has a best friend. I count myself lucky to have mine.
The day was about Dad's but also about finding a blackberry bush and memories...making them and remembering them
I am in love with the idea of making America great again. I am in love with American exceptionalism. I am in love with the idea, absent for many years, that Americans are good and decent people.
The conditioning of white people to believe that they are guilty of all evils which befell black Americans hit home for me
He tried valiantly. But even the best speech writer can't convince millions of Americans that Hillary Clinton is right for our country
The liberal media never disappoints. By now those who are on the right should understand that when it comes to equitable and fair journalistic reporting, it doesn't exist for the mainstream media
It's hard to know when you're doing it right when all around you the world says you're doing it wrong. Being a Mom is the most unprepared for job in the world.
It's easier to not be resolute on New Year's Day about something you know you're going to fail at
Leaving a relationship is hard enough. Its even harder when there are kids. Staying involved means you tried and you're an adult.
Sometimes it's the simplest things which remind us of how much our parent's loved us
Getting older might mean wrinkles and lines and sagging cheeks, but it also means wisdom and acceptance and knowing that finally, we have reached the point where the things that really
Before I learned the difference between right and left, I was either ignorant or blissfully unaware of the differences. I sometimes wonder if the latter wasnt easier.
We all need a helping hand once in awhile. On this day, Im glad I was around to offer mine.
"Johnny.....we hardly knew ye"
We get no do-overs. Its important to make our lives matter more than just the daily 9-5 and humdrum of get up, go to work, go to bed and then die.
Farmers Markets....the stuff summer and sunshine is made of.
From learning to cook to knowing the name of my Aunt Ann's brass candlesticks, the women who came before me, taught me more than they will ever know.
When an older person dies its often thought that their lives were full and now that their life is over, families can just move along. Nothing could be further from the truth.
We dont know when we are young that getting old happens so quickly....why didnt they tell me?
Having an Avon Lady in the family meant always having a good supply of bubble bath. But years later, I realize it meant so much more.
It's always been my favorite holiday. So when it came around this year and I questioned celebrating it, I knew something was seriously wrong.
Facebook has changed the many cases for the best.
Families and photographs....that unmistakable link to our pasts
This is a big deal. One of the biggest. Its a once in a lifetime affirmation of the job both parents and their child have done. Celebrate it and bask in the pride. Youve earned it!
Knowing that going off to war could mean you may never come home, but also knowing that its an honor to serve and protect
Mother's Day was never a happy day for me and as I grew older it became even unhappier
When all is said and done, Id do it all again.
We've got problems in our country that throwing money toward isnt going to fix.
Losing one's phone can be a traumatic experience. But not if youre me, because my phone keeps finding me.
The spirit of this beautiful music has transcended centuries and remains, today, as relevant as it ever was
Cleaning house on Saturday mornings was the norm when my kids were growing up. My husband and I didnt realize that it would become a memory and a tradition as they began their own lives
As I grow older I also grow closer to the little girl that I once was
History was made today in our United States Congress when Benjamin Netanyahu addressed both Chambers. I am glad, that in my lifetime, I was able to witness this historic occasion
There is nothing ordinary about ordinary. The trick is in recognizing how special ordinary really is
We live in a crazy, time consuming world. Taking showers makes sense based on that world...but once in awhile, the luxury of tossing aside time takes over and a bath is what is called for
Sometimes it takes something minor to remind us of what it means to be able to see.
How much a mother gives to her child can only be measured long after she has left this earth.
I consider myself a great critic of customer service. Ive spent an entire career honing my skills in that area so when someone good comes along..its noticed
Almost 5 years have passed since I first wrote these words, but they prove to me, once again, that Im really not a winter girl and never have been. Bring on summer!
There's a mouse in the house!!! And being a city gal, I dont co-exist well with critters who are identified as rodents!
Birthdays are about the birthday person but they are also about the 2 people who made it all possible.
As a young girl, navigating thru the early death of her Dad, I would have been lost had it not been for her. She restored normalcy in an otherwise abnormal and chaotic existence.
Remembering my parents...its not as tho I have to try very hard, but this particular year, Mothers Day and the anniversary of Dad's death hit the same day and the memories were strong.
When your kids announce that theyre engaged, you wonder what sort of person they are marrying. Since we get no say in the choice, we hope its a good choice. In my case, I had nothing to worry about.
When your children get married, parents see a lifetime flash before their eyes. We remember. It. All.
Saying goodbye is never easy...and while the reason for leaving might be good and great and perfect and wonderful and the best thing for those who are leaving...those left behind feel empty
Birthdays really are about more than cake and candles...they are about the past as much as they are about the future.
When you're a child, you dont realize that your parents are making memories for you....especially at Christmas
Just because someone has a learning disability doesnt mean that they dont understand the true meaning of Christmas
It was never intended to be what it's become.
Not every moment of Christmas is happy. Sometimes there are tears
These days going to the grocery store can be, at the very least, an exercise in aggravation and at the very worst, a prescription for a heart attack!
Thanksgiving gets its due just once a year but it reminds me of what really matters.
Thanksgiving seems to get short shrift with each passing year. But not in my house. It stands alone as its own, wonderful holiday. As it should.
Living with a raccoon just isnt acceptable no matter how much the raccoon thinks it might be
He taught me all about the Bubble Guppies and Princess Sophia (my fave). I taught him the Itsy Bitsy Spider, Patty Cake, and Peek A Boo. I think we are friends.
Grandma's are Mom's who got older and therefore wiser and who let us get away with stuff.
Mothers' Day comes and goes...but this one was special for a very special reason.
9/11 should never be forgotten and I dont think it ever will be.
Its not that I dont like Autumn..its just that I LOVE summer!
Life was a challenge but one we readily accepted. Being 20 something has its pluses.
Who would have thought that this thing called a computer, which at first, scared the crap out of me, would eventually open doors I could have never opened on my own?
Im aware that Im getting older. That doesnt mean I have to like it
Birthday's come and go, but this one stayed long enough to remind me of the wonderful man who was my father
A home should reflect the personalities of the people who live in it. It should be warm and welcoming and invite people to "sit a spell"
I love farmer's markets and open air markets and farm stands and roadside stands. Summer isnt summer without a weekly trip to one of them
The Anna Louise Inn was a part of my life. A tender time for a tender, young girl.
Hello. My name is Sallie and I am addicted to clothes
Weddings are a reminder that life is a circle and the circle is continuing
She died in 2007. I wrote her eulogy but could not read it myself. I asked my son to read it at her funeral Mass and he did. He spoke eloquently, but with some tears. It was still beautifully read.
It was never thought of, growing up, but being Catholic was as much a part of me as anything could be....
When the first sign of spring arrives, I throw open the windows, dust off the patio furniture and revel in the knowledge that soon summer will be here.
When we consider all that life has to offer us...sometimes its the simple pleasures that mean the most
I didnt realize that once my mother died, that I would be considered an orphan. Being one, left me alone and without an anchor
I worked for a photographer for almost 15 years. I loved my job and believed it would last forever. I found out that nothing, really does, last forever
My Mom had died in January of 2007. Christmas was coming and I felt the sadness of knowing that she wasnt going to be with us.
Sometimes we think that being an adult means we are above acting like a child. It's OK to Act Like You're Still in High School once in awhile
Why The Waltons Matter Today. What we can learn from a television show from the 1970s.
We are told that when its time to let our children go, we do so knowing that its the right thing to do...but they didnt tell us how much it would hurt.
When a parent dies a part of you dies with them. Only because there was no one else who knew you from the moment you were conceived and no one else who will ever love you the way they did...
Your kids arent just involved in sports because everyone else is. Your kids are there because you want them to learn basic and fundamental lessons about life.
In Arabic, the word Ddahti means "grandmother". I called her both and remember her with love in my heart for short tho her time with me, her memory is fresh in my mind.
When its time to reconnect...a family reunion is what is needed.
How many of us have good memories of spending time at our Grandmother's house? I do. I hope my memories remind you of your your Grandma's house.
The Red Fox Grill in Cincinnati....a step back in time
A Memorial Mass to honor my long gone father who died way too young of cancer. It claimed his life but could never claim my memories of him.
Her death caught me death so often does. I wasnt ready to say goodbye when I had just begun saying hello again.
Babysitting an almost 2 year old aint what it once was! Being a gramma can be a challenge in today's world of high tech gadgets.
I was 13 years old and only knew that the Beatles had invaded not only the United States, but also my life.
No kid was unhappier that Christmas than me. Until.....