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Chibuzo Melvin Mobis (Rossimobis)

Joined 15 years ago from Nigeria

  • 494
  • 247
  • 175
  • 0

    Thank you for your continuous support

    4 years ago

    A message from my comedy production company to fans.

  • Who Killed Chike

    Who Killed Chike

    6 years ago

  • The Unknown Messiah

    The Unknown Messiah

    6 years ago

  • Your root

    Your root

    6 years ago

  • Father's Greatest Gift

    Father's Greatest Gift

    6 years ago

  • Exceeding Grace

    Exceeding Grace

    6 years ago

  • Cutting edge

    Cutting edge

    6 years ago

  • Follow thy heart

    Follow thy heart

    6 years ago

  • Happy Sad Joy

    Happy Sad Joy

    6 years ago

  • Egocentric


    6 years ago

  • Same prepration different stroke

    Same prepration different stroke

    6 years ago

  • 16-30 is odd

    16-30 is odd

    6 years ago

  • Every drop of my tears.

    Every drop of my tears.

    6 years ago

  • If I am to Judge

    If I am to Judge

    6 years ago

  • Pooo ooooooo

    Pooo ooooooo

    6 years ago

  • 0

    Crowned With My Love

    19 months ago

  • A Guiding Star

    A Guiding Star

    6 years ago

  • The Spoiler

    The Spoiler

    6 years ago

  • Poor Mathias

    Poor Mathias

    6 years ago

  • 3

    Daddy's assurance

    6 years ago

  • When the apple becomes salty

    When the apple becomes salty

    6 years ago

  • Take a stock

    Take a stock

    6 years ago

  • When You Forget Your Starting Point

    When You Forget Your Starting Point

    6 years ago

  • And we won

    And we won

    6 years ago

  • He sold everything

    He sold everything

    6 years ago

  • Classy Men

    Classy Men

    6 years ago

  • 0

    All Those Tears

    5 years ago

  • True Man of God

    True Man of God

    6 years ago

  • 0

    Thirty Five Years

    6 years ago

  • The Dark one

    The Dark one

    6 years ago

  • Behind the scar

    Behind the scar

    6 years ago

  • Not by accident

    Not by accident

    6 years ago

  • 0

    That Text Message

    6 years ago

  • Me myself and Jide

    Me myself and Jide

    6 years ago

  • Sparkling stars

    Sparkling stars

    6 years ago

  • 0

    For Onyeka Onwenu

    3 years ago

  • Indestructible


    6 years ago

  • What tribe is love

    What tribe is love

    6 years ago

  • 0

    Her name is Sandra

    6 years ago

  • Something about Phil

    Something about Phil

    6 years ago

  • The Haves

    The Haves

    6 years ago

    A short inspirational story and is purely fictitious.

  • Sweep and sweep alone

    Sweep and sweep alone

    6 years ago

  • A man's heart

    A man's heart

    6 years ago

    This article serves to educate women about the dangers of doing it the wrong way

  • Not at the wrong time

    Not at the wrong time

    6 years ago

    Inspired by true events

  • Sometime in July

    Sometime in July

    6 years ago

    Sometime in July is a movie inspired by a true event.

  • This is what i want to say

    This is what i want to say

    6 years ago

    Poem written for someone dare to my heart. I was 16 and she was 15 then lost touch and 25 years later, we found each other again...

  • Be a proud wife

    Be a proud wife

    6 years ago

  • The Escape Route

    The Escape Route

    6 years ago

  • One a leg still i rise

    One a leg still i rise

    6 years ago

    An inspirational film

  • Smallest Possesion

    Smallest Possesion

    8 years ago

    I actually arrived for the interview on time, in fact, i was one hour early so while waiting for the time to ripe, she dazzled in and a good eye calculation on her landed me on the point that she has class but who will be controlling a fortune worth...

  • The Only Woman That Matters

    The Only Woman That Matters

    8 years ago

    She did everything in her capacity to care for him and many a time she go without food just to make sure that he ate. There was little for them in this world and no body ever cared. She refused to beg to feed him instead she did petty jobs and ran...

  • Big Man On Campus

    Big Man On Campus

    8 years ago

    He is 45 years old and happened to be my very good friend, he is a perfect gentleman and always wanted to make sure that he leave smile on the face of any troubled soul that come close to him. Nonso Pumpkin as he is fondly called has four kinds...

  • Alicia Brooks

    Alicia Brooks

    8 years ago

    Born Alicia Margaret Brooks to Albert Brooks who devoted his time to keep her safe. Her Mother never lived to see her. She was her Father's world and the only reason he ruled out committing suicide after the death of his wife; Alicia's pretty mum.

  • Answer to my question

    Answer to my question

    8 years ago

    Whenever I looked at myself couple of years back I see two people;my parents but I knew that it wasn't meant to be like that, I had lots of questions to ask but never asked because there was nobody to ask. As years evolved,I found myself seeking...

  • When the reason for a tattoo go wrong

    When the reason for a tattoo go wrong

    8 years ago

    Most us find tattoo very offensive but to me, tattoo is a form of celebration irrespective of the abuse by some fellas. I am a lover of tattoo and i like it when i see people celebrate people by tattooing their names on their skin. I have seen...

  • Last tears

    Last tears

    8 years ago

    You know i keep saying that your towel is essential in your everyday life and should be taken care of because the part that wipe your face today will wipe your ass tomorrow. Jacob never knew his father and has lived his life a problem child,...

  • Whosoever dig a pit shall fall into it

    Whosoever dig a pit shall fall into it

    8 years ago

    Sometimes they think that they have it all, they try all they can to bring you down, they manipulate you and when they think that they can't get you physically, they come spiritually. They come in your dreams with different faces and in different...

  • Flash in my head

    Flash in my head

    8 years ago

    ...the time was 4:29 am as he laid on the hospital bed waiting for time to face the knife. His surgery was scheduled for 8 am but he could not sleep throughout the night because thoughts of her took control of him. She was far from him but they had...

  • Representing


    6 years ago

    The fact that he never had breast milk makes him unique, his Mum was diagnosed of anemia when he was seven months old inside her and the treatment according to Dr Albert would definitely affect him so to save him and to save Martha, C- section was...

  • Posses your Possesion

    Posses your Possesion

    8 years ago

    I feel reluctant about going to most of these new generation churches because of the way most pastors tax people in the name of church. And most of you will agree with me that it's purely business these days though by their fruit we shall know them....

  • Grace above Grass

    Grace above Grass

    8 years ago

    People laughed at him when he decided to work as a security man, they belittled him and some of his close friends gossiped about him but he knew that there was no other option left for him so instead of succumb to their mockery, he took his work...

  • I should have listened to my instincts

    I should have listened to my instincts

    8 years ago

    You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy when skies are grey, you never know dear how much i love you, please don't take my sunshine away... I was so happy when you came into our lives, your mother and i promised each other to...

  • For Zico

    For Zico

    8 years ago

    I don't know what friendship means to you but i can tell you that to some of us, friendship means nothing but one of those relationships we have, while to some it is just a normal thing but to people like me, friendship is one of the greatest gifts...

  • February 11th

    February 11th

    8 years ago

    It was on the eve of February 11th. 1990, an event that changed a nation happened in South Africa and also in nearby Zimbabwe, an event that changed my life happened. When South Africans were celebrating the release of Late Madiba, i was celebrating...

  • Galatians 6:9

    Galatians 6:9

    8 years ago

    I chose this Bible verse as the title of this short piece because of Mike's life journey. You see, i met this guy couple of years back, we went to shoot a movie in Tinapa and he was working in the hotel we lodged. He wasn't a full time worker...

  • Lighter Than

    Lighter Than

    8 years ago

    Jeff and Moses were staunch rivals as teenagers and what baffled me is that they both share everything you can imagine together, they shared same house as kids,went to same school,had same kind of toys and mixed up with the same circle. You see,...

  • Mrs Gloria

    Mrs Gloria

    8 years ago

    I am not the type that poke into peoples' affairs especially in places like Restaurants but honestly i couldn't hold but kept glancing at this set the moment i walked into the joint. They weren't making noise despite their number, the kids were well...

  • Transition from Boy to Man

    Transition from Boy to Man

    8 years ago

    Many believe that there is no passage for a boy to grow into a man while some cultures has a rite of passage but to me life is a journey and at such, there is no rite of passage because to set a limit on this great transition means that you need...

  • The Road to Justice

    The Road to Justice

    8 years ago

    The road to perfection means different things to each and everyone of us, to some it means the road to justice, to others the road to redemption but whatever it means to you, the truth is that when life gives you lemon, you must make lemonade from...

  • Every passing Mothers day

    Every passing Mothers day

    8 years ago

    When most of them celebrate,i look up to the sky then end up shading tears all because of you. It wasn't as we planned it, you assured me that you would be around all through and of all my desires, the greatest was taking care of you at old age...

  • Ben and Gloria

    Ben and Gloria

    8 years ago

    One thing about life is that sometimes we don't know what we have until we loose it although many a time, most of us tend to have many chances in life.However, it is important for us to know when luck come calling. I met them some ten years back...

  • The Sheep and the Lion

    The Sheep and the Lion

    8 years ago

    This was what he called her. My true love. When Edu left his country to pursue a greener pasture in Europe, little did he knew that one of the things that awaited him in Europe was what makes every man whole. A True Love so it wasn't surprise that...

  • Games Women play

    Games Women play

    8 years ago

    Asomugha was a made man, his business ranks from Auto parts, to Transportation, Import and Export company, he owns two small scale industries where he produced Table water and Cooking oil (Vegetable oil). He also has a farm/poultry. He was a good...

  • Room 201

    Room 201

    9 years ago

    Chuks checked in by 10am then exactly thirty minutes later, his friend arrived in the hotel and made it to his room, shortly after she got into the room, the bar man was called on the intercom to send a bottle of red wine to them then he also...

  • Don- C Guest House

    Don- C Guest House

    9 years ago

    Whenever you are away from home and find yourself in Awka, Anambra State,Nigeria. Don-C Guest house is the right place to feel home away from home. Our room rate is highly competitive (Standard Room: Five Thousand Naira $17.00 and Executive...

  • Adam and Eve not Steve

    Adam and Eve not Steve

    9 years ago

    Always try to hear the other side of the story before you judge. You began criticizing his action without a second thought simply because you know Mr Doe. Yes, i know that you've known him for a very long time but that does't justify the...

  • If you really need him

    If you really need him

    9 years ago

    I saw him in a Friend's birthday party, he looked so cute and well dressed, he wore a perfect straight cut black trouser matched with a silky white shirt and without being told, i knew that his shoes were versace. I mean he looked just like every...

  • Born to be a Soldier

    Born to be a Soldier

    9 years ago

    All my life i have always wanted to be a soldier, i get obsessed whenever i see a soldier especially if he is putting on the camouflage then if they are more than two,say a battalion, okay let me just rephrase it, say a group of soldiers, i get...

  • The sea that separates us

    The sea that separates us

    9 years ago

    You know,i met him and we talked how to run things then agreed on splitting everything evenly but later i realized that he cannot commit financially because he was broke and was hiding the holes in his wallet but the zeal to kick start the venture...

  • How did we get here

    How did we get here

    9 years ago

    While in USA, Orlando the second son of his parents was everything to his immediate family, he loves his three siblings and made sure that they were all well taken care of, his desire was to get his papers then bring them over to USA but as fate may...

  • All those tears for you Muna

    All those tears for you Muna

    9 years ago

    Nwadiani, you were reserved from childhood and somehow special, so many people liked you and your kind nature was felt by all who related with you, I can’t tell much about your growing up but most of your classmates happened to be my good friends...

  • Where are you oh my storm

    Where are you oh my storm

    9 years ago

    Have you ever sat down and wonder about your life, the suffering in your family, wonder why so many others have so much yet your parents can’t afford anything, not even a guarantee one meal in a day? Well, I always try to make my story short...

  • The Lead and the Hook

    The Lead and the Hook

    9 years ago

    One thing about us is that we look so much alike that even our siblings and relatives find it difficult to differentiate us, those days in school we were always flogged for something done by one of us. There was this incident between Mike and one...

  • Imagine


    9 years ago

    Let us be honest with ourselves. Just imagine if Late General Sani Abacha was still still alive. Will we ever hear about the Abacha loot? The answer is left for you to determine because as far as i am concerned, all the Presidents that ruled...

  • For the single guys

    For the single guys

    9 years ago

    Relationship advise...

  • She is transformed

    She is transformed

    9 years ago

    So many of us tend to ignore what is actually happening around us while a good number of us take account of the fact, some among this good number simply criticize in open but indulge behind. Indulging can either be by supporting, encouraging or...

  • This car

    This car

    9 years ago

    I was driving home around 8pm then i drove across this lady standing beside a car,without being told, i knew that the car was broken down,i passed her but a second thought made me pulled over because i knew that she needed help then i came out from...

  • Fight like a soldier die like a boy

    Fight like a soldier die like a boy

    9 years ago

    They came to my village in the night and began shooting, they shot our fathers, raped our mothers and kidnapped people, they kidnapped women, girls and young boys and i was among those kidnapped. They forced us to carry riffles and gave us hard...

  • Charlie Boy

    Charlie Boy

    9 years ago

    Dedication to an Icon

  • For Paul

    For Paul

    9 years ago

    A tribute to Paul Walker

  • Joel and Jessica

    Joel and Jessica

    9 years ago

    When i first introduced her to my Dad, the only question he asked her was if she loves me? Her answer was yes. We both love each other and wanted the best for each other. My Dad was a practical person, highly philosophical and more to life, he...

  • Carolina


    9 years ago

    Story of a blind woman narrated in a song

  • The rat within

    The rat within

    9 years ago

    They always smile at you and pretend that they care but just turn the other way and they will not waste time to backbite you. "The Rat within is the exact Rat that told the Rat outside about the fish in the basket" Most times the people...

  • God smiled down on me

    God smiled down on me

    9 years ago

    My principal in life is to always do my best in whatever i set my hands on and everyone that knows me knows that i work very hard and always try to contribute positively to the society but sometimes i begin to wonder if working hard is actually what...

  • Every drop of my blood

    Every drop of my blood

    9 years ago

    One of the things much talked about is love. Loving someone and each time this come into the spotlight then its about a man and a woman. God in his infinite majesty created male and realizing that he needed a suitable companion,he went fort and...

  • Something about my Mother

    Something about my Mother

    9 years ago

    We grew up knowing her as Father, she was always there for us and made sure that we got almost everything we ever asked. She was the Mother and the Father, she was our everything. There was no day she failed to take us to school by herself, Mother...

  • Be a man

    Be a man

    9 years ago

    My father was the pillar of my life, he taught me so many things and was always there to make sure that i did the right thing, he was caring and supportive but above all wanted me to be independent, there were times he would send me on a difficult...

  • Don't know what to do

    Don't know what to do

    9 years ago

    She is twenty years old and trying to be the best she can, she is pretty and men are showing interest in her but she wants to take her time,she doesn't want to be hurt,used and dumped and although she is keeping up straight yet she needs someone. ...

  • Let them know that you have me

    Let them know that you have me

    9 years ago

    The crimes against albino is the mutilation of albino citizens. There are people that sell their limbs to witch doctors for a pretty penny.

  • Beautiful Saturday

    Beautiful Saturday

    9 years ago

    I came from a very poor background, my dad was a palm wine tapper and mum a petty road side trader, oldest of five siblings so supporting my family fell on me at a tender age. My parents had no money to send me to the university after my secondary...

  • Who killed Isabela

    Who killed Isabela

    9 years ago

    Story line... Tony and Isabella were happily married until fate played its part. In her quest to get a job to support Tony who is striving to make both ends meet and to keep food on their table, she stumbles on Johnson her childhood love whom...

  • Go out there and get it

    Go out there and get it

    9 years ago

    FADE OUT. INSIDE THE ROOM- MORNING FATHER sleeping while BRIGHT wakes then goes outside to take his bath (Scene fades) FADE IN. ALONG THE MAIN ROAD- EVENING FATHER driving a car and he speaks with...

  • I am stuck

    I am stuck

    9 years ago

    Logline: Martha is stuck in an abusive relationship and is left with two options, to either terminates it or remains in it.

  • He failed to keep his own part

    He failed to keep his own part

    9 years ago

    I started as a roadside mechanic in the north, my parents managed to send me to primary school although i was a very brilliant student they had no money to train me further in education so I acquired skill as an auto mechanic and after my training...

  • Tempted


    9 years ago

    After a long journey Emeka decides to eat in his favourite local restaurant but never believe the situation he finds himself in.

  • Still shine in us

    Still shine in us

    9 years ago

    Cliff and i had a sound relationship, our marriage was perfect, the perfection and magic we shared at home was blessed with two beautiful and adorable kids, we had this desire to grow old together and Cliff would always joke that he would buy me a...

  • Life no de easy

    Life no de easy

    9 years ago

    Ben struggled to stay in school and his poor parents had little but nothing to make sure that he stayed in school; education they say is the key to success and every parent desires sound education for their kids. However, not every parent has what...

  • Totally Lost

    Totally Lost

    9 years ago

    Gloria was my first love,my first everything and she represented nothing but happiness in me. I loved everything about her and always made sure that she got whatever she wanted from me double. I mean, she taught me how to treat a woman right. People...

  • My Woman

    My Woman

    9 years ago

    Everything about our new neighbourhood was great and our new neighbours were more friendly than the neighbours we had in quarters G. What i loved most in the neighbourhood was the gym and the basket ball court because they both helped me engaged my...

  • Secrets to success in life.

    Secrets to success in life.

    9 years ago

    Its not that I don't work hard but things are not working out well for me, i have tried different ventures, different works and have lived in five different cities within a space of three years. I have also visited more churches than any of my age...



    9 years ago

    Don't be deceived or misled.Nevertheless it is better to die for something than for nothing. I am a foot soldier, a pro Biafra and i believe in justice but will not allow myself to be used. I wouldn't want to see anyone used either. Therefore, be...



    9 years ago

    Everything about my family was great, we have everything and above all peace and harmony then the birth of my second son Anderson cemented the joy we have in the family. Anderson has four older siblings who loves him so much. We all looked forward...

  • Felicia still gives me butterflies

    Felicia still gives me butterflies

    9 years ago

    We both sat next to each other in the class,she was brilliant and her ambition was to be a medical doctor, mine was to marry her, she was my first love and every pupil in primary 6B knew us as couple but we finished primary school and went different...

  • Like a Father

    Like a Father

    9 years ago

    My aunty was strict but her husband was a complete opposite of her. I never saw him raised his hands on his children and wouldn't do that to me, he was always the one to calm her down each time she boiled. Aunty was always angry so even when she...

  • 27Th. of July

    27Th. of July

    9 years ago

    I usually left home as early as 5am to catch the first bus so to make it to work on time and our neighbourhood was safe, everyone seemed to be friendly and i attended the monthly neighbourhood meeting all the time. But something that would change...

  • Final Say

    Final Say

    9 years ago

    It was one of those mistakes youths make,we were young,immature and lacked the experience needed to solve the problem but tell me where and how two sixteen years old exploring the world would have solved the problem. What actually came to my mind...

  • Supernatural being

    Supernatural being

    9 years ago

    My relationship with Grace was like that of cat and mouse, she was opposite of everything i needed in a girl friend,she wasn't ready to do anything until she is married. If the conversation is not about being born again then no need to start up one...

  • Don Lucas

    Don Lucas

    9 years ago

    I was born with a golden spoon,given name Lucas. My fondest memory was my growing up under the watchful eyes of my parents who provided me and my younger brother the best of everything. We attended the best schools and immediately after school,i...

  • In Memory of my Father

    In Memory of my Father

    10 years ago

    Dedicated to my Father in remembrance of his worthy life.

  • The Butler

    The Butler

    9 years ago

    It was a great occasion, varieties of food and drinks were served.Just name it. People merried and the joy of the day could be felt as music played in cool tempo which made the magnificent compound housing the gigantic mansion extremely lively and...

  • Life is like the game of football

    Life is like the game of football

    9 years ago

    Inspired by a true story

  • Someone like Zion

    Someone like Zion

    9 years ago

    We called him Zion because of his love for Reggae and he considered himself son of Zion. We sat next to each other in class and he was first brought to the school spot light at age fourteen when he was arraigned before all the students for smoking...

  • Tale of the Nigeria 2011 fuel scarcity

    Tale of the Nigeria 2011 fuel scarcity

    9 years ago

    I hardly use the public transport but the hike in petrol forced me to adopt going to work on public bus. You see, i am one of those that benefited from the 2011 fuel scarcity. Due to the way people are jammed inside the buses,i usually prefer the...

  • How Long Lord

    How Long Lord

    9 years ago

    Ogemdi loved poem and her inspiration is derived from the book of psalm, she argued that one of greatest contributors of psalm was more a performing artist than a politician, to her David was a star, the Bob Marley of the Bible. She claimed to be...

  • One People everywhere

    One People everywhere

    9 years ago

    One of those piece about us

  • Why carry the baby

    Why carry the baby

    9 years ago

    The question everyone kept asking was why did she carry the baby at all. You see, it still baffles me how someone could allow herself to be pregnant, carry the pregnancy (baby) for nine months then throw the baby away after delivery. Walking down...

  • His wonders to perform

    His wonders to perform

    9 years ago

    Ben's only desire in life was for a male child, he loved all his seven daughters and provided them the best care a father could give his children but hungered for a male child. So many people advised him to take another wife since his wife could not...

  • Close to the victims

    Close to the victims

    9 years ago

    Left under the care of her Uncle,she was only 9 years,orphaned at 8. The only place safe for her was under his care, he vowed to give her everything her father would have given her. Everyone was kind to her, she was an obedient kid,smart and...

  • Season of Grace

    Season of Grace

    9 years ago

    I practised for four years before embarking on a venture for a greener pasture,i compared the £3000 salary Doctors earns in the UK to my salary in Zimbabwe and realized that settling for peanut is a crime so that alone triggered my desire to...

  • The Conversation

    The Conversation

    9 years ago

    Barbra has been married for five years and the day she married was her happiest day like every other woman, her desire was to bring fort a bouncing baby into the world but sometimes our desire becomes our nightmare as all effort to conceive hit...

  • Paul and Pat

    Paul and Pat

    9 years ago

    You people keep blaming me without seeking to understand why i had to do what i did. You see, there is never a smoke without fire and i would have let her go,i wanted to allow her go on with him but this is a girl i have known all my life. She was...

  • Common House boy

    Common House boy

    9 years ago

    Jeremiah began living with Mr and Mrs Martins when he was 10 years old and they saw him through primary school, he was a brilliant student and has the ambition to become a lawyer someday. However, Mr and Mrs Martins feels otherwise, to them they...

  • Jersey number 4

    Jersey number 4

    9 years ago

    A poem for a beautiful one

  • David Boyi

    David Boyi

    9 years ago

    A short story about David Boyi and the skin condition that is about to take his life

  • Where is my brother

    Where is my brother

    9 years ago

    Where is my bother is a poem for a brother,father,friend. It tells of a long distance friendship.

  • You are royal

    You are royal

    9 years ago

    A story of love...

  • Fourteen Years on

    Fourteen Years on

    10 years ago

    When i was 10yrs old, my late Dad questioned me about a letter i wrote for someone, i was only 10yrs but felt that i knew what it was to love someone of the opposite sex. He told me that kids only fall in love with one thing; THEIR BOOKS! He made me...

  • Stuck


    10 years ago

    My aim is to address this one problem which Women all over the world face and based on my experience because i have visited so many places, countries and have interacted with different people from different works of life, i can equate accurately...

  • Super Power Failure

    Super Power Failure

    10 years ago

    President George Bush toppled Saddam Hussein but didn't do a good home work that there is something called aftermath, killing Saddam doesn't mean that everything Saddam will be killed with him. US soldiers were still on ground when he left office...

  • My problem is not that she cheated on me

    My problem is not that she cheated on me

    10 years ago

    Just a short fictitious story to shed light on the rage of a jealous husband as i work towards improving in my short story writing and creativity.

  • All fingers are not equal

    All fingers are not equal

    10 years ago

    I saw Chris few days back after so many years,we were best of friends those days in school but how time fly, then boys and now men. He is happily married with two kids and owns a big super market and a chain of guest house. He owns three exotic cars...

  • The hand that gives

    The hand that gives

    10 years ago

    If you don't go through the test, you will never have the testimony. I have gone through the test, climbed so many mountains and expect yet many mountains ahead but i am an evidence that God answers prayers because i have my testimony. Most of the...

  • If your Daughter killed her Rapist

    If your Daughter killed her Rapist

    10 years ago

    It is lawlessness when one take the life of another, nothing justifies it. Sometimes during self defence, one end up killing another and i have questioned this time without number. Will the law hold me for kicking down the gun from a killer ready to...

  • Same moon

    Same moon

    10 years ago

    I met this good friend of mine couple of years back and ever since we became friends, we have always tried to watch each other's back then few days back, i had a situation and had to leave my friend for some time. You see, i never knew the amount...

  • Be a Husband

    Be a Husband

    10 years ago

    Just a humour about being the man she wants

  • Every lie has an expiry date

    Every lie has an expiry date

    10 years ago

    This story is fictitious. Raheem represents most men out there and Aisha some woman out there. Every given day, a woman is killed somewhere by a man that loves her as a result of infidelity.

  • The Lone Soldier

    The Lone Soldier

    10 years ago

    He helped to abort a coup and became a head of state then was killed yet no one remembers him. No single road named after him in the capital of a nation he served and died for. Not even a monument of him, people lower than him have their faces...

  • Adieu


    10 years ago

    I don't want to believe that its wasn't Eze Charles Nnamdi, and Maduabuchi Augustine, both of you are still in your 20s but you are both grown. You both chose evil and knows evil more than good. On the 4th of February 2014, you both unleashed evil...

  • Nigeria inside out

    Nigeria inside out

    10 years ago

    I am a patriot of my mother land and pledged to my nation, to serve her with all my strength, to uphold her dignity and to speak when i am suppose to speak, listen when it is time to listen, coordinate when it is time to act, build when it is time...

  • Our own paradise

    Our own paradise

    10 years ago

    The world we live in is what we make of it, he created us that we will love and be loved. The milky ways we experience is because there are people that cares in our lives. You are my love, my sunshine I look up the sky and there are so many...

  • The Ugly

    The Ugly

    11 years ago

    In life we come across so many kinds of individuals, the good, the bad and the ugly and of these kinds of people,we only need the good while the bad and the ugly need to be totally cut off. The Good: These are the kind of people who support you in...

  • One of the Earthly Angels

    One of the Earthly Angels

    11 years ago

    About one of the earthly Angels i have come across..

  • Lashed to die

    Lashed to die

    11 years ago

    When they gave their son to her to train, they did it with trust and the belief that their son had a brighter future living with Aunty Kate. You see, Aunty Kate was the father's youngest sister but she had money because she was married to a rich...

  • 0

    If we were doves

    11 years ago

    A song for a dare one

  • Be Compassionate

    Be Compassionate

    11 years ago

    This dog was picked from the street by a man who never liked dogs. He took the dog home and began taking care of it. Do you know why? THE DOG IS BLIND... Some months later, an intruder entered the man's house in his absence and sensing the...

  • I fight for justice

    I fight for justice

    11 years ago

    Steve came to me and laid the complain, he knew that i was gonna fight for him because i don't believe in imbalance. And i fight intimidation of any kind with all my strength wherever i see it . I mean the extreme people go to destroy others. He...

  • Xmas Message 2013

    Xmas Message 2013

    11 years ago

    On the 24t of December 2010,i woke up in the morning tired, i had so much to do for the day and time seemed short for me to accomplish all that i needed to do. The first thing i did was kneel down and prayed to God to guide me and help me do all...

  • For my friend

    For my friend

    11 years ago

    A dedication for my dear friend whose life is an inspiration not just to others but to me as we journey in this planet Earth.

  • 30 secs after

    30 secs after

    11 years ago

    A Tribute to my one and only Madbiba.

  • Umbrella of Marriage

    Umbrella of Marriage

    11 years ago

    A clear definition of what rules in marriage and how best to make it happen and to arrive at it.

  • The Bondage

    The Bondage

    11 years ago

    Insight about my next movie.

  • The foundation of real love

    The foundation of real love

    10 years ago

    A short piece about relationship

  • Cameron 2

    Cameron 2

    11 years ago

    NEC awareness and a story to inspire you but if truly that Cameron is a hero then read Cameron 1 if you have done done so

  • Cameron 1

    Cameron 1

    11 years ago

    NEC awareness

  • She has the ability

    She has the ability

    11 years ago

    He used to gaze at her while she is asleep and when awake, they hardly put their hands off each other. We called it love but to them it was more than love, it was something you will honestly consider an obsession. They went for a walk every given...

  • Hiding their weakness

    Hiding their weakness

    11 years ago

    Live for others and you are living your life

  • A store of gold

    A store of gold

    11 years ago

    Only your friend knows your secret

  • Uncle Slender.5

    Uncle Slender.5

    11 years ago

    This is the final piece and is the main story, the yellow air plane and everything about he story is here. Did you read 1-4?

  • Uncle Slender.4

    Uncle Slender.4

    11 years ago

    This is becoming scary but don't worry, it is just the 4th piece, one more to go and you will be glad you read this because there is always Uncle Slender.

  • Uncle Slender.3

    Uncle Slender.3

    11 years ago

    This is the center of the story, if you read it without reading 1-2 then just go back so you will understand Uncle Slender

  • Uncle Slender.2

    Uncle Slender.2

    11 years ago

    Just 3-5 and get to understand Slender...

  • Uncle Slender.1

    Uncle Slender.1

    11 years ago

    You just have to read 2-5 to understand this story

  • When you want to choose

    When you want to choose

    11 years ago

    Yes, they laughed at her because she was a medical doctor and got married to a photographer. They never believed that our marriage will last, they all looked down on us but you see, it is not about what they think or the way they see it rather it is...

  • You never can tell

    You never can tell

    11 years ago

    She was 17yrs when she found out that she was pregnant. Everyone in her family wanted her to abort the pregnancy but her boy friend wanted her to keep it. He was only 17yrs and under the control of his parents. Get rid of that bastard or i will...

  • My Facebook Lover.5

    My Facebook Lover.5

    11 years ago

    This is the last episode and i hope that you enjoyed my story so far. As you can see, we went on with the prank but the thing is this. Harry normally chat with me on Facebook as Adam Grant. There was this particular day i was chatting with him and...

  • My Facebook Lover.4

    My Facebook Lover.4

    11 years ago

    My Late Mother’s funeral was attended by all our relatives and friends. I wasn’t happy, the only family I knew is gone, and what would my life be without my Mummy? She was my insurance but she died and everything about me died. There was a...

  • My Facebook Lover.3

    My Facebook Lover.3

    11 years ago

    My head raced and brain trying hard to process how to handle the situation. How did Mom knew that I was chatting with this guy? I only exchanged self sent mails to whoever she thought he was. Gaddem! Macy! Mercy! Mercy! If this earth could open and...

  • My Facebook Lover.2

    My Facebook Lover.2

    11 years ago

    I continued sending and replying mails with both accounts. Monica was the first person i told about Adam... -Do you believe in finding love over the internet? -Why? -I think i am falling for him -Who? -Adam -Who the hell is Adam? ...

  • My Facebook Lover.1

    My Facebook Lover.1

    11 years ago

    My name is Macy and the most important people in my life are my friends Monica, Sasha and Teresa, we have been friends from diapers, raised together and always did everything together from childhood. We shared almost everything but there was...

  • Not Finished. Five

    Not Finished. Five

    11 years ago

    If you read this without reading 1-4 then you are missing something.

  • Not Finished. four

    Not Finished. four

    11 years ago

    The tale continues...

  • Not Finished. Three

    Not Finished. Three

    11 years ago

    This is fictitious but read 1-2 to understand why 3 is the brain of the story then go on to 4-5 because it is happening for real.

  • Not Finished. Two

    Not Finished. Two

    11 years ago

    If you read this but did not read the first part then search for it.

  • Not Finished. One

    Not Finished. One

    11 years ago

    To help you and to motivate you.

  • Some people deserve red card

    Some people deserve red card

    11 years ago

    I have come to terms that my friends are the best part of my life. Through them, i have come to understand what life is really about. You see, i have come across so many people who happen to either stay or go and In one way or the other,i have hurt...

  • My Heroine

    My Heroine

    11 years ago

    This is a small tribute to someone who has touched my life and moved me in a way no one has ever. Her name Malala Yousafzai

  • Some people don't want you to succeed.

    Some people don't want you to succeed.

    11 years ago

    I am aware of my online reputation through my posts here and there. Some find most of my posts inappropriate while some find them exclusively educative, entertaining and above all inspirational. Whatever the case maybe, i find my posts neither...

  • You can get it if you want

    You can get it if you want

    11 years ago

    This is to me one of the finest of Jimmy Cliff. You can get it if you really want But you must try, try and try You'll succeed at last Persecution you must fear The song went on to say that no matter what happens, you must face ups and downs...

  • Wia is Luv

    Wia is Luv

    11 years ago

    This story was written based on the idea and experience of a good friend, it widens our thoughts and imagination about what love is because many a time it hurts and some have began doubting Love.

  • Friends are numbered

    Friends are numbered

    11 years ago

    The amount of Friends you have make sense, it tells who you are,we all need friends in our lives besides the the Bible made it clear; " Better a friend nearby than a brother far away". As a man, i love making friends and i always try as much i can...

  • Love is about you and me Sule

    Love is about you and me Sule

    11 years ago

    What Religion is love?

  • If there is no you

    If there is no you

    11 years ago

    Just to help you see that sometimes, we fuck it up by ourself

  • If no one clap for you

    If no one clap for you

    11 years ago

    Just to motivate you...

  • If love is a crime

    If love is a crime

    11 years ago

    Just a love tale...

  • Forever in my heart

    Forever in my heart

    11 years ago

    Just a twisted love story...

  • My only tool

    My only tool

    11 years ago

    I grew up in an environment where the order of the day is turned up side down, an environment where the rich gets richer and the poor poorer. An environment where leaders are doing the wrong thing. As a little boy, i learned fair play, my Father...

  • Where i ended up

    Where i ended up

    11 years ago

    This is a fiction story about what it takes to survive out there and the lies, the deceit, the procedure and the consequences. It might be someone else story.

  • For everything you loose

    For everything you loose

    11 years ago

    As one of two boys brought up by a single mother on the tough Anson Estate in Longsight, an area of Manchester which until recently was infamous for gun crime and turf wars between gangs, life's dice were loaded against him. I saw my elder brother...

  • My number one

    My number one

    11 years ago

    Just a love tale...

  • Castles on the air

    Castles on the air

    12 years ago

    We all have things we want to do.Some of them by all means and some gradually.Therefore what i want us to do right now is to make a list of ten things we dream to accomplish this year.Believe me, think harder...Harder and Harder, you will realize...

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