ek ellis profile image58

ek ellis

Joined 14 years ago

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    16 months ago

    When your significant other isn't where their suppose to be...

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    2 Thoughtz

    16 months ago

    Thoughts on life...

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    17 months ago

    When life becomes clear...

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    It Is What It Iz

    17 months ago

    Accepting the things you can and cannot change...

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    Dios, ¿puedes oírme?(God Can You Hear Me?)

    17 months ago

    When life gets to hard and complicated, you're looking for a way out. Sometimes the answer is easy to find other times it seems to be hidden.

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    18 months ago

    Children in this generation are growing up too fast. They need to slow down and enjoy being kids. Parents really need to monitor their children more...

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    I Am You Are

    19 months ago

    Relationship from to perspectives

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    19 months ago

    An astonishing sight to behold Captivating light in darkness Ignites the imagination

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    20 months ago

    Life is a journey filled with long pauses, quiet retrospection

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    20 months ago

    Finding love via chatline

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    15 months ago

    Life is a test embrace it and don't give up the fight to be happy and content

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    21 months ago

    A mesmerizing introduction

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    Tragedy Tragedy

    22 months ago

    A disastrous end to a love triangle

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    22 months ago

    A young child looking through the eyes of innocence at the reality of the homeless

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    Thirteen Yrs

    22 months ago

    Celebrating and giving thanks to HubPages for 13 great years and counting

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    Love Bomb

    22 months ago

    An unhealthy relationship

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    23 months ago

    I walk through hunger, I eat poverty I digest despair I crave victory, I thirst for retribution I eat the dust I come from I am the dust I was formed from

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    Club Watching#5

    23 months ago

    Feeling the loneliness all the way to my toes Sitting here watching life around me hum and jive Drinking Hennessy dourness mourns inside me

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    Gaslighting You

    23 months ago

    I build you up only to break you down Give you hope then stomp on it into the ground

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    Eyes of Innocence

    23 months ago

    All her innocence is replaced with suspicion, she is left with only emptiness and the disillusionment of love

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    Strip Away the Veil

    24 months ago

    Is this what freedom feels like You don’t have to worry about Another's feelings

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    Fragments of Fragments

    24 months ago

    Fragments of yesterday Breathe into today

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    Deliberate Blind Eye

    24 months ago

    Turning a blind eye to one’s faults

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    24 months ago

    This is a tale of A woman on a mission Brave or foolish Her decision Entered a house deserted She didn’t heed the Warning signs and continued

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    Armageddon Day Of Reckoning

    2 years ago

    I am preparing for war gearing up my mentality for Armageddon

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    Iridescent Moon

    2 years ago

    Iridescent moon calls to the night Through clouds shimmering Reflection on water’s heart

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    In Her Feelings

    2 years ago

    She tried to understand But it is hard to comprehend Lovin someone if it was that Can turn instantly to hate

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    2 years ago

    No tears fall from eyes No sad reflection of what could have been Memories dashed to stone

  • Observation Reflection

    Observation Reflection

    2 years ago

    Smoothness of your skin invites temptation Your lips speak eroticism The smell of your perfume ignites the flame In your smile reveals hidden secrets

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    Aged in Wisdom

    2 years ago

    I am the earth aged in wisdom Spirituality, I’m still growing Soul of chaos...

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    Early Up

    2 years ago

    Another day to be put to The test. Alarm sings it’s time to get up

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    2 years ago

    Viben, rhyming, this beat is hot It unites us, it gratifies us, reaching the soul

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    Being Played

    2 years ago

    Today I love you in one breath, tomorrow, I despise you

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    2 years ago

    He strolls in Big, resilient, and tall Hair slayed looking trendy cigarillo dangling Between dazzling teeth A diamond stud in one front tooth That cost a fortune The rest of his grill set in gold With the smell of money...

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    Give Me_You

    2 years ago

    A poem asking questions "If You", reflecting on the positive and the negative of a relationship

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    Poetry of Emotions

    2 years ago

    Poems dealing with emotions of discovery, healing and forgiveness

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    The Voice of My Origin

    3 years ago

    Poetry is healing, it's free expressions of inner thoughts, cleansing of the soul and getting in touch with raw emotions

  • Too Late Love has Packed its Bags

    Too Late Love has Packed its Bags

    2 years ago

    Paying attention to yourself more than you give love and emotional support to the one you love you risk losing that person to find what she or he is missing

  • Nature's Fury Within

    Nature's Fury Within

    2 years ago

    Emotions akin to a violent storm raging inside of us

  • From Time to Time

    From Time to Time

    2 years ago

    Missing a special someone in your life

  • Love Merging

    Love Merging

    2 years ago

    Two hearts fuse become One soul complete union love Twined rhythm beats trust Nice picture about fusing in Love but the poem it very short oh... Thanks for your comment... the poem is written in haiku form :)

  • So Long Mr. Charming

    So Long Mr. Charming

    2 years ago

    Sometimes Prince Charming can be a hindrance instead of helpful

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    Call Him Pious

    2 years ago

    Sometimes we let our desire for praise become more important than what is important...

  • Confession is Healing for the Soul

    Confession is Healing for the Soul

    2 years ago

    Learning to forgive yourself and then forgiving others

  • Place of Origin ( You Can't Go Home Again )

    Place of Origin ( You Can't Go Home Again )

    2 years ago

    We don't all ways get what we want

  • Passing Trains

    Passing Trains

    2 years ago

    Searching for love and missed opportunities to grab onto it when it crosses your path

  • Purifying


    2 years ago

    Tears find their escape Expressing Inner turmoil Or embracing love we cry Powerful but at the same time so tender. I now look forward to so many more by you and vote this gem up,across and share all around. Have a great day. Eddy. I must read...

  • Passionate Awakening

    Passionate Awakening

    2 years ago

    Let love become your passionate awakening

  • Waiting for the Morrow

    Waiting for the Morrow

    2 years ago

    Slowly pacing the floor wondering when the door will open Holding breath deep within afraid to expel the air Hours of anticipation turns to desperation Frustrations begins to rear its ugly head Jealousy takes a bit out of trust ...

  • Detour to No Where

    Detour to No Where

    2 years ago

    We often start out in one direction and end up in another

  • Surreptitious


    2 years ago

    She baited him with questions Each one he slithered out of She laid out elaborate schemes to Tangle up his thinking He was smooth and fell for none Contriving different scenarios Didn’t work he was a fast thinker And out maneuvered...

  • What's Behind the Door

    What's Behind the Door

    2 years ago

    The sound coming from the closet gets Louder with each passing hour Moans and groans bones rattle The door knob turns but doesn’t open The shame remains hidden behind the barrier Evil laughter comes from the other side Whisper of...

  • In the Doghouse

    In the Doghouse

    2 years ago

    You call him to come and he acts as if he’s deaf Or doesn’t understand the command Give him the task to fetch your slippers Bring you the morning newspaper Simple things to do Suddenly he’s stuck with the mentality of being two Pat...

  • Emulate Through the Looking Glass

    Emulate Through the Looking Glass

    2 years ago

    Searching for answers within yourself

  • My Heart's In the Clouds

    My Heart's In the Clouds

    2 years ago

    Clouds brush against Azure sky Floating on a whisper Wishing upon a star invisible Reborn Birthed into wonderment Dreaming of soaring In the midst of cherub’s Dancing on love Embracing forever Gentle wind Breathes cool...

  • As Lightning Growls

    As Lightning Growls

    2 years ago

    I guess I really did love him…… Rewind to the beginning When love was new Then became old Taken for granted The sight of him made her sick His voice was like nails Crawling across a chalkboard The scent of him curdled her milk ...

  • Time Slips Away

    Time Slips Away

    2 years ago

    Funny how time slips away Before you know the day Has gone to sleep Another day on the horizon Approaches ever so swiftly Languid days are no more Time has its way of disappearing When you need it most Time to take care of the little...

  • Drifting on a Faded Memory

    Drifting on a Faded Memory

    2 years ago

    The elements of nature can sometimes set the scene for old memories good or bad

  • Quiescence Beauty

    Quiescence Beauty

    2 years ago

    Sleeping away your troubles instead of facing them head on

  • As I Remember You

    As I Remember You

    2 years ago

    Remembering someone who was important in your life. Now they are know longer with you and all you have are the memories.

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    Father Do You Hear Me

    2 years ago

    Why is it when I verbalize you don’t Hear the words I articulate Trying to keep open the communication Between us You make it so hard when you turn away Not wanting to listen Every night when I say my prayers I ask for your...

  • Love's Woe

    Love's Woe

    2 years ago

    Love, love, love Is like a jigsaw puzzle Try fitting all the pieces together To make the puzzle complete Leave a piece out and the puzzle Is all out of sync Love, love, love, Is a maze all the turns and twist Taking you around in...

  • Sounds Inside of Me

    Sounds Inside of Me

    2 years ago

    Smooth resonance Caressing my soul Voyage to a higher place Drifting on sounds Connecting with each wave Of rhythm Craving tempo Thirsting for vibrato Longing for fulfillment As the hunger deepens Melodiously a note is played ...

  • Your Love Lingers in My Heart

    Your Love Lingers in My Heart

    2 years ago

    I hold you in my arms as the day grow long Sweet whispers of love content surround us On the breath of desire we connect Field of dreams we’re running through Sun’s rays embrace us Together we escape All the sweet nothings Taste of...

  • Her Serene Smile

    Her Serene Smile

    2 years ago

    She didn’t recognize the old woman starring at her She thought she might of been someone she Knew from her past Everywhere she went the old lady was there A serene smiled pasted on her old and wrinkled face She often saw this old...

  • Answers in the Mist

    Answers in the Mist

    2 years ago

    Who can find answers looking into the mist? Vision is distorted only the perplexity of Life is seen in the haze Through eyes mystification looms on the horizon The fog becomes violent in its rage on clarity Bewildered emotions ravage...

  • His Sins

    His Sins

    2 years ago

    Seeking absolution from past mistakes

  • I Need Another Scotch

    I Need Another Scotch

    2 years ago

    What do I do now throw my hands up wave a white flag and surrender Stagnant unmoving emotions on a roller coaster of disaster No more to the point of staggering off a cliff free falling Well maybe it’s even more than that unscrew the top...

  • As She Tantalized

    As She Tantalized

    2 years ago

    Her hips were swaying to the beat Long  sexy legs captivated All the men in the room held mesmerized Eyes closed head titled back her body moved In fluent motion she licked her hot pink lips Letting the music be her lover Making...

  • Dreaming In Color

    Dreaming In Color

    2 years ago

    Close my eyes, run my hand across your empty side Bed is cold, lonely, the smell of your cologne still lingers Roll over onto my side curl up into myself, wishing you were Lying next to me holding me tight Sleep eases its way in ...

  • No Shades of Gray

    No Shades of Gray

    2 years ago

    She didn’t know why she felt so sad Tears came and she couldn’t understand There was a feeling inside of her that She couldn’t seem to touch No matter how hard she tried to Understand and connect Was she missing something,...

  • Carefully


    2 years ago

    Carefully examine the vessel that beats inside Carefully let healing begin day by day Carefully embrace quiet while soul searching Carefully nature is all things rejoice Carefully tides of pain ride out to find another ...

  • I'll Take Two Please

    I'll Take Two Please

    2 years ago

    Oh damn I forgot what the hell I was going to order Standing here in this damn line waiting for my number to be called Looked over to my left and spotted an old ex, gee he sure wasn't aging well Turned my head quickly I...

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    Ego Trip

    2 years ago

    He walked down the street whistling a soft tune Handsome man and he knew that Women turned their heads to get a better look He smiled to himself as he continued in his swagger Couldn’t pass a mirror to see his...

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    Empty Bed

    2 years ago

    She said baby you made your bed now you lie in it alone Without the warmth of my body to take away the cold Even with tears in his eyes she didn’t give an inch Stared into his eyes and didn’t even...

  • Another Day In The Life of Josephine

    Another Day In The Life of Josephine

    2 years ago

    She was hot walked with an attitude to match her mouth Carried herself like a lady underneath she was a predator Cars, money, jewels, she sought Everyman was her sugar daddy, rich or not More rich than not Each day she sleeps the...

  • Nice and Slow

    Nice and Slow

    2 years ago

    He looked over at her picture of loveliness So serene in her sleep Vision of gentle creation, his to have and behold A gift of perfection, somewhere in his life he must Of did something good His treasure of the finest gold, diamonds,...

  • Don't Ask Me

    Don't Ask Me

    2 years ago

    I could be wrong and I hope that I am I’d give two cents; no I mean ten for some good advice For the situation I’m in All the advice I’m receiving has me believing people Say they know the answers you’re seeking turn out They...

  • Your Touch

    Your Touch

    2 years ago

    The touch of your hands playing against my skin The way you’d hold me tight listening to your heartbeat In the silence of the night Gentle caresses easing away the tension Building anew a distant hunger Finding places secret and needing...

  • Your Name is What?

    Your Name is What?

    2 years ago

    You have this name no one can pronounce Ordinary I don't think it is Unique I wouldn’t call it Redundant to everyone ears who hears it Not original, but you think it is Animal mistakenly answer to it Many have tried and failed...

  • Love Venom

    Love Venom

    2 years ago

    Blinded by her beauty he couldn’t see beyond her superficial existence Her eyes mesmerized him with hidden secrets in their depth He would spend hours looking at her body; her curvaceous hips drove him wild Naked she would lay before him...

  • Black Widow Love

    Black Widow Love

    2 years ago

    Beauty is vain Lacking substance Ask anyone who knows Complimenting egotism Kills all desire With holding emotions Increases doubt Days of splendor Omission of legitimacy Wakens curiosity Leaves one desiring ...

  • For a  Moment

    For a Moment

    2 years ago

    She sometimes would sit and look at his photograph Tracing the outline of his face with her fingertip Sometimes a tear would silently escape down her cheek As she remembered his sweetness and the good times they shared His eyes gazed...

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    Flame and Ashes

    2 years ago

    They thought their love was forever Indestructible they told everyone Complete devotion, trust, honesty A love so deep there were no comparisons to be found His love for her was to...

  • She part 2

    She part 2

    2 years ago

    A hand reached from behind her stopping her before She Could leave She turned to look at who prevented Her from disappearing into the night………… He spotted her the moment She walked into the dim smoked fill lounge The sound...

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    A Breath of Heaven

    2 years ago

    Angles wings quiver above the clouds Floating on the breath of heaven Ascending higher and higher Carried away weightless gliding with The freeness of space and time Lifting their voices harmonizing with The wind Embracing the...

  • Standing In the Midst of No Where

    Standing In the Midst of No Where

    2 years ago

    The feeling of being invisible to the world

  • Wrong Side of the Bed

    Wrong Side of the Bed

    2 years ago

    I woke up this morning on the wrong side of the bed Looked out the window saw a bird flying backwards A cat chasing a dog The mail man perched in a tree Old lady Crosby being walked by a hog Oh excuse me I think that’s her daughter...

  • Louise Coffee Shop

    Louise Coffee Shop

    2 years ago

    This is my time to savor. The stillness of the morning, quiet, peaceful Louise Coffee Shop, the neon sign blinked and winked back at me from the other side One of the lights bulbs in Louise had burned out, I wondered when Louise would replace...

  • Wind of Rage

    Wind of Rage

    2 years ago

    Sullen air blows across vacant land  Ominous breeze rises up dread  Resolute in its power to destroy or heal Fetter in sadness shaped in disillusion  To rage in fight good versus evil Trapped in a vortex Agitated by sound of...

  • Flawed


    2 years ago

    We’re both flawed diamonds in rough formation Maybe that’s our connection Without a microscope our imperfections are visible Seen with the naked eye Defects from birth created in the womb Blemished DNA Errors we’re afraid to...

  • S-h-e


    2 years ago

    A woman drowning in self pity on the verge of giving up hope that she'll find happiness

  • The Beat Goes On

    The Beat Goes On

    2 years ago

    People seeking help from their local government, some get while others don't

  • Club Watching

    Club Watching

    2 years ago

    Feeling the loneliness all the way to my toes Sitting here watching life around me hum and jive Drinking JB dourness mourns inside me Can’t get drunk enough to numb the pain Sh*t this ain’t the way life is suppose to be Popping my...

  • Drowning in Memories

    Drowning in Memories

    2 years ago

    Drowning drowning drowning......... Drowning in memories taken back to a place where There were no sad days Voices float over my head each one brings a new tale Scenes of the future vague in description Missing piece to a puzzle...

  • Poetry Is My Husband

    Poetry Is My Husband

    2 years ago

    Connubial to words that come alive Keeps me fulfilled never wanting Strong dialect sometimes gives way to Passionate tongue Creating a safe haven with each stroke of a pen And my refuge from storms of life I keep within Gives me...

  • Get off the Pot

    Get off the Pot

    2 years ago

    Wake the hell up Don’t you get it? This life we have We have it for only a minute To make the best of it is Our duty So why can’t you get it through your Head to put more effort into it You get from life what You put...

  • Love Comes Love Goes Away and Dies

    Love Comes Love Goes Away and Dies

    2 years ago

    Into this world you come Innocent without blemish Love comes, love goes away and dies Introduced to life outside The protective safe haven of the womb Love comes, love goes away and dies Now here you are trying to Make sense of this...

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    Hour of Horror

    2 years ago

    Welcome to the Canswer and Anomlas Show Ghouls rock to their beats The wolf man howls and screeches To the new music on the scene The mummy raps along Werewolf and Dracula both out for blood Competing to see who can spit the...

  • Gilded Cage

    Gilded Cage

    2 years ago

    She sat in her cage looking at the  World through rusted bars Her wings clipped Freedom locked away in a cold barren Confinement Incarcerated inside her mind Thoughts of sovereignty vanished As mist dries with the rising sun...

  • Sweet Sweet Memories

    Sweet Sweet Memories

    2 years ago

    I found myself the other day Taking a trip back down memory lane Listening to the Temptations, Four Tops, Smokey Robison and the Miracles Sweet memories rush back to a time You were young and innocent Didn’t know the evils of...

  • As I Dream

    As I Dream

    2 years ago

    Let’s meet tonight baby in my dreams Where together we can Drift amongst the clouds fly up to heaven and Party with the angels stay there for a while Slowly we’ll drift back down to earth Where we’ll run through the lilies of...

  • On the Edge of Yesterday

    On the Edge of Yesterday

    2 years ago

    You can't runaway from the past

  • My Healing

    My Healing

    2 years ago

    I’m not going to fight the memories of the good and bad times Beat myself up because some of the memories have me longing for your touch No I haven’t forgotten the pain you caused me or the tears I’ve cried It’s futile to sit here...

  • Broken Glass

    Broken Glass

    2 years ago

    She exposed her emotions, stripped away all the pretenses Laid bare her soul, freed a spirit, that was locked away hidden Her fragile emotions, raw, jagged pieces slashed at her innocence Faith and belief in the love of a man left her jaded...

  • I'm Only Human

    I'm Only Human

    2 years ago

    I'm only human, I can only do so much I can reach down in the deepest part of me Feeling around for answers Hoping to connect with myself Retrieving the best of me Not everyone is satisfied with my results I'm only human, I try to accomplish my...

  • Beautiful Liar

    Beautiful Liar

    2 years ago

    Blinded to the truth Eclipsed behind a disguise Angelic persona Utilize to hide Transform to devil Ignorant of its evil Felicity taken away Umbrage building to a crescendo Lulling into false security Loathe an existence Irrational...

  • Make-Believe


    2 years ago

    It’s getting harder  to keep my feelings hidden Outside I smile,  inside I’m dying, Pretend Deaf tears I cry,  each intake of breath  I’m wishing were my last, Pretend Why is it that I’ve fallen  and I look for rest to...

  • You Hear Me?

    You Hear Me?

    2 years ago

    Can you hear me I don't think you do you say love is true I say love is a lie do I hate you maybe I should but I don't that would make me a hypocrite like you say one thing and do another point fingers when the finger pointed should be...

  • Hoodwink


    2 years ago

    who are you to have the world so fooled buying into your lies damn the disguise you wear it so well a real cool veil no one even bothers to stop and take a closer look ...

  • A Shoe Did Me In

    A Shoe Did Me In

    2 years ago

    Whose right shoe was that in the middle of the floor? I almost tripped over it on my way out the door what a disaster that would of been cause down the flight of stairs for sure I would of went sailing through the air over the banister ...

  • Oh Noo She Didn't

    Oh Noo She Didn't

    2 years ago

    Oh no she didn’t just say that, she has the nerve to talk about the ladies in the street walking by, when her weave is looking like old man Henry’s dried up beard her dress is too short and her legs have warts She’s talking...

  • Watching From Inside Me

    Watching From Inside Me

    2 years ago

    I have no more tears to cry no more fears to stir me There is no love in me my love a dry well Blown away ashes of my hope floating through the air after a firestorm Dreams unreachable, unattainable entice me only when I sleep Sorrow...

  • Running Away to Something

    Running Away to Something

    2 years ago

    Tears falling I don’t even know why All the pain you caused me and here I sit crying because of something lost Broken heart will heal Soul comforted Spirit rejoined In all that’s transpired I still question why If your love...

  • It's Madness

    It's Madness

    2 years ago

    It's madness that's what it is To keep going around in circles  never coming to an end Chasing after invisible dreams Falling into nightmares it always seems So easy to fall asleep and dream  of madness secretly Oh if only I could escape...

  • Widowed Mother

    Widowed Mother

    2 years ago

    Somewhere in the night lays a shattered heart singing out for love The song can't be heard for it lies deep within her soul She sings of sorrow, of afflictions heaped upon her spirit She sings of her regrets to many to be numbered I...

  • The Devil You Say ?

    The Devil You Say ?

    2 years ago

    Feelings of being hurt and disillusioned by someone you love

  • Cage


    2 years ago

    Trapped no way out no exit no escape doom going in circles a dog chasing his tail fear I’m searching checking windows sealed shut go for the door to late the sound of a click locked ...

  • Life Isn't a Day at the Beach

    Life Isn't a Day at the Beach

    2 years ago

    Life isn't always easy and goes the way we plan

  • Images Running Through My Head

    Images Running Through My Head

    2 years ago

    Horrible images running through my head Gun shots sounding off in the distance I see a bloody moon setting awaiting a sunrise that will never come Tears fill the land cries ring forth The wailing so horrid, I close my ears to...

  • Going Through The Motions of Going Through the Motion

    Going Through The Motions of Going Through the Motion

    2 years ago

    Staring at the ceiling, giving names to the cracks, “I think I’ll call you Jimmy and you Sam maybe you Jack” Saying all the necessary words To get you going “Oh Baby you’re so good, yea right there, that’s the way I like...

  • I Don't Need A Man

    I Don't Need A Man

    2 years ago

    I don't need a man to complete me why would I want to raise someones man child Perfectly content to just be with myself, me, alone A man to validate who I am I know who I am and I'm strong I don't have to worry about the let downs,...

  • 3

    I Can't

    2 years ago

    Taking your life back, loving yourself, believing in who you are and knowing that your beauty lies within as well as on the outside

  • Who Is This I Speak Of

    Who Is This I Speak Of

    2 years ago

    Who is this that I speak of a lover a friend a stranger or the person with in A glass of vintage champagne ageless as the earth strong as the universe is vast wisdom personified grace and...

  • Poison Pen

    Poison Pen

    2 years ago

    Mind running, wild thoughts so vicious I’m render speechless Be aware fear lies in the heart Of a coward Still I don’t give a damn I’m vicious when I let loose my pen I write to the end of time Never give a damn Of the consequences ...

  • A Conversation

    A Conversation

    2 years ago

    A father unwilling to help his son

  • Distorted Picture

    Distorted Picture

    2 years ago

    Sometimes we need to examine the inner portrait we have of ourselves

  • Peace Eludes Me

    Peace Eludes Me

    2 years ago

    I can't seem to find peace no matter where I turn Its elusive, avoiding me It runs and hides like the sun being chased by black clouds Every time I get close enough to find it It slips away so quietly Leaving me searching for it in the...

  • Safe I Am

    Safe I Am

    2 years ago

    I felt a hand gently touch my heart I smelled the familiar scent A soft kiss placed on my forehead A wisp of air brushed against my cheek A memory of memories rushing back I closed my eyes holding on to The moment I was in Afraid if I opened them...

  • A Last Love Part 1

    A Last Love Part 1

    2 years ago

    Laying next to him, inhaling his scent A dream, she dreamed a thousand times was now reality She beheld all his beauty His naked powerful form glistened with sweat She drew closer, wanting to feel the beat of his heart With each beat she felt...

  • Sound of Drums

    Sound of Drums

    2 years ago

    Mythical rhythm warriors dancing, prancing calling to ancient gods, the beat gets louder with each beat of the drums the night creatures circle in wonder of the sound they howl to the beat as if its speaking in their tongue Warriors chant...

  • 8


    2 years ago

    If this is the life we must live Than let us live it to the fullest If this is the life we've been dealt with Than let us embrace it Mistakes are made But there's forgiveness Learn from them We grow Wisdom is earned ...

  • Don't Damn the Damned

    Don't Damn the Damned

    2 years ago

    Love should be unconditional

  • Mindless


    2 years ago

    Wow you think I would be use to running into dead ends I'm sure that brick wall has more of my head imprints than of any one else  You would think by now I've learned my lesson, but no, I keep Charging full force heading straight for...

  • Bend


    2 years ago

    You can bend you don't have to fall Keep your head up When you knees threaten to buckle Causing you to stagger In face of adversity Crush that desire to surrender to its power Show your strength, pushing on Reveal how strong...

  • The Phoenix Rises

    The Phoenix Rises

    2 years ago

    He’s not going to be a casualty   He rises like the phoenix Your weaknesses only serve to make him strong  Look at your face in the mirror, see the violation, and now picture your son’s heart See contravene there too  He...

  • Burdens


    2 years ago

    Trying to escape from our burdens isn't easy sometimes they can be so overwhelming all we want to do is just give in to them

  • Missing Me

    Missing Me

    2 years ago

    Here I sleep alone, my choice of course,  Just down the hall my man sleeps, He slumbers away and here I sleep by myself Of course I could swallow my pride and  Lay down by his side but at whose price?  Gentle snoring noises comes...

  • My Special One

    My Special One

    2 years ago

    Take the love you receive and  let it nurture your heart Water it with treasured wisdom, insight Keep out selfishness, it will only serve to stunt loves growth Causing it to wither and die Embrace forgiveness,  you'll need it every step...

  • Lovin a Man

    Lovin a Man

    2 years ago

    Did you ever think lovin a man could bring you so much pain? There ain't a moment your thoughts don't stray to him Where's he? What's he doing? Who's he doing it with? Damn! They come home eight hours late look you in the eyes...

  • Crystal Ball

    Crystal Ball

    2 years ago

    I gaze into a crystal ball to see my future The ball was blank, is that what my future looks like I couldn't accept it, so I glimpse at it again, still the same result In true frustration, this was my last hope I picked up the crystal ball And...

  • Kiss


    2 years ago

    The magical feel of a kiss

  • Respire


    2 years ago

    Soft whisper floating through the night Gentle caress of a lover's hand Sweet embrace drawing your near Breathe Inhaling the scent of a fragrance Pressing a kiss to soft lips Strong feelings exist Breathe Heart beats out...

  • Happily Ever After

    Happily Ever After

    2 years ago

    So much for happily ever after do you think Cinderella found her Prince Charming to be just another selfish, self--centered asshole? Mine, mine, are his favored words, only one in his vocabulary Did Prince Charming take Cinderella's glass...

  • Erebus to Hades

    Erebus to Hades

    2 years ago

    On a voyage into your soul Plagued with insecurities Doubts cloud your vision Fear strangles your heart Danger dances along with your Every step Narrow is the passage from Life to death Crossing the threshold...

  • A Rose

    A Rose

    2 years ago

    A rose striving to bloom in a Garden full of thorns and thistles Chocking off its life It hangs it head While watching each of its petals fall The sun can no longer break through The gray mist that hovers above The air is pungent from the...

  • The Night Lay Still

    The Night Lay Still

    2 years ago

    Being lost searching for your identity

  • Eternal Abyss

    Eternal Abyss

    2 years ago

    Darkness enfolds me in its arms asphyxiating the life from this body

  • Hush-Hush


    2 years ago

    Secrets destroy fragile security A thin thread unraveling Always looking behind Meaning to words searching For signs of infidelity Real or imagine Hush- Hush Secrets hurt the unsuspecting soul Trying to read the...

  • Where Have My Thoughts Gone

    Where Have My Thoughts Gone

    2 years ago

    OK I'm sitting here twiddling my thumbs I'm scared for the first time my mind is blank I'm trying to come up with a thought I can't put two coherent words together Shame on me I think I've blown a fuse I thought I smelled smoke and...

  • She Whispers

    She Whispers

    2 years ago

    She whispers in his ear Baby let me open up to you a rose on a cool spring morning with the dew still kissing each of my petals For deep in my heart secrets lie, waiting to expose explicitly in full details of the pleasure I'm about to ...

  • Runnning


    2 years ago

    I can't run far enough fast enough I turn around and it's right there Run for my life death has his hand on my shoulder I can't escape shaking free I take off running for my life I can't get away there he is He's right there standing...

  • No Questions

    No Questions

    2 years ago

    You never asked my name seen my face I could be the person standing next to you in a crowded place Maybe I'm the one you say hello to every morning Wish me good evening every night Who am I Who are you What makes you laugh bring you to...

  • Promise Me

    Promise Me

    2 years ago

    The promises we look for when in love

  • Pleasure


    2 years ago

    I'm not a fool to believe this life of ours filled with so much desire temptation is only a whisper in an ear eager to hear a voice that lures away in secret sanity replaces fears that traps us in a dark sphere Pleasure so rare and life so...

  • Love You Just a Little Bit More

    Love You Just a Little Bit More

    2 years ago

    Eyes so true windows to your soul You awaken desires a moth to the flame My essence burns with fire Anticipating loving you all night Beginning to end First to last Wrapped in each others arms Two spirits become one United in an ageless rhythm Dance...

  • I Reach out to You

    I Reach out to You

    2 years ago

    Am I not good enough do my tears wash away your sins Do you find retribution in how you treat me Is this your way of showing love Am I to beg for your understanding spill my soul blood staining your hands my blood I reach out to you ...

  • Catch Me I'm Falling

    Catch Me I'm Falling

    2 years ago

    Life is a mystery I can't solve full of secrets answers elude me questions keep circling like Vultures picking at my bones success keeps running from me failure I can catch easily please the world please no one whose to say my destiny ...

  • Say My Goodbyes

    Say My Goodbyes

    2 years ago

    Tears from heaven I cry Needing you so much I wish you were here Lying next to me Calling out your name in My dreams Only to awaken To emptiness All the memories Aren't enough To escape this loneliness I feel...

  • Music Soul

    Music Soul

    2 years ago

    I use to hear you sing to me at night chasing away the nightmares Your lyrics reflected the struggle in my mind you sing as if you understood my hidden fears It told the story of a soul that has no color Repressed spirit that has lost its...

  • Soaring Above the Heavens

    Soaring Above the Heavens

    2 years ago

    Soaring above the heavens freeing her soul held captive She glides through the air her majestic head held high delicate wings lightly adorned tremble as she soars her destination unknown above the sky embracing the wind imagining the...

  • Abused Soul

    Abused Soul

    2 years ago

    Playing with your mind Taking your emotions and casting them aside not just inflicting black and blue but scars that never heal inside your soul Taking away your freedom demeaning yourself as a person stripping away self-respect,...

  • For Granted

    For Granted

    2 years ago

    Ever watch a sunset take a moonlight stroll Ever stop to just watch a bird feed her young Have you ever took a deep breath after the rain Have you watched a mother love her child When was the last time you just sat and reflected on life...

  • Tears of Our Children

    Tears of Our Children

    2 years ago

    In a world that has so much to offer, not one child should be going hungry...

  • Heart of Mine

    Heart of Mine

    2 years ago

    Who can mend a broken heart

  • Help! I Marrired a Dress

    Help! I Marrired a Dress

    2 years ago

    Finding that perfect dress is like finding that perfect man

  • Journey into the Unknown

    Journey into the Unknown

    2 years ago

    Journey into the unknown The macabre mystic power Warriors of old Journey to the depths of Your soul The spirit world is alive With ghosts of yesterday Come explore the phenomenon Where we stand in the land Of make...

  • 2

    Mountain Top

    2 years ago

    Discovering the power within yourself


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