As a conservative, I love my country and have an opinion on the hot issue of term limits.
The killers that are already dead, are the hardest to kill.
A mystery and murder are in the air.
The birth place of evil! This is how it all began.
Many undead creeps are taken from their resting places. Some times they are reanimated and sometimes they just appear to be. Either way, it never goes as planned!
The movies that have stories inside the story.
The sick stories of the creepy crypt in the monsterous mosuleum.
Have you ever seen seen a movie that gives you memories that won't go away? Memories that seem to.....haunt?
A basketball player captured the hearts of Syracuse sports fans like no other! He was known as The Pearl.
Here is a fantasy tournament based on characters from various comics.
Vice President Joe Biden is contemplating a run for U.S. President. Do you really know him? This is a good look at the man himself.
The real science fiction double feature turns 40 this year.
We can eat healthy while driving through. Here is how and where.
Ben Carson has stated that he would not support a Muslim candidate for U.S. President, when he was asked. What are your thoughts? Here are mine.
Have you ever thought that you have heard all of the classic rock there was to hear? Here is one that you may not have. Monster is unique and powerful! Here it is.
First, I want to let you, ther reader know that I was watching a Roddy Piper movie when he passed away! That was crazy to get the news after the movie was over. He had a strange but successful career.
Katniss Everdeen has taken the world by storm! I s Jenifer Lawrence the best person for this role? Is Katniss really believable ?
Why do most American Psycho fans seem confused about what really happened in the movie? because not even they get it! But now you will!
Minnie was an elderly lady that was so funny, her regular life was really just a great comedy routine!
Whether the killers are nuts or just naughty, people love to bask in their blood baths. Why? Here are the best 13, let's find out together.
I recently caught And tried a burbot from Oneida Lake. It was good and mild. here is how its done!
Have you ever seen a great mob flick and wanted to see it again? Here are the best ever, and where to find them!
Here is an off beat list of movies that are either about robots in general or where one or more play a major role.
Syracuse takes down Duke 15-14 in the A.C.C. Tournament Championship game!
Genocide has happened many times in our world . Why? I can only hope to answer that.
Here are some of my quotes, and where I got the ideas from. I hope you enjoy them!
April 14, 1965, a great American and an awesome example was shot. On April 15th at 7:00 am, died. His legacy was amazing!
Have you heard all of the stories. I think few have, because there are so many!
Wisconsin was scheduled to face Kentucky in the Final Four. I actually thought that Wisconsin was going to face Notre Dame, but instead they faced the Wild Cats from the S.E.C. when they were ripe for the picking! Kentucky totally set on going 40...
Have you ever been told that a sports team is going to win it all and that's it? Well I have and I love to see that team go down! It just happened again and here is how to handle it.
Yes, there are Facebook chat groups that people are added into when they do not want to be. This is all an annoying prank used to upset you! Here is how to stop it!
Here is 81-101. See how many of them you can guess!
Here comes Audrey, Jack, Paul and Groucho. This is why 61- 80 made it!
Even though some perennial favorites are out, this will be a great one!
Here are the reasons why 41 t0 60 made it.
Here is the best 21-40 section of my list.
Here is my description of the top 20 and why they made it.
Here is my list. It will be different than any other. I am not influenced by anyone or anything, other than my love of writing.
On February 27, 2015, a Hollywood great, and a legend of legends left us. He also left us a great legacy! Please read more about it and pass it on!
Leonard Nimoy was a great example of an entertainer who made it in Hollywood based on of self improvement and hard work! He was not only polished and refined, he had a a degree of versatility. No, he was not Dustin Hoffman or Gary Oldman. Leonard...
As I drive around, working and writing, I have had to stop off many time for a hot cup to keep me going. Here is where you will find the best!
Patricia Arquette gave a speech at the oscars about her cause. Did she help it or hurt it?
If you have not yet tried the new combos flavor, you need to!
This modern day classic blew audiences away! The American hero that this movie is about was raised with a basic philosophy. Here is my take on the most powerful part of it.
I love a good war movie that just tells the story through the eyes of the soldiers. Here are the best ever!
Safe and smart driving is as important now as it ever has been! Here is how and why to become the best that you can be!
When you get sick of watching the tumble weeds, watch some of these!
Siobhan Fallon Hogan has starred in over 30 movies and 15 T.V. shows. The Syracuse native opens up and tells us more about who she is, her Hollywood costars, and growing up in New York's Salt City.
Bare knuckle brawls can not be replace by C.G.I., no matter how good it is! The 12 best live here.
Do you live for love stories? Check out this list that is just in time for St. Valentine's Day!
The Super Bowl this year was one that lived up to the hype.
The Super Bowl has become the second biggest food day of the year. But one of the other things its known for the wild commercial contest.
Have you ever watched a low budget or cheesy looking movie just for the creature battle at the end? I have. There is nothing like two monster fighting to the finish!
Here are some great ground beef or poultry ideas.
Do you love a good sword fight? Who doesn't? Here is my list of the top 10.
I have written many pieces about Christmas Carols and thought it would be fun to do a list of just Winter songs. There really isn't much positive about the winter, other than the music! Here they are, enjoy! 12.Sleigh Ride, Mannheim Steamroller-...
Duets have produced some of the nicest songs ever!
I use the term light saber fight because some were not duels. In the prequels, there were multiple people doing battle against each other. This is how I ranked them. How would you have?
After going 3 and 9 in 2014 at Syracuse, is Scott Shafer about to lose his job? Should he? Here is my opinion.
This is just for fun! I love to sing. Don't you?
Here are 13 great fantasy movies that no one should miss!
The original Ghost busters turns 30 years old! This was a great classic that broke from the norm and was a gigantic hit. Do you remember the great one liners, the music, and the suspense? What were yo
What are the best Science Fiction movies of all time? Why did Star Wars get left off?
These are the movies that I thought moved mountains in their genre.
Today, August 11, America lost a comedic and cinematic legend. Robin Williams, is no longer with us.
Great characters come from space and a secret lab., right? Read on to see and to find out where your favorite were ranked!
Tommy Ramone, the last of the great groundbreaking band, has checked out and gone home!
There was a time when witches were much more prevalent than they are now. With the vampire, zombie, and werewolf craze, some of these classics are easily overlooked. They are still fun even if they are harder to find.
Cult Classics are a big part of the history of the silver screen in America. See if some of your favorites made it!
Syracuse Basketball has a long history filled with great plays! Some are absolutely magical! Here are the ones that I call the 12 best!
This time of year is filled joy, music, giving and love. The movies that help us celebrate this time, should be the same. Here are the best ever and how to find them!
George W. Bush was accused of lying about the existence of W. of M. D. in Iraq. So, who mislead the people? Bush or the news media?
So many celebrities are coming out of the shadows and are admitting that they are conservatives. He is the latest. Is it because of Obama? Is this a career killer? Please read to find out!
Love a good horror flick? Hate a good horror flick? Either way, you will love these!
Do you know what kids want you to hand out this year? Find it and buy it here for a low price! Remember, this holiday only comes once every year!
There are great actors that terrify us at the movies. Then there are those that broke new ground. Then , there are the elite actors that did both. Please check out my newest list.
Aaron Alexis entered a Navy Yard and terrorized many fellow citizens. Was he the only one at fault?
Zombie movies are among the most popular in the horror genre. See where I ranked your favorites!
Remember the great super heroes from the comics? Who would win if Those from D.C. squared off against those from Marvel? Find out my prediction right here.
This St Pat's Day, enjoy the music!
The NYS FAIR is here! This is my review and your chance to sound off about everything Fair!
Remember the great old classics? Here they are!
Ever wonder how this one got started? Does it even make since? Let's find out.
After 20 years in the healthcare feild, i have seen an amazing injustice! Are rehabs a scam? You decide!
Christmas is such an amazing holiday that we literally celebrate it for over a month in America! The music is one of the best parts. This one is for all of you Country fans out there!
Do you like Political Correctness? Do you like sarcasm about it? Either way, you'll love this!
Here is the story and way to take on a fierce, aquatic, predator!
Sometimes its all in the numbers! What numbers need to appear for S.U. to win Championships? The new basketball schedule is here!
Is the new Big Dance the new Bid Mistake?
Pavarotti will live on forever in the hearts of millions! Was he the best tenor ever?
Who was Jussi Bjorling? Only one of Opera's all time best tenors!
Planet Earth has its fair share of alien species. Here are some of the coolest.
It is February again and that means that St. Valentine's Day is on the way. Do not be one of the unfortunates who miss the boat this year!
Do you love Led Zeppelin? Who doesn't?
The great Carusso has been considered one of the best Opera Singers ever. Some would say he was the best tenor ever. What do you think?
Who are the most beautiful singers ever and of all times? Let's take this time to find out !
Mario Lanza has his own museum and masses are still said in his name. Read on to find out why!
Maria Callas is a legend in opera. Do you know why?
Great Opera Stars from all over the world are finally getting the attention they deserve! Dmitry Hvorostovsky from the Soviet union is one of them.
Syracuse University returns to the Pinstripe to find an old rival waiting for them.
The syracuse university basketball coach gets his 900th win. what were some of the best ones?
These are now on video and make great gifts!
Syracuse Football scores another big win! Will it effect which Bowl they go to?
Have you taken the S.U. football quiz? If so here are the answers and stories behind them. If not, here is the link for it
Great family movies are hard to find! Does this one qualify?
The coal industry is dying and many blame the president. Will sending candy coal to the White House for Christmas send him a message?
Will SU return to a Bowl Game this year? If so, which one?
Like surprise endings? Like great movies? This is for you!
Learn how to answer the phone effectively! Customers and every one else will be more happy and cooperative.
Learn more about the classic horror from universal, or vote for your favorite!
Read on to learn the truth about Brian Hedges, a family court judge!
Out of Pacino, Diniro, Brando, Cagney and Pesci, who was the best Mobster? You decide and vote!
The music behind the crazy clothes, hair dos, and moshing. What are the best punk songs ever? Read on and tell me what you think!
Did The Chief Justice pull a fast one on the president?
Yes a female is running for U.S. President in 2012! Do you know who Jill Stein is? You will soon as she has been hitting the trail and leading the delegate battle in the Green Party!
Does America run on Dunkin? No wonder we are in trouble!
Let's face it, most sequels do not match up. However since some do, I wanted to write about them. Here are the follow up smashes of all time!
Will Promethius live up to the hype, or disappoint Alien fans? Read on to find out!
Are the "2012 ers" wrong? Was there more than one Myan Calendar? New discoveries shed new light on an old theory!
Have you ever remembered a movie for a funny or clever alias used in it? So have I. Here are the best phony names ever!
Why did Obama make this statement on may 9th? Its quite simple, but over 90% of America is in the dark about it!
Who would you bring back if you could?
At the end of the rainbow is a Golden Oldie! Here are the best!
Johnny Depp is a Hollywood favorite and on the eve of Dark Shaddows, I thought this would be fun.
Dick Clark passed away this week. He will be missed. Here is his Bio.
Remember those old shows that creeped you out or left you thinking? I do! Here are the best 13!
Look here and find some great ideas for the next school project! Whether its science, history, geography, or nature/weather/animals, you will find it here!
The common cold is incontinent and unpleasant! It is time to knock it out! Here is how.
How I got 50,000 reads on one article on Hub Pages.
Do you see some very bright, large stars in the sky? They probably are not stars! Read this to find out what they are!
Ireland is famous for many things including it's creatures. Here is a list of the best. Some may surprise you! Do you know that an Celtic legend claims that Vampires' roots are in Ireland?
Since my article on the best Opera singers ever has reached 60,000 hits, I wanted to do a piece about the best Operas ever. All over the world this type of performing art fills opera houses on a consistent basis. Read here to find out why!
As a cheese lover and reviewer of sorts, I will tell you what to try and with what. Some cheeses set a dish or snack off, just right!
So many blockbusters in one year. What should you go see? Let's see if I can help.
Good blogging boils down to one key ingredient. Do you have it?
March Madness is almost here! See who will get the number one seeds and who will be left out!
On St Patrick's Day we think of everything Irish. Movies are no different. Here are my favorites!
Great music comes from the Emerald Isle.
America loses Whitney Houston far too soon!
Read and find out what lake effort snow is!
This year The Big East Tournament will be a fierce battle with much at stake. Will Syracuse win it all? Will the "Cuse" get a number one seed after the tournament is over? If not, who will take the trophy this year? With Many teams needing wins to...
Three bizarre but cool animals. Read on to learn more.
Cyber crushes happen often these days. What are they and how should one be handled? Read on to find out.
A review of an interesting movie, by someone who actually watched it! See whether or not this flick is for you, and worth the money.
Reggae is a rich, cultural form of music that has been embraced around the world. Here are the 12 best!
A fun list that will most likely surprise you!
This 2012, I hope that we Americans finally listen to what Dr. King really wrote! We have been confused about his actual beliefs for far too long.
This was a different and very cool Vampire movie with an unlikely cast. Lucy Liu, Michael Chiklis, and Marilyn Manson, gel perfectly in this modern horror masterpiece. Read more or purchase the movie.
Some actors and actresses had to sing for a role and surprisingly, they nailed it!
The wicked women that we love!
This is a brief article about dementia from someone who has worked with it for over 20 years.
Kateri Tekakwitha was a brave young lady that was willing to die for her faith. Here is her story.
Motown loved Christmas, and we love them both! Here are the 12 that I thought were the best.
Take the stress out of the Holiday Season, and make your shopping easier!
Excellent ideas for cranberries and pie pumpkins. These recipes are all from scratch!
Saving money used to be fun.Now its necessary!
Jo Pa was terminated! Was it the wrong thing for Penn State to do?
For over 100 years, Creeps and freaks have owned the silver screen. Do you know who the first one was?
A summary of what I think is hurting Ron Paul's chances.
The review about a blockbuster. See it on the big screen while you still can!
Here are ten songs that move the spirit!
Why 2 teams left the Big East and what it may lead to.
Some of the best and most respectful Christmas Carols, were redone by rock bands!
These were projects that stunk, but some were too funny to miss!
In the hearts of some lurks an evil desire to harm others. In the hearts and bodies of a few others, is the desire and the power to stop them. Here is a list of the 12 best comic movies.
My prediction of what the president will say in his speech later tonight.
Syracuse Football is rebuilding. Get my take on how well it is going.
The best of the best!
A review of the movie and my weigh in on one of the oldest debates to come out of Hollywood. Please remember to vote in the poll!
Hubpages has been a great place to write, but will it always be there for us?
Who are some of your favorites, and if you could be just one hero from the movies, who would it be?
If you stop in Syracuse, be sure to stop here!
Great songs of praise that ROCK!
The worst and funniest cover songs ever! All of these are hilarious!
Some remakes, never skip a beat! here are the 12 best.
Great singers are never forgotten!
Great dance songs for any occasion!
This is one of the greatest and most dramatic sports events ever! Find out who is in and who is out.
These 20 songs are not necessarily in the dance or club beat genre, but they still make you want to move and grove!
This article will enable you to find the right pet for you!
12 great theme songs from tinsel town!
A list of some great big hits for the smallest of listeners and students.
So many songs make no sense ...well at least not until you find out what they really say.
Here are some of the most special love songs that set the mood!
Here is a list of the spookiest, scariest, most terrifying movies ever! This is your chance to chyme in and be heard. But understand, this isn't a list of the best but the scariest.
Great instrumentals have been there since the dawn of music! here are some of the best.
Valentine the brave! Read the real story of his life.
The good old cartoons always had awesome dogs in them whether they were sidekicks or the main characters. Here are my twelve favorites.
A list of the best apparitions. Some are funny some are deadly, but all of these 13 are very cool ghouls!
The old black and whites were amazing and far ahead of their time.
Syracuse N.Y., famous for it's history, and unusual events, is a great place to visit!
13 of the most deranged beings ever! But hey, we love them anyway!
Training dogs the right way is important and will pay off.
Some are from the far reaches of outer space, others from the deep depths of the ocean, and others from the far depths of human imagination! Here are my favorite monsters from the movies.
Hollywood's best, I mean worst.
These are some of the best that the Opera masters have offered us. Enjoy!
Great tunes, scary message!
The unknown truth about how and why Planned Parenthood was founded.