SkySlave profile image67

Skyler DeCristoforo (SkySlave)

Joined 12 years ago from Olympia, WA

  • 116
  • 133
  • 161
  • 1

    Body Mods: Scarification

    2 years ago

    For hundreds of years, people all around the world have been intentionally scaring their bodies for a handful of different reasons in an array of different painful practices.

  • Answer's Questions and Live wired connections in a Trip that's Always Beginning

    Answer's Questions and Live wired connections in a Trip that's Always Beginning

    9 years ago

    Great thanks to heather for helping to really bring this to life! Heather Pate & Skyler DeCristoforo Photography ©The Dead weight of my sleeping eyes was no match For the waking pressure that shot them open Like a leaping spring in revolt. I...

  • Seed of Salvation

    Seed of Salvation

    10 years ago

    Some shape of Poetry by: Xero, Emily and skyler

  • The Queen of a Libertine

    The Queen of a Libertine

    10 years ago

    With fear of her climax she couldn't progress Although her body gushed with interest, She was hypnotized by the pressure of his bite As the point of his hungry tongue tasted The flesh of her inner thigh He wanted her to feel everything...

  • Falling Below the Undertow

    Falling Below the Undertow

    10 years ago

    The fire dies We take with us it's energy It's life Were burning out Sipping lactose from the utter of a burning plank Look up Spin your body and stir the stars We never left We were always gone We fell here together Forever and again I love you...

  • Time is a Flightless Bird

    Time is a Flightless Bird

    10 years ago

    A poem of living youth. A child lives in all of us!

  • Rewinding Slow Motion

    Rewinding Slow Motion

    11 years ago

    Figures set in time, but does time really exist? Cast a toxic stone, bloodshed in the mist.

  • Taking back a Disregarded Epiphany

    Taking back a Disregarded Epiphany

    11 years ago

    You freed me from myself, I'll free you from everything else..

  • Past Notes Vol.4

    Past Notes Vol.4

    8 years ago

    Is this life a riddle that when solved, we understand the past? Is the past still living on in the present?

  • The Nuns Of Lucifer

    The Nuns Of Lucifer

    11 years ago

    I've revisited my love for horror poetry, pulled straight out of one of my very own exciting, reoccurring, nightmares.

  • Adventures of a Wandering 3rd Eye pt.2

    Adventures of a Wandering 3rd Eye pt.2

    11 years ago

    An eye for adventure in Vancouver Washington On New Years Eve.

  • Unlocking a Key

    Unlocking a Key

    11 years ago

    Electric romance Addictive narcotic kiss Her tongue On my teeth I love the way That smile tastes

  • Kurt Cobain's Young St Bridge

    Kurt Cobain's Young St Bridge

    11 years ago

    Adventure down to the old dwelling of Nirvana's, Kurt Cobain. This bridge is now a memorial for the greatly loved rock star.

  • Recognition


    11 years ago

    See it in yourself to disinfect the hell.

  • Adventures of a Wandering 3rd Eye pt.1

    Adventures of a Wandering 3rd Eye pt.1

    11 years ago

    A collection of photos and poetry from my adventures up and down the coast of the western United States. See what i see, feel what i feel. Grab a cup of hot coffee and take hold of the driving wheel!

  • Extreme Thrills: Las Vegas Sky Jump

    Extreme Thrills: Las Vegas Sky Jump

    11 years ago

    Take the jump and feel your heart drop as you fall 855 towards the asphalt of the Las Vegas Strip.

  • Lets Burn a Bridge

    Lets Burn a Bridge

    11 years ago

    Just when you cant take it anymore, you find the a path to another door.

  • Eyes Vol.10 A New Spark

    Eyes Vol.10 A New Spark

    11 years ago

    A new spark in your eyes, a portal to the night time skies. Take me with you, keep me in trance. Teach me how to love, show me how to dance.

  • Healthy Balsamic Veggie Pasta

    Healthy Balsamic Veggie Pasta

    11 years ago

    A healthy and easy to make dish for vegetarian pasta lovers.

  • Leaving Las Vegas: the Adventure Begins

    Leaving Las Vegas: the Adventure Begins

    11 years ago

    Everyone needs a change of pace, a change of scenery, a different place. Time to find something new. A new woman to love. A new world to get lost in.

  • Coffee and a Cigarette

    Coffee and a Cigarette

    11 years ago

    Wake me up from this lack of sleep. Keep me strong when i am weak.

  • A Galaxy for Two

    A Galaxy for Two

    11 years ago

    Eyes closed, Were going everywhere and back again! Together..

  • Beginning to End a New

    Beginning to End a New

    11 years ago

    Fear surrounds us. So much so, that we begin to fear the days that we aren't afraid.

  • Living the Unpredictable

    Living the Unpredictable

    11 years ago

    Sometimes you experience things that you didn't know were possible. This is one of those times.

  • Past Notes Vol.3

    Past Notes Vol.3

    8 years ago

    When will we learn to appreciate the moment of awakening?

  • The Lost Puzzle Piece

    The Lost Puzzle Piece

    11 years ago

    Somehow, I've found myself in a place that i didn't know existed.

  • Bridges to Saturn

    Bridges to Saturn

    11 years ago

    Sometimes someone will stop time while in your presence.

  • Past Notes Vol.2

    Past Notes Vol.2

    8 years ago

    Going through the motions of Evolutionary Ecstasy, breaking free. Finding you in me.

  • Past Notes Vol.1

    Past Notes Vol.1

    8 years ago

    We are stained of mind. We've poisoned out own watter supply. There's no reason, or clue to this question.

  • Photos, Art, Poetry

    Photos, Art, Poetry

    11 years ago

    Photos captures sight. Art captures the mind, Poetry captures the soul.

  • I'm her Rock, She's my Lock

    I'm her Rock, She's my Lock

    11 years ago

    We can't be selfless if we were never selfish.

  • Kisses are Canser

    Kisses are Canser

    11 years ago

    Tossing a kiss to the wind that blows her mind.

  • Somewhere between Zion and Babylon

    Somewhere between Zion and Babylon

    11 years ago

    Self limitation is a self inflicted cancer.

  • Paint Drops, Pit Stops and a Mental Mirror Transcendence

    Paint Drops, Pit Stops and a Mental Mirror Transcendence

    11 years ago

    Wise old men were once curious young boys.

  • Corrosive Kitchen

    Corrosive Kitchen

    11 years ago

    Melodies of a Line Cook

  • Meditating Mantis

    Meditating Mantis

    11 years ago

    Some times there's no need to elaborate...

  • Staring at a Solar Flare (A glimpse into my mind and beyond)

    Staring at a Solar Flare (A glimpse into my mind and beyond)

    11 years ago

    Collecting the thoughts that run in every direction. Passing them to you, for mental ingestion.

  • A Sand Grain Galaxy

    A Sand Grain Galaxy

    11 years ago

    I have always questioned our very existence. How are we connected to each other? Why are we here and what may become of us after we leave this place? Its about time that dove into deeper water.

  • Eyes Vol.9: The Eye of the Spiral

    Eyes Vol.9: The Eye of the Spiral

    11 years ago

    It all began where it left off. Reminding myself that I've always known. Its only a matter of time before i forget to discover again.

  • Absinthe Elucidation Pt. 1

    Absinthe Elucidation Pt. 1

    11 years ago

    The darkness reflects the light. Closing your eyes, revealing your sight. All that dies will be born again tonight. Spread your wings. Prepare for flight.

  • The Desert's Pulse Vol.2

    The Desert's Pulse Vol.2

    11 years ago

    Thick thorns protect beautiful flowers.

  • Eyes Vol.8: The Kiss of the Butterfly

    Eyes Vol.8: The Kiss of the Butterfly

    11 years ago

    Razor sharp are the tricks of the mind. Terrified by what i see, if it is, let it be.

  • She is the Blister that i love

    She is the Blister that i love

    11 years ago

    We often adore the things that torture our senses. Taking interest in what we don't understand. Holding it close to us, like a blister on our had.

  • Vegas Street Poetry Vol.9: 117°

    Vegas Street Poetry Vol.9: 117°

    11 years ago

    July 2013, Las Vegas reaches 117°f. These extreme temperatures make it hard to breathe, think, and even write poetry.

  • Eyes Vol.7:

    Eyes Vol.7: "With Eyes on Her Lips"

    11 years ago

    At the end of the kiss bite her lips, Sail away or sink the ship

  • Growing Wings

    Growing Wings

    11 years ago

    Sometimes i want to fly and leave my mind on the ground. Sometimes my mind flies and blocks out all other sounds.

  • A Door Closes

    A Door Closes

    11 years ago

    It's hard not to be upset by the passing of a true friend. It's even harder to remain upset knowing that their only wishes would be for your prospering happiness.

  • Dreams of the Moth

    Dreams of the Moth

    11 years ago

    Attracted to the light when your stuck in the night life. Nocturnal insomnia controlling your wayward flight.

  • Eyes Vol.6

    Eyes Vol.6

    11 years ago

    "I'm not an Angel, just a Devil with wings."

  • Eyes Vol. 5

    Eyes Vol. 5

    11 years ago

    Pupils on the back side of your eyes. Looking deep into your mind. Surprised by the mess that you can't sort out this time.

  • Close to a Far Away Home

    Close to a Far Away Home

    11 years ago

    All or nothing. What have you got to loose when you can't take anything with you. A time to choose, win or lose.

  • Pinch Me

    Pinch Me

    11 years ago

    The beat of poetry flows through the doors of life. When you catch yourself falling off guard, pinch yourself to regain your sight.

  • 0

    The Methods, Types, and History of Gauging and Stretching

    7 months ago

    Since the dawn of the human race, we have created countless methods of altering and modifying our bodies. This article will touch base with the origins of gauging, otherwise known as stretching.

  • Wishbones


    11 years ago

    The Wishbone; The fork in the road, The key to the questions of the stories untold.

  • Eyes Vol.4: Luck of the Draw

    Eyes Vol.4: Luck of the Draw

    11 years ago

    Your pupils caught a spark, Meet me after dark.

  • Fragile Factory

    Fragile Factory

    11 years ago

    A poem for the beautiful love of my imagination

  • Eyes Vol.3

    Eyes Vol.3

    11 years ago

    Looking at me, looking at you, there is only one thing left to do.

  • Eyes: Vol. 2

    Eyes: Vol. 2

    11 years ago

    "My eyes have seen you, stand in your door. Meet me inside, show me some more." - Jim Morrison

  • Eyes: Vol. 1

    Eyes: Vol. 1

    11 years ago

    Some things are not easy for us to see. But i can find peace when looking inside of me.

  • Poetry of My Past Vol.1

    Poetry of My Past Vol.1

    11 years ago

    (Warning: Some may find the nature of these poems to be distasteful.) I've gone back and collected some of my poetry from years ago. This is my way of taking a look towards my beginnings.

  • The Desert's Pulse Vol.1

    The Desert's Pulse Vol.1

    11 years ago

    I am beginning to gather together some poetry that i have written out in the deserts and mountains surrounding me. Wherever this takes me, i'm excited for another experience.

  • Vegas Street Poetry Vol.8

    Vegas Street Poetry Vol.8

    11 years ago

    A pulsing rhythm is driving our souls tonight! Wake up Las Vegas! Sleep won't exist here. Wake up and celebrate your existence!

  • Vegas Street Poetry Vol.7

    Vegas Street Poetry Vol.7

    11 years ago

    Excitement is found where unsuspected. A gift for those who wish to seek it.

  • Vegas Street Poetry Vol.6

    Vegas Street Poetry Vol.6

    11 years ago

    The flavor of modesty is wasted in the taste of the bizarre.

  • Vegas Street Poetry Vol.5

    Vegas Street Poetry Vol.5

    11 years ago

    A city trapped in a bowl of dust and sand, wander afar for no one to see. In the dust I'm dreaming, a point made to be free. Desolate chimes break the sounds of the ravine.

  • Vegas Street Poetry Vol.4

    Vegas Street Poetry Vol.4

    11 years ago

    Everyone has voices in their head. The only difference is that some people choose to talk back more than others. These voices are a part of you. Ignoring them stops you from thinking outside your mind

  • Vegas Street Poetry Vol. 3

    Vegas Street Poetry Vol. 3

    11 years ago

    Its been awhile scene I've felt i could breathe freely without a shadow breathing back down my neck.

  • Vegas Street Poetry Vol.2

    Vegas Street Poetry Vol.2

    11 years ago

    Another night to be followed by morning. Las Vegas lives and breathes. Yet i am just another centipede.

  • Vegas Street Poetry Vol.1

    Vegas Street Poetry Vol.1

    11 years ago

    Intentionally raw, brought to you without hesitation, poetry from the City that never sleeps. Based on first hand experiences glowing under the neon lights. This will be the first installment of many

  • Cuts and Stiches

    Cuts and Stiches

    12 years ago

    Foreign faces Familiar places Granting grace And discrimination Houses of the old Reckless and wanted Blood thirsty arachnids Sucking us dry Open Abrasive Streamlined attractions Projecting some kind of dynasty Eating us alive Boarded Broken...

  • Money (Poem)

    Money (Poem)

    12 years ago

    Our lives rely on Worthless paper Precious metals Debts and favors We depend on Jules and riches Prices and bargains Hopes and wishes The time we've wasted Creating a foundation Paying attention Complying with taxation All we ask Is for a home of...

  • Wild Music

    Wild Music

    12 years ago

    Leaves crumble beneath my feet Like voices They speak to me Lyrically Humming an unpredictable Melody Nature In raw Reality Embraces me Musically The sun begins to set Rays of light Pierce the clouds Drooping over the mountain side Lifting up...

  • Rocks (Poetry)

    Rocks (Poetry)

    12 years ago

    Hard Like the heads of those who collect them Statues are built By the fools who correct them Money is collected For dreams of power As rocks are melted To speed up the hour It won't hold your hand But it will weaken your teeth You never stopped...

  • A Heaven Bound Prayer

    A Heaven Bound Prayer

    12 years ago

    I taste my thoughts of heaven In your lips And melt into your skin Like candle wax drips Security comes with life's sacrifice As i can see myself dieing in your eyes Begging wont keep the fever away Burning like an unwanted draft paper All i want...

  • Counting the Days

    Counting the Days

    12 years ago

    Counting all of your symptoms Bold and shaded gray Short and loathing With one days pay Sifting through your old treasures My ransom is sold You were the first bidder I count the days Handsome bullets hide in the chamber Like a termite it eats...

  • Steel Coffin

    Steel Coffin

    12 years ago

    The loss of a life can have an effect on those whom didn't realize they were living.

  • Vegas Thrills: the Fremont St. Experience

    Vegas Thrills: the Fremont St. Experience

    12 years ago

    The Fremont St. Experience is a live and energetic attraction in down town Las Vegas, NV. The attraction itself is a crescent shaped canopy about 90 feet high that stretches down the four blocks of tourist shopping, cassinos, food vendors and music stages. This canopy houses millions of led lights...

  • Bad Habits (Poem)

    Bad Habits (Poem)

    12 years ago

    Some call it trash A spark in the night Draws attention to the match Used to light his last days cigarette To relieve all the troubles He wishes to forget Leaking pipes Dipping faucet Reminding her The world's not perfect Every day has its shadow...

  • Why Not Eat Grass Fed Beef?

    Why Not Eat Grass Fed Beef?

    12 years ago

    Grass fed beef is beef that comes from cattle that have been fed a diet based solely on grass and are typically allowed to graze in pasture freely. Have you ever tasted this amazing meat?

  • Resons for Addiction: Heroin

    Resons for Addiction: Heroin

    12 years ago

    You may have known or come in contact with a person that is struggling and suffering from a heroin addiction, but how much do you truly know about their situation?

  • Treasure Your In Insecurities

    Treasure Your In Insecurities

    12 years ago

    Exiled In the moment of opportunity I can hear you breathing Owning all of your insecurities Breaking a sweat Trying to regret The things that are best off let be Few instances are prouder than the others Some are grown while your...

  • South of Heaven

    South of Heaven

    12 years ago

    South of Heaven was released on July 5, 1988 and became slayers second album to enter the Billboard 200. By the time that the album peaked it was at the 57th position on the charts and was awarded a Gold Certification by the RIAA.

  • Fun Facts of the Human Anatomy

    Fun Facts of the Human Anatomy

    11 years ago

    The human body is an extremely interesting work of art. With so much going on at once, do you ever stop to think about whats going on in their? Here we have a few interesting facts about our bodies that might give you a little bit of insight.

  • Clouds of Senses

    Clouds of Senses

    12 years ago

    Overcast The moon is awake Beyond the clouds A roaming breeze Feeds the appetite Of an otherwise calm afternoon My thoughts are cast astray Dangling my feet from the dock Sensation is best saved for a rainy day I'm on board Daydreaming in the...

  • Pumpkin Spiced Bread

    Pumpkin Spiced Bread

    12 years ago

    This is a delicious recipe for a moist and fluffy spiced pumpkin bread. It's wonderful for snaking or as a dessert with your next family meal. It tastes great by itself, but i like to enhance it with candied pumpkin preserves.

  • 18

    Ten Best: Grunge Vocalists

    12 years ago

    Grunge is a music genre that fuses heavy metal, hardcore punk, alternative rock and acoustic music all into one melting pot. Grunge is usually associated with Seattle, as that is where it became famous in the late 80s under labels such as Sup Pop records. Different styles of grunge music however...

  • Delicate Explosions

    Delicate Explosions

    12 years ago

    She looked so delicate With a face of a thousand tricks A subtle attack Like a bonfire unfolding into a mushroom cloud A train running off its tracks A head cold Or cold minded Her eyes are soft And glazed over with the world In their reflection...

  • 7 Sins of Memory

    7 Sins of Memory

    12 years ago

    The psychologist Daniel Schacter created descriptions of the memory foibles in 1999. He called these individual foibles "the Seven Sins of Memory". He broke down the sins into three categories: The sins of distortion, the sins of forgetting and the sin of intrusion. This hub will briefly describe...

  • Fruits High in Vitamin C

    Fruits High in Vitamin C

    12 years ago

    Vitamin C is known for its antioxidants and its ability to strengthen the immune system. It aids in the absorption of iron as well as maintaining healthy body tissues. Its is also a natural antihistamine, preventing histamine release and increasing the rate at which histamine is detoxified. The...

  • Sunrise With Cocktails

    Sunrise With Cocktails

    12 years ago

    Sun Rise Sun Dries And Hangs you out On a cloths line A tray of cocktails A Soothing burn Traceless Faceless Striping clothes Taking Turns Internal bruising Gifted Like a seed falling from a fruit Simple Carelessly Fragile Boundless Gentle Like the...

  • Smile in a Jar (Nonsense Poetry)

    Smile in a Jar (Nonsense Poetry)

    12 years ago

    Theirs a smile in the jar Expressions of the caterpillar Are far beyond Bizarre He sings like a butterfly Floating towards the stars But he is just a caterpillar In a jar on mars Protected in glass He hysterically laughs At the bird who wishes to...

  • Ted (The Movie): Reviewing a Masterpiece

    Ted (The Movie): Reviewing a Masterpiece

    12 years ago

    Have you met Ted? Ted is the star of the American comedy movie co-written and directed by the extremely talented Seth Macfarlane (Creator of Family Guy, American Dad and the Cleveland Show). Ted hit the theaters in June of 2012. Seth stars as the as the voice of Ted, a Christmas gift given to...

  • Satan's Game show

    Satan's Game show

    12 years ago

    Todays history will be forgotten Unless a celebrity dies or a country drowns Theirs something still that makes me wonder Who decides who wares the crown

  • Top Ten Nirvana Songs

    Top Ten Nirvana Songs

    12 years ago

    Grunge For the Masses The American grunge band Nirvana formed in Aberdeen, Washington in 1987. Kurt Cobain (Vocals/Guitar) and Krist Novoselic (Bass) were the head founders and main contributers of the group. They went through a succession of drummers, the most successful and longest lasting was...

  • Everlasting Hammer

    Everlasting Hammer

    12 years ago

    Everlasting Pride Honor Perfection Ideal Figure Pampered Peoples Words Unlike the thoughts of your own Misguided Agility Fueled by Hate Nails The hammer Pain that soon follows a band-aid For a bullet wound Paper cuts Seem to be the most painful...

  • Eddie: The Face of Iron Maiden

    Eddie: The Face of Iron Maiden

    12 years ago

    If your an Iron Maiden fan, "Eddie the Head" is no stranger to you. Appearing on every Iron Maiden album cover, Eddie is as iconic as the band itself. The idea of Eddie came from a paper mache mask that was given to Iron Maidens lighting director. The band liked the mask as decided to use it as a...

  • Seeing is Deceiving

    Seeing is Deceiving

    12 years ago

    Do you ever feel like your sitting on a shelf Watching the world go by Talking to yourself

  • Tide Pools ( a poem of value)

    Tide Pools ( a poem of value)

    12 years ago

    Shallow water Tides washing the sand from her feet Her braided hair casts a shadow As the wind blows it through the sweet sunshine Fiddler crabs fight for the dominance of the tide pools She picks up a starfish and casts it back into the ocean ...

  • Béchamel (a mother sauce)

    Béchamel (a mother sauce)

    12 years ago

    The purpose of a good sauce is to: add or enhance flavor, richness, color, moisture and shine or gloss. A mother sauce is a core sauce that many other small sauces can be made from. Béchamel is a mother sauce made from milk and white roux.

  • A Changing Point

    A Changing Point

    12 years ago

    Isolation Dull fingers pointing Their voices laugh at me I can hardly make out their faces In this poorly shaded figment of my reality I open the curtains And all of the light crawls out of the room Voices rebound without a trace I seem to need a...

  • Black Sabbath (A Debut Album)

    Black Sabbath (A Debut Album)

    12 years ago

    Black Sabbath are a Birmingham Hard Rock and Roll band that formed in 1969. They are credited as one of the fathers and pioneers of the music genre "Heavy Metal".

  • Fire Sirens in a Field of Grass

    Fire Sirens in a Field of Grass

    12 years ago

    Sharp aromas steel the attention Of a silent night The shadow of her perfect figure Is the kindling for the growing fire She screams, Breaking the silence Stars fall like sparks from the sky

  • Do you ever wonder why?  (Thoughts of human nonsense)

    Do you ever wonder why? (Thoughts of human nonsense)

    12 years ago

    The world we live in today leaves me curious, wondering "why", about allot more than i should on a daily basis. Do you ever stop to question why things are the way they are? I know i do! Its fun!

  • Ocean's Dream

    Ocean's Dream

    12 years ago

    She sketched me in a dream Giving me glass eyes to look back at her She tucked away the seams And fabricated my lips So that my words could ease her suffering She has a sarcastic way of being seen Nothing that i say will brush her make up away ...

  • Locked Keys

    Locked Keys

    12 years ago

    If i fixed my mind Could i draw your attention to it? As i can hear you grinding your teeth From all of the way down the hall The momentary captivity If you'd stop to breathe And find whoever locked your key To brake away Fight to believe Wipe the...

  • Blue Footed Boobies: the Magnificent Seabirds

    Blue Footed Boobies: the Magnificent Seabirds

    12 years ago

    Who doesn't love boobies? These Boobies are unique and fascinating.

  • Awake Inside

    Awake Inside

    12 years ago

    Unique poetry. Giving insight, sharing feelings, expressing that many are asleep not seeing the world in its entirety.

  • The King of Dark Comedy: George Carlin

    The King of Dark Comedy: George Carlin

    12 years ago

    Gorge Carlin, A comedian with such a great deal of integrity, he was never afraid to voice his opinions, and often "grievances" of any variety. Most of Carlin's favorite subjects to rant about were often the most controversial. These subjects ranged from "The Seven Words you Cant Say on TV" to...

  • Alice In Chains: Dirt

    Alice In Chains: Dirt

    12 years ago

    The contents in the album "Dirt" were deeper and darker than most of those that appeared on any other Alice in Chains albums. Allot of heavy topics and strong imagery can embraced in these songs. These topics touched base with mortality, uncomfortable environments, war, escaping hardships, being...

  • Eyes


    12 years ago

    A poem with vision. Eyes give us sight but is that all they do? These are my interpretations of eyes.

  • Somewhere in No Time

    Somewhere in No Time

    12 years ago

    Have you ever thought, "why am i thinking this way?" Have you ever thought, "maybe i think too much." This is a poem i wrote regarding human thoughts and psychology.

  • A Face in a Hiding Place

    A Face in a Hiding Place

    12 years ago

    A poem i wrote while in the city, thinking about all cities alike. From city to city, the peoples faces influence me. I look up to the skies and at the buildings that can reach them, and then down at the people that are hidden beneath them. It all makes me wonder..

  • Thoughtless, Mindless

    Thoughtless, Mindless

    12 years ago

    I wrote this poem to describe the uncertainty an confusion that this life often leaves me in. Many times i have questions, but don't know how to ask or i am unsure if anyone will have an answer.

  • Cucumber Watermelon Summertime refreshment

    Cucumber Watermelon Summertime refreshment

    12 years ago

    Use your leftover watermelon in the fridge to make a delicious cold drink. Great for relaxing out by the pool or perfect to take to the park on a picnic. large watermelon,cucumber,slightly frozen lemonaide,basil,saltPut two cups of lemonade in the...

  • Zesty Almond Snack

    Zesty Almond Snack

    12 years ago

    Great for snacking and even better on top of salads! almonds,salt,vegitable or canola oil,cayanne pepper,black pepperAdd your oil into a sauté or frying pan bring to a medium heat.,Toss the almonds into the pan for just a few minutes until golden...

  • Sweet And Spicy Southern Slaw (Feeds Six)

    Sweet And Spicy Southern Slaw (Feeds Six)

    12 years ago

    A savory coleslaw to go along with any of your favorite southern classics. I recommend pairing it with a zesty Louisiana style fried chicken and creamy mashed potatoes. By Eitvydas (Own work) [CC-BY-SA-3.0...


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