I celebrate you dear sisters; not because of what you do, but for who you are. You are wonderful divine creations; you are beautiful radiant stars.
God created us to love Him, ourselves, and others, sharing our gifts and spiritual fruit supportively. Purposely partnered, serving to glorify God with our actions, consistently lifting one another up within our communities.
My poetic tribute to Bishop Marcus D. McKnight and Bishop Vivian S. Grubb for their love and pastoral services to the Apostolic Temple of Jesus Christ and Faith Forward Church congregations.
As someone who used to be intensely emotional, I offer 8 Keys to Being Calm that helped me transform my life after an extremely challenging year long experience. Practicing the following keys to being calm consistently empowered me to reclaim my power and peace.
Emotional Wellness has been defined as the ability to handle life’s stresses, create satisfying relationships, and adapt to change and difficult times successfully. Discover how to recognize imbalance and obtain and maintain a continuous state of well-being.
I wrote this poem in celebration of a friend's aging and ailing mom, turning 87 on June 11, 2023. I removed the name and years so that others could personalize it for their loved one's birthday.
When you believe and embrace that God uniquely created and set you apart to serve, you can discover your unique voice in life and business. Read these three points, supporting scriptures, and personal experiences to learn how.
A poem to celebrate Bishop Marcus D. McKnight's twentieth pastoral anniversary.
Do you often worry and feel stressed by personal issues, family crisis, world news, or any other pressures even though you know and believe God? If so, a prescription for worry is to follow God’s instructions confidently. Read on to learn more.
Three Kingdom Keys to Peace, Prosperity, and Progress are to Trust God Always, Seek God First, and Stay Present Daily. Read the article to find out how and why. It is soul nourishing food for transformative lifestyle living.
A hacker emailed me claiming to have gained full access to my computer and has been monitoring my activities, compiled compromising video, and required me to pay him within 50 hours or else he’d release the videos to all contacts on my devices and make confidential info public. Read how I responded.
The Beauty of our Blackness Is embedded in our DNA. We are empowered to overcome Systemic injustices, We endure, persevere, and are here to stay.
In this final entry of my Caregiver Chronicles, I share the transition of my mom, the arrangements, and videos of the cremation ceremony, memorial service, and related photos of her homegoing journey.
A poetic caregiver chronicle of mom's latest health crisis. It has been a journey, but I'm grateful for the reprieve since 2019, and each day the prognosis seems better.
I feel like this is the ending of an era as I lose yet another member of this beloved family and a sense of home. Yet, while I am sustained by our shared 40+ year history of precious memories, my heart still aches with the passing of these two matriarchs.
Caregiving can be stressful and energy-draining, but it's more manageable when you utilize available resources, tools, and programs to help you organize.
Manage your loved one's healthcare efficiently with three important must-have documents, as you hope for the best and prepare for the worst of your caregiver journey.
As a caregiver for my mom, I’ve learned to count it all joy and gained new insights in spite of the challenges that arose when mom took ill.
Honoring our parents is an unconditional biblical principle. A video convicted me I had been lacking in showing both love and patience. I eventually developed a sweet, godly love that prevailed, no matter how unloving her behavior.
It is important to know that there are resources available to improve your caregiver experience and that you can take action against incompetence.
Your life experience is a result of the choices you’ve made along the way. Do you choose to lean toward the natural ravenous tendencies of selfishness or do you choose to subject yourself to Christ and be transformed to exhibit the positive rāven-ish edifying characteristics?
Consider these three basic book marketing strategies that can put feet to your faith and help you move forward in sharing your message with the world, generate additional income and expand your comfort zone.
The magnitude of God’s love is immeasurable and surpasses human understanding. Discover and receive His unconditional love for you and experience a transformation of love in your relationship with self and others.
Author and Master Pranic Healer Jeffrey V. Noble asks and answers the question, "Is Church 'as is' Really Enough?" in his powerful thought provoking book that challenges church leaders to prioritize the ministry of healing.
Pranic Healing is a "no touch" energy healing modality that can be done on yourself as well as others. It can also be done remotely for a distant subject. It is an interesting course that strengthens your connection to God, self, and others in need of healing.
Pranic Healing utilizes prana or life force energy to rebalance and heal the mind, body and spirit. The Twin Hearts meditation CD helps you to facilitate healing in yourself and others across the planet.
Here I share the ways I supported my favorite friend, during her second bout with breast cancer. I hope it inspires you to be proactive too.
Kwanzaa: A Celebration of Family, Community and Culture was created by Dr. Maulana Karenga in 1966 to celebrate African heritage. Do you know the seven principles and their meanings?
Speaker Ruben West shared his perspective on how to speak effectively and move to the next level based on his speaking expertise and observations and interactions learned at his daughter’s swim meet.
Learn “marketing and brand ninja" Jennifer Kem's 5 Steps in the Sequence to Success that can help shift and transform your business and achieve your goals.
Ministers of Music, a male gospel group from Savannah, GA, is singing to make a difference & proving God’s ability to provide. Their obedience led to multiple blessings that unfolded in amazing ways.
Kwe Parker shares three (3) realities of selling and answers questions to consider that will facilitate the process.
Communications Expert Soraya Deen discusses how to operate in compassion and why we should.
Pulling your own strings and standing up for what you believe is essential to being in control of your life and moving purposely forward. Read this recap of Roland Manny's insightful 7-step acronym.
The Stars of New York Dance honors Rev. Al Sharpton in their 5th season dance competition fundraiser to provide dance education to youth from low-income communities. It's not to late to participate.
Inspired 4 U Publications is the imprint of Inspired 4 U Ministries LLC, a provider of inspirational products, services and information. Several books by founder Jo Anne Meekins and her clients have been published to date.
Celebrating 10 years and another birthday, Pastor Marcus D. McKnight is anointed to Preach and Teach. He is Apostolic Temple of Jesus Christ's Chief Servant Leader, redeemed and justified for worldwide outreach.
Spanning a lifetime of countless years … Growing in the Power of the Resurrected Christ. The part you played along the journey then was significant and still influences us now. We honor you.
This "must have" step-by-step guide to self-publishing teaches writers how to overcome writer’s block and procrastination, efficiently self-publish their books, and market their product strategically.
We have been justified through the scars Jesus endured on the cross. Therefore, as believers in His Lordship, we must be Christ-minded in our interactions with each other. Be scarred for life in Christ, demonstrating His love and enduring our sufferings unto growth, grace & the glory of God.
The Stars of New York Dance Founder and Executive Producer Cheryl Todmann answers questions regarding the impact, vision, and manifestation of her annual dance competition fundraiser.
The Stars of New York Dance has become a growing influence since its 2010 inception, impacting the community on many levels. Everyone involved benefits from this creative, uplifting and worthy cause.
Some disagreements cause doubt in a mate's mind regarding the love and strength of their relationship. "I Thought You Were The One" illustrates that experience and includes the response, "I Knew."
Writing your truth will cathartically clear the clutter from your mind, heart and soul. It is vital to do this inner work to gain new perspective and authentic goals.
After, being told in February 2013 that she only had three months to live, Mama Dorothy DeVouse was blessed to see her 82nd birthday on Friday, Oct. 18, 2013.
There is still healing for the hurting, God made the provision in His redemptive plan. He knows our name, the number of hairs on our head, and inscribed our picture on the palms of His hands.
Signs, Wonders and Miracles are still happening all around. When you look, listen and seek through your spiritual senses, God’s amazing works can be clearly found.
This poetic tribute celebrates the birthday and pastoral anniversary of Bishop Marcus D. McKnight, who I believe is an authentic champion in the spiritual fight of life.
A poetic tribute to my sister-friend Linda Michell, written for her 2013 reception and graduation from the two-year Personal Development program at Inner Visions Institute for Spiritual Development.
A Mother's Love is Gospel (good news) and an extension of God's love as demonstrated in the Bible and through the relationships with the spiritual and biological mothering spirits in my life.
In honoring my grandmother’s eternal spirit and 77 years of life, I share a letter I wrote to her in 1989 and a tribute I wrote and read for her home-going celebration in 1991.
“The Good News About Mothers” is a poetic tribute to the spirit of Motherhood, describing the divinity of Mothers and the God-required interactive response to their nurturing characteristics.
My story of how I rose through two rapes, learned lessons, and the beautiful awareness and purpose that arose from the ashes. Like a Phoenix, I rise for the voiceless, undervalued and the victimized.
The ability to consistently relax and obtain a state of peace is vital to the maintenance of good health and well-being. Effective stress relief and healing techniques are available and free.
In support of “One Billion Rising,” V-Day's 15th Anniversary campaign, Valentine's Day 2013 was my best to date. Purpose-filled, powerful and passionate, I enjoyed it at MELS’ Girls Group Rise event!
Part I of my “One Billion Rising” pledge, a poem, to increase awareness about the violence to women and the V-Day global movement to end it.
“One Billion Rising” is a worldwide campaign to end violence against women. I rise because I was raped and now have the inner strength & collective support to end the silence & share my story.
Listing accomplishments, keeping a gratitude journal and writing down times when God's faithfulness delivered you, are effective spiritual practices that strengthen your faith upon regular review.
I experienced God in new and amazing ways during a 21-day consecration. The focus was to draw closer to God and not ask for anything. As I focused on God, He provided for me. Read my results.
Since hearing the abundant expressions of love and Special K praises at the standing room only home-going services for Kelvin Hicks, All-Star amazing man on the basketball courts and in life, I’ve been inspired to keep alive the legacy of this humble, loving, gentle giant, who cared greatly for his...
This poem is my feeble attempt to express the gratitude and love I feel for God and the church family that He placed me in since 2012. Apostolic Temple wrapped me in love that continues to support and lift me over a decade later.
“The Love Journey is a weekday morning teleconference of prayer, praise and inspiration that I've shared various inspirational readings, my poetry and occasional messages on.
Read some of what you deserve to experience in life as a child of God based on His word. This deserve-ability statement is followed by and substantiated with scripture references for your meditation and appropriation. God is no respecter of persons, what’s true and deserving for me is true and...
In July 1982, my body experienced a miscarriage of the only pregnancy conceived in my single and married life. The healing process did not begin for me consciously until about 14 years later and continued on deeper levels as described in my spiritual experiences. The following poems are...
The following poetic tribute is in celebration of Renaissance Man Jeffrey Vincent Noble, my friend, coach, teacher and founder of The Noble Touch, Inc. I honor him for his birthday and the love and light he contributes to the planet. And I thank God for the body, spirit and life of His...
I once had my salvation questioned by a man I chose to release from my life without a verbal conversation or his consent. He did not go quietly into the night, but instead began a text attack questioning who I am and what I represent. It prompted me to share the lesson of this experience, clarify...
This poem was written to share at a prayer luncheon sponsored by the Women’s Ministry of Apostolic Temple of Jesus Christ. Honored by the invitation from First Lady and ministry president, Min. Vernanda McKnight, I asked God to give me something new to read and we created the following poem...
Have you ever reflected on how Jesus sees you? What do you believe Jesus thinks and feels about you and the life you live? Based on God’s word, I believe Jesus sees you and me through the eyes of incomprehensible, sacrificial and redemptive love. We are precious in God’s sight.
As representatives of Jesus Christ, we are called to present ourselves as a living sacrifice. Our lives may be the only bible or spiritual letter that others read; therefore, it behooves us to get in alignment with God’s will and ways, receive His love and correction, learn the lessons, grow and...
Cheryl Todmann is the creative force behind The Stars of New York Dance, an annual dance competition that partners New York City Community Leaders with Professional Dance Artists to raise dance scholarship funds for children from low-income communities. During the five years that it took to make...
Spiritual tools and practices work if you work them and they help us live a life of peace, power, love and freedom. Forgiveness of self and others is essential to maintaining a right relationship with God and for experiencing abundant living and our greatest good.
It is finished. I am complete. The Write Here, Right Now: 30 Day Journaling Challenge is over. This is the last entry. Phew! I wrote 30 articles within 30 days by the grace and strength of God. The group intention “to develop a process to gain access to a deeper understanding of ourselves and then...
Many people who know me would be surprised to find that I once had a daughter. You see, Tina was conceived but never born; she was actually gone before I fully realized that she existed. It was a very traumatic experience to say the least, but for the purposes of this article, I will focus on the...
There are two dreams I dream about often when I’m awake. In my waking hours, I often dream about being a successful, financially prosperous entrepreneur and being blissfully married to my soul-mate. They are a recurring theme in my waking and sleeping consciousness, as also indicated in some of my...
Are you tired of living paycheck to paycheck or constantly worrying about your finances? It's time for a change, and it starts with your money mindset. Your beliefs and attitudes about money can significantly impact your financial well-being.
I took part in a journaling challenge that revealed a lot of personal and spiritual lessons during the process. Journaling has always been good for helping to heal and release old wounds, as well as gain deeper insights and new mind shifts. I share the lessons learned during that 30-day challenge.
If I knew I would succeed at it, I would sing. Yes indeed, I would add singing to my services and sing at events and special occasions for a fee. I love to sing and have improved greatly over the years, but I am convinced that singing is not one of my gifts. Although I make a joyful noise, singing...
I am convinced that I am an exceptional encourager. I have been encouraging people of all ages since childhood. I was born to encourage; it is one of my innate gifts from God. I frequently receive affirmation and confirmation of my gift from the people I encourage. I have always loved encouraging...
Joy is a beautiful feeling that comes from within and overflows with gratitude, peace, and well-being, unlike happiness that depends on external things. Choose joy daily.
My power lies in my ability to connect with God. The knowledge of who God is and that I am one with Him is powerful because He is the Creator of all there is and the providing Source of my unlimited supply.
Before I close my eyes today, I must say this: “I am one grateful somebody!” I must give God thanks for blessing me over and over again in so many ways. He covers and keeps me daily and I am forever grateful. So, before I close my eyes today:
I believe people are love cravers and that man and woman were created in love by God. God is love and He created us to engage in a loving relationship with Him and each other, and then to extend that love within the fruitful multiplied family unit. Love is who we are created to be, express and...
Webster’s New Explorer College Dictionary defines forgiveness as “ceasing to feel resentment against (an offender); PARDON (forgive your enemies). Acknowledgement is the first step towards healing, so I acknowledge that the inner me has functioned as an enemy to manifesting the truest desires of my...
Compromise can be beneficial at times when two parties need to settle a dispute. But there are other times when one compromises their purpose, God’s plan or the true desires of their heart to please other people or out of fear. Been there, done that, moving on to live my dreams unapologetically....
An intention is defined as a determination to act in a certain way. Setting intentions are important to the process of manifesting dreams and desires, staying on track and living on purpose. What intentions have you set for the various areas of your life?
It is important for a healthy self-esteem to love yourself and be able to sell yourself to you and others. One way to foster that is by writing a commercial. This article shows and tells you what to do.
Today I took the opportunity to receive and I felt marvelous. There was no hesitation or resistance to the gift being offered, only an overflowing feeling of joy and gratitude to God for favor, love and support.
Today I chose to miss an opportunity for myself in order to be a blessing to others. Tomorrow I commit to begin again with balance and discipline. I choose to honor myself and the work that God has called me to do; and I commit to helping others as Spirit leads while being my first priority.
Today I felt sad and want, but remembered God, counted my blessings and shifted the energy.I mellowed out in meditation and wrote experiences in relation to my journal challenge prompts, as I continue in my process of growth, healing and transformation.
I feel most at peaceful when I meditate, turning within and becoming one with God and myself. I get still, quiet, and listen while breathing deeply to center myself. In the presence of God, my mind, body and spirit are calm and all is well.
Today I saw the greatest thing and the hardest thing in me and it was good. I take responsibility for the choices I make and I am okay with who I am, what I do and the results.
I confess that today I have been in state of avoidance. I have kept away from writing because I was not ready to continue the process of discipline, transparency and consistency. What I’ve discovered is that the state of resistance for me is less in time and intensity.
A text trigger from a stranger revealed something about me and relationships that needed to change. I learned I was not the same; it was okay and so was I; and I had to do things differently to achieve my desired results.
Humble is defined as: 1) Modest or meek in spirit or manner; not proud or assertive; 2) Expressing a spirit of deference or submission. Today I was humbled by God’s favor, love and mindfulness of me through a committee group of my spiritual sisters.
As I reflect back on my day, it was my morning Meditation on Twin Hearts that made me smile. I do this guided meditation daily to bless every person and being on the earth, and it always makes me smile because .... What made you smile today?
How would you answer the statement, "When I look in the mirror, I see ...." Are you happy with the inner and outer appearance or do you feel the need to make a change? We must take ownership and be the change we desire to see in the world and in our relationships. It starts within and self-love is...
Whenever I set an intention or enter a state of spiritual enlightenment and growth, everything unlike it will present itself as a distraction. But setting and honoring your boundaries will protect your sacred time and can prevent disappointment.
"I AM" affirmations are supportive statements that individuals repeat to themselves in order to cultivate a positive self-image, boost self-esteem, and shift their mindset in a more positive direction.
In our fast-paced, always-on world, it's easy to underestimate the importance of a good night's sleep and naps. However, a good night's sleep and naps are not luxuries; they are essential components of a healthy and fulfilling life.
One of my writing prompts for a 30-Day Journaling Challenge is to give thanks, expressing at least five things I am grateful for. In this post, I share why I am grateful for my church, this journal challenge, my mom, my salvation, music and movement.
I use the powerful words I think and speak to lift God up and convey His message. It starts with me, so I dig deep in reflection and ask God to take charge, clean me up, fill me with more of His Spirit, grant me wisdom, knowledge and understanding, and guide my steps.
I created this inspired personalized poem from the testament of love expressed by my sister-friend Brenda Byrd McMillon for her Mother-in-Law. What a beautiful example of support to emulate and facilitate harmonious bonding and increased love in extended relationships birthed through marriage.
Poetic tributes inspired by the life and spirit of Min. Enid Thompson and the life and spirit of Deacon Leon Skates, members of my first church home , First Church of God, Far Rockaway.
We do not have to wait until we die and transition into eternity before experiencing the resurrection of Jesus Christ. We can live a resurrected life of power and freedom right here and now on earth.
The ability to forgive is essential to moving forward in life and being forgiven by God. When you choose to hold onto the hurt, you only punish and imprison yourself. The following prayer poem was written for a spiritual retreat as an encouragement to help participants release the pain of...
The following poems were written in support of the Hart Island Project, whose mission is to make the largest cemetery in the United States visible and accessible so that no one is omitted from history. The project includes research and a body of multimedia work about Hart Island by artist Melinda...
It was long after his death when I gave birth to this love. For most of his life, I kept a distance and was cold. I only spoke in a manner that was contemptuous and bold.
"I Apologize, Dont Take This Lightly" is a poem written to and for men who have experienced rejection, abuse, and emotional pain at the hands of Sisters, Society and the System. I stand in the gap, Inspired 4 U, to facilitate healing and offer encouragement and support through this poetic apology.
God is the "go to Person" for whatever ails you physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritual. Go to Him when you are heavy laden with burdens and He will lift you up and give you rest. Cast your cares and surrender your concerns in prayer with thanksgiving to receive transcending peace. God...
"How to Rectify a Divided Personality" is a poem of biblical guidance for people experiencing internal conflict and behavior that is out of alignment with their intended goals, purpose or character.
This poetic narrative of Miriam portrays an overview of her story from where she strategically helps to save her baby brother, Moses, from Pharoah's death decree to her regal homegoing celebration. Prophetess Miriam shows herself to be a divinely guided, intelligent, brave and anointed woman of God...
Youth and adults both have the power to uplift others and heal their hearts; the power to step up and be responsible, as a positive influence, each doing your part.
Love manifests outwardly in our lives when we diligently seek a personal relationship with God and begin to do the inner work needed to understand who God is and what love looks like in action. Then we can learn how to love ourselves and others the way God does.
To achieve your goals and prepare for prosperity, write down clear specific goals and develop a plan of action that includes ridding yourself of conditions, people and things that no longer serve you. Classify your goal and determine if it is within your control or dependent on other people to...
Practice tools and tips that can support you in successfully achieving your goals, such as the WAVEEE Formula. Be willing to put forth the effort to try something new and expect different results, remembering that if you always do what you've always done, then you will always get what you've...
Being a problem solver will guarantee success. If you are not yet experiencing financial success as a problem solver, you are either not solving enough problems or the problems you are solving are too small. In that case, instead of asking God for more money, ask God to help you solve more and...
We often seek outside ourselves to find love, but love begins within. We must learn to be the love we desire to experience.
How to press forward and shift to a higher level during challenging transitions. My experiences and sources of perseverance through major changes and the victory on the other side.
Brooklyn pastor, Rev. Dr. Johnny Ray Youngblood, reveals an intimate look into his humanity as he passionately shares poetic expressions of his personal, painful, patriarchal plight in "I Honor My Father." A tribute to his dad, Palmon Youngblood.
These poetic narratives describe two women of God, whom coincidently are both ministers and share the same name. I have known them for over 30 years and have a great deal of love, respect, and admiration for these sheroes who are saved to serve and love others to the glory of God. “Strength and...
I have been forever changed by the influence of some godly women who poured into my life over the years throughout my spiritual journey. The following poetic narratives describe my encounters with two such sheroes that grew me in the Lord and my personal development, during my former membership at...
Jossie Fung is forever with me. As a spiritual being having a human experience, her earthly journey has ended but I continue to entertain her spirit this side of heaven and will see her again on the other side through the unconditional love, forgiveness, and redemptive blood of Jesus Christ. For...
Know that you are one with God, the Word, the Christ, the Holy Spirit, and His glory. I Am that I Am walk in your anointing! The power of life and death is in the tongue, so be intentional about using this God-given power to speak blessings and life for yourself and others. Shine your godly light...
During my many years as a Christian, I have had more than one wilderness experience where I felt extremely lost and lonely as expressed in the following piece, "A Cry In The Wind." It is only by growing my relationship with God and maintaining increased intimacy have I matured through each test.
Relationships don't go sour overnight, there are always inner knowings and telltale signs that are evident throughout the experience long before the final breaking point. When we determine to be true to ourselves in self honoring and loving ways, and listen to our inner spirit when warning signs...
Learning to love yourself and heal life issues are critical to experiencing a healthy consciously loving co-committed intimate relationship.
I’ve learned that the wilderness is familiar territory to God and His appointed place in our Christian journey. It is oftentimes that solitary places of preparation are where we drawer nearer to God and our journey truly begins or is defined.
According to the New Bible Dictionary, prayer is worship that includes all the attitudes of the human spirit in its approach to God: Adoration, Confession, Praise, and Supplication. For me, it is a privilege that God makes available for us to commune together verbally, emotionally, mentally and...
It’s a time to put Christ back in XMAS by honoring the one who set us FREE. It’s a time to teach the truth about the reason for the season, which is NOT Santa, toys, or decorated trees.
The combination of our life experiences contribute to our mental and emotional make up, often creating issues that need to be explored, healed and conquered. When the state of our inner-being causes us to operate as the enemy in self destructive ways or shut down and not function, we need to seek...
The word of God is full of power and God’s grace to change our lives. The Lord uses simple terms and familiar things to acquaint us with His word, such as lamp (unto our feet) and seed (sowing). God is not wordy and will speak on our level so that we get the understanding to do what the word says....
See it as already done, start the journey with the support of community, and do the work toward the finish line, one sentence at a time, one day at a time, one teleconference at a time. Faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen. Know it, believe it and see it....
In developing a consciousness of wealth, abundance and prosperity, remember to: reevaluate your perspective; cultivate and maintain an attitude of gratitude; and condition your mind to recognize that you are successful and have wealth, abundance, and prosperity now. Present yourself in excellence...
I believe there is a Diva in all of us and it is a good thing; however, the Diva within must be tempered by strengthening our divine spirit with spiritual practices.
Inner work is a critical component of the journey toward healing and wholeness. Without confronting the issues and learning the lessons, we are doomed to repeat patterns that we don’t understand or may not be aware of. There are practices and processes that we can utilize to change negative and...
I praise God that I am gaining a better understanding of who I am and what I desire. As I work through my trust issues, money is becoming less of a consideration in making decisions and my trust in God is being strengthened. I am also learning to embrace being instead of expending a lot of time and...
My physical condition and disordered environment reflected my consciousness that needed to shift. The results are transformative and rewarding in abundant ways. I share my story hoping it will inspire you to declare your own sacred time set apart for service and encourage you in your process.
I realized that I wasn’t fit for my divine assignment, mentally, spiritually, emotionally, or physically. I was unable to effectively keep up with my life or schedule; and knew, to be successful, some changes had to be made in me.
God has a plan and purpose for our lives, plans to prosper us and give us hope and a future. Work towards your life’s purpose as He leads and guides. Remember that God is faithful! All we have to do is show up available and willing, and allow God to do the work in and through us.
The original plan was to just show up to the Harlem Book Fair to help staff the National Writers Union (NWU) table and perhaps sell some of my books in the process. However, in my first time experience at this book fair, I experienced so much more. I engaged in the opportunity to meet some...
The following poem and acronym was inspired by the Jewel Ministry of St. Paul Community Baptist Church in Brooklyn, NY as an encouragement for women to embrace their beauty and divinity within and walk in the power and authority made available through the resurrected Christ.
Several years ago, God gave me spiritual messages for two of my nieces, who were young single mothers struggling with life and seeking a sense of self. Two beautiful young women with children yet still children themselves in many ways. I shared the following messages with each of them and now I...
Three poems of love and appreciation for that special man in your life. An expression of friendship, intimacy and romance between soul-mates.
In the face of fear, God resurrected my courage and continues to motivate me with empowering peace, confirmation and scripture. Crossing hot coals revealed my limitless potential, demonstrating “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” In addition, I continue to praise God, heal...
If your dreams have been held captive by fears and insecurities too long, follow these steps for your liberation and success. Now is the time to resurrect and live your dreams!
LOVE is a powerful inspirational force and is the cure all for what this world needs. I love 'Love' and have kept an open heart throughout the joys and pains of my love journey. I pray my poems will inspire you in yours.
Manyy years ago, my bestfriend from college invited me to participate on her team in an annual Run/Walkathon for Multiple Sclerosis Research that she supported. I gladly accepted and was inspired to write the following poem and affirmative acronym as an encouragement to any and everyone battling...
Positively affirm that you are valuable and your feelings and thoughts are just as important as anyone else's. Believe who God says you are in His word and speak blessings over your life daily.
Have you every known a person that you befriended, allowed to get close to you, supported and loved even though others treated them like an outcast? And then that same person turned on you in an intimate betrayal. Well, that was my experience with a church sister I advocated for, travelled with,...
This healing thing is a process that takes place over a period of time. I've learned that in order to heal the body the journey must first begin in the mind. I continue healing in this process and am at peace to know God's there. Instead of shutting down from fear, I now rest in His word, love, and...
The biblical brides poem illustrates the creation of Eve for the first Adam and the bride of Christ, the Church for the second Adam. The poem was inspired by a sermon of Rev. Rosemarie Brown from Van Nest Assembly of God, during the 2007 Crossroad Tabernacle Women’s Retreat. The scripture...
The resurrection of Christ fulfills the prophecy and the promise of overcoming death in Adam by being made alive in Christ. If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, salvation is yours; and it restores your relationship with God.
Educational facilities, religious institutions, and work environments are some common places of preparation where many of us encounter both positive and negative experiences that help shape us into the people we become. These places serve as formative opportunities that can lead to self discovery...
Spiritual Journaling enabled me to experience understanding and heal relationship issues through written dialogues with my late biological father and God. After years of not learning the lesson, a breakthrough finally occurred. I learned to set boundaries and develop a deeper connection to God.
Are you learning lessons the easy way or the hard way? As long as you live, you can be assured that you will experience life challenges. Always know that there is a lesson to be learned in each and every one; it is not what we encounter in life, but how we respond to and handle the situations that...
Pray for wisdom and discernment in your giving to any organization, and then cheerfully give with pure motives what He places on your heart and release the offering unto God.
A poem that defines the Christian meaning of the name "Cristina" and a heartfelt prayer-blessing over her life.
Just as God spoke the World into existence, He has given us the power and authority to speak into our own lives and the lives of others to create the social and private worlds we live in. The power of life and death is in the tongue, choose to speak LIFE!
Coping with the grief and loss of my 15 year old niece was the most painful to date. The pain lessened in time through a passage I read, God's word and sufficient grace, and some action steps I took to honor the impact and memory of this beautiful spirit, who enriched my life. Be comforted too.
Remember the true realization that God does not show favoritism, but accepts men from every nation who fear Him and do what is right (Acts 10:34-35). Know that you are loved and accepted because of and in spite of the things that make you the person you are.
God has given you the children and the parents that you have. There are no trade-ins. Be obedient to God’s instruction and His will for the relationships that you are placed in. He will strengthen you and restore you. Be encouraged as you submit to one another, in your respective relationships, and...
In marriage, both partners must determine to give one hundred percent regardless of the return. Making a lifetime commitment means that you cannot just conveniently change your mind if communication goes bad, your needs go unmet, your mate gains weight, or your feelings change– not if you want to...
For those of you approaching a crux in your lives, consider the following turning point insights: Acknowledge the fears; Decide to make different choices; Act on the decisions; Learn the lessons; and Remember the experience to review and share.
Gospel Artist Kirk Franklin is an inspiring, positive and transparent witness of how God will look beyond our faults and see our needs, and then transform our ordinary into greatness to His glory. His story is also a wonderful testimony of how God fill the empty, painful places in our lives.
Be encouraged knowing that you have overcome and are still here to face a new day with all of its good, bad, and ugly by the grace of God, who is faithful and true to His word.
Joyce Meyer defines F.E.A.R as False Evidence Appearing Real. God is always present to help us overcome fear with faith and co-create the life we desire. I pray my testimony encourages you to persevere and press through fear.