Finally having published my first book, can those of you on hub pages let me know how things work. Hopefully I have taken the steps needed. Feedback is Welcome!
No matter how hard we try, we cannot fix the unfixable, because in reality, it was never broken to begin with!
Yet another random but pertinent poem in picture.
I know I've not written in many months but I have been thinking. This is a start!
What To Do With A Broken Heart?
What Can Be Said Harshly, Can Be Done Kindly!
Another Day, Another Window Opens!
Life Changes Require Many Decisions!
A passing phase, a rogue thought. Something to Ponder!
Things Getting Choppy? Step Up!
Have You One In Your Life Like This?
When your world seems to be crumbling, look up!
What does your night bring to your sight?
A New Morning Wakeup Call!
How Far Can You Bend?
Walls keep things out, but they also keep things in!
The End Result Is Never Right, This Is The Procrastinator's Plight!
A Short Introduction To The New Autumn Season!
What can you create with the power of thought?
In The Minds Eye One Finds Much Beauty!
What Of Secrets? Hopes And Dreams?
A Blessing for An Ailing Friend!
How Important Is Trust To You? Something To Think About.
Searching For Inner Peace Brought Me This!
I Don't Want To Wake Up!
How Long Would You Wait To Follow Your Dreams?
Sometimes We Must Evaluate Ourselves!
Words for a determined day!
What do you see when you look around you on a busy street, or even in your home?
Random Thoughts Begin With A Moment Of Quiet!
Sometimes We Hear Messages. Whether From The Heart, The Head, Or The Heavens!
Two Deer come to a clearing in the woods. This is the subtle conversation that ensues. What path will you take?
Where Will Our Experiences Take Us? We Have To Walk The Passages Of Time To Find Out!
The Last Party You Will Ever Attend! Mwahaha!
We Go Places When We Meditate!
Sometimes Words and Phrases Come to us. If they sound good we write them down. Here is a Compilation of such phrases that hit my mind over time. Enjoy!
Listen To Your Dreams! You Might Learn Something!
Life Brings On Changes And Lost Loves!
Yet Another Dream Inspired Piece!
My Wish For All!
A Conversation Inspired With Words From the Mouths of Babes!
Watching What Fly's On Breezes Thoughts Arise!
A Business Poem For All! A Comparison If You Will Dedicated to the Online Entrepreneur.
A Poetic Mystery Story (please read to the end)
Rivers Flow Where They Will, But Love Smooth's All!
Where Should We Look When We Become Lost?
A Dedication Poem For A Kind Uncle
We Don't Always Understand The Happenings In Our Lives
As Always, We Are Our Own Worst Critics!
Sometimes We Wonder If Our Partners Can Handle Us!
Our Lives Are Filled With Quandaries. Perhaps There Are Solutions!
A Discussion Between Two Hearts!
Nature Mimics Life, Life Mimics Nature!
The Sun Is An Inspiration In Its' Own Right!
Sometimes We Find The Words, And Sometimes They Find Us!
Instinct! We All Migrate At One Time Or Another!
Hopelessness Has A Function. Believe It Or Not!
A Poem From A Time of Confusion, Doubt and The Inevitable Results One Gets When Fear Steps In!
Advice to a Friend on Finding and Keeping Love!
When partners are together, they always bring something along for the ride!
When are we not looking for love?
Yes! Even Cyber-Space Friends Leave Lasting Impressions.
Most of Us Experience These!
No Matter What We Think, Time Is of the Essence!
Express Yourself Through Love
Close Friends Know No Boundaries!
Tribute to A Good Man!
Who would think something could offer so much for so little.
Interactions Between Children and Nature Can Be Both Fun and Enlightening!
Sometimes the path to happiness can be a little bit rocky!
Observations Can Lead to the Most Beautiful Realities!
Advice to Aspiring Poets!
Oh, That Moon! Someone Give Me a Lasso!
A narrative of playtime.
A Glimps Into the Heart of a Friend!
A Personal View
The Soul Always Has Questions. Seems that is the way of it.
Within the eyes of a kindred soul.
Children find wonder every day. Even in the Simplest of experiences.
A Message to the Heart
A Childs Knowledge is Boundless
For the Love of a Pet!
How Well They Get Along!
Inside the heart of every poet is inspiration. Here is some of where mine came from.