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Jon (Simba73)

Joined 12 years ago from UK

  • 104
  • 157
  • 188
  • Because I Am Still Alive

    Because I Am Still Alive

    5 years ago

  • My Penguin

    My Penguin

    7 years ago

  • If I had one breath

    If I had one breath

    9 years ago

    I've cried inside for days now My heart has drowned in tears The strength I used to feel Now lost consumed in fear But my soul..... Was forged in courage And I will find my way One foot before the other Building strength again each day I know...

  • Amber tears

    Amber tears

    9 years ago

    The autumns now upon us I long for spring time nights When we wanted forever And held eachother tight But my heart is now falling Besides this season leaves Knowing that the amber tears Will tell me why I grieve For you have been my sunshine...

  • The words with soul

    The words with soul

    9 years ago

    So many bad words said in haste So many said in fear Too many said just to hurt Kill all that we held dear But now were on the other side And all is said and done I've found the words that have a soul We're meant to overcome Because I was...

  • Clifftops and the Phoenix

    Clifftops and the Phoenix

    9 years ago

    For you the feelings faded A long long time ago Last time I knew you loved me Was waiting for the snow Today now your heart is clear There is no love at all I tip toe on the cliff's edge Knowing that I'm sure to fall My heart...

  • Yours must be the sun

    Yours must be the sun

    9 years ago

    The water sparkled in the night As we left the olive shed First stars waking in the sky New dreams within my head All night long we laughed and spoke We played games with the stars A dawn of love came in the night The future was...

  • My enemy the sun

    My enemy the sun

    9 years ago

    Dark moon that broke my heart My enemy now the sun To wake each day now filed with pain For I know what I've done The new moon shines All through the night To torment my broken heart Together the sun and moon Softly cry.............

  • loud silence

    loud silence

    9 years ago

    I cannot bare the the void Present for all to see I'm longing for the smallest hint That you're in love with me A little word How was your day I hope your feeling fine Is all I need to start again And live in present time ...

  • Spring time morning snow

    Spring time morning snow

    9 years ago

    The gifts that you have gave me Your smiles and open heart Like memories of a past life Now fading in the dark When once I was desired Feels not so long ago Just temporary like a flower Or spring time morning snow My failings...

  • Saphire eyes

    Saphire eyes

    9 years ago

    People me tell what is beauty The wonders of this world But they don't how I feel Just walking with my girl Humming birds, the stars Hold little......nothing to me Your smile, and those saphire eyes Is all I need to see A...

  • Canvas and the moonlight

    Canvas and the moonlight

    10 years ago

    Canvas, sandles, fires and moonlight Our shadows dance around the fire Making love throughout the night Mornings playing in the medows Our children in our arms Surrounded by their laughter Smiling eyes brighter than charms All singing...

  • It's so absurd

    It's so absurd

    9 years ago

    Emotions make us children When we should rise above We hurt one and other Just because we are in love Loose tongues and poison words When we should know best Playing dangerous games With a bond that needs no test Then for...

  • As tears caress this page

    As tears caress this page

    9 years ago

    You cannot know the feelings That you create in me Your kind words and compassion For things I did not see Whilst carrying out your day My deeds are on your mind But you offer love and guidance Knowing my soul is not blind For each day I face...

  • Samantha Jayne

    Samantha Jayne

    9 years ago

    The passion and the wonder Shine in your eyes so blue A spring tide born in rainbows Pull me deeper into you Our goodbyes feel like torture As we kiss with painful frowns I'd sooner die in your arms In your rainbow tide I'd drown The hours pass...

  • My shadow and my notebook

    My shadow and my notebook

    10 years ago

    They thought we couldn't do it That it would be to hard The looks and all those whispers From Mums in the school yard But love has made it easy Our life is full of fun Nature made me your Daddy Though fate made me your Mum ...

  • Cilibion Dreams

    Cilibion Dreams

    10 years ago

    Hate is just a word To make you feel less When scorched love holds back the fears Your heart wants to confess You'll walk straight out of eden Into a world so cold So you can forget your sins Discard the lies you told You'll...

  • Collecting all the peices

    Collecting all the peices

    11 years ago

    This is about my daughter and the tramatic life she had as a six year old child, she is now seven years old and living safe and sound with me.....her Father

  • coffee pots

    coffee pots

    10 years ago

    I knew as I walked inside The signs were there for all Little things that scream so loud Bedsted far from the wall Two coffee pots still on the stove As I walked through the door Tell me someone stayed last night As my soul hits...

  • After everything in the room

    After everything in the room

    10 years ago

    I saw the hesitation As you swalowed deep and sighed My heart burning for an answer To know how you feel inside Your eyes finally found mine After everything in the room Then you told me that you loved me That your scared, is it...

  • you're fine just as you are

    you're fine just as you are

    11 years ago

    She runs through the back gate Shouting she stamps her feet It's not fair Daddy ! I want something to eat ! So I smile and I ask her What's wrong ? what is unfair ? Daddy I don't like glasses And I want big blonde hair ...

  • Charms of lust

    Charms of lust

    11 years ago

    She kept his eyes fixed on her As her voice danced round his head Walking like a panther As she knelt upon his bed Sliding up towards him To put her lust to rest Biting her lips gently With a pounding in her chest The room became a dreamland As...

  • 28

    Was right in my backyard

    11 years ago

    I searched for years For something..somebody Somewhere...sometime Never finding solace Peace for this soul of mine I crossed near every ocean And walked through lands so hard To find what I'd been missing Was right in my backyard She had always...

  • I will tell you one last time

    I will tell you one last time

    11 years ago

    Your words can't conceal How you feel for me Speaking just of freindship Englufed in jealously Have I read this all wrong Do you feel less Or should I once again speak out Once again confess We'll talk about a future Where...

  • Arrows from you lips

    Arrows from you lips

    11 years ago

    I cannot help but feel it As you smile hands upon your hips Your words sweeter than honey Whilst cupid's shooting arrows from your lips I've never been so happy To be stood in the pouring rain Now that I know you love me And that...

  • In a world you think is yours

    In a world you think is yours

    11 years ago

    If I died tomorrow Would all you dreams come true Unshackled from the bad deeds You feel you have to do No lies bad for your karma New life... a fresh new start You could become the hero To mend a childs heart But I breathe...

  • Castles of guilt

    Castles of guilt

    11 years ago

    Guilt can burn the bridges When your directions lost Foolish words will feed the flames And pain will be the cost Guilt can build castle To lock your heart away Within those walls a prisoner With the games guilt likes to play ...

  • Emotions dangerous land

    Emotions dangerous land

    11 years ago

    Where did you think this road led In emotions dangerous land Would we reach the otherisde Holding eachothers hand We knew all of the bad things That we were sure to face But our souls begged us like angels To take us to the place...

  • Destined to winter

    Destined to winter

    11 years ago

    There are many who have wished it To walk life by my side But the years with me They take there toll What they once felt slowly dies All my charms, my looks and smile No longer fill their hearts Our dreams and hopes cannot stop...

  • That moment

    That moment

    11 years ago

    You smile You lift your shoulders You blink You bite your lip I sure I know your feelings Can't let this moment slip Is it all about the timing Will cupid shoot his bow Shall I taste your lips today Or again let courage go ...

  • Soul science

    Soul science

    11 years ago

    Sometimes sun shines in my soul Others it's dark as night Together they make this man The mix of black and white Calling for one and other So soul can choose right from wrong These purest lovers of all time Dark, light The weak...

  • The Choice

    The Choice

    11 years ago

    Hey gang , I have not posted here for ages , but everything is cool and OK (for those hubbers who now whats been going in my life) Anyway found this from my scraps bye Simba

  • Kiplings Road

    Kiplings Road

    11 years ago

    Keep you're head together Whilst all around are losing theirs Precious words from a great man For a soul who always dares To wear his heart on his sleeve Who gives to much too soon Confessing you've become his sun And he's became you moon To...

  • last first kiss

    last first kiss

    11 years ago

    Last night was just a glimse Of heaven and it's shores Already I know the truth It's you my soul adores A thousand questions spinning As my soul waits to depart Upon the voyage one more time Discovering your heart Guilded by new stars To find...

  • I can't feel the rain

    I can't feel the rain

    11 years ago

    Is it cold outside Outside this heart of pain Empty fear it haunts me As I walk in the rain No frightened of the thunder That shakes the cold dark sky It's the terror of my future Without courage to try To wake with a dry...

  • I caught you catching me

    I caught you catching me

    11 years ago

    I think that you've been searching Started before it was called time Talking to all earths souls Hunting for for this one of mine Two halves tumbling through life Lost and unaware Falling right beside them Was the other always there Somethings...

  • The word called things

    The word called things

    11 years ago

    Things change so fast Am I still the man That wrote the word called things In natures wicked fickle ways Change is all that future brings So why hold on to feelings That hurt and burn your soul For nature, future and your mind...

  • My book of truth

    My book of truth

    11 years ago

    I filled a book with my heart The words you cannot know Each page the pain I keep inside For you I just won't show These lines remain my secrect The story of my soul And you are the only thing That makes it feel whole I feel...

  • Your love is like the ocean

    Your love is like the ocean

    11 years ago

    Your love is like the ocean All things that I adore But like the tides You come and go My heart the waiting shore Arms open wide Your love flows in To feel joy at my side But bitter sweet is your embrace Too soon you run and...

  • I heard you singing

    I heard you singing

    11 years ago

    I knew it when I heard your..... Your voice singing those hard songs So I asked our daughter With Mummy what is wrong Don't think that I don't know it Or couldn't hear your tears I know that we are long done But don't forget the...

  • Shoreline secrets

    Shoreline secrets

    11 years ago

    Walking on the shoreline The sand between our toes Playing just like children Splashing each others clothes Trying not to feel it Skipping more than just waves Both yearning one and other Whilst trying to behave But our...

  • The pain of four walls crying

    The pain of four walls crying

    11 years ago

    I remember the feeling As I stood there alone The silence screaming loudly In the walls that we called home The walls pleading with me Where have they all gone Looking for an answer For a sign .........a dear Jon The pain of...

  • What your heart hides

    What your heart hides

    11 years ago

    If I stay one more moment Forever our world will change For I've already fallen And I'm sure you feel the same I'll leave without you waking To do the thing that's right Remembering your beauty And the love we felt last night ...

  • 12

    She Laid

    11 years ago

    She walked through the doorway As I sat up in bed Thoughts of our wild night Spinning in my head Like a cat gliding towards me As I watched her hips sway With her mouth still hung open Her eyes still in loves haze Her soul...

  • Come back to bed

    Come back to bed

    7 years ago

    The sun god came to quickly As it chased away the moon Dawn was getting jealous By the saga in our room I can't bear to wake you Don't want to change a thing A vision of pure beauty As the sun kisses your skin But then you...

  • Small fingers

    Small fingers

    11 years ago

    Lost in a deep sleep No feeling in my limbs No thoughts, just soft darkness A sleep peace only brings But then life returns to me Small fingers grab my nose I know what is coming next So I keep my eyes closed Sure enough I...

  • My Compass

    My Compass

    11 years ago

    You carried me on an ocean The sea of hopes and dreams My saviour, my kind wind Compass of what life means You eyes have been the sunshine That helped me plot the course To calm safe shores upon which It was you that I adored ...

  • Brown Eyed Angel

    Brown Eyed Angel

    11 years ago

    For seven years of my life I was pulled through a living hell By a brown eyed angel The reason that I never fell Into the flames of terror That had become our life But the flames still took their victim Your Mother, my dear Wife ...

  • I feel home

    I feel home

    11 years ago

    I watch you growing quickly Too fast now that your gone Always wearing new shoes And singing different songs I never noticed you age Ignorant to all the bliss That happens when your not here These precious times I miss But...

  • Six Words

    Six Words

    11 years ago

    Impossible is the word That's going round my mind Tip toeing around feelings We expected not to find We pull each other closer Then shy..... we back away Frightened of offending With what we want to say I'm sure that we both...

  • A soul born to a celt

    A soul born to a celt

    11 years ago

    Heaven is a secret Destination of the heart A place just for the dreamers When your worlds falling apart But heaven's always waiting Building the utopia of your mind dropping subtle directions Hoping that you will find Your way through all the...

  • Celestial Rumours

    Celestial Rumours

    11 years ago

    Sunbeams kissed your shoulders As you stirred beneath the sheets Dancing on your sweet neck And caressing your cheek Your coffee skin turned golden With kisses of the sun Delighted by the whispers Of our nocturnal fun It knew...

  • Before the rising sun

    Before the rising sun

    11 years ago

    Confusion is a natural Emotion of the dark where logic wagers war on truth Between the head and heart The truth is what you feel Logic the reason why Your head want to protect you Your heart wants you to fly Your head looks to the future ...

  • Cosmic Hands

    Cosmic Hands

    11 years ago

    I could feel your heart beating The rising of your chest Already at your journeys end A new age in the west We knew that it would happen That it had all been planned Not by us but in the heavens Souls pulled with cosmic hands ...

  • Always Daddys girl

    Always Daddys girl

    11 years ago

    It's late in the evening As I walk down the stairs I look into your bedroom But I know that your not there I pray that they can hear us Our dreams and all your plight To bring us back together And do something that is right So I...

  • Eight years have carried you

    Eight years have carried you

    11 years ago

    Yearning for a strange land Out of reach for far too long Using all of your will Rescuing your dreams Never losing your hope Everything else all around you falling at the seems Waiting patiently for your time At last your dreams come...

  • The tears of the stars

    The tears of the stars

    11 years ago

    Now the time is on us It's happened many times Mankind didn't listen Or read between the lines Of the oldest texts and records That we've seen this all before Dismissed as Chinese whispers But still carved in ancient walls A battle in the heavens...

  • Heavens Dawn

    Heavens Dawn

    11 years ago

    I woke with a sharp pain Was it just a dream So with my eyes held tight I longed for the place where we had been Under sighing stars smiling Blessing love that they had seen As you looked into my eyes Throughout our nocturnal embrace ...

  • Aquarian Eden

    Aquarian Eden

    11 years ago

    In distant forgotten ages Was a story they did tell About a new beginning Drawn from mother natures well The whispers of the story Carried all the way through time Recorded in the stars When the planets will align On the eve...

  • Sleeping safe from harm

    Sleeping safe from harm

    11 years ago

    I cannot find the words My mind and pen is dry To understand our problems How they came or why To you I can say one thing Which I know is true With the first breath that you took My soul belonged to you And soon my precious...

  • Fathers Pride

    Fathers Pride

    11 years ago

    Many years from this sad day You'll hold your head up high Walking proudly with your Father Full of the reasons why The reasons that you love him For all the things he's done That made you the special person Who's smiles shines...

  • a tattoo of me

    a tattoo of me

    11 years ago

    I love it when your waiting My Dad at the school gate Telling me to hurry up We don't want to be late For what I never really knew But it was always fun Holding on to Daddy's hand And down the street we'd run How was your day...

  • If they lived in our four walls

    If they lived in our four walls

    11 years ago

    Some take it just through envy As green is all they see Without a thought of fear and pain They'll cause for you and me She must be right She's a woman Is the method how they think Despite the fact she wakes Each morning just to...

  • The other sides shame

    The other sides shame

    11 years ago

    This was written many months ago when me and my daughter were first torn apart, and is not how I am feeling now, but is a piece that reflects the turmoil and thoughts that go through so many peoples heads when life can seem impossible, but there is...

  • Fathers how to go on for your children

    Fathers how to go on for your children

    11 years ago

    disclaimer : this hub is not an attack on women but is solely written for the Fathers who are the better parent in the family unit and have been put into this awful position of fighting for the safety of their children. There seems to be very little...

  • I don't want a Weekend-Dad

    I don't want a Weekend-Dad

    11 years ago

    You spot me in the Distance Start jumping on the spot For me the view is torture As I'm waiting for the clock The seconds take forever The hands they seem to stop One thousand thoughts of your smile Between the tick and the tock ...

  • Seventeen cents of success

    Seventeen cents of success

    11 years ago

    After a crazy couple of months refurbishing a school during the summer break I have had my first lie in interrupted by my Father tapping at the back door, Oh well lets see what he wants. As some of you hubbers will know life has been rough for me...

  • 6

    Your Grandson

    2 years ago

    Our Families all done great things Such deeds to make you proud But I've always been the black sheep That stands out in our crowd I've took too many chances And swam the seven seas While all our clan grew businesses Gained wealth...

  • I hope you see

    I hope you see

    11 years ago

    Your friends say that your sorry For rants and pain you caused And that you knew they meant well While you built up all those walls I can't help think you see now That your friends were not alone In a quest to save your future Was...

  • The seasons warning

    The seasons warning

    11 years ago

    The nights are getting shorter As the summer says goodbye The stars appear more sharply When I gaze into the sky The mornings have a cool bite As the autumn shows it's near then soon it will be winter And the end of a sad year ...

  • Simba's Journey part II

    Simba's Journey part II

    11 years ago

    Simba knew that his last journey to find his daughter would be the most challenging yet, not because of the route he must take, but to enter an old capital city which was now a famed for it's evil as any other in the world, a truly dangerous place...

  • Stopping time

    Stopping time

    11 years ago

    Forever I am dreaming Wishing that I could stop time To make you always feel safe Wrapped in these arms of mine I think I've found the secret Hidden from us mortal souls A conscious way of stopping time Fall through the futures holes ...

  • Burma's Angel

    Burma's Angel

    11 years ago

    Forever we have heard them Through all our history The same four words repeated Set My People Free It started all with Mosses when he parted the red sea But we didn't learn our lessons So set my people free Are the cries of a new...

  • Simba's journey

    Simba's journey

    11 years ago

    Wake up Daddy wake up !!! With a falling sensation Simba jolted into conciousness, the fire had gone out long in the night, drip drip came from the overhang of the cliff he had called home for the past two full moons, watches and dates were now a...

  • Why Can't I feel Anger

    Why Can't I feel Anger

    11 years ago

    They say don't show anger When they pour out all their lies To the Judge speak slow and clearly And look into his eyes Don't say bad things about the mother Even if it is all true Concentrate on your Daughter And protecting all her...

  • Your supposed to be Angels

    Your supposed to be Angels

    8 years ago

    After she was taken To you I plead and pray But did you really listen To what I had to say You've left her in a cold land Small child still so afraid You've tied my hands together Won't let me save the day Your supposed to be Angels Protecting...

  • Fly Jeans

    Fly Jeans

    11 years ago

    You say can we go shopping For what is my reply some new jeans that my friend just bought They make her look so fly I say lets go, do you know the store And please don't make me choose Before we go I'm telling you we're not shopping for shoes i...

  • knowing I we be alone

    knowing I we be alone

    8 years ago

    When my day is over And I approach our home My heart starts to get heavy Knowing I will be alone I have to take a deep breath when I open up the door With the memories of your smile As you're running down the hall You'd hold your...

  • careless words

    careless words

    11 years ago

    For years your soul's been weeping Wondering lands so cold and and dark searching for the pieces Of an angels broken heart Two careless words were spoken Which tore your life apart So running to your mother To beg that it's not true ...

  • Drinking The Tears We Shed

    Drinking The Tears We Shed

    11 years ago

    What did you run from When all our dreams came true Have you just been kidnapped By the other one in you Has she been there always corrupt whispers in your head Feeding on your life and soul Drinking all the tears we've shed I know...

  • Subtle Signs

    Subtle Signs

    11 years ago

    How did you feel Today looking at me Were you yearning for love Or content to be free Perhaps you felt strange things Humans call it guilt For destroying all the things That eight years had built As you walked away subtle signs...

  • The two you's

    The two you's

    11 years ago

    Was it you that I fell for Gave my soul right from the start Or was it her that tricked me Not considering my heart Was it you that wanted children Put our family on the map Or was it her intention To hold me in her trap Do...

  • Sinners and losers

    Sinners and losers

    11 years ago

    A thousand times you'd smile Saying you were leaving me That you've found something better And that you want to be free But you've been crying wolf forever As my pain you loved to see After all of my forgiveness For all you wicked...

  • Just tonight my Monkey

    Just tonight my Monkey

    11 years ago

    Your smile lifted off the clouds As we approached our home You run and skip with such delight Around all you've ever known Can I stay up late please Daddy You ask with hope and grace Just tonight my monkey A huge grin across my face ...

  • At the bottom of your glass

    At the bottom of your glass

    11 years ago

    I weep tears filled with the memories All the joy when we first wed When we'd stay up all night talking In our matrimonial bed We'd dream and plan our future Between our nocturnal fun Never thinking about sleeping Until we saw the sun Those night...

  • The whisper of the stars

    The whisper of the stars

    11 years ago

    We ran to Siam's islands To leave behind our shame Our souls were wounded angels Two looking for the same Born under the same heavens Where the stars played out their games Lets bring their souls together So she can take his name From distant...

  • karmas not your servant

    karmas not your servant

    11 years ago

    You can't believe in Karma After all the things you've done And you can't believe in justice If you think that you have won You can't blame those around you Or say you had no choice And you can't say it was all their words When they came from your...

  • In the shade of a volcano

    In the shade of a volcano

    11 years ago

    My friend's all said I was crazy When I fell for eastern charms But they never felt your sweet breath when your sleeping in my arms My kin they tried to warn me Rushed love will never last But you can't hide from emotion just because we had no past...

  • My True Treasure

    My True Treasure

    11 years ago

    I've been dreaming of some money And all the pain it brings I don't seek wealth and riches New cars and diamond rings But each week I buy a ticket Make wishes, dreams and hope Address it to your mother In a lucky envelope And if the God's can...

  • Just call I'll come

    Just call I'll come

    11 years ago

    I crossed the mighty water When I heard you call my name Found you waiting at a castle Where the Red Dragon breathes it's flames In the cold wind, rain and thunder You came running to my arms Screaming take me away forever They can't buy me...

  • Lions and spells

    Lions and spells

    11 years ago

    When you've grown much older There's a story I will tell About a wicked Mother Who put people under spells Do you remember when she took you And you know she made a plan In a coven full of witches Plotting to break me as a man But witches all...

  • Eight years filled an ocean

    Eight years filled an ocean

    11 years ago

    It was two days from our first kiss I could not move from the bed Staring at the ceiling Sure that soon I would be dead But for three whole days And three whole nights You kept me in this world As I swore to myself secretly If I survive this she's...

  • Don't listen to your vultures

    Don't listen to your vultures

    11 years ago

    Did you think my love was weakness or that I am not a man My heart was made from kindness I'll still help you if I can You tell me that your strong now and that you'll be just fine was it not me who saved you from your peril the last...

  • All those late nights

    All those late nights

    11 years ago

    Have you had one moment where you've stopped to think of me To wonder how I'm feeling about what will never be I am sure that I'm forsaken and I know the pain still shows But you left me in an ocean with a sail where no wind blows You never said...

  • BohemianEmbrace


    11 years ago

    It was my last night Living by the sea as you came walking towards me A French Goddess From all mens dreams Would like to talk Or so it seems No word was spoke You kissed my face My lips, my neck As we embraced Our souls entwined Through...

  • My love Your lust

    My love Your lust

    11 years ago

    I don't know why You ran so fast When all our dreams had come at last Our sweat, our blood all winter long My reasons love Your reasons wrong Another man You couldn't wait One last cruel act Now it's too late Why steal my child Was it not enough...

  • They wont listen

    They wont listen

    11 years ago

    Through laws and courts I must fight Where so-called saviours Dismiss your plight Just ticking boxes They don't care But on your scalp I've found grey hair Ticked boxes won't change your fate They will not act Till it's too late ...

  • I Won't Rest

    I Won't Rest

    11 years ago

    I won't rest My fear is creeping I won't hope Till I know your sleeping I won't breathe While your soul is shaking My grief returns When I know your waking I won't smile Before your held in my arms I won't sleep Till...

  • Your Daddys Reasons

    Your Daddys Reasons

    11 years ago

    Your life gave me the reasons To wake up in the cold Your talking sounds like music And stops me getting old Your smiles warm as sunshine The tonic for my soul Your crying draws me to you Your pain my biggest fear Because you know...

  • Your My Child

    Your My Child

    11 years ago

    you were torn from my safe embrace So she could run from shame Your dreams, your life just pieces In her foolish game Don't think that I have left you Or do not feel your pain As I will fight forever To bring you home again ...

  • I Won't

    I Won't

    11 years ago

    I won't rest My fear is creeping I won't hope Till I know your sleeping I won't breathe While your soul is shaking My grief returns When I know your waking I won't smile Before your held in my arms I won't sleep Till your...

  • Your Daddy

    Your Daddy

    11 years ago

    Don't be afraid of strange lands Or fear the dark and cold Don't worry for your future Your Daddy is not old He's a lion that protects you His life is in your soul Your happiness his purpose Your dreams his only goal ...

  • It Was Written

    It Was Written

    11 years ago

    It was written that I'd love you Before the earth, the wind and rain It's love that lasts for ever And not the cold sharp pain Don't wish that now's a bad dream On some far distant plain One man is here to save you And Daddy is his name He won't...

  • Poems for my Daughter

    Poems for my Daughter

    11 years ago

    You were torn from my safe embrace So she could run from shame Your dreams, your life just pieces In her foolish game Don't think that I have left you Or do not feel your pain As I will fight forever To bring you home again ...


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